This system is a combination of websites and apps for Android, which the controller will use for Android, while administrators and parents use web applications. The system is primarily designed to keep track of the underground railroad where the user travels to non-real users to monitor the driver and obtain information on working hours. A system that allows the administrator to add users to use the keyword is produced by the system which is then sent via SMS to his father so that his father can access the metro train schedule. Systems that allow schedulers add distance and metro trains to the database. Metro Train drivers must log into your account, where credentials are a phone number and your admin will give you a password. You can get an application when you have your work.
The metro train driver will have Android installed on your Android phone, the driver will enter the application, the GPS location and will be transported and stored in the database, so the application will automatically track the GPS controller’s location and place the GPS device in the database every five minutes. drivers, GPS location saved when the driver recorded from the application
Existing System:
In the existing system that is already there, the user does not have any application for the Android metro train schedule or changes to the daily train schedule. They should ask about the timings on the phone. Users can interfere with the management because the issue is a minor complaint about the timing schedule or route the driver
Proposed System:
This system allows the administrator to add the train driver and set the metro train timings to the database, where the parent can know the subway schedule or information on the metro train schedule every day or when sleep, when it returns and can comment to the administrator when work starts, the metro train driver should log into your account, where the trust will be a phone number and your admin will give you a password
Hardware Requirements
- Processor: Intel i3
- Ram: 1 GB Ram
- Monitor: 15 VGA Color
- System: Pentium IV 2.4 GHZ
Software Requirements
- Operating System Server: Windows 7
- Coding Language: PHP, JAVA
- IDE: Eclipse ADT, Android SDK
- Database: MySQL5.1
- Technologies: HTML, CSS, JAVA, SCRIPT
- Android Version: Kit-Kat
Functional Requirements
- Schedule Module
- Track Module
- Status Module
- Monitoring Module
- Response Module
Non Functional Requirements
Performance: This metro train app provides good performance. Information can be retrieved from any android mobile easily.
Usability: In this metro train app degree of usability is very high
Reliability: In this metro train app we can ensure that it will give information about metro train timings.
Security: The metro train app provides high security. It helps the parents to know about the status of the metro train.
System Design Documents:
Class Diagram:
Use Case Diagram
Sequence Diagram
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Please send me the source code Android Mobile Application for Metro Rail
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