This paper is about Online Voting System i.e. automation of present voting system which is done manually. According to this system, people who are citizens of India and age greater than 18 years can directly vote online instead of going to polling booths. For the process of automation, a database is used to store the details of voters regarding their names, ages and addresses and is maintained by election commission of India.
The main objective of the proposed system is to increase the voting percentage and even to improve the security of voting system with valid votes.
In this process of online voting, a person needs to fill the registration form to register. The details filled in the form are checked with details loaded in the database, if the match is found then username and password will be given to user to utilize his voting else if the fields of registration and database are not matched then transaction is discarded.
The application of online voting system is a web application designed with frontend technology PHP and the data base used to store details are My SQL. The users in this project include voters and even administrators for handling system. The main goal of the proposed system is accuracy in the voting system, reduce the work pressure of maintaining details manually, to improve performance and also to maintain security.
We can conclude that through the online voting system the voting percentage increases and even the cost and maintenance are controlled. But at the same time voters need to be educated so that the present system can be utilized properly else complexity arises. And security should be implemented properly.
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