Existing Work:
In the previous work, the acquired data was using a DSP based device, which is very costly and complex to implement and wired network was used to get current data from a transformer based circuit which in unreliable
Proposed Work:
In the proposed Home Energy Monitoring System work, we are going to execute the concept on a single board computer device, through wireless sensor network. Thus the entire load data i.e. Current, Voltage, Energy consumed will be received on the Master device using a Zigbee Network and a Front end Qt based GUI is designed to view the Data.
ARM9/11(Friendly ARM, Raspberry pi), 8051, zigbee, current sensor, energy meter, Power supply, Relay, Load.
OS: Embedded Linux, Language: C/ C++, IDE: Qt Creator.
Electric home appliance, Industrial appliance.
Low cost to observer the individual appliances status in the home.