Network Monitoring System Communication Project

Network monitoring system project Description:

Network monitoring system project is implemented in platform using C# programming language. Main aim of this project is to analyze incoming and outgoing packets information in a network and find out details of source and destination id of the packet. Network monitoring system project is useful for networking engineers.

There at two models in this system one is client model and other one is server model. Network monitoring system project is integrated with Remote desktop monitoring system through which users can access desktop from remote system.

Here we provide Network monitoring system and remote desktop system project source files.

download Network monitoring and remote desktop system project source code in and project report.

7 Replies to “Network Monitoring System Communication Project”

  1. how will this project execute…..while running it I m getting an error which says error occured while querying for wmi data… how do I resolve it plz inform its urgent

  2. how will this project execute…..while running it I m getting an error which says error occured while querying for wmi data… how do I resolve it plz inform its urgent

  3. while executing this project there comes an SMTP error … i couldn’t rectify it
    suggest an code to clear that error

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