Project Report On Protection Of Low-Voltage Dc Micro-Grids

In this Project Report On Protection Of Low-Voltage Dc Micro-Grids, a low-voltage (LV) DC microgrid protection system design is proposed. The LV DC microgrid is used to interconnect distributed resources and sensitive electronic loads. When designing an LV DC microgrid protection system, knowledge from existing DC power systems can be used. However, in most cases, these systems use grid-connected rectifiers with current-limiting capability during DC faults. In contrast, an LV DC microgrid must be connected to an AC grid through converters with bidirectional power flow and, therefore, a different protection-system design is needed. In this report, the operating principles and technical data of LV DC protection devices, both available and in the research stage, are presented. Furthermore, different fault-detection and grounding methods are discussed. The influence of the selected protection devices and grounding method on an LV DC microgrid is studied through simulations. The results show that it is possible to use available devices to protect such a system. Problems may arise with high-impedance ground faults which can be difficult to detect.

An LV dc microgrid is well suited for naturally demarcated power systems, for example, office buildings with sensitive computer loads or rural power systems, but also electric vehicles and ships. Since ac distribution is widespread and not all sources and loads. Benefit from having a connection to dc,it is reasonable to consider a mixed ac/dc microgrid. A mixed ac/dc microgrid can typically be used in systems up to a few megawatts, and the issue regarding how to interconnect different sources, loads, and energy storage with the ac grid has earlier been treated.

Project Report On Protection Of Low-Voltage Dc Micro-Grids Conclusion:

In this report, control and protection of LV dc microgrids have been presented. An LV dc microgrid can be preferable to an ac microgrid, where most of the sources are interconnected through a power-electronic interface and most loads are sensitive electronic equipment.

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Project Report On Gas Plant

This Project Report On Gas Plant named as Gas Plant has been presented by National Thermal Power Corporation (N.T.P.C). The report starts with the introduction and complete description of N.T.P.C.  The project includes a development of the gas field, and constructions of the natural gas pipeline and a gas processing plant.  National Capital Power Station (NCPS) Or NTPC Dadri ,is the power project to meet the power demand of National capital region. It has a huge coal fired thermal power plant and a gas fired plant and has a small township located in Uttar Pradesh, India for its employees

As per the layout of the gas plant, the plant layout has been prepared in keeping with the plot configuration, area contours, requirement of the plant water system and power evacuation route. In this plant unlike coal as in the thermal plant gas is used as the fuel. Sometimes gas and HSD mixture is also used as the fuel for igniting the gas as the fuel pressured with high temperature is used the ambient air is first filtered and is then brought to the compressors where the temp and pressure of the air rises.

The maintenance of this plant is carried out as per the maintenance management system of NTPC. This system aims at maximizing the availability of generating units while ensuring minimum maintenance cost, safety of plant and personnel.

The report is also discussed about the pollution control measures, which includes, water pollution, air pollution and pollution monitoring. An environmental laboratory is established at site for regular monitoring of pollution parameters. A full fledge meteorological station has been setup in the   site to record meteorological parameters. The monitoring is conducted as per the requirement of pollution control board.

Project Report On Gas Plant Conclusion:

NTPC Dadri is a unique power plant of NTPC group which has both thermal plant and gas plant of 840 MW and 817 MW respectively. With this project will give a way to learn complete details about NTPC and gas plant.

Download Electrical and Electronics Engineering EEE Final Year Project Report On Gas Plant.

Project Report On Power Limiter

This Project Report On Power Limiter describes the design a power limit. Electricity is a major source of power in this world, but together with his application, is an important part of this waste and theft. Power companies have a variety of problems in the conservation of energy. We recognized the problem and work on it.

MCB are very common for people with electrical switching device ON / OFF with the electric charges. But the load is switched on automatically, day or night, switching occurs with respect to the required time is required; the changeover takes place with respect to load and requires that all automatically and continuously. An attempt is made, such a system that would automatically do before turning design. Such a system would eliminate job security operations operator to load ON / OFF switches are in different time intervals, etc, hence a system was designed which can perform all above mentioned jobs automatically and called as Power Limiter.

Features of power limiter: Output power is limited to set watt. Any attempt to raw more power results in flickering of lights.  Anywhere it can be mounted on the electrical line on the electric post. Helps average billing. Reduce manpower utilization. Eliminate doubts of wrong billing. This is feasible through power limiter of 200w/300w/400w etc up to 2000w and rating can be increased according to the requirement of consumer. It can be made cheaper than ENERGY METER in large-scale production. Avoid power thefts. Provides SURGE PROTECTION to the load, which is not possible through energy meter. Helps to limit farmers to draw power up to 5 to 10 BHP as per the permission granted.

 Project Report On Power Limiter Conclusion:

The device has much application like preventing the power thefts in hostels, rented house etc. This can be used for average billing to the customers. It is not required to go inside the houses. A team of 2-3 inspection engineers can check 100-200 connections every day. Since these single point connections would deliver power in night only it would provide 500 to 550 M Watt excess power in day time, which would give more finance to an electricity board.

Download Project Report On Power Limiter.

PIC Based Intelligent Tracking System Using Solar Power

This PIC Based Intelligent Tracking System Using Solar Power report gives details the development of an Automatic Solar Radiation Tracker. the uses of alternative sources such as solar energy are becoming more wide spread. To make solar energy more viable, efficiency of solar array systems must be maximized. A feasible approach to maximizing the efficiency of solar array systems is sun tracking. Proposed in this report is a system that controls the movement of a solar array so that it is constantly aligned towards the direction of the sun. The solar tracker designed and constructed.

An embedded system is a special computer system designed for a specific function. Unlike a general-purpose computer, such as a PC, an embedded system performs one or a few pre-defined tasks, usually with very specific requirements. Embedded system is fast-growing technology companies in various fields such as industrial automation, household appliances, automotive, aviation, etc. uses embedded technology to a PC or a controller to the specified task to be done and carried out the programming on the assembler programming, embedded C. Radiated solar electricity (also known as solar energy) of solar radiation used by our sun. Solar energy, renewable energy source is used in many traditional technologies for centuries and is widely used in other food sources are available, such as in remote locations and in space. Solar energy is used by a variety of applications. They are heat (hot water to heat buildings, cook), electricity (PV-engines, thermal), transportation (car solar), sea water desalination plant photosynthesis, etc.


In this project offers a reliable and affordable method of aligning a solar module with the sun in order to maximize its energy output. Automatic Sun Tracking System is a hybrid hardware/software prototype designed around Programmable Intelligent Computer (PIC), which automatically provides best alignment of solar panel with the sun, to get maximum output electricity.

Download PIC Based Intelligent Tracking System Using Solar Power Electrical and Electronics Engineering EEE Final Year Project Report.

Project Report On Pc Based College Premises Position Locator

The Project Report On Pc Based College Premises Position Locator described here shows the applicability of a position locator in the college premises. The aim of the project is to identify the location of a teacher/student who carries an RFID (Radio frequency controlled identification transmitter). The receiver used here is an again an Rf receiver which can be kept in multiple areas  and spreading all around the premises of the college like library, ground, canteen, building, reception etc. Thus when you have to identify the presence of a particular teacher, just enter his/her password (transmitter code) and check his presence on computer.

The software supports the hardware interface, and also with him at the time / date, etc. are displayed on the display. So we can clear the position of teachers, where they currently are, that under which the recipient area are available, they are given the current position of the teacher. The project uses a relay driver card interface with the PC via the parallel port of the PC to connect, deliver to the display. Therefore offers this interface is the most important indicator of the positions of teachers, where they exist.

 Project Report On Pc Based College Premises Position Locator Conclusion:

The project will be helpful in many fronts and in many administrative areas. The system helps you find and identify the point person at each position in an organization is required. The project helped in understanding deeply the concepts of the RF transmitter and receiver. The project uses relay control board through the PC interface is produced. The PC interface with the system has also helped us gain the knowledge of every device connected to the PC via the PC parallel port. Through the use of PC-based system, it is clearly visible to the user, at which time a person is. Thus, the project is very useful if implemented in educational institutions and in many areas.

Download Project Report On Pc Based College Premises Position Locator.

Project Report Naval Technological Innovations

The Project Report Naval Technological Innovations is about Naval Technological Innovations of the Second World War.  The Second World War marked the birth of modern technological warfare; innovations for well-trained scientists and engineers trumps raw power of well-trained and disciplined troops.  Among the most vital of these innovations were those spearheading the advancement of submarine technology in the critical quest for control of the sub-Atlantic:  discoveries in very low frequency (VLF) transmission allowed for submarine to submarine, shore to submerged submarine and submerged submarine to shore communication; novel high frequency direction finding (HF / DF) and ultrasonic / radio detection methods provided accelerated, accurate spatial localizing of submarines; and significant revelations in shipboard battery power management greatly increased the maximum time duration for which submarines could remain submerged.  This report supplies a brief history of naval technology, a description of each of these important advances in the war of the sub-Atlantic and, introduces some aspects of modern day naval communication systems.

The first part of the 20th Century, with important technological advances laced naval base in several areas, including the induction of on-board radio communication systems invention and the progression of the vacuum tube radio equipment and implementation of the receiver aircraft. Each of these three is important developments in shipbuilding technology boom during the Second World War.

 Project Report Naval Technological Innovations Conclusion:

Naval electronics today, like any electronics applications, have benefited and flourished from the semiconductor boom of the 1960’s.  The availability of transistor circuits has created an enormous surge in naval electronics including the following areas: radio communications, digital transmissions, satellite networks, low-error encoders and decoders, filters, amplifiers, and sky wave transmissions.  The technology, methods, and equipment used today are vastly superior to their counterparts from World War II in effectiveness, power, cost, and efficiency.  However, it was those critical technological advances during World War II that paved the way for today’s naval electronics to prosper.

Download Project Report Naval Technological Innovations.

Project Report On Nano Solar Energy

The objective of this Project Report On Nano Solar Energy is to cover latest and emerging technologies, in the field of solar energy. What is the need for the renewable energy? What is the role of the solar energy in renewable energy sources? At the present time, solar power is not a competitive fuel for supplying electricity to the grid. Nano-technology and its application have captured the worldwide market.

The nano-materials, which are developing using this technology, can be incorporated into the devices so that solar energy can be converted or generated more effectively. Nano-materials have the potential to change the way we generate, deliver and use energy.  From solar power to super capacitors, nanoscience and technology have the potential to help solve a number of pressing energy problems. It is natural to ask whether nanotechnology could help here or, more selfishly, whether the nanoscience research community could benefit from this kind of spending.

In today’s economy is a reliable, efficient, environmentally friendly, abundant energy demand challenge. Our most important business needs in terms of energy from the transport, residential and commercial sector. We are heavily dependent on non-renewable energy sources for our energy needs. Not only are these resources over time are used up, they are also the main source of pollution, the other topics before the economy. For the adoption of the challenges it took to using the new technology in reducing the problems and also helps to improve our economy.

 Project Report On Nano Solar Energy Conclusion:

The conclusion obtained from the report is that we should increase the use of renewable sources of energy and decrease the use of non-renewable resources. The production of solar energy, from the available sunlight, and its usage is more clean, safe and efficient. They are commercially available and are being utilized. The new upcoming technologies in renewable resources are very promising but a lot more research and infrastructure is required before it can be adapted.

Download Project Report On Nano Solar Energy.

Modeling and Analysis of SVPWM Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer

In this Modeling and Analysis of SVPWM Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer report the modeling and analysis of Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) using PSCAD/EMTDC software will be presented in details. The simulation includes full modeling of the SVPWM technique used to control the DVR inverter. A test power system composed of three phase voltage source, sag generator, DVR and three phase resistive load is used to demonstrate restoration capability of the DVR. The simulation results of the presented DVR proved excellent voltage sag mitigation to protect sensitive loads.

Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is one of the most important mitigation equipment for voltage sag in both medium voltage and distribution levels. Base on the idea of using DC storage and voltage source converter (VSC) to inject series voltage for sag mitigation. Recent improvements in fast switching power devices have led to an increased interest in VSC with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques. Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) technique is widely adopted due to its simple and effective digital implementation. The theory of SVPWM with several modes of operation is presented in this report. SVPWM technique introduces reduced commutation losses, lower harmonics and better utilization of the DC voltage compared to other PWM techniques. The restoration capability of the DVR is one of the most with most important issues to evaluate a DVR. Different sag levels will be applied to the simulated system to test the restoration capability of the DVR.

 Modeling and Analysis of SVPWM Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer Conclusion:

In this report a detailed model describing the operation of dynamic voltage restorer was built in PSCAD/EMTDC environment. The simulation model facilitates analyzing the performance of DVR during different operating conditions. The DVR effectiveness in voltage sags compensation up to the designed sag level makes it an interesting power quality device compared to other custom power devices. The results of the PSCAD/EMTDC simulation also verify the presented control algorithm based on SVPWM technique to generate the necessary switching pulses for the DVR inverter in order to generate the proper injected voltage for voltage sag mitigating.

Download Modeling and Analysis of SVPWM Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer.

Microcontroller Based Power Monitoring For 600kva Battery Back Up

The Microcontroller Based Power Monitoring For 600kva Battery Back Up report proposes an innovative design to develop a system based on micro controller that is used for monitoring the voltage, current and temperature of a distribution transformer in a substation and to protect the system from the rise in mentioned parameters. Providing the protection to the distribution transformer can be accomplished by shutting down the entire unit with the aid of the Radio frequency Communication.

The network control technology based on microcontroller is an electronic device for continuous monitoring of energy use parameters such as voltage, current, frequency, etc. in different parts of electric current or other electronic devices. The entire system is controlled by the microcontroller (80C31) and real-time monitoring of multiple parameters. So the name of real-time control of high capacity (400kVA-600kVA) BACK UP BATTERY SYSTEM. This system is an 8-channel unit, 8 analog inputs and analog multiplexer consists of an A / D converter, ROM, RAM, etc. The different channel buffers are characterized by simple switch operation selected accepted. UPS-channels and alarms are in the microcontroller and control process parameters.

 Microcontroller Based Power Monitoring For 600kva Battery Back Up Conclusion:

This report presented a design of a system based on microcontroller that is used to monitor and control the voltage, current and temperature of a distribution transformer. The proposed system which has been designed to monitor the transformer’s essential parameters continuously monitors the parameters throughout its operation. If the microcontroller recognizes any increase in the level of voltage, current or temperature values the unit has been made shutdown in order to prevent it from further damages. The system not only controls the distribution transformer in the substation by shutting it down, but also displays the values throughout the process for user’s reference. This claims that the proposed design of the system makes the distribution transformer more robust against some key power quality issues which makes the voltage, current or temperature to peak. Hence the distribution is made more secure, reliable and efficient by means of the proposed system.

Download Microcontroller Based Power Monitoring For 600kva Battery Back Up.

Project Report On Wireless Equipment Control AT89C51

This Project Report On  Wireless Equipment Control AT89C51 explains comprehensively about microcontroller implementation as automatic electric/electronic devices by wireless technology in making electrical power saving.

The microcontroller that can be accessed by using wireless technology can be used as a more economical and efficient controller for electrical power saving nationally. Wireless technology is wireless communication network which is micro wave network or electromagnetic wave as the transmission media.

The 8-bit AT89C51 microcontroller is the main controlling part of the transmitter section. It is connected to the LCD module, input switches and encoder IC (HT12E). The device control program is stored in the memory of the microcontroller to control the devices as per the time out settings done through input switches S1 through S4.

A two-line, 16 character LCD module shows the status of the main program that is running inside the microcontroller. The HT12E is an 18 pin DIP package encoder IC that encodes 4-bit data and sends it to the TRX -434 RF transmitter modules.

The TRX -434 RF transmitter module uses a digital modulation technique called ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) or on-off keying. In this technique, whenever logic ‘1’ is to be sent, it is modulated with carrier signal (434 MHz). This modulated signal is then transmitted through the antenna.

Project Report On  Wireless Equipment Control AT89C51 Conclusion:

1. IC AT89C51 give only command to turn off and on electrical devices

2. Equipment control driver use IC AT89C51 that only wait command from user. It makes easer process of change in amount of equipment controlled.

3. Load controlled by the device is load with standard power, because when load use great power then its driver relay should be replaced according to load capacity that will be controlled. The easier use can be seen in data sheet.

4. Use of IC microcontroller with different serial number will not affect the working of the device

Download Project Report On  Wireless Equipment Control AT89C51.