Linear Induction Motor Used For Two Wheeler Application is used to devolpe two wheeler using Linear Induction Motor. In this project initially we will consider how induction motors are used in present automobile systems and its usage in different fields are explained . And we will cover details of different types of linear motors and there functionality. And each system is analyzed based on its usage. Finally we will explain how it is useful for our application and implementation procedure.
Main advantages of using liner motors in transportation system is it has capability to produce direct thrust without any conversion of rotational energy in to translation energy.
Sir, I’m a final year EEE student, I want to do some live project.. I like this linear induction motor used for two wheeler application project.. So, I like to know more about it.. If it is a live project then I want choose it as my main project. Please provide me the required information.. Thank you
Please help me sir
hello sir.I need some more information on implementation of induction motor for two wheeler applications
Sir , Iam very much interested in the LIM’S application to automobiles.. I want to know about the constructional details and its future scope ..
Hope you’ll guide me through this project..
sir,I want to know more about induction motor used in two wheelers
I want to work on LIM. Those interested call me