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Category: Java Based Projects
Download All Java Projects (J2EE, JDBC, Servlets, JavaScript, JSP), Java Presentations and PPT’s,Final year Java projects,CSE Java Projects. Information technology third year and final year students can download Java Based Projects for final year students, Java Based Projects topics and list of projects with source code and reports for free download.
The timetable is needed to be scheduled in such a way that the number of different courses with a number of subjects in each, handled by a limited faculty provided with their slots and timings does not overlap.
Timetable generator automatically schedules timetable for students and faculty which reduces the manual work.
Once the inputs like faculty with their respective subjects are given it will generate the period slots for the entire week and also for the substitutional hours.
Existing System:
Previously timetable was manually made by the head of the departments that involves a lot of manual work and is a time consumptive process.
Proposed System:
This system will help the colleges to generate the timetable automatically without any manual workload and saves a lot of time that plays a prominent role in the present lifestyle.
1. Admin Module
The admin is responsible for taking all the details of the faculty, course, subject, semester and how many hours a day the classes last. The admin generates the timetable according to all these factors.
2. Faculty Module
The faculty gives all of their details to the admin
In the case, at times the faculty could take a leave as well
In times like these, the facility is responsible to send the reason, date and on which period the leave is to be taken.
The substitute faculty gets the request.
The substitute faculty has the facility to either accept or reject the substitute hour.
Then this is sent back to the faculty informing about the request.
According to the timetable is modified.
3. Time Table Generation Module
In this module, generation is done by considering the maximum and minimum workload for each faculty. This will be generated by the admin and viewed by the faculty who are the users of this system.
Work Flow:
Step 1:- Start
Regular timetable
Step 2:- The details of the hours, subjects and faculty names handling each subject is taken.
a. 7 hours per day
b. 6 subjects per semester
c. 4 labs per semester
d. Number of faculties, 10
Step 3:- Read the details provided.
Step 4:- Validate the details and a timetable is created accordingly.
Substitute timetable
Step 5:- The details of the substitute faculty is taken.
Step 6:- Read the date, reason and substitute faculty available for the subject.
Step 7:- The request is sent to the substitute facility.
Step 8:- The substitute faculty accepts or rejects the request.
Step 9:- The details are read.
Step 10:- Accordingly the timetable is generated.
Step 11:- Stop
This project can implement features like: The first feature is “Graph”, it shows the graphical representation of the student’s performance (attendance and aggregate). The second feature is the “Projects”, here all the project titles with description are stored in the database so that it will be helpful to our juniors and it also helps to know if the new projects are colliding with existing.
Existing System:
In our college, the projects are stored in the CDs so there is a problem in accessing.
In our college website, the student’s performance is not shown clearly.
Proposed System:
In our application, we are introducing “Graphs” and “Projects”. Graphs – Here the student’s performance(like attendance, marks) is shown in charts. Where bar graphs are aggregate in semester wise and curve graph for attendance. Projects – Here all the projects are stored, we create a hyperlink of all the project titles when we click on it the page will be redirected to the project description. There is a search bar where we can search any project by the project’s name or by guide’s name or by the year and duplication of projects can be eliminated.
Modules of Project
Modules Description
Back End: Database, which stores the student details and list of projects with their description. Front End: User interface, where the client can view charts and project lists. Middle End: It is the logic or Java code which retrieves data from the database(backend) and display it in the form of charts and it also displays the project lists so that it is easy to access rather than from the CDs.
We used MySQL for storing student information and list of projects with descriptions.
Java language for coding the logic and HTML & CSS for designing the page.
Morris.js chart, JChart are the packages helpful for projecting the charts.
Every project title is hyperlinked to its description.
UML Diagrams:
Use Case Diagram:
Class Diagram:
Sequence Diagram:
Activity Diagram:
Screen Shots:
Our data set includes student’s details of our college like every semester marks, attendance percentage and details of all the projects done by students of CSE.
In this project, we showed the students performance in the form of charts so that it is easy to know the student’s overall performance.
This project also consists the details of all the projects done by the CSE students in our college.
Vehicle hiring system is a web-based application designed to provide the user with an easy way to hire vehicles like cars, buses, vans, lorries etc on rent.
The customer has to choose the vehicle of his choice, the location where he wants to board the vehicle and pay for the rental online.
This application calculates the fare based on three categories short distance, medium distance, and long distance.
Vehicle hiring system is a web application which includes an end user i.e, a customer in which they can make a reservation and view other related information about their reservation.
The administrator has all authorities to change and manage the system such as adding a new vehicle, removing and updating any related information about the vehicle and keeping track of all vehicle reservations.
Existing System
The current system does not have wide ranges of vehicles available.
The customers do not have the facility to give feedback.
Description of vehicles is less.
Proposed System:
A wide range of vehicles including vans, two-wheelers, buses etc., are available.
Feedbacks and reviews from the users can be taken.
A detailed information about the vehicle is available.
Notification on timings and pickups is available.
Admin can view/edit/delete vehicle and driver details and has authority to view transaction details of the users.
This module enables the user to Login/ Register, view vehicle details and hire vehicle and perform the transaction.
Admin Login Details:
Step1: Start
Step2: Login to the account with a unique username and password
Step3: Choose from the options
Add vehicle (car/bus/2 wheeler etc.,)
Add/Delete/update vehicle details
Step-4: View vehicle reservations of the users
Step-5: Confirm vehicle reservation and calculate fare based on distance.
Step-6: Stop
Customer Login Details:
Step1: Start
Step2: Login to the account with username and password.
If not registered, register by filling required details.
Step3: Hire the vehicle and enter details such as date, duration, and boarding location.
Are you new to the city? Confused where to go on a weekend or could not find any relevant information on the internet about a destination to spend your quality time. Don’t worry that’s what we are going to provide you. A single place where one can find all the malls in your city, with detailed information about the things one can do like shopping, watching movies, dining, and gaming for kids.
This Easy Search Guide application not only provides details of malls but also provides offers one can avail in the shopping stores or in restaurants and also current movies running, with everything reviewed and rated by the users. We make everything easy for the users with our information so that users can easily find their next shopping destination or a place where the family can spend their day out without any hassle.
Existing System:
Though we have applications to find the restaurants nearby or you can find the malls nearby on maps. We don’t have any single application that provides information on all malls and restaurants along with offers and reviews altogether. We don’t know about the deals or offers provided by a store at the mall until we visit in by a person. We even cannot find such information on the web.
Proposed System:
We are going to build a responsive single page web application using HTML5, CSS3, and React.Js for the front end part and Node.js with a relational database to process the data from the database and provide it to the front end. We choose React and Node. js because of their maintainability, prototype, fast nature, and reusability.
The Easy Search Guide application will list down the malls nearby using geolocation API or the user can manually select from the list of cities provided. When clicked on the mall list of categories will be available like shopping, dining, entertainment depending on the selection, the user will be shown the list of shopping stores or restaurants or movies available and the current offers which user can avail. Users can see the rating or reviews of the shopping store or restaurant and if they want to add a review or rate a store or restaurant they need to log in with their Google or Facebook account.
To help job seekers to find the job information online conveniently and quickly we are going to develop this project. The project title is job suggestion website. Here We are going to develop this website to ease the difficulty of searching for jobs according to the area of interest and according to locations where they want to work. To develop this website we have to collect information from different companies by crawling the data with their domains and location. These crawled data need to store by using some database (such as mongoDB or phpmyadmin or mysql). The stored data of companies should be searchable by location or domain. For searching, we will use elastic search or other search engines. To search companies user need to enter location or domain and our website will suggest companies according to the given information.
Output Results Explanation:
This User interface is for job portal home page where admin can log in with registered user id and password. The user can view a list of features available in this application.
After successful login admin can view different features and perform operations form this page.
Admin can view employee details with user id, employee name, company name, contact number, email id, date of registration and charges.
List user interface will display a list of applications which are applied for jobs.
Using View jobs user interface admin can view a list of jobs posted with job id, job description, company name, and date of posting with requirements.
The user can select posted jobs from this list and look after detail of job with address, time and company profile. The user can apply using directly from this interface.
This interface is confirmation message after user applying for the job.
This user interface is for the admin who can post new walk-in details. List of posted details is shown with walk-in id, job title, company name, location, walk-in date.
Using this User interface admin can add new walk-in details and post to the existing list.
This interface is for showing successful posting of a new walk in.
This interface is for user registration where the employee should register with an application for applying for a job. The user must enter login detail and contact information using this form.
Admin can view a list of job seekers details who had applied for a different job posting . Admin can view job seeker id, username, qualification, percentage.
Search interface can help admin or user to find respective job seeker or job postings without searching from the list. Admin can select criteria, location, experience, functional area and get results.
Using manager login form user must enter valid user id and password to log in with application only after login user can use any features.
Company manager can view employer details after login to the application.
The manager can view a list of job postings from different companies. He can post a new job for his company.
The manager can add new job post for the list based on his company requirement.
This interface is for post successfully posted confirmation.
This interface is for user login where user had already registered with the application. He can enter user id and password and apply for a job.
The user can view a list of placements papers and download for reference.
This interface will display downloaded placement paper with previous questions and answers.
Using this interface user can download sample resumes.
This interface shows details of downloads available for a user like networking question papers, database question papers..etc.
UML Diagrams:
Use Case Diagram:
Sequence Diagram:
Activity Diagram:
Class Diagram:
ER Diagram:
Metadata has data about data. Metadata actually has the data that describes the data we store in our SQlite database files.
The college bus tracking system helps users to know the bus location so that the users don’t get delayed or don’t arrive at the stop too early.
In order to overcome increased waiting for time and uncertainty in arrival, we have come with this project.
The main goal is to find the location of the bus so that the users do not get delayed.
Location of the bus is not known, thus we need to ask the bus information for respective persons.
Long time waiting for the bus.
Chances of missing bus.
We are expecting to find the location of the bus and let the users know the location.
so that one can manage their time efficiently and reach their stop just before the bus arrives or take an alternate means of transport if they miss the bus or they are running late.
The main aim of developing this java application is to provide a complete school or college based attendance management system for students and profile system for staff and management.
Faculty information is to be maintained securely and should be accessible only to the respective faculty and the administrator when required. Student’s daily attendance should be entered by the faculty and should be managed perfectly. In the existing system manually the corresponding faculty will enter attendance details in files. If the administrator or faculty want to know the student information, he must able to search the sheets, this consumes a lot of time. Here the project eliminates that problem and makes the process automation.
The Student Attendance and Staff Profile project mainly focus on maintaining of faculty profile, student daily attendance in which different levels of users are restricted to access the database. We can make the users access the data but they can’t modify or update the database. Only the authorized faculty and administrator can access and update the database. Each faculty and administrator should log in to get the details of the faculty and student attendance.
Objectives of the project
Complete automation is possible in this sector, which is against the main disadvantage namely time-consuming.
Can maintain company faculty details and student details.
Any kind of information based on faculty profile or student attendance can be retrieved within less time.
Only authorized faculty or administrator can access the database by providing necessary information.
Requirement Analysis
A requirement is a feature that must be included in the system. Before the actual design and implementation start, getting to know the system to be implemented is of prime importance.
We are overcoming the difficulty of maintaining faculty details and student attendance which were manual in the current system and here we generate detailed information about the faculty and students attendance which will save our time to maintain all information and retrieve when required.
Functional Requirements:
This section describes the functional requirements of the system for those requirements which are expressed in the natural language style.
A faculty member should be able to login to the system through the first page of the application, and he can perform actions like viewing and entering student attendance and can update his profile. An administrator can login into his account and he will update the faculty information.
System Design:
UML Diagrams:
Fig: Class diagram
In this class diagram, we are considering the main classes administrator, faculty, and databases where we mainly perform the operations. Here we are also providing the classes for the interface as the operations can be facilitated easily and this comprises of the many options. And we maintain classes for the faculty to maintain its student details and the faculty details are also maintained.
Interaction Diagram for Registration of new faculty:
In this interaction diagram, the administrator registers a new faculty member by entering his details in the registration form and updates the database.
Interaction Diagram for daily attendance:
Fig: Sequence diagram for daily attendance
Collaboration diagram for daily attendance:
In this interaction diagram, the faculty selects a subject and a date and enters the attendance by clicking on the corresponding checkboxes of students roll numbers and updates the database by clicking submit.
Interaction Diagram for change password:
Fig: Interaction Diagram for change passwordFig: Collaboration Diagram for change password
In this interaction diagram, the user can change the password by entering the new password and validate the password by re-entering it and update the database by submitting it.
Interaction Diagram for faculty details update:
In this interaction diagram the faculty details will be displayed and he can update the details that are already available in the database from the user interface and the new details entered can be updated in the database.
Use case diagram for administrator:
In this use case diagram, it includes the main functionalities of the administrator. Here main activity of administrator is to register the faculty, view daily, monthly and cumulative attendance.
In this use case diagram, it includes the main functionalities of the faculty. Here main activity of faculty is to maintain student attendance, update the student’s attendance and to modify his profile.
Here the activity diagram explains how the system administrator performs different operations.
Data Base Design
Data type
Table 1:faculty_login
Data type
Table 2:faculty_profile
Data type
Table 3:faculty_status
Data type
Table 4:f_att_bxxxxx
Data type
Table 5:mic_student_status
System Test Cases & System Test Report
Expected result
Observed Result
Giving the wrong username and password
And password
Alert message should be displayed
the message is displayed indicating
Registering faculty without proper information
Faculty details
Alert messages should be displayed
messages are displayed.
Inserting attendance into the database
Message should be displayed if attendance inserted successfully
Message is displayed
Click On Sign Out
User should be signed out and Login page should be displayed
Login page is displayed
Output Screens:
1) Login screen
2) Administrator Profile
3) Change Password
4) All faculty
5) Add faculty
6) Remoce faculty
7) Validation message
8) View faculty status
9) Edit faculty status
10) Add faculty status
11) Select Date
12) Daily attendance
13) Select month for attendance
14) Cumulative attendance
15) Aggregate attendance
16) Report generation
17) Logout Page
18) Faculty Home Page
19) Faculty Profile
20) Update faculty Profile
21) Select subject to view attendance
22) Date wise attendance
23) Cummulative attendance
24) Selection of subject
25) Enter attendance
26) Attendance entered Successfully
The project mainly focused on the total computerization of student’s attendance details and faculty profile in which different levels of users are restricted to access the database. By restrictions, we can make the users access the data but they can’t modify or update the database like students attendance, and other information etc.
This project mainly operated by two modules mainly faculty and administrator. The administrator can view the details of the students like marks view. The faculty members can view, update, add and delete the student’s attendance. This approach has features such as less manual intervention, data security is high and confidentiality can be maintained. The user can access the student’s details within less time.
Installation Steps:
Install Java (Java Run Time Environment)
Install Apache Tomcat with port number 9090.
Install Oracle 10g with port number 8080.
Create new system DSN with data source name: project & Username: project
Copy the project folder to c:\tomcat 6.0\webapps
Load the database from a backup file.
Open any browser and type the following address
Now use the login credentials to log in and continue.
Login Credentials:
Oracle 10g:
Username: project
Password: project
For administrator-> Username: admin password: admin
For faculty-> Username: 101 Password: 101
DSN: project
For attendance the database is available for the following details:
Please select these from the list:
Class: IV c.s.e Section: A or B
Download College Student Attendance and Staff Profile System Java Project Source Code and Database
In General, we found many bugs and we report them to the organization regarding a product or a service and the organization admin will see the bug reports of the user and assign a technical expert to resolve the issue. User can’t know the status of the issue so we propose this project.
In this project, the user will sign up and login into the application and report a bug by selecting product or service and which environment he is using and detail description of the bug. After submitting the bug admin can view the bugs reported by a user and he will assign any technical expertise to resolve the issue, Admin can also add the technical expert by giving necessary details.
Using the login id and password the technical expert can log in and view the bugs assigned by admin he will go through the issue and update the status if it resolved. User and Admin can view the status of the bugs.
Flow Diagrams:
ER Diagram:
Class Diagram:
Sequence Diagram:
In this Bug Tracking project, we are having three modules
Technical Expert
Existing System:
In the existing bug tracker system all the status of the bugs and their details are stored in an excel sheet so preparing and updating the sheet is a very long process and it will consume more time.
Proposed System:
In the proposed bug tracker system everything generated by application and user can also view the status of the bug. In this, we are using the database to store the details so each and every detail is secured and can access from any place using this application.
The Main objective of this Travel & Tourism project is to make the travel easy and comfortable for the users right from finding the routes and buses to till the booking of the tickets. In this project, we have two modules, Admin, and user.
Admin in this Travel & Tourism Management System project will log in with the default username and password and admin has authority to add the bus routes and add the travel and assign the route id’s and bus id’s and finally, the admin will add the buses at particular times in different routes. Admin will also add the different travel agencies while adding buses admin will fix the ticket price and the capacity of seats.
Finally, the user will register and log in and the find the appropriate routes and use the route id he will search the bus by giving all details like date of journey and type of seat etc. After selecting the information user will be headed to select seats in a view the selected seats will be displayed as red and then after successful payment the booking confirmation will be shown.
If the user feels any feedback need to give, he can provide feedback to admin.
Existing System:
In the existing system, the user needs to find the bus routes by visiting the travel desks and enquire the information and the user needs to book the tickets manually and there may be a chance of no availability of tickets. So we Proposed this project this will overcome all difficulties.
Proposed System:
In the proposed system, the user need to just login into the application and can find the routes and booking immediately and complete the booking process for a successful transaction.
Data Flow Diagrams:
Context Level DFD and Level 1 Data Flow Diagram for Administrator, Users
Level 2 Data Flow Diagram for Travels, Routes, Pickup Points, Booking Modules
Use Case Diagram:
Activity Diagram:
ER Diagram:
Class Diagram:
Download Travel & Tourism Management System Java Project Source Code, Project Report Documentation, PPT, UML Diagrams and Output Screens.
Computer to Computer Learning is the modern way of education, in which the students can get the valuable information through CD’s and Digital Copies. Generally, an existing system the educational institutions provide online material which is one-way uploading and hence the database is limited to a single person and hence the information updating needs time, But in this project, the database was made online so the database was accessible to multiple users. Any Format of information can be uploaded like audio, video, text etc. In this application, there are 3 modules
Admin can view the institutes and students registered and delete them if he feels unnecessary. Admin can also view the complaints given by students
All the users are controlled by admin. Administrator services are
Approve the institute
delete institute
view students
view complaints
The college needs to register and log in and upload the articles on different topics providing the information and maintains the faculty details and view the responses and requests provided by students.
College is an Organization which can handle the all the student details. The College services are
Upload Articles
Faculty Management
Update profile of College
Send Responses
send a response for appropriate requests
view request and send feedback
The student will log in with a valid username and password and he can send a request to college he can view the response from college and he can also give feedback to admin. He can also update his profile.
The Student services are
Update profile
send a request to the college
view responses
and send feedback
Existing System:
In the existing Computer to Computer Learning System, the main problem is the database is maintained at individual such as in excel sheets and hence the system is not available for all college students so we propose the multiple access database systems in this project.
Proposed System:
In Proposed Computer to Computer Learning System, we used Centralized or Multiple access databases and it is automatically updated with the multiple users on the system so this makes the system fast.
Output Screens:
Login Page:
Registration Page:
Clooege Registration:
Student Registration:
Admin Login:
Student List:
College Login:
Student Login:
Architecture Diagram:
Use Case Diagram:
Sequence Diagram:
Activity Diagram:
Class Diagram:
Download Computer to Computer Learning System Java Project Source Code, Project Report, PPT, UML Diagrams.