Payroll System CSE Final Year Project


       The project “Payroll system CSE Final Year Project” is designed in such a way that a payroll system is created where in employee working hours are calculated; net pay is computes and all the data is recorded for subsequent processing. The system designed should be prepared to pay cheques and have a payroll ledger and maintain all the data and transactions on a sequential payroll file. Payroll data constitutes of employee number, employee name, pension plans, union dues etc.Payroll-system-CSE-Final-Year-Project

            In this project the program is so designed that it accepts the number of hours the employee works. The program then computes the net pay. All the payroll data is recorded for future processing. Pay cheques have to be prepared and a ledger should also be maintained. Union dues and pension plans that constitute non-statutory decisions have to be made.

 Payroll System CSE Final Year Project Design:

    The software in the project Payroll system was built using Visual basic and can run on computers which have the PHP framework installed on them. The entire project is divided into five main modules. These are employee data, payroll records, rates, ledger and help. Once the data is saved, it is written into an XML file which is in line with the software platform-independent format.

         Thus, this is where the total data of the employee consisting of each month’s payroll is stored. A separate XML file is used for storing current rates. If employee data or payroll information has to stored it is done so in a serial order. To obtain any sort of data from the file, it has to be deserialized and then obtained. Data storage is made very simple by serialization and deserialization. An object-oriented code is used for coding and organizing the program.


          The project described above can execute a host of functions. It stores employee information, calculates gross and net pay and also determines the tax deductions that can be made. Users are provided with adequate help to deal with the software.

download Project Report of CSE Payroll system CSE Final Year Project.

4 Replies to “Payroll System CSE Final Year Project”

  1. my i request please send my email id in payroll management system project with and ms access backand give me a projet

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