Dustbin – Waste Material Management App


Dustbin – Waste Material Management is a Android application that typically runs the server, and allows the customers to do things such as searching for waste materials in the catalog, adding a selected product to a basket and placing an order for it. Once a particular product has been found then the seller gets interacted with the buyer by this application.

In the existing system, the selling and buying of waste materials are done manually, where the customer visit the shop for selling the items, he couldn’t compare prices with the other stores and only a limited customers visit the store. To overcome these defects, the Dustbin project has been implemented.

The proposed Dustbin App allows the visitors to buy waste materials online. They can view the contents at any time. It automatically calculates the grand total and the details of buyer or seller sent as SMS to visitor. The customers can sell their waste by sitting in home, large quantity can be sold and it is a user-friendly interface.

This Dustbin – Waste Material Management project is a small step to reduce the communication between the buyers and sellers. These types of applications would be of great use for the waste material users to find the sellers easily in the sense that they can reduce their work of searching for the sellers.


Programming Language : JAVA, XML
Operating System : Windows 8.1 and above
Editor : Android Studio
Java Development Kit : JDK version 1.8


Processor : AMD 1.80 GHZ
RAM : 4.00 GB

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