Cryogenic Rocket Engine Hydrogen Fuel System

A cryogenic rocket engine is a rocket engine which utilizes a cryogenic fuel or oxidizer that implies fuel and oxidizer are liquefied gases stored at low temperatures. These engines were important factors for ultimate success to reach the Moon by the Saturn V rocket.

American and Soviet engineers discovered that rocket engines require high mass flow rate of fuel and oxidizer to generate a thrust in which oxygen and low molecular weight hydrocarbons used as fuel and oxidizer pair. Both are in gaseous state at room temperature and pressure. If propellants stored as pressurized gases then the size and mass of fuel tanks decrease efficiency of rocket to obtained the mass flow rate.

The combination of liquid hydrogen (LH2) fuel and liquid oxygen (LOX) oxidizer is widely used which are cheaply and easily available. It has the highest entropy released by combustion if burned.


This Cryogenic Rocket Engine Hydrogen Fuel System project concludes that the cryopumps are turbo pumps which are powered through gas turbines differentiated into a bypass flow configuration or main flow configuration.

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Project Report on Cost Effectiveness of Mineral Wool Insulation and Perlite Insulation

The main aim of this Project Report on COST EFFECTIVENESS OF MINERAL WOOL INSULATION and PERLITE INSULATION is to have a cost effectiveness analysis of the system of the thermal insulation of the pipe lines in petrochemical plant to carry steam. The chemical plant to maintain temperature of fluids assumes importance since process performs at particular temperature.

 Heat loss through pipes prevents wrapping of pipe with mineral wool. To design an insulation system carries insulating material with economy and effectiveness equally for particular steam line.

 The project is about a thorough study of properties of the materials and to find out material that have properties and application aiming at heat conservation and ultimate economy in running. The properties and behavior of thermal insulating materials are available to the right and suitable for application. Care is taken for an account so that selected material is present without scarcity.

 Heat is a form of energy required to do several activities and heat energy also moves from one place to another and transfer to heat is different from matter to matter. There are three methods by which heat is transferred from one point to other. They are Conduction, Convection, and Radiation.

 Heat is transferred from body to body contact, by actual movement of particles, and without particles in the medium.

 Thermal insulation is a material that retards the heat flow and used as a barrier between two bodies to reduce loss of heat from hotter body into a cooler body. The functions include are Conserve energy,        Control temperature, Control transfer of energy, Retard freezing, and Control fire.


 This project concludes about the cost effectiveness of the insulation system satisfactorily. With replacement in the insulation system, heat losses and cost losses and cost of heat loss reduced considerably.

Download Project Report on Cost Effectiveness of Mineral Wool Insulation and Perlite Insulation

Cool Air Equals Power Turbo Intercooler Engineering Mechanical Project Report

It is known that when the inlet air is cooler, the engine has more power. Consider aspirated, supercharged gasoline engines, and turbocharged diesels whereas supercharging increases the oxygen amount in the cylinder that supports combustion of fuel. It is expected because of atmospheric pressure with cylinder filling.

Airflow makes engines power to be more in several methods. The more air is flown through an engine, the more oxygen will be present for burning fuel. More oxygen implies that more fuel is burnt which means more power.

Nitrous oxide increases the amount percentage of oxygen effectively to have a mixture of air, nitrous oxide, and fuel. It means that more fuel is mixed into the working fluid for combustion heat, to expand the working fluid, and increase pressure in the cylinder.

When the compressed nitrous oxide is stored as a liquid in its pressurized container, it depressurizes and changes from a liquid to gas state. It cools the working fluid and an incredible amount of nitrous oxide is being used and nitrous oxide injection is used at wide open throttle.

The air throttle on a gasoline engine controls the density of the intake charge to enter into the cylinder. Increased density implies that molecules get closer together in the air. It is considered that increased air density in unconfined and confined spaces. There are two things that affect air density in the atmosphere pressure and temperature. When atmospheric pressure increases on a barometer then the density also increases and temperature remains same.


The conclusion is that an engine is normally aspirated or supercharged, gas, diesel, the cooler the intake air, the better. Intercoolers are necessary for every turbo car. The intake charge temperature is important in performance of turbo vehicle and intercooler prevents compressor surge and kills turbo. Intercoolers improve efficiency and power of turbocharged application.

Download Cool Air Equals Power Turbo Intercooler Engineering Mechanical Project Report

Construction of Test Apparatus to Identify Different Types of Wood Mechanical Project

The aim of this Construction of Test Apparatus to Identify Different Types of Wood Mechanical Project study is to recognize the wood example by inserting a nail by a hammer that is swung on the test device to insert the nail deeper into the device with a stroke. The test device made and wood specimens examined on the device. The equipment allows inserting the hammer to be managed and hence allowing constant strikes on hammer to obtain with each example.

 On noticing the depth of piercing of nails that is obtained by consistent number of blows and the resistance provided is attained by the wood practically. The hammer strikes the nail by wood structure. When the nail theoretically penetrates through, it forces the cellulose fibers that are very strong tied with lignin. Hence, these determinations of force to pierce the nail are done completely.

 The difference among softwood and hardwood includes plant reproduction. The trees reproduce seeds and seed structures are different. Hardwood trees are angiosperms and plants which form seeds with kind of covering like apple and acorn. Softwoods are gymnosperms. These plants produce seeds which fall on the ground without covering like pine trees that produce seeds in hard cones.


 The wood from various kinds of trees include various properties. For instance, Maple wood is very hard. It is simple to curve the nails to pound into the form of maple. Unlike Maple, Pine lumber is soft which can be marked with fingernails. Hence, the information of piercing of the nail can be obtained and achieved with many kinds of wood and help to recognize the wood by providing resisted forces.

Download Construction of Test Apparatus to Identify Different Types of Wood Mechanical Project

Coconut dehusking Machine Mechanical Engineering Project

Coconuts are dehusked generally by machete or a spike manually. These procedures require skilled labour which is tiring to use and steps are used to develop dehusking tools. These are successful partially and not effective to replace manual procedures. The failure of these tools is because of unsatisfactory and incomplete dehusking, breakage of the coconut shell during dehusking, spoilage of useful coir, greater effort needed than manual methods, etc.

 This Coconut dehusking Machine Mechanical Engineering Project includes the design, development, and testing of a coconut dehusker to overcome the failure of the previous implementation. The unit dehusk to about 70 coconuts per hour comparing to 40 nuts per hour with the use of spike method. It is operated by unskilled labourers.

 Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm tree where India is a leading producer of coconuts. This fruit is large, dry drupes, ovoid in shape. There are various ways to dehusk the coconut which is done manually, mechanically and by machines as well.

 The coconut husk is peeled off by the coconut dehusking machine from coconut fruit to obtain dehusked coconut fruit by mechanical controlled dehusking devices. The important parts in the project are hydraulic pump, cylinder, coconut holder mechanism, height adjusting knob, and poker arms.


 The time and cost is very important in today’s modern world hence to get rid of this, this project has designed and fabricated the machine “Coconut dehusking machine” that reduces the cost and to saves human energy. The machines such as manual, traditional, electronic and hydraulic machines need minimum human effort and there are many advantages with these machines. The cost is less, human energy required is less, time taken by this machine is also less so we are able to dehusk quickly of about three to four coconuts per minute. Machine is operated efficiently unskilled labours.

Download Coconut dehusking Machine Machanical Engineering Project

Bus Rapid Transit System Mechanical Engineering Project Report

The system of transportation and mobility are two leading indicators of today’s world. These indicators display avoidable declining method with time passing if it is not checked because transportation method overcomes the present critical situation without vast growth in the population country.

 The urban transport in a prospering country is very special due to quick increased economic and demographic, increased travel demand, lack of transport systems, and disorder land process while the present period of transition.

The motorized automobile and transportation includes social difference in accessibility. In India, it is hard for any development to fix the equity. The accessibility is intensely inclined with permission to private automobiles.

Based on political science, there are two facts which have emerged. First one is transportation which is based on high class. The people who own vehicles face serious damages like pedestrians, road users, public transport users, and non-motorized vehicles. Second fact is that these injuries are not compensated or assigned. They are unaccredited and externalized costs made by unrestricted automobiles.

People like to rail transportation to bus transportation since mobility is low due to speed and low interruption.  There is an expensive transportation method known as Bus Rapid Transit System comparing to light rail or heavy rail transportation.  It is well described and integrated system with design characteristics of rail transportation systems.


BRT is the method to enhance mobility at less cost by increasing investment of bus operational mobility, infrastructure, and technology. BRT uses technology of Intelligent Transportation System, new land planning, and transportation methods for quick transportation methods depending on vehicles like bus.

Download Bus Rapid Transit System Mechanical Engineering Project Report

Boiler Efficiency and Cooling Tower Efficiency Mechanical Final Year Project Report

The Boiler Efficiency and Cooling Tower Efficiency Mechanical Final Year Project Report describes the boiler which is a surrounded vessel which offers a means of combustion heat that passes into water to form steam or hot water. The heated water is utilized to pass the heat under pressure to a process. Water is an inexpensive and useful means to pass heat into a process.

 When water is heated to form steam, it volume grows to 1,600 times to form force which is explosive like a gunpowder. The boiler is very dangerous equipment which should be handled with extreme care. The method of heating a liquid before it gets the form of gas which is known as evaporation.

 Heat passes from one state to other state through the medium of radiation like air or water. The heating surface is the portion of the boiler metal including water and combustion hot gases. The boiler metal provides to form steam is heating surface. The heating surface is calculated in the form of square meters. The heating surface is efficient with its greatest surface.

The working of the boiler is accomplished by water walls, furnace, boiler drum, economiser, super heaters, reheater, draft system, down comers, and control valves. Steam generator is wet bottom, radiant reheat, single drum, natural circulation, tilting burners, direct corner fired, top type boiler, and balanced draft.


The Boiler Efficiency and Cooling Tower Efficiency project concludes on the boiler which is the vital portion of thermal power plant. The Power Plant of Jojobera is the water tube boiler which functions on Rankine Cycle. The method of boiling and steam is the job of the boiler.

Download Boiler Efficiency and Cooling Tower Efficiency Mechanical Final Year Project Report.

Black Box for Vehicles Micro Controller Mechanical Project

This BLACK BOX FOR VEHICLES Micro Controller Mechanical Project is prospered to note the required data like speed of engine or vehicle, engine temperature etc to transform motor vehicle field of accident investigation. It is utilized to map the vehicle and accident attentive by using GSM and GPS technology.

 The embedded system includes minimum of one microprocessor to do the system’s logic operations. The embedded systems make use of micro controllers that are a kind of microprocessor which increases cost-effectiveness and self-sufficiency though it is a general-purpose microprocessor.

 The micro controller needs adequate interfaces and memory for easy applications and general-purpose microprocessors needs chips to offer these works containing ROM (read-only memory) chip to save the software.

 The project makes use of micro controller IC microchip like Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC), MPLAB, and Integrated Development Environment to provoke and congregate the written code.

 Some of the features of this vehicle are speed on-screen LCD, fuel level, mileage, and engine temperature. It stops crashes with Ultrasonic sensor. GSM and GPS technology gives accident alerts. It is user friendly VB front end to take the data at the receiver end. It enhances productivity, manages driver functions, and offers Key Management Reports.


It is concluded that the Black Box for Vehicles Micro Controller Mechanical Project is designed by using Embedded Technology. Embedded systems have a vital part in day to day life though it is invisible. An embedded system is described as a computer system made to do certain action and also described for the purpose of a single computer. The system controls the television’s menu system, cell phone, MP3 player etc.

Download Black Box for Vehicles Micro Controller Mechanical Project

Dept of Mechanical Engineering Biomechatronic Seminar Project Report

The Dept of Mechanical Engineering Biomechatronic Seminar Project Report defines the work objective to proper an artificial hand to copy the functions and appearance of the natural hand. The final aim of this report is to achieve entire actions of the natural hand.

The prosthetic devices and multitasking hand designs possess dependability and robustness and touching abilities are improved. It is showed that approaches and knowledge prospered are used to augment final accomplishment. Belgrade/USC Hand is an instance of artificial hand based on robotic approach.

Many articulated hands and robotic grippers are prospered like Utah/MIT hand and Stanford/JPL hand are obtained with wonderful results. These hands obtained better performance in copying human abilities and they are complex tools which need higher controllers.

The artificial hands act dispute problems for prosthetics applications utilized for working substitute in clinical practice. The Otto Bock hand includes one degree of freedom (DOF) and creates grip force to 100 N. Based on state of art analysis, the problems solved are deficiency of sensory information, lack of natural command interface, limited grasping capabilities, and unnatural motions of fingers while grasping.

The biomechatronic hand includes three fingers to offer atripod grasp, two identical fingers, and the thumb. The three fingers are required to entirely hold back the object. The hand includes two grasping functions. They are cylindrical grasp and tripod grasp.


This Dept of Mechanical Engineering Biomechatronic Seminar Project Report concludes that the artificial hand must sense like own hand of the user like the part of the body and extended physiological proprioception (EPP). It must offer the actions of natural hand such as grasping, touchable exploration, and manipulation.

Download Dept of Mechanical Engineering Biomechatronic Seminar Project Report

BHEL Project Repot of CNC Machines in Various Fabrication Processes

Today, the BHEL is the greatest engineering enterprise in India with amazing performance record with continuous progress since 1971-72. The aim of BHEL is to be the engineering enterprise throughout the world and promised for optimized stakeholder value.

 The company is trying to achieve its aspirations and satisfy the country’s expectations to be the best player in the globe. BHEL business operations help Indian Economy in various sectors such as Power, Industry, Transportation, Transmission, and Defenses etc.

 The BHEL’s largest strength is the committed and extreme skilled employees. The management style includes engendered improvement in the form of quality, productivity, and responsiveness.  The employee tries to improve himself and increase in his career with the help of training, retraining, career planning, and optimistic work culture.

BHEL is the greatest contributor in sugar, fertilizer, cement, paper, oil, gas, and petrochemicals of systems and equipment. The system and equipment contains co-generation plants DG power plants, captive power plants, industrial boilers and auxiliaries, and industrial steam turbines.

 The company is the largest producer of thruster devices with largest size. It furnishes digital control systems for process industries and instrumentation systems for industrial and power plant applications. The company possesses the ability to create simulators for defense, power plants, and many other applications in India. The company has started making high desalination plants to furnish drinking water to people.


The BHEL Project Repot of CNC Machines in Various Fabrication Processes concludes that the BHEL provide a broad ranging systems and goods to apply T and D. Products are build like instrument transformers, power transformers, capacitor tanks, series and stunt reactor, dry type transformers, vacuum and SF circuit breakers, and insulators.

Download BHEL Project Repot of CNC Machines in Various Fabrication Processes