Industrial Training Report on Complaint Management System

Introduction to Complaint Management System Project:

There is a lot of problem but if e needs to know the total problem and its solution then we have to know about the existing system.

If we know this after that we can give a proposed system. So basis of three points we can prevent the problem.

  1. Existing System
  2. Needs of the System
  3. Proposal System

 1.      Existing System:

There is different kind of software which is used for access the data. This software is developed for a phone company by which the company stored the data for company purpose.

When this software is developed ever customer can handle this without facing any kind of problem. Company stored the full data main customer complaints by three steps.

In this paper it is described the technique of storing data.

Firstly, when a new client comes to the organization they stored the full personal details of the client. As for Example client name, address, code etc.

 Secondly, product ID, number, full details of the product is stored in the database. They stored each of the product specification.

Lastly, they take the customer complaints and give a CCR number that is Customer Complaints Number. Each CCR number describe the full complains of customer.

This type of storing data is easily handled by anyone very easily.

 Proposed System:

I designed a package by which we can store any type of data very easily. But in this system some effort is necessary.

Previously all the work is done by manually, for that reason this work become complex and very time consuming.

There is a chance of duplicity but using this packages no chance of duplicity because as it is computerized when a duplicate file data we will provide it shows some errors.

I have done this package with the GUI concept. And this will be very user friendly also.

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Combinatorial Approach for Preventing SQL Injection Attacks Java Project Report

Introduction to Combinatorial Approach for Preventing SQL Injection Attacks Java Project:

  Today SQL injection is the main issue of web application.  Internet crime & hackers are gradually increased and much type attack happens more and more.

SQL Injection is a kind of attack by which web hackers attacks the main database and hamper the system. This paper describes some of the problem of SQL Injection attacks and gives the solution of this issue.

Many types of software are developed for internet access, and for this kind of software many papers and components are displayed to the public. Web application is become easier to the ordinary people. For this software hacking is easier to the hacker.

This paper is strictly giving the information how to prevent this kind of SQL Injection attacks. By positive tainting and syntax-aware evaluation it can be done.

There is an existing system for preventing this kind of attacks but it is too weak. It checked only some untreated data dynamic application and marks them.

It tracks the flow of data at runtime and prevents this data. This paper presents a brand new extremely automatic approach for safeguarding internet applications against SQL injection that has each abstract and sensible blessing over most existing techniques.

From a abstract viewpoint, the approach is predicated on the novel plan of positive tainting and on the conception of syntax-aware analysis.

Web application is become easier to the standard individuals. For this software package hacking is less complicated to the hacker.

This paper is strictly giving the knowledge a way to stop this sort of SQL Injection attacks. By positive tainting and syntax-aware analysis it may be done.

This is the old existing system; by this it can’t totally prevent the attacks. By using three steps we can prevent them completely:

  1. Identification the trusted, unused and instead application
  2. This tracking must be in character level
  3. Syntax-aware evaluation is to be done before sending the documents to the database.

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Internet Protocol Address Filtering Project Report

Introduction to Internet Protocol Address Filtering Project:

With the introduction of ARPANET in the year 1960’s the computer networks have become common and more popular. The United State Department of Defense was the main organisation behind the introduction of ARPANET.

Nuclear attack can be survived with this kind of network. The best part is that the origin of this network can even function when the nodes are down.

A computer network can be described as the interconnection of various computer systems.

The goals users intend to attain through networking are basically the same irrespective of the network size (that is, the number of computer systems involved) or the topology- the mode of connection.

The increasing popularity of computer networks is largely due to the immense benefits accrued from the interconnection of computer systems. Some of these benefits include:

The interconnection of several systems develops a computer network and the users tend to attain the same through networking irrespective of the size of the network and the mode of connection.

The interconnection computer lines benefit the users so much that it leads a large number of people to use the computer connection.

This research aims several points and the main focus in given on the computer network in case of both client systems and general. For providing security several approaches are surveyed. These approaches have its advantages and disadvantages. 

The objectives of this research are as follows:

In case if anyone tries to manipulate the important files or verify the IP address to ensure the access of the files on the server then this application can alert the administrators.

In order to manage the security in a server application this application provides the best gateway.

As a part of being the computer network the application can explore the security concepts.

To keep a watch over the specified directories over the server

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Asp.Net Project Idea on Image Hiding Using steganography with Project Report

Introduction to Image Hiding Using steganography with Project:

We know that if you want to stop any object from interfering your eyes the you must present it to the perfect person who is looking for it making it innocuous as much as possible.

The choice of music differs from one people to another and thus obviously you will get to see only his favorite types of music on his computer’s storage device.

Sharing and transferring of music is also very common.

You will need to hide the message in such in such a way in the image file so that no great changes take place after the message insertion in the image file.

On the other hand, if the message is encrypted then the security level will automatically increase. Now even if you want to discover the hidden message then you will get to see only the encrypted message that you cannot decrypt in any way.

There is a goal behind every project and similarly here the main object is to embed the information using stenography into a well known media.

In comparison to the media file this text will be much shorter. For e.g.: a relation between the lyrics and a recoded song.

Usually the song lyrics in ASCII files are smaller in comparison to the image file recordings. So you can safely embed steganographically the smaller file without hampering the quality into the larger file.

Video data and close capturing information are also another topic of argument. This project focuses on the lyrics to create a karaoke machine, driven steganographically.

Here the lyrics will embed and displayed when the file will run on the screen. Implementation of steganographic algorithm is necessary for encoding data into image files.

It extracts the data and plays it separately. This is an ideal research for extracting song and lyrics.

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Latest Java Project on Data Security Using Honey Pot System with Project Report

Introduction to Data Security Using Honey Pot System Project:

In order to provide a support to the defensive network security posture the recent concept of data security using honeypot system is implemented and it is widely accepted by people.

This project has various features that along with data gathering of the intelligence enable to understand the attacker more profoundly.

It also helps to know about the kind of ammunition’s being used by the attackers well as the results of the unauthorized attacks for the measures of the prosecution. 

The already existing systems need the intrusion signatures as well as brief information about the abnormal and normal activities. Using machine learning techniques it is quite difficult to identify the abnormalities.

These system activity based on general rules and models that can be used by the system to detect intrusions, compromising the system’s reliability. The earlier works of intrusion detections aim at single source generated activities.

It results in various undetected intrusions. In the existing system, an intruder can enter and access the network easily. In order to secure the system, it is important to prevent the entry of the intruder. 

The ticketing authority is the new concept of the proposed plan and according to this plan, the clients will have to get tickets from the ticketing authority to access the network resources.

This method is proposed in order to keep a check on the vulnerable activities. It will keep a check on the unauthenticated clients and will also secure the networking system.

In this method, the back end server will compare the client’s permission and the requested operation, whether it should be allowed or not. If they find any kind of discrepancy between the requests operations and the permission then they will transfer it to the honeypot for filtration.

This new method can protect the system and also prevent unscrupulous activities.

CSE Mini Networking Project on Prevention of Congestion Collapse

Introduction to Networking Project on Prevention of Congestion Collapse:

One of the most important things that is to be kept in mind while dealing with the virtual world is that, every service, protocol and algorithm that is introduced in the internet must essentially scale well. This is usually termed as a scalability argument.

An effect of this scalability argument is that, in order to retain the scalability, the level of complexities in the algorithms must be pushed to the borders, in every possible case. This corollary is known as the end to end argument. 

Thus the presence of a network border patrol is essential in the virtual world, as it looks forward to prevent any sort of congestion collapse and also helps in the promotion of fairness in the virtual world.

This mechanism of the network border patrol has been set up so that the problems of congestion collapse due to packets that remain undelivered and uneven distribution of bandwidth among the traffic can be corrected and dealt with.

What the Network Border Patrol looks forward to do is necessitates a feedback among routers so as to identify and detect and control unresponsive flow of traffic, just at the border of the network.

In this way, once they are detected at the border, they are not able to enter the network and thus will have no scope to cause any congestion. 

There are various modules that this mechanism follows: 

Source module whose job is to send to the Ingress router the packets.

Ingress Router Module which helps to control the rate of flow of every packet entering the network.

Router Module is the one that receives the packet sent by the Ingress router, and then again forwards it to Egress router.

Egress Router Module is one that determines how quickly each packet is leaving the network.

Destination Module receives and ultimately stores the data sent by the Egress router.

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CSE Networking Project Topic on Network Border Patrol with Project Report

The presence of the network border patrol is essential in the virtual world, as it looks forward to prevent any sort of congestion collapse and also helps in the promotion of fairness in the virtual world.

One of the most important things that is to be kept in mind while dealing with the virtual world is that, every service, protocol and algorithm that is introduced in the internet must essentially scale well. This is usually termed as a sociability argument.

An effect of this scalability argument is that, in order to retain the scalability, the level of complexities in the algorithms must be pushed to the borders, in every possible case.

This corollary is known as the end to end argument. 

One of the best examples of this argument is the TCP congestion control that is usually attained by algorithms, which are employed only at the end systems. But this too has limitations, as TCP comes with the cons of the end to end argument.

Because TCP follows the end to end congestion control very rigidly, two of the most common problems that the internet face are congestion collapse due to packets that remain undelivered and uneven distribution of bandwidth among the traffic. 

To elaborate on the first problem, what happens is that congestion collapse occurs because the bandwidth is continuously utilized by those packets that are dropped before hand and hence do not reach their destination.

The main reason for this collapse is the unresponsive flow, that has become so very popular over the internet, especially in the applications that uses both video and audio.

The second problem also rises because of unresponsive flows. The TCP flow, which is an adaptive flow, has the power to react to congestion very fast; they minimize their rate of transmission, hence the distribution of bandwidth ends up being uneven. 

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CSE Project for on Network Administrator Tool with Project Report

Introduction to Network Administrator Tool with Project:

The network administrator tool has been developed in order to provide remote service to all the clients of the administrator that belong to the same network.

This tool has the ability to act as a network administrator to all the clients and can provide services remotely like remote log off, remote shut down, remote chatting, remote file transfer and remote sharing of desktop.

Below are the characteristics, and is expanded on them for everyone to understand. 

Remote Control 

The remote control is made use of for remote operations with the help of an electronic device.

With the help of this characteristic of remote control, operations can be performed remotely, like shutdown and log off from the computers, provided these requests come from the clients.

 Remote File Transfer 

With the help of this feature, files can be transferred from the server to the computer of the client who requests the file. What is done is at first the client sends a request for the file, and then the server recognizes the name of the file.

If the file is present in the server then it will be able to transfer a copy to the client’s computer, else it will display the message – file not found. 

Remote Desktop Sharing 

Making use of the remote desktop sharing, the administrator is given the power to enter the windows desktop, remotely that is located within the network.

What is best about this feature is that can enter the network, without needing a native client. What this feature enables one to do is gain access to the office computer from home and vice-versa. 

Remote Messaging 

This feature makes communication possible, between various hosts, provided they lie within the same LAN.

This allows the users to exchange messages in real time, without any delay. It basically mean passing of data between the users over the network. 

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Network Administration Tool Final Year Project Report

Introduction to Network Administration Tool Project:

Administrators have the most important tasks, and this is why to make their jobs easy, network administrative tool has been introduced, which is a software package.

It is with the help of this tool, the administrator will be able to gain a full control of the software and also oversee the software’s entry to network resources.

Other than this, the tool will also handle various files and will also be able to help during the process of execution and maintain software on the computers of clients.

This network administrative toll will further make things easy by minimizing the provision of direct support to all its network users with the aid of its unique features. 

The unique features of the network administrative tool are as follows: 

  • This feature can be used by the administrator very easily, because of the fact that it is made up with a GUI that is considered very user friendly.
  • This tool can support deployment of software on the computer of the client, remotely.
  • The addition of the client machines to the network can now be done easily and simply, with its help
  • The task performed by the tool on the computer of the client is done silently and quietly
  • The installation or un-installation of this software can be done with ease.
  • This software also aims to minimize the support of the direct user.
  • It also has the ability to control, only from a single console the system operations
  • It has the power to maintain and look after other software installed in the computer
  • Also adding other new features to the tool can be done simply 

The main aim is to try and organize the systems, only from one server, that is centrally located, which is in turn connected to a network, so that it can perform its daily activities.

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CSE Project Idea on Nanosystem Design with Dynamic Collision Detection for Autonomous Nanorobot Motion Control using Neural Networks

Introduction to Nano system Design with Dynamic Collision Detection for Autonomous Nanorobot Motion Control using Neural Networks:

The creators show a revamped methodology utilizing progressed design re-enactments for the situation of nano-get together mechanization and its provision in prescription utilizing group robotics.

The situation under academic work fixes all available attention its principle center on independent control for nano robot crew’s coordination as a suitable course to perform an impressive extend of undertakings and get together control in an intricate nature.

The introduced paper abridges unique angles of certain procedures needed to realize an ahead of the game nano-arranging framework objective for an imposing number of participating independent executors.

The beginning purpose of nanotechnology to attain the essential target of assembling nanoscale frameworks is the growth of independent atomic machine frameworks. The displayed paper portrays the outline and recreation of independent multi-robot groups working at nuclear scales with unique gathering errands.

Crews should chip in with one another to accomplish a gainful effect in amassing bio particles into greater bio atoms. Goes at for nano-arranging frameworks have been put forth as a first step towards computerizing 2D gathering undertakings in nano robotics, and the conceivable utilize of counterfeit consciousness as the proper intends to prepare certain perspectives of clever conduct for the control of nano robots in sub-atomic production computerization has been examined in the nano neighborhood.

Speculative work in sub-atomic assembling has underlined the require for truly minor and exceptionally correct controllers which concurrently have a vast go of movement to empower the errand of collecting sub-atomic parts. 


A multi-robot sub-atomic machine framework may be portrayed as a framework to perform sub-atomic assembling at the nuclear scale, whose constituent substances are fit for of collaborating altogether.

Several fundamental plan methodologies for nano control in the fluid or air domains are: robotic arm, Stewart stage and a five-strut wrench model.

For our analyses we decided on nano-control in a fluid earth, which is overwhelmingly appropriate within the exhibited requisition in nano pharmaceutical.

It was showed that reckoning is moderately affordable for macro scale robotic actuators while arm movement is comparatively inexpensive for nano scale robotic actuators.

Subsequently the instant-by-instant machine control of arm trajectories is the fitting standard for macro scale robots, but not for nano scale robots.

For nano scale robots, the fitting controller control is regularly trajectory trial and failure, moreover regarded as sensor based movement control.

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