Image for Conclead Weapon Detection ECE Project

The bomb blasts are out of control throughout the globe in today’s current scenario. Bombs are found in underground stations and buses, which have resulted in the death of several and several has got injured. Bomb blasts are unable to be forecasted before hand.

The present Image for Conclead Weapon Detection ECE Project focuses on the technology that predicts the blast of bombs and suicide bombers by IMAGING FOR CONCLEAD WEAPON DETECTION. It is the sensor developments which explain the method of imaging and the dispute. Other methods like coexisted noise abolition, object development of video information and a few of the mathematical outcomes are also mentioned.

 The concealed weapons detection below the people clothing is most essential to the development for the safety of the common people and security of common assets such as railway stations, airports, and buildings etc. The screening methods done by man to detect the concealed weapons like bombs, handguns, and knives are generally in managed permission settings such as airports, buildings, and public occasions etc. It is often aimed to detect concealed weapons from the standoff interval and if it is not possible to manage the public flow by the controlled method.

 The very current progresses in MMW sensor science resulted in video-rate MMW cameras (30 frames/s). Nevertheless, MMW cameras are unable to give beneficial data of the complete and place of the person functioned. The sensor fusion concepts with the help of MMW and IR, or MMW and EO cameras are mentioned to improve the procedure values of passive MMW cameras.


Image for Conclead Weapon Detection is concluded that the explosives are managed in a few locations such as sensitive buildings, airports, popular constructions etc. The aim of the electronics communication engineering project is the future arrangement of identification of concealed weapons and automatic detection. It is a scientifically dispute that needs creative solutions in sensor sciences and image method.

Download Image for Conclead Weapon Detection ECE Final Year Project

Image Retrieval Using Segmentation ECE Project

The original method for image recovery is portrayed in this Image Retrieval Using Segmentation project. The main concept of the modern method is that the component portions of the pictures are utilized to recover the images in the digital media. The image is retrieved with the help of the portions which is different in the local characteristics of the image and utilized to recover the image in spite of using typical world characters.

 In this novel algorithm, the provided image is divided into dominant constituents and the characters of these constituents are taken for doing the recovery. The characters are utilized to measure the interval among the elements to compare with the process. Depending on the element, every image is graded in regards to the query element. The benefit of this method is, for particular image retrieval, the candidate is able to choose the query portion to do the retrieval and hence it is able to fulfill the various requirements from distinct users.

Based on integral development on the Internet, we should have the productive storage, cataloging, and retrieval method for pictures. In a database, the images are indexed with the help of annotation. Content based image retrieval (CBIR) is the algorithm to retrieve the images which is same to particular query image by making use of the image content. Several characters like shape, color, and texture shows the image content.


It is concluded that there are several methods and algorithms to retrieve the image. Nevertheless, these methods depend on the global characters of the images. Automated segmentation is the most important and powerful concept to retrieve the image since the user is able to confine the search area by choosing the entity in an image.

Download Image Retrieval Using Segmentation ECE Project Abstract & Documentation.

FM Based Campus Communication System ECE Project

The main aim of the FM Based Campus Communication System Final Year Main project is to establish a proper communication between required and predetermined points with negligible and high noise immunity. This Engineering Final Year Student Project consists of two sections FM transmitter and FM receiver. Transmitter are tuned to exact frequencies as desired individual transmitter will transmit at particular range of frequency’s, which can be varied by varying capacitance in each transmitter frequency are selected above 103 MHZ so that there is no interference with city standard fm transmitter radio. Tuning of receiver can be done to vary frequency of reception that is by varying gang capacitance. This FM Based Campus Communication System mainly useful in all Engineering Colleges & Universities to communicate each other.

Mobile Switching Device Using DTMF

DTMF is a method of representing digits with tone frequencies, in order to transmit then over an analog communications network. Here DTMF can be used to control electronics appliances remotely using our mobile handset or fixed landline .In this circuit main components are dtmf decoder, demultiplexer and relay driver circuit. Its typical applications are security system and control almost every electronics devices from anywhere in the world by using mobile communication network. This Mobile Switching Device Using DTMF Project was done in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

IR-2110 based squarewave inverter by using 555 Timer

Description of IR-2110 based squarewave inverter by using 555 Timer: An inverter is a device which converts dc voltage to output ac voltage at required voltage and frequency.The output ac voltage frequency can be fixed or varied .The variable frequency output voltage have several applications in conveyor,machine tool testing.This convertion can be done by controlled power on and power off devices like MOSFET and IGBTs.

IR-2110 is a high speed,high voltage power MOSFET and IGBT driver. This inverter converts the dc voltage into ac output voltage of squarewave pulses by using two jk flif flofs.

Dc signal is given to the 555 Timer,it produces squarewave pulses.these squarewave pulses are given to the two JK flif flofs,the two pulses are converted into four signals and are given to the IR-2110.From the inverter the signals are given to the four IGBTs,then the signal is converted to ac signal of required voltage and frequency.

PLC Controlled In D1 Charging Conveyor For Blast Furnace In Vizag Steel Plant

Project Title: PLC Controlled In D1 Charging Conveyor For Blast Furnace In Vizag Steel Plant

Language of Implementation: A programmable logic controller (PLC)

Project Description:                       

              The main aim of the PLC Controlled In D1 Charging Conveyor For Blast Furnace In Vizag Steel Plant is to the braking flaps are located in cooling bed of 120 meters length is divided into two parts 60 meters each. One part covers the first half of the cooling bed and other part covers the remaining half. Each part has an number of individual flaps of about one meter length , and 200mm width, connected to the lengthy shaft covering one half of the cooling bed area. Each shaft is driven by a 52KW separately excited DC motor. These motors are in turn controlled by the drive control system (Drive 1 & Drive 2).                    

Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination in Distributed Environment

Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination in Distributed Environment Project Document contains:
  1. Introduction of the project
  2. Project Literature Survey
  3. Analysis Phase and Design Phase
  4. Implementation & coding of the project
  5. Testing phase  and Debugging phase
  6. Conclusion of the project

Software requirements:

Operating System Used: Windows 2000 / XP, Linux Fedora Core 4.

Programming Languages/Software Used: Java Run time Environment, Java Development Kit 1.6.0

Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination in Distributed EnvironmentHardware requirements:

Architecture: Pentium-4 PC

Hard Disk: 20 GB hard-disk


Equipment: Keyboard, Mouse Not-Applicable

Download Robust Spanning Tree Topology for Data Collection and Dissemination in Distributed Environment Project

Enhanced Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks


 Once the destination file and the destination is selected now its time to select the file which is to be transmitted.

  1. Once the open button is clicked, a file dialog box is displayed to select the file which is to be transmitted.
  2. Now the selected file is displayed.
  3. Finally the “TRANSFER” button is clicked.
  4. We can view the path i.e., through which nodes the data is being transmitted.
  5. We can notice that there is no packet loss in the entire data transmission.


  1. Here we can view the simulation of how the nodes are routed in a network.
  2. The sender have to select the destination node in order to transfer the data.
  3. In this simulation the error node (the node where the void problem occurs) is also selected.

Here we can view the Packet Arrival Rate, Average delay and Path efficiency

Enhanced Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks Software Requirements:

Operating System       : Windows XP/Vista.

Front End                    : Asp .Net 2.0.

Programming Language       : Visual C# .Net

Hardware Requirements:

System Architecture        : Pentium P IV

Hard Disk Size                    : 80 GB.

Ram Size                               : 512 MB.

Download Enhanced Greedy Routing with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks Project

Stores Management System Project

The ‘Stores Management System’ is targeted to automate the almost all of the processes mentioned above to reduce the clerical labor of the staff working in Stores both technical and as well as Accounts departments using the software Industry’s latest technologies and cost effective tools there by providing the better control to the management by avoiding manual errors etc.., 

In this project modules under study are Material Issues module, Reports module.requisitions and Inter stores issues i.e. material issues to other stores based on inter store requisitions. For these two operations, we have to issue the gate passes for both types of operations. 

Stores Management System ProjectConclusion:

We have been given the problem of automating the material of stores in APCPDCL

(Andhra Pradesh Central Power Distribution Company Limited) at APTRANSCO. Earlier the materials of stores have only been automated. In our project “STORES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ” we have automated the stores of the central power distribution company limited. 

In Issues module, we have tracked the information regarding the issues of the receipts for the material that have been stored in the stores of the central power distribution company limited at CPDCL. This information can be easily made available to all the stores throughout the AP through intranet/ Internet. 

As a result of this automation, manual workload is reduced and data retrieval becomes easy. This project can be helpful for centralization of information regarding the stores of APCPDCL at APTRANSCO.

Hardware requirements


Processor                                   :                  Pentium IV

Speed                               :                  1.7 GHz

Memory Capacity            :                  1 GB

Hard Disk Capacity                  :                  80 GB

Monitor Make                           :                  HP


Processor                                   :                  Pentium IV

Speed                               :                  1.7 GHz

Memory Capacity            :                  256 MB

Hard Disk Capacity                  :                  20 GB

Monitor Make                           :                  HP

Software Requirements

Operating System                     :         Windows 2000 Professional

Web Server                               :         Apache Tomcat Web Server

Database                                             :         Postgresql

EnterpriseApplication              :         J2EE, JBOSS

Implementation Architecture     :         MVE,

                                                           3 Tier using Servlets, JSP

Scripting Languages                  :         Java Script

Programming Language            :       Java

download  Stores Management System Project Report.

Control of Grid Connected PV Cell Distributed Generation Systems

Control of Grid Connected PV Cell Distributed Generation Systems Abstract: Energy is essential to everyone’s life no matter when and where they are. This is especially true in this new century, where people keep pursuing higher quality of life. Among different types of energy, electric energy is one of the most important that people need every day. At present the majority of the world electricity is generated by Fossil fuels (including coal, oil, and natural gas), Nuclear power and Hydro power. The problems/concerns in generating the electrical energy by using the above conventional energy technologies are:

  • Conventional energy sources are not renewable
  • Conventional generation technologies are not environmental friendly
  • The cost of using Fossil and Nuclear fuels will go higher and higher
  • Hydro power sources are not enough and the sites are normally away from load centers.
  • Political and social concerns on safety are pushing nuclear power away

Due to the above problems/concerns regarding conventional energy technologies, the       renewable/alternative energy sources will play important role in electricity generation. The term “alternative energy” is referred to the energy produced in an environmentally friendly way. And, sooner or later, today’s alternative will become tomorrow’s main sources of electricity. Renewable energies are nearly unlimited energy sources. One of the renewable energy is solar energy, which can be the main alternative energy source in power generation. There are normally two ways to generate electricity from the sun light: through photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal systems. Based on the above problems this project aims at the following objectives

  1. 1.      To develop a MATLAB/SIMULINK based model of Photovoltaic cells (PV Cells)
  2. 2.      To study the characteristics of Voltage –Current characteristics and Voltage –Power characteristics of PV cells under different cell temperature and Irradiance.
  3. 3.      To track the Maximum power point of the PV cells in all circumstances.
  4. 4.      To develop a MATLAB/SIMULINK based model for DC-DC boost converter
  5. 5.      To develop a SIMULINK based model for Inverters connected to the Grid.