Election management system is an java based application which is developed to maintain the voting system entirely computerized. This application helps government to maintain a clean voting .
All the government process in India depends on the voting system. Managing the voting system is a difficult process, to overcome this defect election management system is developed. This application maintains a well and clean management system for voting.
Election management system is an automatic system which takes votes in computerized way. By doing this we can avoid fake votes and maintain a original selection of people. This application provides a technology with advanced vote-client machine which is a computer terminal voting procedure. This application several advantages.
This application may enhance the voters scope for participating in the election. It also creates scope for more rapid collection of districts threw consistencies and distribution of evm’s. This application also enables the electoral administration to promptly announce the election reports and helps to a broader circle.
Every booth and district which CEC are allocated is very easily maintained in this system. This application can read various reports and can get the information about the particular center and vote casting.
The main objective of this application is to provide a secure voting process.
This Election Management System Java Project has mainly 4 modules below:
Administration can read & write information. If every district which CEC are allocated center and can create ,update ,delete center as per the requirement and implementation plans. In this module admin can create the district, delete the district , create consistency, delete constituency, create booth and delete booth. Admin provide username and password to CEC.
In this module CEC can read information about creating the EVM, delete the EVM and also allocate the EVM values . If Every EVM in which booth centers are allocated gathers all the values. CEC can request from PO and allocated all PO’s and retrieve the information.
In this module PO first registered to the system after that you can entered to the system. Po can see the all reports . if the PO can registered after that see the all the information and retrieve the information about PO.
In this Module every end user can see the reports about elections helps about elections.
Software Requirement:
Operating System : Windows Family.
Language : Servlet, jsp
Data Bases : Oracle10G
Server : Tomcat1.5
Front End : Html, JavaScript
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