Web Technologies Project on Car Pooling Application

A brief walkthrough of the Car Pooling project

This Car Pooling application allows users to:

  • Become a member of the carpooling community (register and login)
  • Join rides
  • Offer rides
  • See the most popular rides taken

Joining A ride

The user searches for:

  • Source (starting point)
  • Destination (drop off point)

On selecting a ride, choose the number of seats (based on availability)

The cost of the ride will be displayed and will ask for verification of booking the ride

Offering the ride

A registered user creates a ride by

  • Selecting the starting point (source)
  • Selecting the endpoint (destination)
  • Entering car model (registration)
  • Enter the number of seats available
  • Cost per kilometer
  • The offered pickup points

 Inclusion of features

  • Webservices using RESTful APIs
  • Ajax Patterns
  • Submission throttling
  • To populate the source and destination of the list being searched
  • Multistage download
  • On loading the home page, the images are downloaded one after the other
  • Comet
  • SSE (server-sent events)
  • To view the topmost rides driven/ joined

Use of framework

  • RESTful API’s
  • Flask micro framework
  • Bootstrap for CSS
  • Mongo DB (for the database)

Intelligent Component

  • Calculate the fare: – ((distance * cost/km) / seats), Distance is calculated using the haversine algorithm
  • haversine algorithm – Takes two points (their latitude and longitude) and used to calculate the distance
  • To select pickup points – K nearest neighbors used
  • The intelligent component is trained using the dataset having rows as Place name, latitude, longitude
  • The model generated is used to predict the nearest neighbors of any given place
  • To decrease calculation time a pre-computed matrix of given places with respect to  distance  from all other points (places) is used

Two such matrices are used:

  • Distance matrix
  • Indexes matrix

Online Medical Shop DBMS Python Mini Project

This project is based and innovated on an Online medical shop, wherein we store all the details about the customers, the stock of the medicines, orders, and payments and also the project will include a page wherein the user will indicate the symptoms and will get a probable disease and the prescribed medicine.

The project is aimed to modernize and support existing small business owners. In the age of technology where online medicine is dominated by e-commerce giants such as 1mg, net meds, etc. We wanted to develop a solution for small business owners as well.

The existing Medicinal systems have the provision for any user to book a request for a particular medicine through e-commerce. And further, the traditional methods to visit the medicinal centers for mere inquiry are time-consuming and monotonous and the non-availability is disappointing.

The data relevant to the processing of the request may or may not be manually stored or be captivated in a file system that is prone to manual errors, inconsistency, redundancy, and difficulty in retrieval. With our system, the availability can be shown so, even if a customer wants a pickup of his/her medicine. they can do so without any problems. Our model also has an integrated web scraper, which is an innovation we have come up with. This scraper can scrape medicines off the net for data warehousing.

This system maintains the storage details of all the customers and medicines that are stored in the shop. The system will keep track of the orders made and the payment details. NoSQL will be used to store future suggestions and customer reviews.

The main part of the project will be a part where the customer will be able to select his/her symptoms and medicine will be referred to them. Along with the expected disease. We also would integrate Web Scraping of all the medicines related to a particular disease entered by the user to store it in our database.

Software Requirements

• Language support required: Python 3.5 or later, HTML5, JS, CSS3
• NoSQL database required: MongoDB
• Relational Database required: MySQL
• Windows 7 or 10 /Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, 64-bit /Linux: RHEL 6/7, 64-bit (almost all libraries also work in Ubuntu)
• Heroku and pip are preferred for deployment and installation of packages (such as Django,asgerif, mongoose, etc) specified in requirements.txt
• A web browser support is needed.

If using the software through deployment, no language support in your machine is required.

Conclusion & Future Enhancement

This project was successfully built and completed. The project is an online medical shop with two categories of users (admin and customer) who can update inventory and place orders respectively. We have also added a web scraper as an innovation to this project. However, there are a lot of changes and addition of functionalities that can be done, which we intend to do after peer and faculty review.

Some of the enhancements are :

  • Listing of products linked with images to generate a more shop-relevant UI
  • Remove some programming language constraints
  • Online Deployment
  • And changes that our faculty and peers suggest.

In the end, we would once again thank our college, examiners, faculty guides, and teachers to help us finish the project within the speculated timeline.

Development of Career Builder HTML & CSS Minor Project

  1. Introduction

There has been a demand for a career builder product, an application that can solve the problem of mock tests, and sample papers for different government and non-government projects.
The current trend of research on ed-Tech startups shows us that there is no specific application that solves this problem Several variants of this application are not focused on this. The current career builder web application project is to study and develop how this exam web and mobile application works so that we can build them in the forthcoming future.

  1. Motivation

Our country has too many government exams and the craze for it is too much but in the ed-tech market in this digital age, there is no stable application by which the aspirants can practice for the exams. In the modern era of 2021, the aspirants have to go to the local market and ask for the books for the preparation and mock exam of that particular government exam. Therefore we felt like there is a need for such a career builder application in the market. This is a pain point for many that we can see around us.

  1. Related work

Before starting this career builder project our team made many different google forms to know the need for this project and if something like this is required in the market or not.
Other than that we had previously observed people go to the local bookstore and ask for sample paper books and wait until it’s available also finding the papers is also tough since too many sites take extra permission and show nonrelevant ads.

  1. Objectives of the work

The objective of this career builder project is to make a well-focused web application (maybe a demo for this time and an upgraded version in the future and a mobile application too) so that the aspirants can find all the sample papers and mock exam papers in one place without suffering through the whole internet and make a business model in the future out of it.

  1. Technical Details

This career builder project is mainly developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON.
We are gonna develop an API to fetch data ( Questions and choices ) from the JSON file and are going to use external APIs for external data too. Some CSS frameworks will also be used for the beauty of the front end. The score of the user’s performance will be calculated and stored using local storage.

career builder Minor project ER Diagram

6. Hardware and Software Requirement Specifications

Write hardware and software requirement specifications.
The hardware required for the project is our team members’ laptops for programming and a WiFi router for remote work since we all are in different cities. Many software are used for communication and development as follows –

  1. Zoom – for planning and discussing the project and connecting virtually through video calls our team used the Zoom application which is also used in the tech industry for the same.
  1. Slack – for communication in the form of texts and images and also for data sharing except for the code we used slack and we could use other applications too but we choose it during a discussion because it is also used in the industry.
  1. Visual Studio Code – for the real work to be done in the programming we used the IDE called visual studio code. The two main reasons to choose this IDE only over the others are

a. We used it before in our college, therefore, we are comfortable with it.
b. It is widely used in the industry.

This software gave us support through its vast extensions some of which are

Live Server (main feature hot reload)
Prettier (format the code in ES6 the industry standard )

  1. Git Bash – for the use of the terminal for the Linux commands since 1 of our teammates uses Linux Operating System (Ubuntu) and it is beneficial to use these commands over windows commands (commands of Windows Power shell, etc ) since again because of industry standards – most of the startups in India provide mac book to their developers, the terminal of which also works on Linux commands and other companies also suggest to use Linux over windows at least for Command Line Interface.
  2. Git Hub – To deploy and share our code, it has many features like making branches and working separately together. To take the snapshot of that particular instant of the code for the future and other features like a staging area, commit, clone, and a remote code sharing system.
  1. Future Scope

The MVP version of the career builder minor project and its corresponding later versions can be used by the aspirants so that instead of finding papers on the whole web they can simply use a single website and study and practice without distractions.

  1. Conclusion

This career builder minor project is made with the idea of having a web application where the aspirants can practice with the sample papers of their particular exam.

Real-Time Map-Based Pollution Monitoring and Data Management System

Title : Real-Time Map-Based Pollution Monitoring And Data Management System

Introduction: For years, pollution has been a major issue faced by mankind and it is increasing by the day. The recent pollution disasters that happened in major cities across the globe have taught us one thing and that is, that it is important to keep an eye on the pollution that is increasing day by day. Many government and global organizations have started to work on it and almost a decade has passed since these programs have been functioning. But, the major issue with these organizations is that they are focused on beating pollution on every front whether it is air pollution or water pollution.

These organizations are more focused on amending laws for pollution control and the monitoring process boils down to analyzing air quality and then making changes in the environmental laws. Also, the issue is that these bodies are controlled by the central or federal government. But, pollution is no longer an issue that can be tackled gradually and conventionally. It needs immediate attention and effective monitoring is required so that the authorities can take necessary measures to solve the pollution problems.

The pollution problem is more persistent in urban metropolitans and metros. But, municipal corporations have very little control over the situation because of a lack of data to act upon. Recent developments in the smart city sector are also encouraging cities to develop monitoring systems. The city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat has implemented digital signboards that show the real-time value of major air pollutants and overall air quality. This data is displayed to the people driving on the road so that they can take necessary precautions to avoid or minimize the health risks due to pollution. But, this kind of Pollution Monitoring project requires a huge amount of funds and is also not feasible everywhere.

So we are building a minimalistic model to tackle the issue of monitoring pollution. Our main goal is to provide real-time data visualization and also provide a database that will store all the data and provide readings of various pollutants. The data will be visualized through the means of a map hence it would be easy to pinpoint the exact location when any kind of action is needed. We will also build a device to capture data and then feed it into a web application that can be used to monitor and visualize the data.

The main aim of this Real-Time Map-Based Pollution Monitoring project is to provide a centralized repository of sensor data and also to create an effective and centralized monitoring system. The low cost and feasibility of the project make it easy to use for both smart cities as well as small towns. Furthermore, this kind of monitoring system will allow for the development of effective countermeasures and control strategies for keeping the pollution problem in check.

Process Flow:

Pollution Monitoring System Process Flow



This Real-Time Map-Based Pollution Monitoring project is aimed at local authorities like the municipal corporation rather than the central government so that immediate action can be taken by them to control the pollution problem.

This Pollution Monitoring project can be briefly divided into three main parts:-

  • Data Collection.
  • Data Monitoring.
  • Data Storage.

1. Data Collection:

Data collection is an important part of this Pollution Monitoring System project. Any kind of monitoring system is functional only because of the data that has been provided to it.

Data collection will be consisting of reading data from sensors. Now, from the research conducted, we have been able to deduce the major kind of data that we need. Looking at the urban pollutants we have observed that the most prominent pollutant is the Particulate Matter (PM) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM).

Hence we have decided to use a DSM501A Particulate Matter and Suspended Particulate Matter Sensor for detecting PM(2.5) or Particulate Matter, which is one of the major pollutants. Also, it leads to various lung and carcinogenic diseases and skin problems.

Particulate Matter concentrations have raised dramatically in the past decades to increase the number of automobiles on urban roads. Hence we have decided that monitoring PM/SPM (Particulate Matter and Suspended Particulate Matter) is going to be one of the main agendas of our monitoring system.

Another major pollutant that has been identified is Carbon Monoxide (CO). Now, CO is not just a single pollutant but, it is also responsible for creating another harmful pollutant i.e Ozone (O3). Ozone is important for blocking UVs from the sun but, at the ground level, the Ozone is a dangerous gas. Carbon Monoxide is specifically dangerous as it affects the hemoglobin if the concentrations exceed 35 ppm (parts-per-million).

From the research we have done, it has been clear that CO is present in spatial quantities but, that means that we need to effectively monitor it to keep its concentrations at safe levels. We will be using an MQ-7 sensor for measuring Carbon Monoxide.

Studies have pointed out that SO2 and NO2 are also major air pollutants and contribute to the degradation of overall air quality. Also, several hydro-carbon compounds are pollutants although not major, affecting the air quality a lot. Hence we have decided to use an MQ-135 sensor to monitor SO2 and NO2 levels as well as the overall air quality.

The sensors will be interfaced on a Raspberry Pi and their data will record using the GPIO library (Python). The data from these sensors will then be directed to the web server and the storage.

2. Data Monitoring:

Data Monitoring is the key component of the system. To monitor the data we have decided to use Google Maps so that the position of our Raspberry Pi Module can be pinpointed and then by using color-coding we can determine the levels of pollution in the vicinity of our Raspberry Pi Module.

All of this will be achieved by creating a web server in Python using the Flask framework and the main desktop app will be a web application written in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. The desktop app will have three options

  1. Map-Based Monitoring
  2. Individual Pollutant Monitoring
  3. Statistics

3. Data Storage:

Data Storage is necessary to reference past data and develop statistics from them. The data will be stored locally on the file system and can be downloaded in the form of excel sheets.


Serial Number




Synopsis and Presentation Submission

15 days


Component Purchasing and Testing

15 Days


Interfacing sensors and writing server script

15 days


Writing Front-End Application

15 days


Integrating Front-End and Back-End services

15 days


  • Raspberry Pi model B
  • SD card and adapter
  • MQ-7 sensor
  • MQ-135
  • DSM501A


Students Solution an E-learning-based platform Project

The project Students Solution is a website that is an E-learning-based platform project and it will help the first-year students of B.Tech (All Branches). In this, we will build a Students Solution site. After creating the Students Solution site, you will be able to take notes for your corresponding subjects which were provided by the developers, and you are also able to practice your basic knowledge with the help of a quiz Which was in this website we also provide some blogs which were helpful to motivate students for deeper knowledge and extracurricular activities.

This technology helps you to provide the best notes on your subject bases and gives extra knowledge along with your course.

It provides a convenient solution to the traditional notes-making system. We follow a modular approach to learning through our website.

About the Project

This Students Solution project aims to make a website for first-year students of our university. This is an e-learning website where first-year students of our university will get ready-made notes. Our website “Students Solution” is to automate the existing manual system with help of ready-made notes, fulfilling first-year students’ requirements so that they can receive a valuable education. This means no need to worry about making handwritten notes. And they can utilize their time up to the maximum. It is a need for time to switch to e-learning.


When we joined the university we faced a lot in our very first year due to a lack of proper subject material and guidance after class. So we are thinking of developing a “Students Solution” website where first-year students of our university will get all the subject notes and materials.

To help the first-year students we are working on this project “Students Solution” so that they can feel free and study well.


The main objectives of creating the Students Solution, We will provide all the notes regarding your subject and quizzes regarding that particular subject which provide you the basic knowledge of that particular subject and we will also give vlogs to fresher’s to motivate themselves for extracurricular activities.

The main objectives are :

  • To provide a quality-based education.
  • To provide ready-made notes.
  • I-Q Test

Implementation Details

Part 1: To build a Backend of the website in which notes are to be attached.
Part 2: Develop a site for quizzes regarding that particular subject.
Part 3: To build the information of developers.
Part 4: Provide vlogs to motivate students for extracurricular activities.


  • We will add video lectures.
  • Live classes would be there.
  • We provide all the material for different disciplines.
  • The test series will be there.
  • Gaming will be there for entertainment.


Software Requirements (Minimum):

  • Windows 10
  • Visual Code Studio
  • Xampp


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP

Development of Electricity Information System BCA Final Year Project

This is the BCA Final Year Project website related to electricity information systems developed with PHP and MySQL databases. In which users can see the problem related to the electricity in a particular area. Users also can complain about electricity-related problems like a complaint about the transformer, electricity problems at home, wire damage and overload of the powerhouse, etc.

Users can also see the information related to the Main powerhouse and its sub powerhouses like can take the information of the Senior Engineer and Junior Engineer of the corresponding powerhouse, can also check the load of the powerhouse and its number of workers.

Users can aware of the latest updates related to electricity and can take advantage of the latest information according to need.

The main purpose of the Electricity Information System website is to connect users directly with the administrator and for complaints related to Electricity.


Location of Electricity– In which can see the place where the problem occurs in electricity.
Duration in rectifying Electricity problem– can update with the electricity rectification timing, and how much time is taken to rectify the electricity problem.
The report related to Electricity– Make a report related to complaints and report related to whole information about powerhouse.
Query related to electricity– The user can query related electricity problems and related JE of the powerhouse and its workers.

Data Flow Diagrams:

Level 0 & 1 DFD below:

Electricity Information System Level 0 & 1 Data Flow Diagram

Level 2 DFD below:

Electricity Information System Level 2 Data Flow Diagram

ER Diagram Below:

ER Diagram of Electricity System


The proposed Electricity Information System project will have its main page and modules as:

  • Login Module.
  • Admin master module.
  • Search module.
  • Validation handler.
  • Report Generation module.
  • Response master module.

Software Requirements:-

WAMP Server
Text Editor: (Sublime, Dreameviewer)
Front-End: HTML, CSS
Back-End: MySQL, PHP

Scope of the Project

Scope of the Electricity Information System project gives Sartnesss to the village, town areas, and also for the powerhouse admin.


  • This Electricity Information System application can be used in power stations so that they can save time, and reduce headaches.
  • Users also can update with the electricity changes.
  • Easy to complain About the electricity situation.
  • Electricity will be live on the network.

Simple Hotel Management System Project Using HTML and CSS

Project Title: Hotel Management System

Introduction: This project is about the hotel management system. There are different types of apps are circulating all around which gives us an idea about the new system of hotel management. The sites like Oyo, trivago, and just dial are the best successful startups in India which define how people are shifting from offline areas to online ones. People now prefer the easy way that always makes their life easy.

In this project, we develop a web page for a hotel management site that includes the type of rooms, login, and signup options for new users who want to join the site for further use. Different types are rooms are categorized under one section of the web page, check-in and checkout options are available we can online book the rooms and after any further query, we can modify or drop our room type or our booking.

And also it includes the address and contact number of the officials and members of the hotel if there is any issue is there for customers can easily contact and resolve their issue.

Nowadays we all know very well that people are shifted to the world of the internet. If any random person goes to some unknown place and needs to take a hotel what he can do in an unknown place? That is why the internet is the best thing around us. Our HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based web application project is to develop a hotel management system.

It consists of hotel booking, Types of rooms, classes of rooms, and different booking sites. How people can contact the manager to get the details or to consult for future booking the Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts are also linked to the homepage.

This website is developed using HTML & to add designs and make it more attractive we used CSS and JavaScript to make it as best as we can. Different photos are included to give customers about the hotel.

This system is used to book hotel rooms and it is also used on OYO and other booking sites. Check-in and Checkout options are included with Signup and log in as an Existing Customer or New Customer options are available.


In our group, three members are present. The preparation of the synopsis for this project is made and the layout for the project is created. The coding part is done by all the members of the group as we manage to create a better layout with different ideas and different views that can create the best of one web page for us.

Contents of the web page:

• Home page
• Room type
• Location
• Contact us
• Address
• Prices and offers
• About us

This web page is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML is used to prepare the main web page for the hotel booking system. CSS is used to make it more attractive and elegant. Customers are always attracted to the attraction we made for them. different types of loading are used for different font styling in it.

Different links are provided on the home page to get into from Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. On this web page, you can select different types of rooms on basis of your requirement as ac, and non-ac rooms are available. Customers can book the rooms online and made online payments and book your room. This site is just like how Oyo and different booking sites work.

Some other web applications for Hotel Management Systems

Hotel Reservation Application Spring MVC Hibernate Project

Spring & Hibernate-based Hotel Room Booking MVC Project Code.

C#.Net Project Synopsis on Hotel Management System


This project is divided into 3 parts:

The first part is named the HM file which deals with the coding of the main home page of hotel booking sites and all the details of the hotel are included in this code.

The second part is named CSS style. This file deals with the programming in CSS which gives the HTML home page styling and helped it to look far more attractive in it. This module gives the looks and makes it attractive for visitors.

The third part is included the different codes for the elegant different font styles. There are 3 different files present here for the fonts. Different images are included here and also a logo is there for the developer.

Student Results Generation through their Mobile Number Project


Results are a very exciting topic among the students and they want to keep those results secret for that purpose we build a Web Application called Student Exam Results Generation System which provides the latest Results with 3 Login Forms. Those are accessed by using the 1st bluemix feature DATABASE. 3 Logins are ADMIN, STAFF, STUDENT.

Admin Module

Admin Login means, he is an authorized person who can add a new student or staff and can upload the latest results and update the marks whenever he wants. He is the person who can update results up to date.

These given credentials are original, you can use these credentials to access this Admin login to check whether the project is working or not.

After logging in, you will have the following access

  • Admin can add a new student
  • Admin can add new staff
  • Admin can also add new admin
  • Admin can edit both staff and student profiles
  • He will upload results up-to-date

Staff Module

Staff Login means, a staff member can update the internal marks of the student and he can edit their profile or behalf of the admin he can also upgrade the marks.

These given credentials are original, you can use these credentials to access this Staff log in to check whether the project is working or not.

After logging in, you can see the following access

  • Faculty can edit his profile
  • He can upload internal marks
  • He can see the results of their students

Student Module

Student Login means, a student can log in to his account and he can see only his marks not others, so it can be kept private for at least 2 days. If the Latest Results are not updated, then he can send a request to the admin, and later he can receive marks to his mobile number which is registered in the student profile. It is done by using the 2nd bluemix feature i.e Twilio Programmable SMS.

These given credentials are original, you can use these credentials to access this student login to check whether the project is working or not.

After logging in, you can Access following

  • Student can see their results
  • Students can request results, when they are updated, they will get results on their mobile number.
  • The student can edit his profile

With this project, we can get results instantly Without any connection problems and these results will get through a mobile number.

  • In the above Information, all Given Credentials are the Original ones.
  • Since this is an Authorized site we have already provided all details in the database.
  • So, use those credentials to check the Project.

Here College is an Organization so there is no Registration Procedure. To test the Application we can use the following Credentials.

Online College Complaints Suggestions and Compliances PHP Project

“Online Complaints, Suggestions, and Compliances” is a website and through this project, we have learned to design webpages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. It has enabled us to have a deeper understanding of how frameworks help in the development of websites.

Thus, in this College Complaints Suggestions and Compliances project, we have acquired a lot of knowledge about various technologies in web development. We have explored many new concepts on the web, such as JavaScript and AJAX.

Solving these problems must be quick and transparent. Often, Students shy away from writing complaints and suggestions into the box, as students are afraid of peer views of their actions.

Problem Statement:

A College Complaints Suggestions and Compliances Web Application to allow students to raise complaints and suggestions transparently without exposing their identity.

The Objectives of this application are:

  • Allows students to log in with E-mail verification before submission of complaints and suggestions
  • Allows students to track their submissions from their portal
  • Allows teachers to reply and change the status of the submissions without exposing student’s USN
  • Provides a pie chart representing the types of submissions
  • Admin can block submissions using foul languages

Steps Involved:

Step 1: The web application loads the home page. With options of Student, Teacher, and Admin
Step 2: On selecting Student, the user must first log in using the login page. On successful login, the user is greeted with the student portal.
Step 3: The student portal allows users to check the status of the previous complaints, and suggestions.
Step 4: Students can click to submit complaints and suggestions, after the verification page using email verification.
Step 5: The student can click on the logout option and is then taken to the login page, which has the option to return to the home page
Step 6: On clicking the teacher option on the home page, the teacher has to log in. They are then taken to the teacher’s home page. The teacher can choose to view complaints and suggestions.
Step 7: On clicking on a complaint/suggestion is taken to the auction page. Where the teacher can change the status of the complaint with the option to reply.
Step 8: After replying, the teacher is taken back to the teacher’s home portal. On logging out, you are taken to the login page, with the option to be redirected to the home page
Step 9: On clicking the Admin option on the home page, the admin has to log in. They are then taken to the Admin home page. Admin can choose to view complaints and suggestions which are blocked due to the use of foul language. After allowing or disallowing the admin is returned to the Admin home portal. On logging out, you are taken to the login page, with the option to be redirected to the home page.


Login: This module allows students, teachers, and Admin to log in with different access to web pages and controls. The username and hash of the password are compared with the Tables stored in the Database.

Signup: This module allows students, teacher, and Admin to register their access to the web application. By signing up the user is registered in the Database, so that their login credential is saved for future logins.

Complaint and Suggestion Form: This module allows students to fill up complaints or suggestions. Before uploading to Database. It checks for any foul language violation. It marks the entry to be checked by the admin, before allowing it to be viewed by the teacher.

Student Submission view: This module allows students to view the status and reply to their complaints or suggestions previously raised. On clicking the user can re-open a submission.

Verification: Students have to enter the One-time password (OTP) sent to their email to verify the authenticity of the complaint and suggestions. This module is implemented using PHPMailer Library.

Teacher submission view: This module allows concerned teachers to view the complaints and suggestions without revealing students’ USN. On selecting a submission, the teacher can update the status, reply to the same, and notify the same to the student’s email.

Admin unblock submission: Display submissions flagged due to misuse of the platform. Allows admin to unblock the submission if it is appropriate, and updates the same in Database.


  • This application can be used in all colleges to collect Complaints and suggestions
  • It can be viewed by a teacher without relieving student’s use
  • Students get updated by their emails when the status of their submissions changes
  • The teacher can view a pie chart representing the type of submission. So, they can concentrate on a given area
  • Submissions using foul language are blocked and are reviewed by Admin


The internet is a very powerful platform for people to share their views in confidence. This Web Technology Mini Project draws further on the notion of the same lines, allowing Students to place complaints and suggestions without relieving their identity. Colleges and institutions improve from the useful insights provided through our platform. Thus, allowing them to understand the needs of students wholesomely.

Related Projects Ideas on College Students Complaints Suggestions and Compliances System:

Alumni Management Portal for Educational Institutions PHP Project

This Alumni Management Portal project aims to develop a platform for the Educational Institutions to maintain communication between faculty, alumni, and students. The main objective of this PHP & MySQL web application is to enhance or improve employability opportunities for students, organize alumni lectures and events, and increase networking skills and opportunities for students.


Our Institutional Alumni Management Portal project is a web-enabled application through which administrators, students, and alumni will be able to continuously communicate. For this, we need an application that is user-friendly. The needs of all three users of the portal should be covered.

Administrators can log in, maintain, verify and manage alumni and student records, and create events and group chats. Administrators can also generate reports in excel and pdf format and view placement statistics of the institute. Once an event is created, all the alumni and students registered on the portal will receive emails automatically.

Alumni can log in, register, update their details, view events, participate in group chats, and post job opportunities and materials. Students can log in, register, view details of alumni, register for events, download materials posted by alumni, job materials posted by alumni, and participate in group chats with other alumni and students.

The below figure shows and explains the Architecture Diagram of the Alumni Management Portal website.

Architecture Diagram of Alumni Management Portal


To build a responsive Educational Institutions Alumni web application to manage and track students and alumni of an educational institute and build a portal that facilitates continuous communication.

Organization of Project

We have three modules in our project.

● Admin
● Alumni
● Student

Alumni management portals can be used by educational institutes to maintain and manage records of alumni and students of the respective institute in an efficient manner. It leads to better outcomes in terms of student placement opportunities, and knowledge transfer and improves the structure of communication between current students and alumni thereby increasing networking skills and opportunities.

In traditional methods where student data is manually stored, a lot of time is wasted doing redundant and repetitive work. Here storing data, statistics, and report generation all are automated. Furthermore, there is no need for paperwork since everything is done online and stored in a refined database.

The output screenshot of the project explains about “Test case check whether the admin is able to view all users”

All Users List of Alumni Management Portal Project