Online Crime Report .Net project with Source Code

Name of the Project: Online Crime Report .Net project with Source Code

Software Tools: Visual Studio .net Frame Work, ASP.Net, SQL Server, IIS Server, HTML, Visual Studio 2008, VB.Net. ADO.Net

The main aim of this Online Crime Report .net project is to provide all crime management solutions which are easily accessible to everyone. 

The Crime application starts with the common people who want to log a complaint through the website so it can be very useful for the police department to find out the problem in the society without people are coming to the police station every time.

This crime project mainly works with three modules namely administrator module, user module, and police department module.

This Online Crime Output index Screen login page contains a type of the login, Username, Password. The registration screen contains user email id, subject field, department email id.

Download Online Crime Report project abstract, total documentation, source code, database File, How to install file, how to run video file, Paper Presentation.

23 Replies to “Online Crime Report .Net project with Source Code”

    1. if you find source code, design , implementation of crime management system kindly send to me this my email

  1. hey hi…
    i m a BCA (F) student.
    my major project is online crime managment system ..
    i think you have already work on this project ..
    can you help me please……..

    1. if you find source code, design , implementation of crime management system kindly send to me this my email

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