what’s real different from the first time windows phone 7 was released to now windows 7.5 Mango is it has better operating system ever, let’s give you quick test on features in windows phone 7.5 mango. We love the life style , user interface on windows phone 7.5 but now operating system update is much more snapper and snicker.
Features of Windows Phone 7.5 Mango .
Multi tasking: The most important update is multi tasking, pressing the back key for a longer duration opens up to thumb nails of recent applications which are running on the back ground
Unified Messaging: This feature missing in android and IOS phones but in this OS it comes as default feature. it doesn’t support third party applications like Google android. Here you can’t add G talk chat application. But it allows users to unify all the communications with any person over face book, SMS, twitter at one place as the conversation.
Messaging HUB: You can now integrate face book, twitter and link din in to your contacts. Even you can create group of contacts and pin individual group tiles to the home page.
Unified Mail Box: Finally Microsoft implemented universal email with threaded mails to make sense of conversation over mail.
Voice to Text: This feature seems to be other Operating Systems like Android, IOS. Surprising it works well in this plat form also.
MS Office with Cloud Integration: Micro soft to turns in Mobile Office on windows phone 7.5. Now we can insert comments in Ms Word, Ms Excel and other MS Office Applications. One can sink all the files which sky drive for any time and from any place access.
Windows Market Place: Windows Phone 7.5 Mango Market Place is now available in India. It has a decent number of stocks of applications and hop fully will be momentum in future.