Cloud Computing Technology in Healthcare Sector

Cloud computing is Internet based computing whereby services are provided to the end users on demand.  In initial days, the computer was local, software and application was local and data was local to a user. As the internet technologies started to grow, the data was transmitted from server to local system, and finally the data ended up locally. Then, the few companies started architecting their site in order to use the capabilities of the browsers like Internet Explorer.  The companies started to enhance the technologies and stared to provide the service through the Internet and hence evolved “Cloud computing”. Cloud computing in general, is a service such as software, operating system etc., is available to the end user on demand and the user has to pay only for what he is using.

Security is only the major factor which, lot of them argues against cloud computing in Healthcare. A patient record is too personal and it is to be maintained with high security. In cloud based applications, the data will be maintained globally with the provider. As cloud based computing inherits the advantages of internet it also inherits the vulnerability of getting hacked by hackers.  Since security is a threat in Cloud computing, the cloud computing providers like, Microsoft, Google, Amazon are providing higher level of security to the user data. The Cloud Security Alliance is a non-profit organization formed to promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing.

There is lot of advantages in cloud computing which overcomes its few disadvantages. With correct analysis of the requirement and implementing the hybrid of local and cloud computing applications, healthcare service providers can benefit improved outcomes. The Healthcare service providers can  create integrated online environments where one user can create and store personal records, get information, find doctors, make medical appointments, communicate online, manage medications, share information with providers and more.

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