Room Allotment System Report with DFD-ER-Sequence-UserCase Diagrams

Introduction to Room Allotment System Project:

When graduates join colleagues for the graduate degree they face a crucial problem of room allotment and it involves a huge array of processes and procedures. Depending upon these rules and procedures all the students other than the day scholars are allotted their rooms. This process is currenly pursued manually and as involves a lot of calculations therefore manipulation is also common. Computerization of the process of room allotments is a great way to reduce this complex structure to the a simpler procedure.

Important calculations and procedures are done by the room allotment system according to the procedures and rules of the nitc hostels. As per requirement it also produces the necessary documents. The main problems lie in the fact that it is difficult to design an effective and efficient room allot system that can provide the notice students as per their preferences and priority.

The system needs to keep a track of the number of students who stays in each of the hostel followed by proper allocation of generating rooms allotment reports and common hostel rooms when needed by the warden of the hostel. This project was designed in order to analyze the areas of potential application.

It also identifies the information economics about the dissemination, gather and complexity of processing and data as well as setting of priorities among all the applications/ the main motto behind the study of this paper is to find out whether the problem is curable or not with the existing technology and the constraints of the given schedule. A proper application domain understanding was the main focus area of this project and during this process informations are collected in detailed process by interacting with users like a hostel steward warden and others. It is followed by the identifying procedure of their problems and individual needs.

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