College Fest HTML Project Report


In India, the celebration of culture fest is an annual cultural event organized by a group of students and participants from other universities that accompany the university or university. Professional artists are usually invited and many competitions are held for students. Although some universities claim public acceptance, the celebration is sponsored by sponsors.

Problem Definition

The event is organized by almost all universities, but all work is done by hand. The proper event is then asked whether the student will process or not and then all the information is stored manually in the file. Most colleges have web pages that are specific to the event they are hosting, but this site works to provide information about some of the events that will take place at this university to inform other students.

Students also do not have a good search platform to start again
There is no Android application or event management or corporate web application to set up automatic records and also show participants all events that can be registered and online that can be scheduled


The proposed system will produce:
– The communication gap between teachers and student coordinators has been reduced.
-Teachers can see all the events and can participate according to their interests.
– Any changes in the schedule are easily reported to all student coordinators and participants in the event.
-Remember daily to participants about the event.

Download College Fest HTML Project Report

Easy Market Android App Project Report

Presently handheld devices such as smartphones are using very huge. In short, we are using them to easy to solve our work. One application that falls into this category is Easy Market developed for Android phones. This application will help salespersons in managing the various types of Records such as client details, supplier details, product list and help to easily sell the product. The salesperson recording the details of the clients, suppliers, profit on paper is a time-consuming process. Also difficult to retrieve the previous records of clients, suppliers, product details.

This Easy Market Android App will solve the problem. The user can add a new product into the list by name, price or delete any product from the list which is not available in the market. It allowed changing the price of the product not affect the price registered in the catalogue of products. It shows how much the quantity of each product present in the inventory. It has an option to filter the products. It allows to record the customer details and show when he last came, what products he bought that day, the total price of the products. It records and shows the supplier details like the name of supplier, last visit, amount. It also displays how much profit he earn that day and how much is initial money at the opening of day and total money at the closing of the day.

The project “Easy Market” is developed with the objective of making the system reliable, easier, fast, and more informative.


  • Easy to maintain data.
  • Less time-consuming.

Easy Market is a mobile application used by the shopkeeper to record and manage the details of their shop like sales money. It is used to easily manage the details of the inventory and sell the product easily.

This application developed in android technology can install in any smartphones devices. This application contains various pages as clients, suppliers, sales, inventory etc. By logging in into the application shopkeeper can go to any page without recording in books.


To develop a product called “Easy Market” which is composed by an application for Mobile Devices and other Web management roles, users and information providers

The perspective of the product

Easy Market in a solution that will allow trade settlements through mobile devices like the Tablet, manage the operation of its business.

Product Functionality

The features that must have the applications are:

For mobile devices

  • Login
  • Client Details
  • Supplier Details
  • Inventory
  • Sales
  • Login Details

Assumptions and Dependencies

It should be developed for Android devices.

Predictable System Evolution

The system must be portable and scalable so that support users increased significantly and can be adapted to any type of establishment e.g. neighbourhood or shop etc.

Nowadays in general shopkeeper who used to record their shop details like client, product selling price, product purchase price, what is the discount on that product on paper and searching in the book. He/she used to search in books whether the client has to pay any amount in past and how much quantity of material still remaining in the shop. He uses a calculator to calculate the total amount of the bill.

Disadvantages of the existing system

  • Time-consuming.
  • Waste of paper.
  • Difficult to search and remember the details.

Proposed system

The proposed system aim is to reduce the difficulty of remembering the details and manage the shop details easily.

Advantages of the proposed system

  • Less time-consuming.
  • No paperwork.
  • No use of Calculator.
  • Reduce human effort.

Specific Requirements

Common Interfaces Requirements

Hardware Interfaces

• Input and output data are stored on the SQL Server 2014 database server.

• Development must support at least version 4.0 of Android.

Functional Requirements

Images of an example of what should be the requirements are attached in the next chapter.


The application will ask for a username and password, previously created in the Database. The system must ensure that the username and password are valid, which otherwise will be left to the user in the login screen.

Client Module

• Enter this module list clients created with the value of the debt.

• You will have an option of creating customers where would deploy the user a screen where it will ask the following information:

Or required fields: name, Aadhar, phone, address, email address and gender.

Or non-obligatory data: the value of the initial debt. By default must be zero.

In the creation of the client should be validated by the number of identification card there is no customer.
• Created client list must have an option to edit customer data, in where it will display a window with the data of the client, allowing you to modify all data except for identification card and the value of the initial debt.
• Allow client search by the following filters: name and identification card.

• Whenever client doesn’t money to pay bill his debt will add to his details.

Supplier Module

• This module you enter providers that are created, data listed are as follows: Nit, the name of the manufacturer or distributor, a balance which is due.

• It will have a choice of provider creating, selecting this option would deploy a window to the user where requests the following information:

or – mandatory data: Nit., name, phone, address, visit (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) this field is multiple selections and frequency of visits (weekly, fortnightly and monthly.

or Optional data: name of contact and contact phone.

• When user unable to pay the total amount to supplier he can save the debt amount in this whenever required.

• The date when supplier last visit also record here.

Inventory Module

• Upon entering this module it lists the products created in the store. The following will show code of the product, the product description, quantity in the inventory, the price of sale and utility value.

• You will have a choice of creating the product. Selecting this option show the user a window where will ask for the following information:

or barcode: mandatory, to enter this field the system must validate if the product exists in the teacher’s products, if any product, you must bring the following information: name, group and line

or name: required field. It is the name of the product

or unit of measure: optional field. This field is for fruit and vegetable products. It allows selecting the type of measurement that will be used for the product (Kg and G) none for soap or others. It is not a mandatory field.

or purchase price: required field. It is the purchase price of the product.

or sale price: required field. It is the selling price of the product.

or quantity: required field. It is the amount that is the product.

or VAT: optional field. It is the value of VAT on the product. To create the product are:

• You will have an option to edit the product. Selecting this option will display the product data and allows to edit the following details: price sale, purchase price, taxes and supplier.

• You will have an option to search for products, search filters are as follows: barcode, name, internal code and provider.

• You will have an option to filter the list of products. The filters that you can arrange Products.

• Upon creating the product user need to arrange the product into his inventory. The first shop does not have any goods or products so the user needs to transfer his data from product module to the inventory module. Upon clicking the inventory module user will able to see his products which are present in his shop but not in the storeroom. He able to sell the items which are present in the inventory because the sales module navigate screen to inventory module only. So he needs to transfer shop products from storeroom to inventory.

• From product module user able to transfer products to inventory by entering the following data


Not-Mandatory:-Unit of Measurement. Or any changes.

• Unit of measurement (UOM) is not mandatory because for bananas and sugar UOM is not the same.

Sales Module

• Allows to associate a client with the sale, the customer can be one registered (should be selected from a drop-down list) or one casual which is by default when this module is loaded.
• Be permitted creating users and payment of debt, as described in the customer module

• The user can register products on sale by either:

Or through a reader of the barcode in which case the screen the product price. Whenever You read the product is adding to the amount of reading product.

Or manually, where the user must have the following filters: name, barcode, code

Internal and the last 4 numbers of the barcode. When you select the product, will add the product on sale.

• Maybe delete some proceeds from the sale. Whenever you add a product on sale system calculate the Subtotal of sale, VAT and total sale.

• Should be allowed to change the quantities and price of a product manually. If the price is modified, this should not affect the price registered in the catalogue of products. However, if it should be recorded in the sales.

• At the end of the sale the user may choose different means of payment which are: Effective: would deploy a window with the total of the sale, a field to enter the value which is paying customer and a calculated field of change where it is calculated: the value paid by the customer, less the total of the sale.

This single payment method may be by customers of the store, for an occasional client does not appear this payment method. When you select this payment method displays a summary of the sale: the total sale, the name of the client and the client’s debt total. The system must add the total of the sale to the client’s debt.

• Discount value reduces the actual price cost.

• At the end of the sale system must subtract the quantities of each product in inventory.

• At the end of the sale system allows printing the invoice, where detailed invoice number, product, price, quantities and the total value of the sale.

• At the end of the sale system allow to modify and update the inventory module.

Login Details

• The time when the user last login details saved details as follows

Username, Date, Time.

Non-Functional Requirements

Performance Requirement

The Proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as a chief performance system in supermarkets. Therefore, it is expected that the database will perform functionally all the requirements specified by the user.

More Informative

The application is more informative because more information is stored in the database than paper stored information.

UML Diagrams:

Use case Diagram for Easy Market:

Class Diagram for Easy Market:

Sequence Diagram for Easy Market:

Activity Diagram for Easy Market:

Output Screens:

  • Login layout
  • Menu list layout
  • Client layout
  • Client Registration layout
  • Supplier layout
  • Supplier Registration
  • Inventory layout
  • Product Details layout
  • Product Registration layout
  • Product Details layout
  • Sales layout
  • Custom Sales layout
  • Saving Sales layout
  • Login Details layout


After the completion of the project, one can clearly say that our developed application will help shopkeepers in many ways to record the details. This is the easy way to record the details manage them. It can use by any persons who have a shop and who does not want to record the details of the shop not on paper to reduce his effort and time-consuming.

Java Project on Travel & Tourism Management System


The Main objective of this Travel & Tourism project is to make the travel easy and comfortable for the users right from finding the routes and buses to till the booking of the tickets. In this project, we have two modules, Admin, and user.

Admin in this Travel & Tourism Management System project will log in with the default username and password and admin has authority to add the bus routes and add the travel and assign the route id’s and bus id’s and finally, the admin will add the buses at particular times in different routes. Admin will also add the different travel agencies while adding buses admin will fix the ticket price and the capacity of seats.

Finally, the user will register and log in and the find the appropriate routes and use the route id he will search the bus by giving all details like date of journey and type of seat etc. After selecting the information user will be headed to select seats in a view the selected seats will be displayed as red and then after successful payment the booking confirmation will be shown.

If the user feels any feedback need to give, he can provide feedback to admin.

Existing System:

In the existing system, the user needs to find the bus routes by visiting the travel desks and enquire the information and the user needs to book the tickets manually and there may be a chance of no availability of tickets. So we Proposed this project this will overcome all difficulties.

Proposed System:

In the proposed system, the user need to just login into the application and can find the routes and booking immediately and complete the booking process for a successful transaction.

Data Flow Diagrams:

Context Level DFD and Level 1 Data Flow Diagram for Administrator, Users

Level 2 Data Flow Diagram for Travels, Routes, Pickup Points, Booking Modules

Use Case Diagram:

Activity Diagram:

ER Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Download Travel & Tourism Management System Java Project Source Code, Project Report Documentation, PPT, UML Diagrams and Output Screens.

A Study on Online Examination System Internship Project Report


The Online Examination System project mainly intends to provide insight into the functionality and behavior of the Online Examination System. This project integrates computer and Internet technologies for the purpose of student assessment. It provides the options of the examinations available on the system according to the user privilege.

Based on the choice of the user, the system provides the questions related to that area. Mostly the questions are in the form of multiple-choice questions, they can also be filling in the blanks, matching, and essay questions. At the end of the questions, the user will be given the option to report or cancel the scores.

When a person enters the online test, a system will ask for a login id and password. If the person is authorized, by simply giving his login id and password he will enter filling the registration field based on the privilege. If the user is new he has to register as a user by filling in the registration details. While filling in the details he has to take care of privilege. If the user is a candidate, he has to take the privilege as “0”, the operator as “1” and admin as “2”. Once these details are filled, the user will be provided with a login id. With this login id, he can enter based on his privilege.

If the user is a candidate, as soon as he submits the login id he enters the area section. There he can select the area depending on which he wants to take the test. As soon as he selects the area he will be ready to take the test.

Depending upon the area selected questions the be displayed with four options and the candidate has to select the correct answer and proceed to the next question till the end of the test. The time is set for the test. The test should be completed within that time period. If he does not complete the test within the given time the test will be lost automatically.

After the test is completed, the candidate has the option to report or cancel his scores. If he wants the hard copy of the score report he can take it.

If the user is an administrator, as soon as he submits the login id he enters into the administration section where he has to handle both operator and candidate functions.

If the user is an operator or administrator, as soon as he submits the login id he enters into the administration section. In this, he can change the information of the candidate, view the candidate result, and status by simply giving the respective login and he can also modify or update questions in any area.

Product goals:

  • The goals of this Online Examination System are:
  • To automate the testing activity. The system will function with centralized control over all the units that are involved in the online test system.
  • Provide data security from unauthorized users.


when the user is an operator or administrator opts for the operator section the process will direct to the above screen. This screen can get the user to user edit, candidate view, current examinees, exam report, and areas report screens on clicking the corresponding link.

The candidate on starting the test comes to this screen; here according to the selected area, the questions are generated automatically from the data basest candidate has to select the correct answer by clicking the radio button corresponding to the question. He can stop the test by clicking the stop button else going to the next question.

The above screen is the start of the test, in which the user should validate his/her login id and password by clicking submit button, after entering their identity. New users can register their information by clicking the register button.

This screen is used when the user is not registered. It is used for registering new users by entering their personal information and then by clicking on the save button.

When a user wants to view candidate details he can get this screen by clicking the link of candidate view in the operator section. This screen gets the information of the status, Name, and login id of the desired candidate.

The current examiner’s screen gets the information of the login id name, status, and date he/she appeared for the test for the specified candidate. On clicking the details the exam report is generated. We can get a copy of the details by clicking the copy.

Based on the privilege of the user, he is directed to the next screen. If he is a candidate the user comes to the above screen. In this, he got to confirm the login id and should select the area where he is intending to take the test. The user can start taking the test by clicking the start button.

This question editor screens enable the user (admin/operator) to create and update the new question in the desired area and specified difficulty level. The user can also create a new question by clicking on the new question button.

This screen is used to display the details of the code and the related areas selected. This screen links the user to questions related to that area. Here the user can also create a new area by clicking the new area button.
This screen is used to create a new area code and name of the area by mentioning them in the specified text boxes and then clicking on the save button.

The candidate on starting the test comes to this screen; here according to the selected area, the questions are generated automatically from the database. The candidate has to select the correct answer by checking the radio button corresponding to the question. On clicking the ok button. The answer he opted for is stored in the data store and the next question is generated. He can stop the test by clicking the stop button. This happens to generate the exam report.

This screen enables the user to answer the numeric ability questions posted to him by clicking on the radio buttons which are given to choose the right answers. The user can also create a new question by clicking on a new question button.

This screen is viewed when the user types either the wrong name or password in the given text box and the button back is used to move back to the login page to re-enter the right login id and password.

The current examinee’s screen gets the information of the login id, name, status, and date he appeared for the test for the specified candidate. . It also tells about the total number of questions and right answers given by the candidate.


The Online Examination System has been successfully completed. The goal of the system is achieved and problems are solved. Final reports are generated as per the specification of the client. The package is developed in a manner that is user-friendly and requires help is provided at different levels.

The Online Examination project can be easily used in the process of decision making.


To modify the Online Examination System project to the .Net platform to take the advantage of geographical remote areas. By shifting the project to the Dot Net platform the project can be made into a Mobile Accessible Application by which the restrictions of the software & hardware requirements can be scaled down, which is not possible using ASP.

we can even apply the unique identity of the user by keeping certain formalities that must be answered by the user while entering the test (like the user need to answer again the questions which he did while registering himself for the test) the questions selected will be in random order from his personal data only (like the mole present on the user, etc …) so that it may confirm that the user itself is writing the test.

we can even use the thumb mark of the users to confirm their identities.

We can even add the photos of the users in this to confirm the user Identity.
Thus by applying these steps we can make sure that the user itself is writing the exam, not the others.

Mobile Phone based Attendance System

Mobile Project Overview:

Mobile Phone based Attendance SystemMobile Phone based Attendance System project is implemented in java platform.In many colleges and schools teachers take attendance manually by each and every student.

They need to take attendance in each and every period in case of private engineering colleges and they have 60-90 students in a single class.

They need to look at each and every student and then mark on the attendance book absent or present. Then they carry the attendance book with them, they also need to keep them safely for future reference.

This takes lots of time in taking in attendance and at last of the year they need to count total attendance and then find the percentage of each and every student.

This is the burden on the professors.  To remove this burden we can develop such application that will take attendance automatically and fast. This application will be based on the different modules like:

List of Modules in this Mobile phone based Attendance System Project:

User: this module is for staff, they need to enter user name and password to enter this page, than only they can take attendance from mobile phones.

Attendance entry:  this module for marking the attendance of the students. They select branch, year and semester of the students. After that they mark to the absentees.

GPRS connectivity: with this function they send attendance list to the server that store the attendance in the database. It selects cell phone through GPRS.

Update database: this module manipulate the attendance list when it receives the signal from the cell phone.

Display: this module is for students, they can check their attendance, they need to select their year, semester and branch.

SMS: this is the best feature of the application; student can get his attendance on his cell phone by just sending an SMS from anywhere. 

Project Title: 

Mobile Phone based Attendance System

Software Requirements: 

This application is develop using J2ME that uses JSP, JDBS for the coding and MySQL for the database.

Hardware Requirements

                  System                      : IBM-Compatible PC

                  Processor                  : Pentium IV

                  Memory                 : 256 MB RAM

                  Hard Disk Drive        : 40 GB

                  Mobile Side               : Any GPRS enabled Mobile.

Library Management System Project Abstract & SRS using Java & MySQL

The main of Library Management application is to keep the book in the proper format with its complete details including Author and the person who is issuing this book. Everything is managed from the database. We need to maintain the book cost and to check whether the books are available on the library or not.

The description of Project Working:

If the book is not available in the library then it should be removed from the database. Students are provided with 2 or 3 cards for the book. They can issue the book for 14 days and after they have to pay the fine per day rupee one. If the student lost the book he has to purchase the same book and submit to the library.

For the staff also they are given 3 cards and they also have same rule as per the students. This whole process in manually, we need to develop the fully automatic library that enables the user to search for the relevant book and they can also who have which book. We need computers in the library so that users can access online books. We need to bar code scanner, so the student just scans the code and the book will be issued.

The computers used in the library must be connected to each other via LAN at the speed of 10MBps. The student needs to enter his rollno and the details of the book. We can also add new feature of membership in the library in the starting of the year, they can become members and they will be issued the number to run this software. After they just need to enter the book number and their roll no and the book will be issued.

Hardware and Software Requirements:

Hardware requirement :

  • OS: Window 7
  • Hard Drive: 40GB
  • RAM: 256 MB

Software requirement :

  • Java language
  • Net beans IDE 7.0.1
  • MS SQL server 2005

IT Project Process Management Java Project Documentation

IT Project Process ManagementIT Project process management is the project that is used to track the various IT projects and scan it and search for the solutions. This is used to monitor the complete project, documents, project source codes, name and other details of the project. This system works on three phase project initiation, Windup stage and regular mode.

The existing project management system that is developed in that user can update it details manually whenever he requires. They need to inform the group leader to make changes in the project or details. These systems have one problem that whole data is stored in MS-Excel, means each and every data is stored manually and they are not safe and each and every calculation is done manually. This consumes lot of time.

We need to develop new application that will be based on the database and they are more, fast, safe and secure than manual operations. It will the task easy, data will be secured so the general can’t manipulate the data. This will be based on the different modules:

Modules in IT Project Process Management Project:

login screen: it is the authentication of the employee with username and password; other user can’t access the system.

Add/update/delete projects: in this you can add your project, with name, your employee number, start and ending date of the project. You can delete the existing project. You can update your documents.

 Status report: you can track the current status of the reports with all the details. It will show all the completed documents, pending documents, with start dates and employee details.

To develop this application we will use JSP that is the part of the Java. We will MY SQL as the database and tomcat server that is used to run our application or you can say that it is PC based server.

Intra Communication Software Documentation

Intra Communication Software project application Documentation is designed with the help of the Java. It is used by the professional programmers to making applications using applets and servlets.  They are robust and secure. They provide programming features like object, encapsulation, abstraction, multi-threading, inheritance, polymorphism etc. they use servlet that is its own java server or you can say that it is the part of the java server. It helps in creating online applications. They provide GUI environment that makes the development of the application more attractive.

Modules in Intra Communication Software:

Admin module: it used for the control of the all the operations, give permission, or remove permissions. We can add any user or remove any user. We can send any messages to the users. We can access the data of the application.

User module: this is developed for the users who can do operations to his profile or create chat rooms, do conferencing with the other users. He can add other user to his profile and talk to them and check whether they are online or not.

Conference module: this module is used by the administrator to develop the chat rooms and they can check the chat rooms which are currently available.

Reports module: this module gather all the data from different modules and present the report on that. This module can be accessed by the administrator only.

Intra Communication System Activity Diagram:

Intra Communication Software Activity diagram

To develop this application we will use Java Scripts, html for coding and the coding can be done in the My Eclipse IDE. To run this Intra Communication application we need tomcat server in our system. To manage whole data of the application we need to use Oracle database, this will keep whole data safe and well managed. Our system must have at least RAM of 256MB to run all these software’s.

Contents in Intra Communication Software Documentation:

  • Abstract
  • ER Diagrams
  • UML Diagrams
  • Database design
  • Class Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram

Internet Banking System Project

Internet Banking SystemInternet Banking System Project is the application that used for dealing bank work by seating at home, or telephone banking. In this we access all the information about the bank that a bank computer can have. In case of telephone banking you can give appropriate instruction to the bank to handle your account on telephone.To access these feature you must be registered then only you will have your username and password.

If you don’t have username and password you can access your account. These online features are available 24 hours. You can check your balance, last transaction, print statements, purchase anything and pay directly from your account with the help of credit card. Now you don’t need to look for working hours of the bank and go the bank.

With this facility user don’t need to go outside the home and he can transfer the money from one account to other account. They are very helpful for the business man who doesn’t have time to go to the bank.

Internet Banking System Project Requirements:

This application can be developed in the JAVA servlets JSP. It is based on the J2EE standard. They are nice programming languages based on the object oriented and they are extremely platform independent. You can develop GUI environment in Net Beans IDE of JAVA. This can be installed in many operating system line MAC OS, Linux etc.

We have to use tom cat server for running our application. Tomcat is the offline computer based server that is used to test the application. To manage the account details properly we have to use SQL database. It is the application that is used to store the data, they are very secure. You can insert data, view data, delete data, select data, or even you can calculate the data in the database.

IIT Project on Intelligent Railway System with Full Report

Intelligent Railway System Project is used to manage trains tickets and provide them to the users. It has many things that should be kept in the mind. This application is based on the online and they are connecting with the servers all the time and they have large databases at the server’s side which cannot be access directly.

They are completely developed in the java as they provide features like object oriented. This system can be accessed by the admin only. Database is managed according to the city and stations. Every train has its own details like name, source station, destination station, time and days. It also provides feature to the administrator that he can add new trains, cities to the database. Everything is managed with the GUI interface. Students can also refer to Intelligent Train Project Documentation

Intelligent Railway System Database Design:

Intelligent Railway System Project

Database Design for train

Intelligent Railway System Project Modules Description:

Administrator can modify or delete existing stations. The database must be updated every time and automatically as the train timing are not fixed. For this special tool is designed that will update automatically with the help of internet portal. All the station that are added to the database must be connected to each other see that whether to that station can be reached directly or not.

This Intelligent Railway application also provides user query room. This panel will handle the client query about the trains. They need to enter the train name or train number, after that they have complete information about the train with arrival time and reaching time, fare price to particular station, stoppages.

Next panel is to decide the route which user want, check whether direct trains are available or not, or he need to change trains to reach the destinations. User can set his preference what station he wants to go and also decide the trains that have least stoppage time.

Also Refer: Intelligent Railway Information System Project