Robot using Bluetooth projects main idea is to develop a robot which can move perform navigation using blue tooth technology and AVR micro controller.
This project is developed in two stages in first stage communication between application and robot is established using Bluetooth. In second stage robot movement is controlled by sending signals from master Bluetooth.
Communication is established in two direction from robot to computer and computer to robot. Computer will control robot movements by sending signals in one direction and computer will receive signals from robot.
The proposed tasks for the project:
- Make the AVR Atmega32 and its environment work
- Communicate the AVR Atmega32 with the computer
- Interfacing Bluetooth Modem with AVR Atmega32
- Interfacing Stepper Motor with AVR Atmega32
download Robot using Bluetooth project Abstract.
Will u please share the datasheet of ur bluetooth module which u used in ur project. please snd it to “”