Aqua: A Framework for Providing Adaptive Fault Tolerance to Distributed Applications Project

 The most prominent networking in this generation is distributed networks and this is so famous because this network’s main aim is for vast backup for the distributed programs and nodes interlinked within them. In particular this version supports multiple servers And its supporting clients when compared to other distributed modes in which distributed and parallel computing is provided. As we discussed each sever is connected with multiple clients and this in turn are interconnected with the other clients of different servers mutually all requests are processed. Though there are less limitations a distributed networks pressure is lessened using distributed networks of these the vital one is the fault tolerance system across the network.

We discussed many faults that may fallen in the distributed networks and the most vital one is link failures as well as the distributed mode of N/w down for constant time. In these cases the contact within the nodes can be paused and also we can add the clients or servers for distributed networks easily halted the distributed networks shows so much variance in the performance by applying this. We also discussed variety of fault tolerance system around the text and all the proposed fault systems are stationary in environment hence we cannot collect the information because of link failures. The vital goal of this chapter is to access the position of agents in identifying the faults around the systems and implementing the techniques we discussed around the network.

The concept is designed using Dotnet based application and the proposed design is given in this Aqua: A Framework for Providing Adaptive Fault Tolerance to Distributed Applications Project. We also discussed about master server which can maintain two servers at a time and each of it can take maximum clients. Here new clients can also be used if the boundary is reached it is appended to the next server this way also we can down the pressure of distributed systems. Interface is also done with the help of java and the application procedure its code and the way each takes it birth is explained in detail. We also discussed its consequences.

By studying these consequences we can conclude that there is lot of scope of errors around the distributed networks and link failures as well as network failures is discussed. The link failures can be easily noticed by mobile agent and can be viewed by the user at any point of time this is retrieved from the database once it is saved in database and these are fixed easily by users and opts for another path by sitting the status link to “ON”  or else they can recommend another solution also so that connections are not braked and communication is maintained. We also discussed of options adding clients, sending data, receiving data and how the data is transmitted in this chapter.

Thu we can give a statement that the distributed systems comes around the strong fault tolerance system the faults and these are overcome by a perfect mobile agent and make sure that no communication is lost by connecting to all clients and to its respected server even in the fault occurrence time also this makes the pressure of the load also less. From this it is clear that mobile agent based approach is the right choice.

Future work

                        On the other side the work done with the help of this particular mobile agent based approach in identifying the faults around the network the next coming work is discussed in the following chapter so as it can be advanced in distributed network systems.

  • The methodology which we are using in mobile agent technology is further modified in future and this improves the worth in identifying the faults around the distributed N/W.
  • Not only sample modules but also some real time simulation tools should be introduced by originating it and these are gauged with the different agents and fault tolerance techniques throughout the networks.
  • Still many servers can be appended to this particular network system to diagnosis the real time effect of load on faults around the distributed networks.
Paper Submitted & Written by Sathish Nagarajan

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