Sodexho Passes Management System Java Abstract

Project Abstract:

Organizations, Stalls and Sodexho are connected by using tokens to perform commercial transactions. Administrator (SODEXHO) registers the tokens, companies and Stalls to manage the tasks. Companies manage the employee list to whom the tokens available with the companies are issued. Employees move the tokens into the hands of the Stalls against the required goods.

Overall Description :

Product Perspective :

The Sodexho Passes Management System application deals with Sodexho passes where they are maintained by an organization which distributes them to the companies which in turn distribute the tokens to their employees. The Employees can use these tokens for shopping in the specified stalls against their purchase of goods.

The Sodexho Passes Application contain features of SODEXHO maintaining the information about the possessing tokens, companies and stalls using the tokens. The Tokens are issued to the companies against their payments. The tokens assigned to the companies are re-distributed or assigned to the employees of those companies. The Stall list where the tokens can be used are provided. The Employees can use these tokens in the respective stalls against their purchase of goods.

Finally, the stalls return the collected tokens to the Sodexho to get back their amount back. Similarly the companies pay the amounts for the assigned tokens.

This transaction of use of tokens help banks in retaining the amounts in them which stops rotation of money in the market which is a good sign to improve the market standards.

Product Functions :

• Provide integration between the Sodexho, Companies and Stalls.
• Token, Company and Stall registration is done by the Sodexho.
• Tokens information with various denominations are maintained.
• Employee registration is maintained by the companies who are actually going to use the tokens.
• Tokens play the major role in the Application as they travel from one hand to the other in the entire Web Site.

User Classes and Characteristics :

Used by Organizations who like to host their websites. Individuals or organizations who wants to avail email-ids on their servers. Used by ISP to track their customers.



In the present scenario the tokens are used very rarely in the market. Many companies and stalls are not at front to use them in their commercial activities. Even though these token systems are used in some areas they lack security. One can use the others tokens and the stalls are not maintaining any security regarding the reference of the used tokens.

Problem with existing system :

1. The Sodexho Passes  system performance depends upon manually efficiency.
2. Customers are forced to use cash transactions using currency only.
3. Increases the usage of money in the market i.e. increases the circulation of currency in the market.
4. Maintenance of other commercial activities by the banks become critical when the money is not available in the banks.


• Login & Security
• Administrator (SODEXHO) Module
• Company Module
• Stalls Module

This is an Online Sodexho Passes  Application designed to perform or manage the transactions of the SODEXHO which handle the commercial transactions using the TOKEN system instead of direct CASH. The flow of the tokens available at the SODEXHO represents the transfer of goods or cash in reverse direction.

SODEXHO is the central Module which maintains a list of tokens, issuing the tokens to various companies, accepting and payment of bills from companies and Stalls. The Companies on receiving the tokens from the Sodexho can issue them to their employs who can inturn use them in the specified stall list for purchasing transactions. The tokens received by the Stalls are sent to the Sodexho for the payments of the equivalent amount. Sodexho receives the payments from the Company for the issued Tokens.

The Project Sodexho Passes Management System SPMS has been split into 5 modules namely – LOGIN, SODEXHO, COMPANY, STALLS and the EMPLOYEE.

LOGIN Module :

This Module represents the Login page using which all the authorized members can login by entering their appropriate User Name and Passwords. On Validation of the entered username and password the appropriate Page is opened. Validations are made for the Non-entry or invalid username and password entries.

SODEXHO Module :

This Module is designed to handle the transactions that are to be performed by the SODEXHO members. They can perform the tasks like maintaining the token list where each token is represented by a token id, Denomination and their count. Each token is represented by a unique Auto generated Token Id. These token data values can be altered, viewed and deleted before they are issued to any Company. They also keep track of the issued tokens to the companies.

This Module facilitates to maintain the list of Stalls in which the tokens can be exchanged for the goods or the stalls in which these tokens are valid. New Stalls can be added, already available stalls can be modified or deleted from the list. Each stall is assigned with a unique stall id.

Payments can be handled for the issued tokens from the companies and can be paid to the stalls on returning the tokens received by them from the employee.

COMPANY Module :

This module represents the company which takes the required tokens of various denominations from the Sodexho and issues them to their employees. It also maintains the list of employees like adding the new employee where each employee is identified by a unique auto generated number. Data of the already available employee records can be altered or viewed or deleted.

There is an option to Issue the tokens of the specified denominations as per the requirement of the employee. An employee can choose the tokens of required denominations and specify the number of tokens. On issuing the tokens the starting and ending numbers of the issued token ids are stored into a table along with the employee id.

Company can view the Paid and Pending Bills that are to be paid to the Sodexho for the received tokens. The amount can be paid at any time i.e. payment of bills is not periodic or ones in a month.


On entering the User Name and password in the login page a Stall page is opened with their Stall name as the heading for that page.

Stalls Module contain the transactions like issuing the goods to the customers (employees) for the exchange of their respective tokens. On entering all the items that are being purchased by the employee, the total bill can be paid in combination of various tokens whose total value equals to the Bill Amount. On entering the number of tokens of the required denominations, the total amount is tallied with the Bill Amount.

For finalizing the payment, the employee has to specify his password (in this case it is his Employee Number which is unique). On Submitting all the values, the tokens are checked for their availability for the employee whose password has been entered. On success, the Bill is accepted, otherwise not. Each Transaction is managed and represented by a unique Transaction Id which is auto generated.

Details about the performed transactions can also be seen for the specified transaction id which displays the item code, item name, rate, quantity taken and its amount. The stall members can view the Payments that are been cleared and are in pending by the Sodexho for the available tokens that are currently available in the stall.


This Module is represented as a hidden Module where the employee only participates in the Stall transactions accepting the goods for the exchange of the tokens that are available with him (which are taken from the company). He has to provide his employee number as a password to validate or prove the validity of the entered token numbers of various denominations.



Work Flow Automation System Java Project

Software Requirements Specification for Work Flow Automation System

 1) Introduction

This document provides details about the entire software requirements specification for the WorkFlow automation system.

1.1 Document Conventions

The purpose of this system is to implement the computerization of the applications through an online procedure. It deals with students  who apply the application manually that is handwritten will be implemented in an online procedure without any stress and burden

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of the document is to collect the applications online and process it online so that there can be easily implemented. We can easily access them so that there we will be able to know that at which place our application is being processed that is in principal office or maybe in vice principals office.

In short, the purpose of this SRS document is to provide a detailed overview of our software product, its parameters, and goals. This document describes the project’s target student and its user interface, hardware and software requirements. It defines how the student and the staff see the product and its functionality.

1.3 Scope

The name of the project is E-Applicant.

E-Applicant is designed to manage applications online with a  very user-friendly software. For example if a person wants to apply a Transfer certificate(TC) he need not apply it manually, instead, he can apply it online through the college website. With this software, we can increase the efficiency of the present workflow system.


2.1 Product perspective

In the current system, application processing for a student to get the approval’s takes a lot of time and manual work. Any application which an applicant is submitting in college takes long manual procedure work going.

The manual work is given below

Any applicant applying for an application has to first go to the administration room and contact with one of the staff present there, so that he /she can know the details related to the processing of his application, details like how to apply, where to consult, etc.

After applying, the administration staff forwards it to the concerned heads where the approval and designations happen. Then, its sent back to the administrative office. All this traveling of the application is done by men and due to the flaws, the time taken in the processing is math probability.

In the meantime of the overall process completion, the applicant visits the offices on an average of 5 times which is really a hectic process. There is no one responsible for inquiries in the due process and the applicant never knows the progress of the application and the time taken for the approval.

 Problem with the present manual system

This system is time consuming, non-efficient& stressful to the applicant. The flow in the work system is not proper due to the involvement of the separate working bodies and flaws in the system. For an application to complete the whole wide process takes a minimum of 2-3 days, which in today’s fast-moving world is a huge time to spare. In addition to this, there is no update in the application’s progress and in the worst cases, few applications are lost in the process. The applicant never receives a notification regarding their application.

Existing System

To get a solution to this outdated system and in order to build an efficient and workflow in the system, we use the workflow automation tool. The name of the application is E-applicant, using the application we can to apply through a website and the whole process goes online.

2.2 Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations

WFM: Workflow automation

V.Staff: Vice principal staff

P.Staff: Vice principal staff

Functional components of the project

Administrator, V. Staff, P.Staff  needs to register to the application and login in order to access the software.

There are three types of users in the system

  • Administrator
  • Higher Administrator
  • V.Staff
  • P.Staff


The main idea for developing this project is to develop an online application for improving application system through online. This application will help students to apply the application to the website which will be time saving and fast problem-solving method.

E –Applicant is a process in which student applies his respective application and this goes to the administration office and then to vice principal office and principal office. Using this application information handling will be easy and fast and solving cases will be fast. Any number of clients can connect to the server. Each user first makes their login to the server to show their availability.


  • Administrator
  • Higher Staff Member
  • Staff
  • V.Staff
  • P.Staff
  • Student

MODULE-0: ADMINISTRATOR: Each of the admin, must first register with the software.

For registration part, each should following details:

  • Name
  • Password

MODULE-1: STAFF: Filled forms are thoroughly processed and they are well checked before forwarding it to the V.STAFF and if the person doesn’t process this application fast then the applications are forwarded to the Higher Staff Member.


The Higher Staff  Member is responsible for Checking out the pending applications or long waited applications. This person is responsible for moving the applications faster rather than making them wait for a long time.

The administrator will add all the stations with the following details:

  • Name
  • Email-id
  • Phone number
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Re-enter Password


The V.STAFF is responsible for checking the applications thoroughly and placing the signature of Vice Principal it online and then this is forwarded to the P.STAFF.

The administrator will add all the stations with the following details:

  • Name
  • Email-id
  • Phone number
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Re-enter Password


The P.STAFF is responsible for making the hard copy of it and is also responsible for taking the signature of the principal offline.

The administrator will add all the stations with the following details:

  • Name
  • Email-id
  • Phone number
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Re-enter Password


The student is responsible for applying for the desired applications and he can choose among the different applications such as custodian, Transfer Certificate etc.

Since this is part of a college website the student logins with his college login page.

  • Roll no
  • Password


The hardcopy of the required application can be taken from principal’s office. A message is sent to the respective student’s mail and phone.


3.1 User Interface:-

  • Should be familiar with internet
  • Should know English
  • Should be able to handle things faster.
  • Should know basics about managing the computer.
  • Typing speed should be higher

3.2  Hardware Requirements:-

  • Hardware:  Pentium based systems with a minimum of P4.
  • RAM: 4GB (minimum)

3.3 Hardware Requirements:-

  • Operating System: Windows 8
  • Technology: Java/J2EE (Servlets, JSP, JDBC).
  • Web technology :  HTML, JavaScript, CSS.
  • Web Server: Tomcat 6.0
  • Database: Oracle 10g Express Edition.
  • Software ’s: JDK 1.7


4.1 Performance Requirements

Performance requirements are :

  1. Good working pc with all the requirements as stated in the hardware interfaces.
  2. Works for medium size information databases.

4.2 Security Requirements

The system shall automatically log out if the system is inactive for a certain period of time.

The student web browser shall never display a student password.  It shall always be echoed with special characters representing typed characters.

The system’s back-end servers shall never display a customer’s password. The student password may be reset but never shown.

The system’s back-end servers shall only be accessible to authenticated administrators.

The system’s back-end databases shall be encrypted.

4.3 Future Developments

  1. Support for large database
  2. Developing it into an app
  3. Faster accessibility.

Output Screens:

Download This Work Flow Automation System Java Project Code & Database

Online Itemization Structure Java Project


Online itemization structure is an application developed to provide online news service. This system allows the users to read the updated news anytime and from anywhere without any difficulty.


Online itemization structure is a web application. This application provides the updated news periodically. The purpose of developing this application is to become a substitute for the print media.

This application reduces the problem of print media and provides online updated news and articles without any stipulation of time. By using this application users can get updated news without any time gap between the occurrence of an event and the published news. This application saves lot of effect to the organization by reducing the manual activities.

Online itemization structure also clears the difficulty of various reporters and journalist to coordinate with each other to share the information and get the alerts about the news happening.


This main objective of this online itemization structure is to reduce the manual effort like workers, papers, reporters, publishers and various other permissions from government. This application saves lot of time and provides updated news to the users from their place.



Administrator module:

Administrator monitors all activities. Administrator authenticates and verifies all news information before it gets published. Administrator coordinates with all reporters and journalists for reliable information. Administrator also monitors all user activities.

User module:

The user can read the news paper by downloading it. User can access information based up on categories and relevance. User can also become a reporter with administrator permission.

Reporter module:

The reporter gathers the news related to a particular domain assigned to the reporter such as crime, sports, political etc. The reporter gets information through various sources and contacts or directly by interacting with concerned people.

Software Requirements:

Programming Language               :           Java

Web based Technologies              :           Servlets, JSP

Database Connectivity                  :           JDBC

Java Version                                  :           JDK1.6

Backend Database                        :           Oracle 9i

Safe Internet – Internet Content Filtering tool Project


Safe Internet is an Internet Content Filtering tool that can primarily be used to keep the teenage Internet browsing risk free.  The complete features of the tool are listed below.

  1. Block websites
    2. Block Web Pages that contains inappropriate contents on the fly.
    3. Website redirection
    4. Proxy service
    5. Report Generator etc.

The Safe internet is a browser free application so that it will work with any web browser like IE, Mozilla, and Opera etc. The application will monitor the downloading contents as well as the uploading contents.


Safe Internet can be used as a parental control solution that helps parents protect their children and monitor their Internet use. This can also be used in corporate environment to reduce the Internet Slacking.


The Internet Content Filtering tool project Safe Internet can developed using Java. The application has the same working principles of a proxy server. The Safe Internet plus programme aims to promote safer use of the Internet and new online technologies, particularly for children, and to fight against illegal content and content unwanted by the end-user.


In Existing system there is no facility to block the Web Pages and website directly. To recharge your mobile or you need to go particular website to do such actions.


Here we proposed a Internet Content Filtering tool system which contains to block any websites or Web Pages directly with a small operation. And also there is registration for users. By this registration the user can recharge their mobile phones or DTH directly from our application.


There are two Modules in our application

  1. Admin
  2. User


In this module admin can block the websites or Web Pages directly by some login. And the admin can view the users who are using our application.


Here in this module user contains a small registration which gives some login id and password. By using that login id and password user can use this application. On user side user can view their profile, recharge their mobile, DTH, etc.., and the user has a right to change their password.


  • Application Server           :   0/6.X
  • Front End :   HTML, Java, Jsp
  • Database :  Oracle10g

Alumni Portal Java Project


Alumni portal is a java & Oracle project which develops a repository and search engine for the alumni of the college. This allows  old and new students of a university or college to associate with each other’s and to know about each others.


Alumni portal is a web based java final year project which maintains a centralized database of the university or college. This system will automatically list all the students of the university  as alumni on their graduation and transfer their student module to alumni module.

This application students will be provided with a username and password. Student once registered will be member of the alumni portal. He can search the details of the other student. This system also provides a easy access to the students to easily obtain information about other registered users.

Alumni portal will also provide public posts on the system about possible job opportunities and news related to other colleges. This project maintains a high privacy feature. In this portal students can share the information, find  old friends and search for new friends. This alumni portal provides the chat feature which enables students to chat without revealing their mobile numbers or personal mail IDs.


The main objective of this Alumni Portal Java Project to allow students to communicate with each other and share their ideas. To provide information about of the institution, college or university. To provide effective data management and retrieval process.


Administrator Module:

The administrator is responsible for maintaining information of students. When a student submits the registration form, administrator will complete the verification process and, if successful, the student details are added into the database. The administrator maintains the passwords of Event Manager and that of himself.

Event Manager Module:

This module maintains the information about various events that are conducted by various colleges and universities. Details of notifications are also maintained. The manager can add, delete, edit and view event details.

Alumni & Student Module:

The Alumni/Students can register themselves and after the approval from the administrator, they can logon into their account and can send mails, post queries, update their profiles and even search for other student details. one can view the event details and search for specific information. The module provides mail and query functionalities.

Software Requirements:

Web Presentation                         :           HTML, CSS

Client – side Scripting                   :           JavaScript

Programming Language               :           Java

Web based Technologies              :           Servlets, JSP

Database Connectivity                  :           JDBC

Java Version                                  :           JDK1.6

Backend Database                        :           Oracle 9i

Offender Management Service Java Project


Offender management service is a project developed to improve and manage the security of prison. This project high level security to the data about the prisoners. This system enables the law enforcement people to access the data.


Offender management service is a java web application developed to maintain data without any duplication and losses. All the information related to the prisoners are maintained automatically. Information about the prisoners or prisons can be provided quickly and efficiently.

This system provides complete details of each prisoner. This system also maintains details of all the cases against each prisoner. All the activities of the prisoner will be pre planned and listed clearly in this system. Details like entry date, allocated prison and the release data will be mentioned. All the activities of the prisoner like in time and out time will be automatically updated.

Ledgers and files regarding the prisoner can be maintained with a high level security. This project provides the user to access the data without any in convince and difficulty. In this system data will be organized in a proper way without doesn’t lead to any inconsistency.


The objective of this Offender Management Service Java Project is to update all the information and to provide information about the prisoner. To make the work of the government easy by generating the  reports and documents automatically. To provide security for sensitive data.



Administrator can maintain different registers such as nominal rolls, case register, automated release register, parole register, duty register and in-out register. Other tasks done by the administrator are generation of reports, maintenance of log files, backup, and recovery of data any time. Administrator also manages details of number of cells and their usage. Administrator is also responsible for managing finances of prison.

Police officers:

Police officers can seek information regarding prisoners and convicts. The information is used to make decisions regarding court hearings, remands, release dates etc.

Data Managers:

On the behalf of administrator data manager prepares all the registers with appropriate data. They can have the privilege to add and update data in the different registers.

Nominal Rolls:

The details of the prisoner and his/her demographic details should be captured. A digital photo comprising different views of the prisoner and the list of articles surrendered by prisoner during nominal roll are to be recorded.


The system allows the generation of various reports based on different criteria such as prisoners details.

Software Requirements:

Web Presentation                            :           HTML, CSS

Client – side Scripting                      :           JavaScript

Programming Language                  :           Java

Web based Technologies                 :           Servlets, JSP

Database Connectivity                     :           JDBC

Java Version                                     :           JDK1.6

Backend Database                           :           Oracle 9i

Operating System                            :           Windows XP/2000/2003,LINUX

Web Server                                      :           Tomcat 5.5 / 6.0

Browser                                            :           IE/Mozilla

HR Operation Management System


HR operation management system is a java project which supports and maintains all the information of employees and makes the HR work easier. This application develop a system to enable interaction between employers and applicants. This application allow communication between the interested parties and complete the task of recruitment quickly.


HR management system is a java based web application which provides an efficient way to manage the information. In this system information will be supplied to various users according to their needs. This  system provides a portal for job seekers and employers.

HR function consists of tracking existing employee data which includes personal histories, skills, capabilities, accomplishments salary, attendance and leave information of all the employees in the management. This system allows the HR to save lot of time by maintaining all the details automatically.

This system solves problems related to data accessing problems, and it helps the user to add details of the employee to the firm database easily .this also helps  in improving data recovery speed and easy searching and also provide editing of data’s in the database. In this management system employee can put his attendance online . Employees can record their attendance in the system at the beginning and end of each working day.


The main objective of this HR Operation Management System java project is to provide simple and easy implementation. To protect data and ensure data accuracy. To provide online  facilities.


Administrator Module:

This module provides an interface to add new jobs in job street and functionalities to notify job and walk-in details. Also includes job search functionality which is very helpful for job seekers to search for jobs.

Applicant module: 

Applicant submits his/her Resume to an identified e-mail id with an opportunity id. On receiving the email, extract the mail contents & store it. Based on the opportunity id send it to respective HR.Applicant will respond with Acceptance/Rejection subject line. On Rejection process will be ended. On Acceptance new employee ID/mail-id will be generated & process will be ended.

HR Module:

HR will verify the resume if shortlisted he will forward it to respective managers. On rejection, an email will be sent to the applicant with reason. Manager will update based on the results.

Manager module:

Manager will schedule the interview & assign a team member to perform interview. Manager will update based on the results.

Interviewer module:

Interviewer conducts the interview & updates the interview results.

Software Requirements:

Technology                              : Java and J2EE

Web Technologies                  : HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Database                                 : Oracle 10g

JDK Version                             : JDK1.5

Server                                      : Tomcat5.5

Hospital Device Management Java Project


Hospital device management is a java project which is developed to keep records and generate reports. This project keeps the records in a centralized way.


This Hospital device management project is an web application proposed to maintain the collected data of an organization. This system is a software application which avoids more manual hours that need to spend in record keeping and generating reports.

This Hospital device management application keeps the data in a centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously. It  is very easy to manage historical data in database. No specific training is required for the employees to use this application.

Employees can easily use this application that decreases manual hours spending for normal things and  increases the performance. The data is centralized and is very easy to track an request ,monitoring the devices and reporting.


The main objective of this Hospital device management project is to maintain the collected data of the hospital in a centralized way.


Admin Module :

The Administrator can enter the all the details of the Doctors details and all  the information related to the devices in hospital. He can track the information about the devices issued to doctors and request placed by the request of the doctors. He can view all the doctors, employees, finance dept staff and all the information related to the devices in the hospital.

Doctor module :

This module maintains all the information of the particular user, which belongs to the devices which  are available in the Hospital. This module maintains the details of the devices issued to the user. This module place a request to the devices which he required. This can be maintaining Admin, Doctors, and Accountants.

Finance Dept Module :

This module deals with view the profile and he can modify and update the profile. This module will look after the inventories, place a new order of devices and add the new devices which arrives the hospital. The device sanction is done based the request of the doctor and approval of the administrator. The devices can be updated and deleted from the list of inventories by the finance department module only.

Employee/Staff :

This module deals with view the profile and he can modify and update the profile. This module will be responsible for the inventory maintenance and monitoring of the devices in the hospital. This module people will deliver the devices to the doctors based on  the sanctioned devices by the finance department to the doctors.

Software Requirements:

Web Presentation                                 :           HTML, CSS

Client – side Scripting                          :           JavaScript

Programming Language                      :           Java6.0

Web based Technologies                     :           Servlets, JSP

Database Connectivity                         :           JDBC

Java Version                                         :           JDK1.6

Backend Database                                :           Oracle 10g

Operating System                                 :            WindowsXP/2000/2003,LINUX

Web Server                                           :           Tomcat 5.5

Efficient Claim System Java Project


Efficient claim system is designed to enable the claimants to perform their activities more efficiently.


Efficient claim system is a java web application which is developed to maintain all the information in a centralized database. The information can be accessed by any one that is claimant or any other representatives in the system. The system allows one to conduct all operations effectively and efficiently.


The main  objective of this Efficient Claim System Java Project is to design and develop a system for the processing of settlement of the claim very promptly and fairly.


Claimant module:

Claimant is the actual user and need to register first and applying for claims to csr. Then csr will performs all the process and finally updates status to the claimant.

Claim service representative:

CSR sits on in the call-center and attends calls from the insured , claimants and agents. He obtains information regarding the loss and registers the FNOL (first notice of loss) in the system. He can change the status of FNOL.FNOL will have the information that is required to register the loss and will be specific to LOB(line of business).

FNOL supervisor:

The FNOL supervisor has the capacity to view, modify, delete and verify the FNOLs. He can assign FNOL to inspection /survey team to inspect the accident claim or theft claim for further clarification.

Inspection/survey :

Inspection/survey user will go to the address as mentioned in the FNOL and will gather all the details and verify if the claim is valid or not. If not then the FNOL will be rejected.

Software Requirement:

Web Presentation                   :           HTML, CSS

Client – side Scripting            :           JavaScript

Programming Language         :           Java

Web based Technologies        :           Servlets, JSP

Java Version                            :           JDK1.5

Backend Database                  :           Oracle 10g

Operating System                   :           Windows XP/2000/2003,LINUX

Web Server                             :           Tomcat 5.5

Browser                                   :           IE/Mozilla

Election Management System Java Project


Election management system is an java based application which is developed to maintain the voting system entirely computerized. This application helps government to maintain a clean voting .


All the government process in India depends on the voting system. Managing the voting system  is a difficult process, to overcome this defect election management system is developed. This application maintains a well  and clean management system for voting.

Election management system is an automatic system which takes votes in computerized way. By doing this we can avoid fake votes and maintain a original selection of people. This application provides a technology with advanced vote-client machine which is a computer terminal voting procedure. This application several advantages.

This application may enhance the voters scope for participating in the election. It also creates scope for more rapid collection of districts threw consistencies and distribution of  evm’s. This application also enables the electoral administration to promptly announce the election reports and helps  to a broader circle.

Every booth and district which CEC are allocated is very easily maintained  in this system.  This application  can  read  various reports and can  get the information about the particular center and vote casting.


The main objective of this application is to provide a secure voting process.


This Election Management System Java Project has mainly 4 modules below:


Administration can read & write information. If every district which CEC are allocated center and can create ,update ,delete center as per the requirement and implementation plans. In this module admin can create the district, delete the district , create consistency, delete constituency, create booth and delete booth. Admin provide username and password to CEC.


In this module CEC can read information about creating the EVM, delete the EVM and also allocate the EVM values . If Every EVM in which booth centers are allocated gathers  all the values. CEC can request from PO and allocated all PO’s and retrieve the information.


In this module PO first registered to the system after that you can entered to the system. Po can see the all reports . if the PO can registered after that see the all the information and retrieve the information about PO.


In this Module every end user can see the reports about elections helps about elections.

Software Requirement:

Operating System          :        Windows Family.

Language                         :      Servlet, jsp

Data Bases                      :       Oracle10G

Server                             :        Tomcat1.5

Front End                        :        Html, JavaScript