CSE Seminar Report on Optical Ethernet

Introduction to Seminar Topic on Optical Network Architecture:

LAN forms basis for all fields like commercial, can be research and even data communication. But a present application asks for higher bandwidth so that huge data is sent. Ethernet which is a cost-effective technology is being used for all local area networks.

For high speed a transmission medium called coaxial cable is used along with repeaters. And using transceivers around 250 machines can be attached via transceivers. So that maximum speed can be obtained. Optical Ethernet is a technology which helps Ethernet to extend LAN into MANS AND WANS. Where the usage of Ethernet LAN is mostly in enterprise applications where as optical Ethernet is providing service I.e. it is responsible for delivery of data on time to different users based on their requirement.

. The data is sent via frames. An Ethernet frame consists of the fields with minimum packet size and maximum packet size, both source and destinations address, and also a protocol-type field. And the address fields needs to be globally unique.

 The advantages of optical Ethernet includes, less cost i.e. Ethernet cost is less when compared to current SONET technology used these days. Ethernet is simple technology. Ethernet supports IP :traffic as IP and Ethernet together and Optical Ethernet supports all types of applications it can be either voice applications or data applications.

In this paper we have discussed as cost effective approach in present day situations which are aiming at higher bandwidth for sending huge data i.e. implementation of Ethernet.  We have also discussed in detail about Ethernet and how it works and also the security implementation. And when it is compared with present technologies we have concluded that it Ethernet performs well in all cases.

Download  CSE Seminar Report on Optical Ethernet.

Optical Computing Documentation

Introduction to Optical Computing Seminar Topic:

The paper is about optical computer. Usage of electric current can cause damage to the hardware due to the heat generated in systems. And when processing speed increases an extra heat is generated causing the hardware to damage. It is not the case with the light; therefore a powerful system can be developed.

A usage of optical computer is capable of performing a lakh times faster when compared to other existing models. The performance is high in the optical system as it supports operations to run parallel. The speed of electric current is very less when compared to the speed of light.

Optical computing provides a new approach for designing processors and other components. The approach of sending data electrically along tiny wires is replaced with new technology silicon photonics when data is transmitted using laser light.

The computers have a great impact on today’s life. The main objective of this project is improving the speed of the computer. In addition people are looking for solutions for their problem, with high speed and better performance. Unfortunately there is some physical problem with implementation of VLSI technology to meet modern requirements. 

Optical interconnections and optical integrated circuits create a solution to these limitations in terms of computational speed and complexity. In the optical computer with electronic circuits and wires can be replaced by fibres so that the system can be more efficient in terms of cost or performance. 

We can conclude that the usage of light instead of electric current can increase the performance and it will not cause any damage to hardware or system parts and at the same time applications can be run parallel. Hence we can suggest that optical computer has lot many advantages over traditional system.

Download  Optical Computing Documentation.

CSE Seminar Report on Symbian Operating System

Introduction to  Seminar Topic on Symbian Operating System :

Symbian OS is an open operating system popularly used in advanced smart phones from handset providers. It provides features like contacts, messaging, and mailing system and also extends its services to enterprise information system.

Symbian OS which is the current name of operating system was previously known as ‘EPOC’.  The name of EPOC still exists in class/file names and also in documentation of earlier. EPOC is still used to refer kernel. Symbian OS is based on three rules firstly it focusses on integrity and security of user data; secondly it focusses on user time that it should not be wasted and finally as efficient utilization of resources.

The key feature of Symbian OS is performance: i.e. the applications of this o.s demands to work at even low battery and even with minimal memory. And other factor is multitasking: i.e. it allows the tasks to access parallel so that performance increases.it supports object oriented approach. Also these applications provide security and data can be stored in secure manner.

Symbian OS is not open source software. The phone manufacturers are provided with parts of source code. The APIs are documented publicly so that its implementation can be done by the users. To provide access to certain fields the developer needs to sign to the application. The developer has a capability of signing into their own application.

The Symbian OS is based on basic language of c++ and the OS is based on microkernel architecture with several layers designed from top to bottom.

In this paper we have introduced a new OS named Symbian, which is mostly used in advanced phones and its features.  And a detail level of Symbian is explained.

Download  CSE Seminar Report on Symbian Operating System.

Optical Computers Paper Presentation

Introduction to  Optical Computers Paper Presentation:

The paper is about optical computer. An optical computer is a computer which makes use of photons of visible light or infrared than using electric current for performing computations. Usage of electric current can cause damage to the hardware due to the heat generated in systems. And when processing speed increases an extra heat is generated causing the hardware to damage. It is not the case with the light; therefore a powerful processing system can be developed.

A usage of optical computer is capable of performing a lakh times faster when compared to other existing models. The performance is high in the optical system as it supports operations to run parallel. The speed of electric current is very less when compared to the speed of light.

Optical computing provides a new approach for designing processors and other components. The approach of sending data electrically along tiny wires is replaced with new technology silicon photonics when data is transmitted using laser light.

The computers have a great impact on today’s life. The main objective of this project is improving the speed of the computer. A technology very large scale integration with small device dimensions and has greater complexity. In addition people are looking for solutions for their problem, with high speed and better performance. Unfortunately there is some physical problem with implementation of VLSI technology to meet modern requirements. 

Optical interconnections and optical integrated circuits create a solution to these limitations in terms of computational speed and complexity. In the optical computer with electronic circuits and wires can be replaced by fibres so that the system can be more efficient in terms of cost or performance.

Download  Optical Computers Paper Presentation .

ECE Latest Seminar Topic on Optical Camouflage

Introduction to Seminar Topic on Optical Camouflage:

The computers have a great impact on today’s life. The main objective of this project is improving the speed of the computer. A technology very large scale integration with small device dimensions and has greater complexity. In addition people are looking for solutions for their problem, with high speed and better performance. Unfortunately there is some physical problem with implementation of VLSI technology to meet modern requirements. 

Optical interconnections and optical integrated circuits solves these limitations in terms of speed and complexity. In the optical computer with electronic circuits and wires can be replaced by fibres so that the system can be more efficient in terms of cost or performance. 

There is some limitation for the usage of optical computers in the present situation of commercial computers; it can be the software requirements because the implementation of the software used is much complex and the other problem includes the cost of components and devices used in this technology. And implementation of fabrication technology is not applicable for optical computers.  

The future work of optical computers involves photonic laser transistors which process at high speed than electronic circuits and the costs associated with photonic transistors has fewer costs and makes the optical computer available in future. 

The future dream of data rates is from terra to exa bytes per second using optical computers. This is one of the future aims all needs to achieve. 

In this paper we have discussed about the limitations of  present system and given brief description about optical system which can solve all the limitations and in detail explanation of optical systems is given.

Download  ECE Latest Seminar Topic on Optical Camouflage.

CSE Seminar Report on OPENMOSIX

Introduction to Seminar Topic on OPENMOSIX:

Open Mosix is used for single system image clustering. The main goal is to improve performance, with effective time for running both sequential and parallel applications. It was originally from MOSIX. And allows automatic work distribution between the nodes.  It is particularly used for applications which are running parallel. It allows nodes to move from process to process depending on the requirement.

When we have more resources like computers there could be some situation where one system is idle and other system works.  The main idea of clustering is spreading of load between the systems for sharing of resources equally.

Clustering is responsible for equal distribution of work within the multiple systems in solving problems related to computation. The computation problems can be any complex or miscellaneous problems.  Clustering provides faster solution. It is also responsible to provide recovery in case of failure. When nodes are running in parallel and if one node fails then clustering is responsible for re running the failed node.

The two types of clusters based on Linux are Beowulf cluster and Single System Image (SSI) cluster. The mostly used Beowulf cluster consists of multiple systems connected to one other with high speed LAN. Whereas in single system image cluster the whole cluster like a single machine with many CPU’s and huge Ram.

The Open Mosix balances the load between the nodes and the nodes can drop or can be joined without affecting the service.  The load is distributed between nodes based on connection and speed of CPU. We can conclude that Open Mosix can increase performance by balancing the nodes between processes. The main idea behind OpenMosix is clustering, single system.

Download  CSE Seminar Report on OPENMOSIX. 

Online Library System Assignment

The paper is about automation of present library management system i.e. implementing online library management system. The paper focuses both user for providing search facility and librarian for managing library system. The reports has information regarding online library system its implementation and also the limitations of the system along with future recommendations.

The main aim of the project is to develop an application which is multi-user and also the application should provide access facility depending on the user. If the user is ordinary then normal search facility should be provided with the help of staff. And for the librarian should have access to manage the library system providing access like adding, deleting and updating items in library.

An access to the application of system requires the person for logging in with authorized credentials, else the user is not allowed for accessing further and the page is directed to login page. In this way security is achieved depending on the roles. The application has one database for storing details regarding the books. The tables used in the database are staff and user table for storing staff and user details, book table to store book information, issue table for storing status of books and much more.

The limitations of the system is updating of the system is difficult i.e. we will not be able to add new user or change the details in database , the password management is not application controlled needs to be changed from database prospective and the application is simple but not advanced and does not provide security up to the mark.

The requirement what we have given in proposal is not fulfilled in the  project as due to some limitations like time limit and some requirements are not in scope of project.

Download  Online Library System Assignment .

Project Report on Online Voting System

This paper is about Online Voting System i.e. automation of present voting system which is done manually. According to this system, people who are citizens of India and age greater than 18 years can directly vote online instead of going to polling booths. For the process of automation, a database is used to store the details of voters regarding their names, ages and addresses and is maintained by election commission of India.

The main objective of the proposed system is to increase the voting percentage and even to improve the security of voting system with valid votes.

In this process of online voting, a person needs to fill the registration form to register. The details filled in the form are checked with details loaded in the database, if the match is found then username and password will be given to user to utilize his voting else if the fields of registration and database are not matched then transaction is discarded.

The application of online voting system is a web application designed with frontend technology PHP and the data base used to store details are My SQL. The users in this project include voters and even administrators for handling system. The main goal of the proposed system is accuracy in the voting system, reduce the work pressure of maintaining details manually, to improve performance and also to maintain security.

We can conclude that through the online voting system the voting percentage increases and even the cost and maintenance are controlled. But at the same time voters need to be educated so that the present system can be utilized properly else complexity arises. And security should be implemented properly.

Download  Project Report on Online Voting System .

ODAM An Optimized Distributed Association Rule Mining Algorithm Project Abstract

With the advent of World Wide Web, automated tools have become necessary for users to find the required information and also for analysing usage patterns.

Association rule mining is a data mining technique which was used previously; later ODAM algorithm was proposed which is a distributed algorithm for geographically distributed data which has reduced communication costs. Recently Distributed association rule mining was developed for distributed data bases but it does not work in case of high-order association rules between textual documents.

In the existing systems data mining algorithms can be classified as Association algorithm, classification and clustering algorithm. Wherein classification is division of dataset into mutually exclusive groups where the members are close to each other and groups are far from other groups and the distance is measured by specific variables you predict.

Where clustering means division of dataset into mutually exclusive groups where the members are close to each other and groups are far from other groups and the distance is measured by all variables.

In the proposed system ODAM provides better performance when compared to other algorithms by focussing on both communication and synchronization. The paper is about mining techniques used in order to meet the present situations. It gives various techniques of mining and introduces Association rule mining as mining technique. And in detail description was given and also its features and also its advantages when compared to other techniques is discussed and concluded that ODAM has better performance when compared to other algorithms.

Software Requirements include

                          Operating System – Windows XP/2000 

                           Language used – J2sdk1.4.0, JCreator

    Hardware Requirements include

       Processor                                      :                       Intel Processor IV

       RAM                                            :                       128 MB

       Hard disk                                     :                       20 GB.

Download  ODAM An Optimized Distributed Association Rule Mining Algorithm Project Abstract.

VB Project Report on Hotel Reservation System Project

Introduction to VB Project on Hotel Reservation System:

This paper is about automation of hotel reservation of PALAZZO DE LAOAG HOTEL, LAOAG CITY. The study of Analysis was conducted to study the existing system in the hotel.

The researcher was responsible for conducting the study through the transitional flow in the reservation hotel noticed that the existing system is manual approach. The manger and the front desk personnel are involved as front liners in business. 

To study the organizational structure of the company and also to implement proposed online system, various stages firstly the researcher selects from various system proposals wherein proposed system is online hotel reservation secondly the researcher seeks a permission from manager of hotel via a letter for conducting study.

Thirdly the system requirements are collected via forms, documents, interviews. And actual interview will be conducted with concerned person and even more information is collected from library regarding the existing systems and gain more knowledge about the system regarding the hardware and software. 

This study is limited to this particular hotel of reservation and also the limitation is payment is not done online. For the implementation of this proposed system, data was collected from various sources and then data was analyzed based on requirement. 

Once the data is collected, hardware and software equipment’s will be chosen and the programming will be written based on requirements of client. And this application is used to validate data and even to trap errors and maintain security.

Based on the study of research the researcher has concluded that the proposed system performs well when compared to the existing system of performing manually. 

The hardware requirements:  Pentium IV 2GHz, Intel board Slot A, 128 MM SDRAM, 8.4 Hard disk

Software requirements: ASP (Active Server Pages) using VBScript

Download  VB Project Report on Hotel Reservation System Project.

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