Android Operating System a C++ Project

Android operating system project is a final year computer science project which is one of the best option for students to implement it as a final year project. As we know Google had entered in to mobile market with android, developing search for mobile operating system will be a challenging for students.This project is developed in C++ language.


Android operating system is developed based on Linux kernel. Java is used as a programming language for developing this software. Android will provide easy compiling using ARM native code although software is implemented  in any language. Google along with Open Handset Alliance had developed android system.Mobile search is implemented using C++ language.


By this project, a unique  search engine was presented for effective searching Of information through mobile interface. The engine adopts three methods for retrieval: two autonomous and one combination.

The ontology-based method makes use of the semantic mark-up metadata accompanying each collection where an illustrative user interface is used for graphical query formulation. The content-based method makes use of the low-level visual characteristics of the multimedia material while the hybrid method, which is the main contribution of this work, makes a combined use of the previous two methods for offering a more complete result set to the  user.

Easy access and portability of the system also helps to increase the performance of the system in a better manner.

Future work includes the extension of the hybrid search engine and the integration of additional cultural content. Finally we are investigating the addition of a semantic recommendation engine to be able to make additional query suggestions to the user in an automatic manner

Future Enhancements

Open handset Alliance is confident in reaching there goal by making android a top brand in market by implementing new features in to android phones. Present there are many users who are developing android apps for fill the gap. Intel in collaboration with Google to implement android notebook. So with these collaborations developing apps like search engine for android phone will be a good sign.

With the help of Fujitsu android is moving step forward by implementing android on embedded hardware, with this collaboration Google can move forward in to markets like GPS devices,Cellphones,Mobile internet devices and media players,notebooks and set top boxes.

V3 Mail Server a Java Project

A project’s feasibility depends when it is provided with unlimited resources and given infinite time for completion. However it is imperative that a project’s feasibility is obtained as soon as possible. A study is conducted to determine whether a specific user is satisfied with the software and hardware provisions that have been allocated for the project.V3-Mail-Server-a-Java-Project

In this project “V3 mail server a Java Project”, study has been done on the mail mechanism by considering if the proposed system is a cost-viable solution and can be further developed within the budget allocated and the response it will get. Feasibility of the project is studied by considering operational and technical parameters.


In the project V3 mail server java project, it is depicted how the V3 mail server is an easy way for transferring mails. The project’s working is explained in detail in the project. The user has to log in by clicking on the login link. This link leads to the home page which has many other links like Settings, inbox, compose, trash, my folder, etc. By clicking on any of the links, the user is directed to that page.

If the user has already finished the registration for the website then he has to only enter his username and password and click on the submit button. If you are not a registered user, then you have to fill the registration process and then login. After sign in, the user can check his mails and send mails. A logout link will enable the user to logout from the  site.


The project described here is flexible and changes can be incorporated. The system can be maintained easily without much rework. In the future an option for attaching files could be built. Furthermore, options such as chatting and mobile alerts could be provided for the benefit of the user. 

Mcafee Network Access Control a Linux C++ Project

The project “Mcafee Network Access control a Linux C++ Project” is a system security solution that is designed for defining, assessing and enforcing IT security policies and is used to control managed as well as unmanaged systems. It is basically designed for protecting the corporate networks by blocking those systems which are not in compliance with the IT policies of the particular company.Mcafee-Network-Access-control-a-Linux-C++-Project

The method is powerful yet a flexible policy which detects threats and blocks them. This project is developed with an aim to make unit testing automated and also the BVT tests. It lessens the risk of undetected errors and saves costs by detecting problems earlier. Thus a high quality product is ensured by this system on a continuous basis.


This project Mcafee Network Access control is for the protection of remote access, high risk branch offices and also wireless networks that are passed on from infected workstations, servers, etc. This system works on the principle “Identify, quarantine and remediate attack vendors before they spread.” The e-policy orchestrator provides visibility and reports them to PCs that are used by guests/contractors. 

This system provides compliance for all the systems that are connected on the network. It also detects new systems when they send a request on the network. The Mcafee policy then scans the system and check if it meets the compliance policy of the network. Once the new system is scanned, it will decide what action to take.


In this system, there’s a test known s the Build verification test which is a set of tests that run on every new build and this is then verified before it is released and then given for further testing. If BVT fails, then the build is assigned again to a developer for fixing it.

LINUX From Scratch a Linux Mini Project


The project “LINUX from scratch a Linux Mini Project” is basically formed to enable people to understand how the system works through inside out. This provides a learning experience for users to customize the Linux system according to their requirements. One of the important benefits of this system is that users can exercise more control over the system without depending on someone else’s implementation.

Another benefit of this system is to create a compact Linux system. When a regular installation of this system is done, it results in the inclusion of programs which are rendered unnecessary and they tend to waste disk space or even CPU cycles. The custom built system is a secured system and one gets empowered to audit everything from scratch and create a usable foundation level system.


The project LINUX from scratch is reconstructed again by making use of a previously installed Linux distribution. This previous system is like a starting point that provides necessary programs which includes compiler, linker and shell that builds up the system. The system designed here has five modules. They are ‘create a new Linux native partition and file system’, ‘download the packages and patches’, ‘constructing a temporary system’, ‘constructing a LFS system’ and a ‘making a LFS system bootable’.

In the first step, the petition that hosts the system is prepared and a file system created to mount it. The system is usually mounted on a dedicated partition and if not available, it creates a partition. After blank partition is created then it can be used to set up a file system. After creating the file system it is made accessible by creating a mount point. All these functions are carried out by the modules.


The system designed in the project is compact and flexible in nature. It is also more secure and consumes less memory space. The system developed here goes through all phases of software development cycle.

download Project Report of CSE LINUX From Scratch a Linux Mini Project .

Design of Intranet Mail System Project

Final year students who are interested in knowing about mailing system and understand the procedure involved in developing a mailing system then Design of Intranet mail system project can help you to gain some knowledge. The main aim for developing this project is to understand steps involved in developing a mail application by updating few new innovative features in to this application and upgrade it to new version will be better choice for computer science students. Design-of-Intranet-Mail-System-Project

Intranet mail application is a mail client application with features like login, sending mail, deleting mail and forwarding mail where admin can add and delete messages in the network. This type of mailing systems can be seen in organizations for sharing information between employees. 

This application is developed by connecting client system to a Linux mail server and Apache is used as web server. This application will provide basic mail facilities as mentioned above where mail transferring is done through IMAP. Admin can delete user messages using Cyrus server.

 As regular mail systems this application will provide welcome page through which user should log in. Unless user name and password is not provided user cannot access his account.     


     List of software’s required for developing this application is mentioned below. 

Linux Platform  

 The Debi an Linux is used for coding plat form.  

Apache Server                 

Apache server should be installed as web server. 

 MYSQL Server

For database storage MYSQL server should be installed. 

 Send mail Server 

                  Send mail server is a MTA agent. It should be installed for transferring the mails.

The protocol to be used is IMAP which serves as the Message Delivery Agent. 

For more information on this project you can download project report form this site for a free of cost.

Download CSE Analyzing of Design of Intranet Mail System Project. 

Online Tendering CSE Project

Main aim for implementing Online Tendering cse project is to perform product tendering through online web application, according to this process product tender details are published on web with required product information and about the status of the tender and information like starting and ending dates.Online-Tendering-CSE-Project.

As we know in present system tender advertising is done through news papers which is causing problems like communication gap between companies and government authorities because of this problem competition is reducing, ultimately cost of project is increasing. So developing this project can fix this problem by submitting tender details to a dedicated tender site which will

be visible for every company and apply for tender through this web site if they are satisfied with the provided tender quotation .This process will reduce time and provide option for different companies respond to the tender. 

This application has different modules in first module advertiser who advertises his tender details should register with the system and submit detailed information on the product. In second module companies who are searching for work should register and apply for the tender. Third admin module in this module admin will coordinate with both modules. 

This application can be developed within a low budget but regular maintenance is compulsory. 

Software and hardware requirements for developing this project are explained in project report. 

System specifications for Online Tendering CSE Project

Hard Ware Requirements:- 

  • Processor:: Pentium-II(or) Higher
  • Ram:: 512MB (or) Higher
  • Cache:: 512MB
  • Hard disk:: 10GB 

Soft Ware Requirements:- 

  • Web Server
: Tomcat 5.5
  • Server-side Technologies
: Java, Java Server Pages
  • Client-side Technologies
: Hyper Text Markup Language, Cascading Style Sheets, Java Script, AJAX
  • Database Server
: MS Access
  • Operating System
: Windows (or) Linux (or) Mac any version

For more information on online Tendering cse project you can download project report from this site for a free of cost.

Download CSE Online Tendering CSE Project report .