Employees to Employer Conference .Net Project


In this Employees to Employer Conference project, we will provide an enhanced way of communication between team members and employees working for an organization.

There are 2 modules

  1. Admin
  2. Employee


Admin will login into the application by giving the default username and password and admin can create the branches by giving its id and he can also add departments for respective branches and add employees for respective branches and departments that are added by admin. Admin can view the added branches, Departments and employees of all branches. Admin can delete the employees.


Employee will login into the application by the admin given user-id and password and selecting the department, after logging in an employee can view his profile and also add the documents required for any type projects which are made in the organization. While uploading documents he can give the description for what kind of this document is. He can also enter into the conference and discuss with the other team members in the respective branch and department about the project details. Employee can also view the list of documents uploaded by him.

Existing System:

In the existing system communication between employees is lacking which leads to a non-healthy environment and may decrease the growth of the organisation so the above mentioned will be sorted out with this application. 

Database Tables:

Database tables for Employee, branch, Data and Department

Data Flow Diagrams:

Proposed System:

In Proposed System admin will create the employee and branches and departments and employees who are in the same department and same branch can login into the application by the admin given username and passwordand they upload the documents required for projects and enter into conference and discuss about the on-going project.

UML Diagrams:

Class Diagram:

State Diagram:

ER Diagram:

Download Employees to Employer Conference .Net Project Source Code, Project Report final Documentation and PPT Presentations.

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