Download Can Based Car Automation Microcontroller Project Report

The software written for embedded systems is often called firmware, and is stored in read-only memory or flash convector chips rather than a disk drive. It often runs with limited computer hardware resources: small or no keyboard, screen, and little memory. Can-Based-automation-microcontroller-project

Why this project? 

In the present Can Based automation microcontroller project we are demonstrating the applications of the CAN protocol in the Car Automation.

Here we are showing the Antilock Breaking System (ABS) and the Automatic Climate Control System. 

The ABS brake system is the greatest innovation in active safety for cars that has saved many lives. The Anti-lock Braking System is designed to help the driver maintain steering control during hard braking, especially in slippery conditions. 

How it works? 

Imagine, you are driving a car without ABS on a slippery road (e.g. after a rain or snow). Suddenly, you notice something on the road right in front of you. 

You hit the brakes, and try to turn aside, but the steering doesn’t work; the car just skids out of control. Why, because all the wheels are locked up while you are holding down the brake pedal. As a result, you lose the ability to steer the vehicle.

The four-wheel ABS can help in situations like this. It prevents the wheels from locking up, helping you maintain steering control during braking. In a similar situation, driving a car equipped with four-wheel ABS, it would be easier for you to steer your vehicle while braking.

Major components of the typical ABS system include speed sensors (one at each wheel), an electronic control unit (ABS computer) and a hydraulic control. The ABS computer constantly monitors the signal from each wheel speed sensor. 

When it senses that any of the wheels are approaching lock up during braking, the ABS computer sends the signal to the hydraulic control unit, which modulates the braking pressure for a corresponding wheel(s) preventing it from locking up. Today’s automatic climate control systems allow hands-free temperature regulator, whether hot or cold. Once you set a temperature on your car’s automatic climate control system, it should maintain that temperature regardless of what’s going on outside. 

Today’s automatic climate control systems allow hands-free temperature regulator, whether hot or cold. Once you set a temperature on your car’s automatic climate control system, it should maintain that temperature regardless of what’s going on outside. 

CAN is a multi-master broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic control units (ECUs).Each node is able to send and receive messages, but not simultaneously: a message (consisting primarily of an ID usually chosen to identify the message-type/sender and up to eight message bytes) is transmitted serially onto the bus, one bit after another  this signal pattern codes the message (in NRZ) and is sensed by all nodes. 

The devices that are connected by a CAN network are typically sensors, actuators and control devices. A CAN message never reaches these devices directly, but instead, a host processor and a CAN controller are needed between these devices and the bus.

If the bus is free, any node may begin to transmit. If two or more nodes begin sending messages at the same time, the message with the more dominant ID (which has more dominant bits, i.e., bit 0) will overwrite other nodes’ less dominant IDs, so that eventually (after this arbitration on the ID) only the dominant message remains and is received by all nodes.


The project “CAN BASED CAR AUTOMATION SYSTEM” has been successfully designed and tested. It has been developed by integrating features of all the hardware components used. Presence of every module has been reasoned out and placed carefully thus contributing to the best working of the unit.

Download Autonomous Robot Project Report

AUTONOMOUS ROBOT PROJECT aims at designing and executing the obstacle detection and avoidance robot. A robot obstacle detection system includes a robot housing which navigates with respect to the surface and a sensor subsystem having a defined relationship with respect to the housing and aimed at the surface for detecting the surface. DWONLOAD-AUTONOMOUS-ROBOT-PROJECT-REPORT

The ultrasonic sensor is a paired sensor has a receiver and a transmitter sensor.

The transmitter sends the ultrasonic waves, and if the receiver senses any of the transmitted signals it indicates the presence of an obstacle. If the receiver doesn’t sense any signal it indicates the absence of an obstacle.

If any obstacle is detected the directions of the robot will be automatically changed.

This robot is fitted with motors. A micro controller is used to control all operations. According to the motor operations, the robot will operate as specified in the program. 

However, the micro controller is used for the project has latched outputs and as such one does not have to keep the buttons on remote control passed for more than a few milliseconds.      

The aim of the project: 

The main aim of this project is to develop a robot, which automatically controls the robot using 8051 Micro controllers. This project aims at designing and executing the fire sensing, alcohol, bomb and obstacle detection and avoidance robot. 


The project “AUTONOMOUS ROBOT” has been successfully designed and tested. It has been developed by integrating features of all the hardware components used. Presence of every module has been reasoned out and placed carefully thus contributing to the best working of the unit.

Secondly, using highly advanced IC’s and with the help of growing technology, the project has been successfully implemented. And finally, we conclude that EMBEDDED SYSTEM is an emerging field and there is a huge scope for research and development.

A C++ Mini Project on Controlling Electrical Devices Using Printer Port


The PC parallel port is a powerful platform, though inexpensive, for implementing projects dealing with the control of real-world peripherals. The hardware circuit developed can be used to control up to 255 electrical appliances using only 8 data output lines from the parallel port. Besides, the software program allows the users to know the current status of the devices. 

Project Implementation based on advantages: 

C++ Mini Project on Controlling Electrical Devices is developed, the software program and the hardware circuit work interactively to generate appropriate signals to switch the connected devices ‘On’ or ‘Off’. As in the Interface to switch a device On/Off it is required to enter the valid values of bit number. 

The hardware works like an On-Off switch according to the signal from the parallel port of the computer. The project has some important applications such as; It can be used for domestic purposes (Offices, schools, hotels etc.). Although Traffic lights are microprocessor controlled, this project can also be employed for controlling the same. 

User Friendly – The project has simple and efficient interface so that a person having elementary knowledge about computers and only the introductory knowledge about the system can use it. Easy Handling – Once developed and put to work properly then no further maintenance is required. Machine Independent – The project is totally machine independent.

No special package or hardware is required. 


This project can be made wireless also. Transmitter and receiver can be used with sensors attached at the hardware box and also at the application devices so as to make the system wireless. When the system is ‘On’ the bytes are digitally modulated and then sent at infrared frequencies through transmitter antenna. The receiver at the application devices catches the signal sent by the transmitter antenna and then the signal is demodulated and after demodulation, the corresponding status is read and operation is performed.

download Project Report  of CSE C++ Mini Project on Controlling Electrical Devices .

Home Security System Btech ECE Project

Home Security System Btech ECE Project: The digital home security system monitors room temperature, smoke, motion, and windows and doors. The aim of this project is to build an integrated home security system. There is also an incorporated temperature sensor, smoke detectors, and motion sensor besides magnetic switch equipped on doors and windows. Therefore the security system sounds an alert if break-in attempt or possible smoke or fire occurs.

This security system is fully digital and fully customized and incorporated a 16×2 LCD display with a 4×4 keypad. The sensor is enabled or disabled and alarm frequency and skim can be chosen by users. A voice playback chip is also equipped which speaks if sensor goes wrong.

The security system is basic and offers simple password lock to enhance our security system with different types of sensors. There is also a chip Zarlink MT8880C DTMF transceiver chip which will dial a desire number which user specify. Winbond ISD1420 is used to record the voice and playback chip to play pre-recorded voice signal.

The IR motion sensor is quite inexpensive and there is also a smoke detector from home that sounds the alarm if the smoke is detected. The 16×2 LCD has standard 16 pin connection and the keypad is standard 4×4 that has 8-pin connector. The smoke detector is powered by standard E-block 9V battery. The motion sensor is powered by 2 AAA 1.5V battery in serial.

 Home Security System Btech ECE Project Conclusion:

The project focuses on the home security system that has a sensor which works and sounds alarm if the system shows alert status. There is a keypad and LCD and there is also a phone dialer chip like the Zarlink MT8880C which is mentioned above. When no one is at home or no one around the area then someone else is notified to do an immediate action. There is a small microcontroller at a higher frequency to have output of buzz alarm at a higher frequency tone.

Download Home Security System Btech ECE Project report for Engineering Students.

GSM Cell Phone Operating Robot Seminar Report

GSM Cell Phone Operating Robot Seminar Report: Radio control abbreviated as R/C or RC uses radio signals to control a device remotely. It is used to refer to control the model vehicles with the help of hand-held radio transmitter. It is used in many fields like Industries, military and scientific research organizations. A remote control vehicle is a mobile device which is controlled by a means but does not restrict motion to the device.

A radio control device is like a cable between control and vehicle or an infrared controller. A remote control vehicle is different from a robot where RCV is controlled by a human. It is important that a vehicle must proceed accurately to a reach an area, to fulfill its mission and returning accurately and safely.

Sony Ericsson has released a remote control car recently which is controlled by Bluetooth cell phone. Radio is the most popular since it does not need the vehicle to limit its length. Bluetooth is expensive and has short range to viable commercially.

The First Remote Control Vehicle/Precision Guided Weapon built by Nikola Tesla in 1898. Every remotely operated vehicle present in air, land or sea is powered by lead-acid batteries and an electric drive motor.

The technology used in this project, Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signaling is used between telephone handsets and other communications devices and the switching center for telecommunication signaling over analog telephone lines in the voice-frequency band. The version of DTMF is known by term Touch-Tone and is standardized by ITU-T Recommendation Q.23.

Cable television broadcasters used DTMF tones as a method of in-band signaling for indication of start and stop times of local commercial points for the benefit of cable companies.

 GSM Cell Phone Operating Robot Seminar Report Conclusion:

Hence small scale remote control vehicles are popular among hobbyists. These remote controlled vehicles have a wide range in price and sophistication. There are many kinds of radio controlled vehicles which include on-road cars, off-road trucks, boats, airplanes, and even helicopters.

Download GSM Cell Phone Operating Robot Seminar Report

Image Enhancement using Frequency Domain Filtering

This is a Image Enhancement using Frequency Domain Filtering PowerPoint presentation about Image Enhancement which is the method of forming an image more pleasable than the original image. Noise introduced into the image, out-of focus, atmospheric conditions, and latency of imaging hardware are the needs of image enhancement.

Frequency Domain Filtering falls under two categories. They are smoothing filters and sharpening filters. The smoothing filter is divided into three sub filters namely ideal low pass, butterworth low pass, and Gaussian low pass. The sharpening filter also has three filters namely ideal low pass, butterworth low pass, and Gaussian low pass.

Gaussian low pass, character recognition in machine perception to join the broken character segments with a Gaussian low pass filter with D0=80. The shape of cells is clearly visible with the help of Gaussian high pass filtering. If an operation is performed directly on the pixels of an image then it is called Spatial Domain Filtering. The operation performed on the input image with a suitable transfer function then a required output Image is formed.

Spatial domain filtering through High Boost filter is a generalization of Unsharp Masking and Unsharp Masking is a sharp image which is generated from blurred image. High Boost filtering is expressed in by multiplying f(x, y) by a constant A. Hence High-boost filtering provides flexibility to increase image to the enhanced image.

The applications of this technique are used in Medical imaging, Satellite imaging, Material testing in industries, Fingerprint identification, and Printing and publishing industry.

Advantages are it is simple and easy to implement and it provides flexibility in the design of filtering solutions. Disadvantages are that noise is not eliminated completely and a person should have knowledge in various fields to improve an application using image processing.

 Image Enhancement using Frequency Domain Filtering Conclusion:

Therefore, image enhancement technique develops the features of an image depending on the requirements of the applications in frequency domain.

Download Image Enhancement using Frequency Domain Filtering Electronics and Communication Engineering ECE Final Year Project Report.

FPGA Based Mp3 Player ECE Seminar Topics For Students

This FPGA Based Mp3 Player ECE Seminar Topics For Students is focused to build a FPGA-based MPEG Layer III (MP3) system that implements the MP3 decoding algorithm with the help of VHDL and C language on the Embedded Development Kit (EDK) software platform. The system includes MP3 Decoder External Peripherals, User Interface, Compact Flash Memory Card, and Onboard Stereo Audio Codec.

Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device is a digital design which is evolving rapidly. The entire embedded system is built and programmed into a single FPGA chip for the purpose of digital signal processing applications. The optimized density and capacity of this device implemented an entire embedded system on a single chip.

The aim of this project is to design an MPEG Layer III (MP3) player with the help of “Altera” FPGA board. The system reads an MP3 file from a compact flash memory, decode the MP3 bit stream into 16-bit pulse code modulated (PCM) outputs by a standard MP3 decoding algorithm and finally play through a speaker.

Hardware language like Verilog HDL is utilized to drive external peripherals and stereo Audio codec as well. The Audio codec converts the digital PCM outputs into an analog sound wave. The Embedded Development Kit platform integrates the software and hardware designs. Within the last few years, a major range of the global bandwidth is used for transferring layer-III compressed audio data or mp3 files.

With Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Digital design has been rapidly evolving field. For digital signal processing applications, a complete embedded system built and programmed into a single FPGA chip.


This project focuses on a FPGA-based MP3 decoder which is implemented on the Altera development board. It reads MP3 files from a compact flash memory device then decode and play into a stereo audio codec. Various controls like song selection, pause, and stop modes are included.

Download FPGA Based Mp3 Player ECE Seminar Topics For Students.

Fire Extinguisher Robot Engineering ECE Seminar Report

Fire Extinguisher Robot Engineering ECE Seminar Report: A robot consists of a mechanical device like wheeled platform, arm, or other construction, interaction with its environment, Sensors to sense the environment, Systems to process sensory input and to perform actions.

Robotics is highly specialized one-of-kind planetary rovers in the space industry. It is a highly automated manufacturing plant. A planetary rover should have sensory input, a way of interpreting the input, and a way of changing its actions to respond.

The functions of robotics relieve us from danger and tedium. Safety, Robotics are developed to handle radioactive chemicals and nuclear for different uses like nuclear weapons, power plants, environmental cleanup, and the processing of certain drugs. Unpleasantness, Robots do various tasks which are tedious and unpleasant like welding or janitorial work.

A Robot is re-programmable and multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices with different programmed motions for variety of the performance. Robots have wide range of applications from manufacturing to the handling of hazardous materials. Wireless robotics is an evolving field of application that uses different technology and the concept of embedded processor to wireless communication is used.

The Wireless Robotic Fire Extinguisher robot is an application that uses embedded microcontroller. This embedded technology has compact size and reliable operation. The microcontroller used in this project is AT89C51. The design of wireless fire extinguisher robot has four sections.  They are Input section, Transmitter Section, Receiver section, and Output section.

Fire Extinguisher Robot Engineering ECE Seminar Report Engineering ECE Seminar Report Conclusion:

The robotic designed here has six degree of freedom so its entire spherical area radius is given by R1 + R2 = R. The design has an access point that is at a place in a sphere of maximum radius R and the value of R can be varied between zero to R i.e. 0<R<(R1+R2). The moving arm in the vertical plane is controlled by a Geared PMDC motor and the movement is continuous and smooth in the vertical plane.

Download Fire Extinguisher Robot Engineering ECE Seminar Report with paper Presentation.

Fault-Tolerant and Bayesian Approaches to Self-Organizing Neural Networks

Fault-Tolerant and Bayesian Approaches to Self-Organizing Neural Networks Heterogeneous  of gene expression provides insight  into  the  biological  character of  gene  interaction  with  disease  development , the environment,  and  drug  effect  at  the molecular level.   A Time  Lagged  Recurrent  Neural  Network  is proposed  for identifying and classifying the gene  patterns  from  the  heterogeneous  time series microarray experiments and from the dynamics  of  a  state-trajectory. The trajectory learning with Back propagation and time algorithm is able to recognize gene patterns differ with time.

The neural networks have two important functions in engineering world. They are pattern classifiers and as non linear adaptive filters. An artificial neural network is an adaptive system which means each parameter is altered during its operation and deployed to solve the problem and this is called the training phase.

This network is developed in a systematic step-by-step procedure that increases a criterion called as the learning rule. This network has input/output training data to convey the information that is must discover the optimal operating point. A neural network is a very flexible system with the help of a non linear nature.

An artificial neural network is system which receives an input, processes the data, and gives the output. The engineer chooses the network topology, the trigger function or performance function, learning rule and the criteria to stop the training phase in neural network design. A Bayesian network is a probabilistic graphical model to represent a set of random variables and their conditional dependencies via a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

Fault-Tolerant and Bayesian Approaches to Self-Organizing Neural Networks Conclusion:

This paper proposed and explored about the use of TLRNNs with dynamic trajectory learning and heterogeneous microarray experiments. TLRNN  iteratively  constructs  the  network,  train  the weights, and  update  the  time  information. Hence the changed number of trajectories and hidden nodes, the performance of the model is developed with the statistical criteria to search the best network architecture for prediction and medical diagnosis.

Download Fault-Tolerant and Bayesian Approaches to Self-Organizing Neural Networks Electronics and Communication Engineering ECE Final Year Project Report.

BE Btech ECE Eye Writer Seminar Document

The BE Btech ECE Eye Writer Seminar Document is a low-cost eye-tracking glass. It is open source software that allows people suffering from neuromuscular syndrome which enable them to write and draw by tracking their eye movement and translating it to lines on a screen.

Eye writer device was created in 2003 for Tony “Tempt” Quan who was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease. Eye tracking is the method to measure either the point of gaze or the motion of an eye with respect to the head. An eye tracker is a device for measuring eye movement and eye positions.

These are utilized in research on the visual system, in psychology, in cognitive linguistics, and in product design. There are various methods for measuring eye movement. It uses video images with which the eye position is extracted. Other processes are based on search coils or electrooculogram.

Eye tracker measures rotations of the eye in several ways and falls into three categories. One type is an attachment to the eye like a special contact lens with an embedded mirror or magnetic field sensor and the eye movement is measured as the eye rotates. The second category is non-contact, optical method to measure movement of eyes. Light is reflected from the eye which is sensed by a video camera or optical sensor. The third category makes use of electric potentials which is measured with electrodes placed around the eyes. The electric signal derived with two pairs of contact electrodes around one eye is called Electrooculogram (EOG).

There are two types of eye tracking techniques used, Bright Pupil and Dark Pupil. Uses of this eye writer include Cognitive Studies, Medical Research, Laser refractive surgery, Human Factors, Computer Usability, Translation Process Research, Vehicle Simulators, Adult Research, Infant Research, Sports Training, etc.

 BE Btech ECE EYE WRITER Seminar Document Conclusion:

It is a boon to people suffering from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and other degenerative neuromuscular diseases and used for various research and development.

Download BE Btech ECE Eye Writer Electronics and Communication Engineering ECE Final Year Project Report & Seminar Topic.