Grivarence reddressal is a management and governance related process. This system is online interface for citizens to communicate with administrative body and reduce the distance and time barrier between citizens and administration.
Online Grivarence Reddressal System is a Java Project which is created to bring transparency and flexibility in the administration system. This system is a online platform where people can share ideas, invoke discussion, issue complaints and create suggestion/petitions for the improvement of the city administration. This application is a automated process which is a user-friendly online interface for the citizens.
This Java application allows online communication with the administrator body. This application provides online platform where people can share ideas, invoke discussion, issue complaints, create suggestion/petitions for improvement of city administration It will create a online platform where people can share ideas, invoke discussions, issue complaints, create suggestions for improvement of city administration
The main objective of this online grivarence reddressal system is it provide an online interface between the citizens and the administrator. This system also encourages the users to bring transparency and flexibility in system.
Administration Module: Creates and monitors accounts of authorities. Filters the content reported as handle threats. Handle complaints about improper response by municipal authorities.
Citizen Module: User should be able to create new account, log in to their existing accounts which will give them the authority to use the services provided by the system. Authenticated users should be able to issue complaints check complaint status, submit feedback browser through other complaints and their feedback. Authenticated users should be able to create suggestion/petitions, other users can support or make suggestions for petitions forward petitions to corresponding authority for possible implementation.
Officer Module: Officer authorities can log-in to their accounts as created by administrator. Authorities can access all the complaints, suggestion form user. Invoke proper activity in Response to valid complaints, or redirect inappropriate complaints to the administrator. Give response to complaints with activity reports.
NGOs Module: NGO can form user groups similar to other users. NGO’s can publicize their Social causes on the site.
Software requirements:
Technology : J2SE & J2EE
Web technology : HTML, JavaScript, CSS
Web Server : Tomcat5.5
Java Version : JDK 1.6
Backend Database : Oracle 10g
nice but its takes more time to complete