Wireless Live Human Detection Robot Project

A Wireless Live Human Detection Robot Project is autonomous self controlled electro mechanical device witches can perform intelligent actions in real time applications. And these can work with or without the presence of humans and can operate at the places that man cannot even enter.

The only thing is it follows the human activities, in this project human detection robot we use a human sensor for object sensing mechanism. With increasing high speed technologies in robotics had paved a path for new robotic control techniques and evolution of new strategies. Using these we can implement new high performance faster robots control devices.

Human Detection Robot Components Explanation:

This project consists of infra red sensors used to sense the human bodies and these sensors are controlled by the low power and high performance AT89S52 micro controller, the motor movements are monitored by the micro controller based on the signals from the sensors and the relay signals.

Here we a rectifying unit having a step down transformer, full bridge rectifier, voltage controller for converting 230v ac to 5v dc regulated supply, and an helical gear motor which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is used for the robot movements, and an electromagnetic relay facilitates the controlling operations  for the micro controller.

Download Wireless Live Human Detection Robot Project Report 

These systems had advanced passive infra red sensors for sensing robot motions, the mechanical design and the working phenomenon is clearly explained in project Report with circuit diagram and block diagram.

Electrodynamics Project on Induction Based Wireless Power Transmission

In Electrodynamics Project on Induction Based Wireless Power Transmission Project we presented a new revolutionary concept of power transfer based on wireless technology, in this we transmit power from one place to other by means of micro waves rather than transmission lines.

Electrodynamics Project

Project Over view:

This is an era of wireless communications revolution we implemented the next generation power transmission system which is also known as micro wave power transmission system or wireless power transmission system, this concept had raised with intent to reduce the losses in transmission and distribution of electricity.

Here in this particular project we transmit energy from one circuit to other by an electromagnetic coupling known as electromagnetic induction. The electromagnetic induction principle states that the change in magnetic field in the primary coil can induce current in the secondary coil, with this method we can transmit or receive energy up to certain distances, Transformer, electrical brush are the examples for the inductive coupling.

The various wireless technologies like inductive coupling and air ionization techniques with comparison of modern laser based power transmission techniques.

Electrodynamics Project System Advantages:

The systems are advantageous because these are comfortable, less risk, shock proof, more environmental friendly, and these are operated at 1 MHz which is a safe limit for humans. But these are transmitted over consisted distances so for far field transfer we implement laser techniques that are discussed in later sections.

As far as applications these systems can be applicable in consumer electronic devices, industrial, robotic applications, direct power transmission for underground systems, power supply for industrial transportation, automatic wireless charging commercial electrical vehicles, security and safety applications.

Download Electrodynamics Project on Induction Based Wireless Power Transmission Project Report

Useful Links:

Electro Dynamic Project Report on Suspension Electro Magnetic Suspension

Wireless Power Transmission PPT

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Industrial Robotics Project

Industrial Robotics Project presents an brief idea about the applications of robots in industries, the term robotics is defined as the science and technology which deals with design, construction, operation, and implementation of the robots, and the industrial robots are nothing but the robots which are used for industrial applications, these are the electro mechanical programmable machines that can do works in preventing hazardous conditions.

Industrial Robotics Project

These are highly accurate and consistent, multi functional machines; these devices are interfaced with the computers for monitoring.

Industrial Robotics Abstract:

The main objective of this paper is to place an automated industrial robot in the place of humans in hazardous conditions where man cannot able work. The successful operation of the robots is totally dependent on the programming and the technology used in this programming, so functional programming is an interior function for every robot, recent days robots are controlled by micro computers are highly automated mechanical manipulators.

In industrial automation we control the mechanism of the equipment through a computer based electronic network, but here the robotics involved in programmable automation strategies which had abilities like humans and often termed as anthropomorphic, these robots are programmed to move and performing operations like picking tools and placing them in right position, and doing manual operations so this conditional program is sequentially implemented by the control system within the robot.

List of Content in Project Report:

In this paper we had presented information regarding selection of a robot, elements of robots and their classification, physical configurations, robotic movements, sensors, robotic grippers. A testimonial is presented in this paper and desired controlling parameters were obtained.

Download Industrial Robotics Project Report

Development of color sensor using wireless camera based on MATLAB image processing

The main aim of this Development of color sensor using wireless camera based on MATLAB image  processing project is to develop a color sensor using a camera that can be implemented using MATLAB based Image Processing. Color is the most common feature to distinguish between objects, sorting and recognizing. This technology can be used in Packaging industries where the objects moving through a conveyor belt have to get separated. This system provides such an automatic detecting of specific colored object which presented in front of video camera. The video will be transmitted to the PC. At PC section, this can be seen on PC and further processed through MATLAB. It detects the RGB values of an object that is present in front of Camera.

The video from the camera is transmitted to PC with MATLAB.   The detecting system of object has many advantages such as advanced performance, high reliability, etc. The detection unit reaches the maximum threshold level, this project can be further extended in many ways like can take the photos, displaying pictures, reading and projecting of the data on walls with help of  projector. 

The objectives of the project include: 

  1. Detecting object color by using image processing.
  2. Image processing through PC with MATLAB.
  3. RGB image processing. 

The major building blocks of this project are:

  1. PC with MATLAB
  2. AV transmitter and receiver. 

Software’s used: 

  1. MATLAB. 

Block diagram:


color sensor using wireless camera

TV Remote Controlled PC and Devices with Password protection

The main aim of this project is to control the computer system using TV remote in a secure way (password enabled). This system also controls the electrical devices connected to the same system. Instead of using mouse, one can use the TV remote from certain distance. This remote can perform all the functions that mouse carries like, Left-click, Right-click and movement of the cursor etc. This facilitates user to open or close any documents, control music system, Google application control etc. User can also use Internet service using on-screen keyboard application which is default with windows.

This system makes use of electromechanical switch called Relay to which the appliance to be controlled is connected. This switch is interfaced to the Microcontroller. The Microcontroller controls this switch according to the input it gets from the IR receiver.

This system consists of an IR receiver that receives the Infrared signals from the TV remote. These signals are fed as input to Microcontroller which processes them and the commands specific to PC operation are sent to the application running inside the computer. The communication between the microcontroller and PC is done by the use of Serial RS232 communication. By using this we can operate any software in computer system like windows media player, browser and etc… To achieve this task, the Microcontroller is programmed with intelligent software written using Embedded C language.

The objectives of the project include: 

  1. Wireless PC control.
  2. Control electrical appliances with TV remote.
  3. Secure way of PC control.
  4. Password enabled control.

This project focuses on the following advancements: 

  1. IR technology.
  2. Mouse control using software.
  3. Conversion of AC supply to DC supply.
  4. Microcontroller and serial port interface.
  5. Embedded C programming.
  6. PCB design.
  7. High voltage devices operation using microcontroller.

The major building blocks of this project are: 

  1. Regulated Power Supply.
  2. IR Receiver.
  3. Micro Controller
  4. Crystal oscillator.
  5. Reset.
  6. MAX 232.
  7. LED Indicators
  8. Electromagnetic Relay with driver. 

Software’s used: 

  1. PIC-C compiler for Embedded C programming.
  2. PIC kit 2 programmer for dumping code into Micro controller.
  3.  Express SCH for Circuit design.
  4. Proteus for hardware simulation.
  5. PC with application 

Regulated Power Supply:

 TV Remote Controlled PC and Devices Regulated Power Supply

Block diagram:

TV Remote Controlled PC and Devices with Block Diagram

Automatic Room Lamp Abstract

Automatic Room Lamp


First, let us understand why to use Automatic room Lamp? Now-a-days we are going through lots of advertisments of saving electric energy. With the help of Automatic room Lamp we can save and reuse energy. Find the simple block diagram of Automatic room Lamp.


The above block diagram of Automatic room Lamp used to disables the room lamp at day time and enables at night night time. Light Dependant resister(LDR) is the key element of Automatic room Lamp.


We need to fix LDR Circuit near to the window/door of home where it can receive maximum sunlight.At day time if we open the door, the resistance of LDR Circuit reduces and leads the transister to remain in cut-off state. So the relay doesnot energize enough,and lamp remains off.
At night time, the resistance of LDR Circuit becomes high and its makes the transistor from cut off state to conducting state. The relay becomes energize and makes lamp to switch on.

We need power supply too operate the following operation.



This is block diagram of basic power supply circuit. Transformer is used to step up or step down the input voltage. The bridge circuit is used to convert the alernating current to a pulsating direct current. Since pulsating dc is not desirable, we used filter to convert it to more desirable dc. Regulator is used to maaintain the output of the power supply at a constant level.

Benefits :

Operated only at +5V(d.c)

No use of man power

Used in:

  • Houses
  • Educational Institutions
  • Medical halls
  • Shopping Malls

Download Hospital Management System Using Smart Card Project

Hospital Management System Using  Smart Card  is like minicomputer process to run with programming. Smart card system is very secured process to start and access the data in the chip and works as secure data exchange. This smart card data technology is a privacy protection mechanism in handling the personal health information and sensitive information of patients.

Hospital Management System Using Smart Card
Hospital Management System Using Smart Card Project Abstract

It is not an interface to provide display, so smart card readers are used to read the data from smart card only. The operating system of smart card is having two sections.

First card is based on disk-drive and second card is operating system. Smart card has 1k of memory space to maintain the database for patient name, photograph, medical records, and recent treatment and for test reports etc., to help this system patients get their treatment quickly by their doctors.

Emergency room is allocated for emergency patients by using this smart card system. Smart card system has fingerprint facility for entering to access. This is very secured process. Many hospitals does not have smart card technology so they have many problems, paper work is very heavy for that hospital management. So this smart card avoids the usage of paper work.

Better scope of solutions:

Now a day’s wastage of human resources is causing many problems in the world. In the hospitals the patients waste their time for consulting the doctor in the waiting period. Sometimes patients did not get proper treatment in the correct time. So we need computerized system for staff in the hospital management to maintain patient’s medical information details. Currently health records are maintained in paper files that are not an easy process to access for medical staff management.

Hospital Management Using System Smart Features:

  1. Better patient identification: smart card has good security processing in the verifying patient identification details it creates digital signature. So no one can hack the smart card details.
  2. Administrative efficiencies: it creates good communication by admitting the patient with the up-to-date information of patient with smart card so there is no time wasting.
  3. Better medical records: using smart it is efficient and accurate process to maintain patient medical records.
  4. Quality of care: it gives quality of caring.
  5. Reduces health cost: it reduces health care cost.

And etc., 

Download Hospital Management System Using Smart Card Project Report.

I2C Protocol Implementation with RTC and EEPROM ECE Mini Project

Project Title:

I2C Protocol Implementation with RTC and EEPROM


I2C is the protocol or serial bus that is used in the EEPROM memory to host the interface devices. They are generally used in the embedded devices that have time clocks and they are based on the real time systems. It can be connected with many devices with just two wires. The master devices used initiated the control to I2C and clock is transferred to slave devices. I2C support the speed of 100 Kbits/s. with the help of we can connect up to 256 slave device to the master with just the same two wires.

Project Requirements:

RTC is used in the portable systems for such as smart card reading and logging data that is used to keep the track of the day and time. This coding can be done in the C languages. To install this code on the device we need to have AVR studio simulator and ISP that will convert the C code in the HEX file. We use EEPROM for the memory.

I2C Protocl Implementation Project Block Diagram:

I2C Protocol Implementation block diagram


EEPROM is the nonvolatile memory that is generally used for storing digital data. Once the data is stored it will be permanent and it doesn’t need any power supply to maintain the record. The data entered can erase electrically and then we can add new data. They are simple and small and they easily get fits in to the small chips.

They are used for making real time clock based systems like DS1307ic. We will need ATmega 8535 microcontroller that will manage the whole work on the system, 20×4 LCD panels that will be the display of the system, EEPROM that will be the memory of the device, interface that will be provided by DS1307 hardware module and at last GUI for writing C code.

GSM Based Home Security System Project B.tech ECE Idea

Project Title:

GSM Based Home Security System Project

Introduction to GSM Based Home Security System Project:

When we talk about the security the one thing come in mind that whether our home is secure or not. It is must to secure our home first then look at other things. Our home has always important documents, money and other precious things, that need to be protected from the intruders or thieves.  We also need to protect the home from fire and gas leak as they can also destroy our home.  We can use security device at our home that will warn us from any harm by alarm or sending SMS to cell. We can use 8051 micro controller or 89s52.

GSM Based Home Security System Project Block Diagram:

GSM Based Home Security System Project B.tech ECE Idea

They are low power chips. They are high performance chips with 8 bit and they is flash memory for storing data.This flash memory allows them reprogram when required. Flash are made up of monolithic chips as they are highly flexible and loss cost. They consist of 32 I/O lines, timers, pointers, oscillators, and clocks etc.

For this microprocessor we use the software called Kiel u- version. This provides tools for the development of the software of the 8051. With the help of this we can generate embedded applications. They use the protocol command named as AT command. They receive the message comes from the phone, then decode the SMS, authenticate the number. Then use their ports to control the specific appliances and after the operation send the feedback to the users for the confirmation.AT command sets are used for the GSM service to connect the device with the mobile phones.

Functions: they have internal RAM and ROM.  Input output ports for programming, timers and counters, 8 bit status words. They contain two 16 bit timers with 4 banks of registers. The RAM used has the memory of 128 bytes. 80 bits are assigned for the general purpose of data memory.

Base Paper For Projects 2010 Data Mining

List of  base paper for projects 2010 data mining:

b.tech final year students can find base papers for projects 2010 on data mining and related information like project reports, source code and base papers with ppt from this site. Final year students can use this information as reference for there final year projects.

submit base paper for projects 2010 data mining to us.

Links to download base paper for projects 2010 data mining: 

  1. Efficient class oriented evaluation of multiclass performance models project source code
  2. Active learning methods for interactive image retrieval project
  3. Hardware enhanced association rule mining with hashing and pipelining project
  4. Watermarking Relational Databases Using Optimization Based Techniques project

download more related base paper for projects 2010 data mining.