Optical Data Transfer between Computer and Micro Controller via Fiber Optic

  Optical Data Transfer between Computer and Micro controller via Fiber optic project will explain optical cable efficiency using micro controller. From Pc information is send to micro controller and it will be send though optical cable and on the receiver end micro controller will receive information and show message on LCD screen.

Optical Data Transfer between Computer and Micro controller via Fiber optic communication projects main idea is to develop a application in which digital information is converted to light pulse signals and transmitted through a thin hair glass fiber. Fiber cable is designed using a outer core and inner core called cladding which has high reflecting index. Light pulse signals are internally reflected inside cable and transmitted without any loss of information, and information is travelled with the speed of light. Comparing to other wired cables designing and implementing fiber optic cables are easy and secure. One of the main features of optic cable is data of different types like television signals, phone signals and packet data can be transmitted on a single optic cable using multiplexing techniques.

When coming to security and tapping issues it is easy to identify the braking and tapping of information in optic cables. Signal booster are implemented in between optic cables for increasing signal strength of the light pulses.

download  Project on Optical Data Transfer between Computer and Micro controller via Fiber optic  project.

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