Team Crew Management Project in .Net

Scope :

Team crew management is similar to job portal management system developed in and sql server/ms access database.

There are two types of users.

  • Normal users who can apply for teams and company admin who can create teams and recruit members.
  • Users can register and login in the system. They can create and edit their profiles.
  • Company admin can create team and recruit members.
  • User can view teams and apply for teams.
  • Company can search for users and users can search for various companies.

Module Description:

Registration :

This Page is used when user first time wants to use the system.user has to first register in to the system and then he/she can use the this case, user has to provide his/her details like user name,first name,last name and password that user wants to use while using the system. Both company and normal user have to register to use the system

Login :

This Page is used when user has registered into the system and wants to use the system.

In this case, user has to provide valid user name and password .after providing valid user name and password,system allows user to use the system.

Create Profile :

Both company admin and user need to create their profiles after they login. User can view company’s details and apply for teams. Company can view user’s details and approve him for team.

Create Team:

Company admin create teams as per requirement. Details for team are provided. Number of members for team is also specified.

Apply For Team :

User can view various company and teams available. User can apply for any team if it has a vacancy.


User can search various companies,Teams and other user to get information

Data Dictionary

  • Company Login
  • User LoginCompany Login Screenshot
  • Company
  • User
  • Team
  • Team Details
  • Vacancy
  • User Request

Output Screens:

  • Registration
  • Login
  • User Homepage
  • Company Homepage
  • Add New Team
  • Apply For Team
  • Edit Team
  • View User Details
  • View Company Details
  • View Team Details
  • View Request Status
  • Search Company
  • Search User
  • Change Password
  • Company Usage History
  • User History

Team Crew Management Login

View User Request for Team
using System;
using System.Web.Administration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;</code>

namespace TeamCrewManagment
public partial class getuserReq : System.Web.UI.Page
string sql = null;
string constr = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=\\Team.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
sql = "select * from userreq where status like(‘Pending’)";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);
SqlDataReader dr = null;

dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
//lbluserid.DataBinding = dr;
drplist.DataSource = dr;
drplist.DataTextField = "userid";
drplist.DataValueField = "userid";
// lbluserid.Text = dr.GetSqlString(0);

catch (Exception er)
lbl4.Text = "1"+er.Message;


protected void drplist_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

protected void ImageButton2_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
sql = "select * from userreq where userid=’" + drplist.SelectedValue + "’";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
lbluserid.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();
txtSpeciality.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString();
lblteamid.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[2].ToString();
Session["TT"] = lblteamid.Text;

protected void RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

string leader = null;
int memno = 0;
int cnt=0;
public void inc()
string qury = "select count(teamid) from teammem where teamid=’"+lblteamid.Text+"’";
sql = "select teammember from team where teamid=’" + lblteamid.Text + "’";
SqlConnection ssc = new SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand sscmd = new SqlCommand(sql, ssc);
SqlDataAdapter ssda = new SqlDataAdapter(sscmd);
DataSet ssds = new DataSet();
memno = int.Parse(ssds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString());
sscmd = new SqlCommand(qury, ssc);
ssda = new SqlDataAdapter(sscmd);
ssds = new DataSet();
cnt = int.Parse(ssds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString());

string up;
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
SqlConnection con;
SqlCommand cmd;
DataSet ds;
SqlDataAdapter da;
if (memno &gt;= cnt)
if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue.Equals("Accept"))
up="update userreq set status=’"+RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue+"’ where userid=’"+lbluserid.Text+"’";
sql = "select teamleader from teammem where teamid=’" + lblteamid.Text + "’";

con = new SqlConnection(constr);
cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);

ds = new DataSet();
da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
int cal = da.Fill(ds);
leader = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();
if (cal &gt; -1)
cmd = new SqlCommand(up, con);
ds = new DataSet();
da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex == 1)
con = new SqlConnection(constr);
up = "update userreq set status=’" + RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue + "’ where userid=’" + lbluserid.Text + "’";
cmd = new SqlCommand(up, con);
ds = new DataSet();
da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
catch (Exception oo)
lbl4.Text = oo.Message;
RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex = 1;
Label6.Visible = true;
Label6.Text = "Team is Overflowing";
public void insertData()
lbl4.Text = leader;

sql = "insert into [teammem] values (‘" + replaceSingleQuote(lblteamid.Text) + "’,’" + replaceSingleQuote(leader) + "’,’" + replaceSingleQuote(lbluserid.Text) + "’)";
SqlConnection scon = new SqlConnection(constr);
SqlCommand scmd = new SqlCommand(sql, scon);
DataSet sds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(scmd);
int ff=sda.Fill(sds);
if (ff &gt; -1)
public static String replaceSingleQuote(String fsQuote)
fsQuote = fsQuote.Trim();
int liStartingIndex = fsQuote.IndexOf("’", 0);
int liNextIndex = 0;
int liEvenIndex = 0;
while (liStartingIndex != -1)
liNextIndex = fsQuote.IndexOf("’", liStartingIndex + 1);
if (liNextIndex == -1 || liNextIndex != liStartingIndex + 1)
{ /*for qoute counted in bunch */
if (liEvenIndex % 2 == 0)
{ /* to insert single quote if quote count is odd */
fsQuote = fsQuote.Insert(liStartingIndex, "’");
liEvenIndex = 1;
if (liNextIndex == liStartingIndex + 1)
{ /* to increment value to be used at the time of inserting quote */
liStartingIndex = liNextIndex;
return fsQuote;



Benefits Processing for Migrant Workers Project in Asp.Net

Benefits’ Processing for Migrant Workers Project  is a real time web application System.  The main objective of this project is enrolling migrant workers to United States in various insurance schemes, personal accident coverage, pension schemes and other area. With several migrant workers especially in high technology area coming over to us to carry out fairly long stints at work the client organization don’t spend too much figuring out system and doing research on which schemes would be suitable for employee where mw comes into picture. They have complete knowledge about all schemes and migrant workers

Benefits Processing for Migrant Workers Project

                      Each client a company would get a user id, password, which can be used by the personnel department of client organization to communicate employee lists with specific names and details. Acknowledgements would be automatic and the clients would put up processing status. our application provides a highly responsive system that will enable clients in different countries communicate internet based systems using with backend of   SQL server.

Benefits Processing for Migrant Workers Project Modules:

  • Administration users interface

The total system after careful analysis has been identified to contain the follows modules.

Administration Module: This module enables Midwest super users to set up client information, generate authorizations for them and carry out data base maintenance and security

  1. New  Registration Entries
  2. Add user
  3. Add country
  4. Add organization schemes
  5. Add migrant Benefits
  6. Add Benefit Type Entries.
  7. Add profile
  8. Change Password
  9. Reports.

 New Registration   :  after the administrator logs into the website he will get a screen of what tasks he has to do. First of all by clicking on the new registration entries here he can view any new clients registered if any, here we had button “create user account” and by clicking on that he will get a table called  company registration details and this information is saved into data base table “company registration details”.

If we want to deactivate a record by highlighting and clicking on that record deactivation can be possible. Initially, each and every record’s status shall be yes ‘y’ after deactivate button was clicked the status will be ‘n’-no now the deactivated records can be viewed by clicking on “show de activated records”.

Commn Tracker a Planning Project in Asp.Net

Commn Tracker a Planning Project in Asp.Net is developed to reduce manual work in software companies where there are large number of employees. This software has new entries, View Reports, Modifications. Detailed explanation about modules are explained below.

Planning and Tracking System Project

 The modules present in this application are,






 P A S (People Allocation System)


Employee: As Wipro Technologies support 53000+ employees working around the world in different projects, the utilization calculated until now is a statistical work, in order to have the accurate results, the modules should be automated, commn Tracker is an application which automates and build a logical relational between all the modules. The description of the modules is as follows, Employee modules consists of all the details about the personal details about like name, Emp-ID, age, sex, e-mail and other details of the work performed. The employee module also consists of the details like band, visa, operational, practice. The band represents to which category of selection he belongs e.g., Team RAINBOW, WASE, etc. and the visa type of the respective employee i.e. whether H1, L1, RL1, WP (for all the European Countries). These details helps out in finding whether he is working onsite and offsite and if he working abroad, then what are the allowances that the company has to provide for the employee. Many other details of his billable and non-billable days of working is also retrieved. The tables on which the web pages are linked are EMPLOYEEREPOSITARY, EMPLOYEE1

Account: The account is a tag which is attached to an employee, when an employee is working billable to One project and non-billable to some other projects, One tag regarding each project is given and for an employee having  0(zero) tags, he is said to be at free pool. For each account again, the respective visa, band, and operational practice. These details provide summarized information of each account associated with an employee. The web pages are logically linked to the backend by using the tables ACCOUNT1, ACCOUNTREPOISITARY.

Implementation of energy efficient communication scheme for MANETs using Random cast techniques

Project Title: Implementation of energy efficient communication scheme for MANETs using Random cast techniques

Study Area Review: Wireless communications

Aims: Main aim of this project is to develop energy efficient communication plan using Random cast technique across Mobile Adhoc networks

Router Sceenshot
Router Sceenshot


• To understand the concept of MANETs and different communication techniques across them
• To prepare a literature review on existing communication schemes and the role of energy efficiency in this process and evaluate the disadvantages among them
• To design a Random cast technique to overcome the limitations found in the literature review and implement across MANETs for better energy efficient communication process
• To develop a dotnet application that can demonstrate the proposed system practically
• To test the application and evaluate the results
• To document the observations and prepare a proper thesis report


Following are the deliverables of this project:

• A proper literature review on existing communication techniques across MANETs
• Random cast algorithm that can explain all the steps involved creating an energy efficient communication scheme for MANETs
• Design documents, which can be used to understand the front and backend design of the application
• Prototype of the application, before executing on the real environment
• Dotnet code that can demonstrate the application practically
• Results and observations

Project Type:

This is both research and development project, where I will do some basic research on MANETs and existing communication techniques and I will develop Random cast algorithm based application to implement the energy efficient communication across MANETs.

Professional Project Claim

This project emphasises design and evaluates a dotnet system using appropriate processes and tools, as follows

Hardware Requirements:

• System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
• Hard Disk : 40 GB.
• Ram : 512 Mb.

Software Requirements:

• Operating system : – Windows XP Professional.
• Front End : – Asp .Net 2.0.
Coding Language : – Visual C# .Net.

 Source code for client:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.IO;

namespace DestCode
public partial class Client : Form
public Client()
DestCode.receivedPath = “”;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
label5.Text = DestCode.receivedPath;
lblres.Text = DestCode.curMsg;


DestCode obj = new DestCode();
private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FolderBrowserDialog f = new FolderBrowserDialog();
if (f.SelectedPath != “”)
DestCode.receivedPath = f.SelectedPath;
label5.Text = f.SelectedPath;
MessageBox.Show(“Please Select a File Receiving Path.\r\n Else You Can not Receive the File”);

private void label5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


class DestCode
IPEndPoint ipEnd;
Socket sock;
public DestCode()
IPHostEntry ipEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(Environment.MachineName);
IPAddress IpAddr = ipEntry.AddressList[0];
ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(IpAddr, 5656);
sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
public static string receivedPath;
public static string curMsg = “”;
public void StartServer()
//curMsg = “Starting…”;

// curMsg = “Running and waiting to receive file.”;
Socket clientSock = sock.Accept();

byte[] clientData = new byte[1024 * 5000];

int receivedBytesLen = clientSock.Receive(clientData);
curMsg = “Receiving data…”;

int fileNameLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(clientData, 0);
string fileName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(clientData, 4, fileNameLen);

BinaryWriter bWrite = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(receivedPath +”/”+ fileName, FileMode.Append)); ;
bWrite.Write(clientData,4 + fileNameLen, receivedBytesLen – 4 – fileNameLen);
if (receivedPath == “”)
MessageBox.Show(“No Path was selected to Save the File”);
curMsg = “Saving file …”;

curMsg = “File Received …”;


catch (Exception ex)
curMsg = “File Receving error.”;


Customer Support Services Project in Asp.Net

The entire Customer Support Services Project  ( in Asp.Net ) has been starting from installation of the product. When a product is installed in client side CSE assigns the installation ID to Customer and with this customer can interact with organization in future to rectify their problems. After the process of installation, this application is designed in such a way to generate a report over this installation containing the information of its start date, end date and by whom it has been installed. Not only in this particular section of this process, whenever the requirement arises, can an efficient and relevant report be generated. This system is implemented in such manner.

When Customer makes a complaint against given product, the Administrator assigns the operation of resolving the complaint to any employee in the CSE department available on organization or to CSE who is nearer to customer location. If for a specific service call, a spare is required then the CSE will go to stores, and fill the spare request form. This form is designed with the details of installation ID, product details, and spare parts of the product. If the items need to be charged, then the reports are passed on the account which will generate invoice and collect the amount. Although the CSE may handover the invoice and collect the amount, the money part of the transaction is not within the purview of this system.

Relevant to the above mentioned process of the system, this application is implemented with all the necessary entities. Upon requirement, this application has been divided into three modules, such as.

Customer Support Services

Customer Support Services Project Modules overview:

  • Administrator module.
  • Customer module.
  • CSE (Customer Support Executive) module.

Drug Management System Project in

Drug Management System project is web based application developed in Main objective of this project is to manage all details of drug company which include employee details, department details, designation details, drug registration, reaction agent details.

Drug Management System Project

Drug Management System Project Modules:

  • Employees Information Module: The module manages the information of all the employees who practically exist for this organization. Each employee is exclusively associated through a specific department and authorized designation. The module manages all the transnational relations that generically arise as and when the system has been executed, upon the requirements.
  • Drug Information Module: This module takes care of the information related to all the drugs that are scheduled for investigation within the system. The module integrates itself with all the areas wherever the drug is associated and applied within the system. The module also cross checks its reference with the scheduled reaction agents and allergies along with the usage conditions.
  • Allergic Information Module: This module manages the information related to all the allergies and their associated anti-allergic medicines, which should be handled, when any allergic reaction protrudes within the system under the drug trials. The system within this module also manages the referential information related to the different symptoms through which the drug should be applied.
  • Drug Trials Information Module:This module manages the information related to the Drugs that are under the trial registry within the system. This module keeps a reference to the individuals who are participating in the system for the trial participation. The module records the Drug trials starting date and ending date. It also cross checks and verifies the authenticity of the individuals who are deputed upon the drug trials.
  • Individual Trials Information Module:This module manages the information of the individuals who have been put upon the drug trials, and the related information regarding their trials is recorded within a secured, format the systems within the executional domain allows only the specific information to be viewed by the individual.
  • Drug Trial History Module:This module maintains the standard information related to the data that is generated through the process of cross checking the drugs trials History. This module helps the organization to keep track of the executional future plans upon the system.
  • Security Module:This module maintains and manages the security standards that may be necessary in accessing the system as per the required authorization.

Resource allocation to support multimedia services across OFDM systems


A resource allocation algorithm was designed to downlink the best effort services and the real-time-OFDMA systems on a wireless channel that varies accordingly with the time. The maximization of the throughput of a system and maintaining the RT and BE service requirements of the QoS is the major property that can be seen in the algorithm proposed. The AADTR (average absolute deviation of transmission rate) of the RT services tolerability that is used to control the fluctuations that rise in it and for the limitation to be provided to the RT packet delay.

The resources allocated representing the optimization problem is formulated and solved by using the dual optimization technique that projects the sub-gradient stochastic method. The simulation results have shown that the proposed algorithm satisfies the requirements of QoS maintaining the throughput at high level. The M-LWDF (modified largest weighted delay first) algorithm also supports the requirements.Due to the heavy demand of wireless and mobile computing usage, providing the required bandwidth to all the customers by the respective service providers has become a tedious job.

To meet the demand of networking attributes like bandwidth, rate and resource allocation, every day a new approach is being proposed and most of them deal with the perfect resourced allocation strategies. There are many existing techniques to handle the problem of resource allocation and each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages as discussed in Literature.

Allocating the resources by meeting the QoS standards is really a tedious job to handle and in this project I would like to evaluate the functionality of OFDM resource allocation to support the multimedia services as proposed by Kae Won Choi, Wha Sook Jeon at their IEEE transaction Resource Allocation in OFDMA Wireless Communications Systems Supporting Multimedia Services. I will implement the basic algorithm discussed in this transaction and try to evaluate the resource allocation performance based on few metrics like packet delivery rate and bandwidth allocation.

Load matrix concept is implemented at the coding level with respect to the algorithm discussed in and develops a dotnet based application to simulate the desired results. File transmission is done by considering two modes of communication like Best Effort (BE) and Real time (RT) that can be used transfer large files regarding multimedia services.

Destination displayer screen shows by selecting file receiving path
Destination displayer screen shows by selecting file receiving path

Project background  

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is the common approaches used these days to transmit the data across mobile communication. It works on the principle of Frequency division multiplexing (FDD), where the complete frequency available to transmit the data is divided in to number of different channels that work across a single broadband medium.

Entire data is broken in to number of data streams and passed across a common broadband medium. In general the medium used to transmit the data can be of different types like cables, radio spectrum and optical fibers and the best example of the OFDM based data transmission can be a Cable networks used across TV, where different channels with different frequencies can be viewed using a single optical fiber cable. When ever a source wants to transmit the data, entire data is divided in to different digital data streams and are modulated across sub carriers. Spectral or Bandwidth efficiency of the data transmission can be increased a lot using the OFDM systems.

OFDMA systems can promise high data transfer services mixed with the QoS standards. There are many existing techniques that really deal with the frequency division multiplexing and most of them fail in terms of providing best Quality of Services to the meet the customer demands with respect to perfect resource allocation and bandwidth management techniques.

OFDMA can be considered as the best choice to support multimedia services while meeting the perfect packet delivery and error rates along with the optimized resource allocation strategies. Apart from the best services provided by this techniques, there exists a problem in supporting the multimedia services and is as discussed in Problem definition section.

Problem definition

To support the high speed data transfer techniques, a perfect scheduling and resource allocation is always required to meet the requirements from the users. In general the resource allocation is done in terms of user current used channel conditions and Quality of Service requirements. There are many existing scheduling and resource allocation techniques in literature but most of them concentrate on overall system capacity and utility in terms of performance.

A unique utility function is defined with respect to the available throughput of the users and in most of the cases this approach is suited for time division multiplexing rather than the required frequency division standards. As per the increase in demand for multimedia services across the OFDM systems, a proper resource allocation scheme is required to handle these requests for resources.

Multicast services should be provided to support these multimedia services and the bandwidth should be perfectly utilized to meet the resource requirements across the OFDM systems. In general a multicast OFDM system suffers with the variations of propagation channels across the base station and the mobile users and the data rate is affected with this loss channel gain across the OFDM systems.

Overall system performance is affected a lot due to the receiver channel conditions and there are many existing techniques like radio resource allocation can be used to improve the overall system throughput.

Sub carrier allocation and data rate allocation across the OFDM systems can also solve this problem, but these methods fail at multi resolution multicast service providing and solve this I will implement a multi resolution multicast radio.

Source Code:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ZedGraph;

namespace WindowsApplication1
public partial class GraphView : Form
public GraphView()
public string[] txt = new string[8];//= new string[val.Length];
public double[] st = new double[3];// = new double[row];
public double[] et = new double[1];
public string[] services = new string[3];
public string[] Shortpath = new string[8];
public string[] lbl;//= new string[row];
public string who;
string[] name;
double[] value;
private void Chart_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//int k = 0;
//int l = 0;
//for (int i = 0; i <= PasibleRout.Length – 1; i++)
// if (PasibleRout[i] != null)
// {
// k++;
// }
//for (int i = 0; i <= PasibleRout.Length – 1; i++)
// if (Shortpath[i] != null)
// {
// l++;
// }
//double set = 10;
//name = new string[k];
//value = new double[k];
//spath = new double[l];
//for (int j = 0; j <= k – 1; j++)
// value[j] = set;
// set += 10;
//set = 10;
//for (int j = 0; j <= l – 1; j++)
// spath[j] = set;
// set += 10;
//Array.Copy(val, value, k);
//Array.Copy(PasibleRout, name, k);
services[0] = "Start-Time";
services[1] = "End-Time";
services[2] = "Down-Time";

GraphPane mypane = zgp1.GraphPane;

private void SetSizePie1()
zgp1.Location = new Point(10, 10);

// Leave a small margin around the outside of the control
zgp1.Size = new Size(this.groupBox20.Width – 20, this.groupBox20.Height – 20);

private void CreateGraphPie1(ZedGraphControl zgc)
int row = 0;

//string[] txt = new string[val.Length];

//double[] val = new double[row];
string[] lbl = new string[row];
double[] tempval = new double[row];
string[] templbl = new string[row];

// sort(val, lbl);
GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

//Set the titles and axis labels
myPane.Title.Text = "OFDMA Wirless Communications";
myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = who;
myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Transmission Delay";

// Set the XAxis to Text type
zgc.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text;
// Set the XAxis label
zgc.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = services ;
// Set the labels at an angle so they don’t overlap
zgc.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 40;

BarItem mb = zgc.GraphPane.AddBar("OFDMA", null, st , Color.Maroon);
mb.IsVisible = true;
zgc.IsShowPointValues = true;
zgc.IsShowContextMenu = false;
zgc.IsShowPointValues = true;
//private void CreateGraphPie2(ZedGraphControl zgc)
// int row = 0;

// //string[] txt = new string[val.Length];

// //double[] val = new double[row];
// string[] lbl = new string[row];
// double[] tempval = new double[row];
// string[] templbl = new string[row];

// // sort(val, lbl);
// GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

// //Set the titles and axis labels
// myPane.Title.Text = "Shartest Path";
// myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Routers";
// myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Mesherment";

// // Set the XAxis to Text type
// zgc.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text;
// // Set the XAxis label
// zgc.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = Shortpath ;
// // Set the labels at an angle so they don’t overlap
// zgc.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 40;

// LineItem mb = zgc.GraphPane.AddCurve("Biased Random", null, spath , Color.Blue);
// mb.IsVisible = true;
// zgc.IsShowPointValues = true;
// zgc.AxisChange();
// zgp1.Refresh();
// zgc.IsShowContextMenu = false;
// zgc.IsShowPointValues = true;
// zgc.AxisChange();
// zgp1.Refresh();
private void sort(double[] v, string[] l)
double tmp, tmp2;
string ltemp;
int j;
for (int i = 0; i < v.Length – 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < v.Length – 1 – i; j++)
if (v[j + 1] > v[j])
{ /* compare the two neighbours */
tmp = v[j]; /* swap a[j] and a[j+1] */
ltemp = l[j];
v[j] = v[j + 1];
l[j] = l[j + 1];
v[j + 1] = tmp;
l[j + 1] = ltemp;
tmp2 = v[j];


Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Project in ASP.Net

Project Description:

In this Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Project in ASP.Net, summary is being presented on VoIP system’s implementation. The most significant conclusion is as follows. In terms of service and functionality, that can be assisted, SIP as well as H.323 is almost same. Some issues regarding interoperability are expected between its implementations.

Between its various versions and best interoperability with technology of PSTN, H.323 has superior compatibility. In support of QoS, two protocols are comparable. The significant advantage of Sip is its flexibility to add latest characteristics as well as its relative ease of debugging and implementation.

At last, a VoIP system is ebing implemented by making use of Westplan simulator and the characteristics of traffic are analyzed. Several issues have been considered for simulation that might take place during the network’s implementation phase.

Project Source Code:

[csharp]using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class sample : System.Web.UI.Page
SqlConnection con;
SqlCommand cmd;
SqlDataAdapter da;
DataSet ds;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button1.Enabled = false;

protected void ReadTermscbx_CheckedChanged(object sender)
if (ReadTermscbx.Checked == true)
Button1.Enabled = true;
Button1.Enabled = false;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fn", firstname.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ln", lastnametbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@em", Email.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cem", ConfirmEmailtbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@un", usernmtbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pas", Password.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@chfn", CardFirstNametbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@chln", CardLastNametbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ln1", line1tbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ln2", line2tbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cou", coun.ToString());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@st", Statedpl.SelectedItem.ToString());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ci", citytbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pic", zipcodetbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hph", hphno.ToString());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@phext", PhoneExttbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ct", CCTypedpl.SelectedItem.ToString());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ccno", CCNumbertbx.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cchkno", CCExtension.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@exp", exp.ToString());
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pri", pr);


The above page displayed will represnet how to login for the purpose of getting high speed internet connection and Hitech phone account. As shown in figure, at first the exact username as well as password must be given to login.Activity Log Page

Activity Log Page

Area Codes & Rate Centers
Area Codes & Rate Centers
Call Detail Records
Call Detail Records
Email Sent
Email Sent
Forgot Password
Forgot Password
Goto my call Forward
Goto my call Forward
Goto my webcall Back
Goto my webcall Back
Installation Page
Installation Page
International Rate Table
International Rate Table
Login Details
Login Details
Login Page
Login Page
Personal Information
Personal Information
Recharge my code
Recharge my code
Register my Web Call Number
Register my Web Call Number
Service Plans Click Here
Service Plans Click Here
Service Plans Join Now
Service Plans Join Now
Service Plans
Service Plans
Support Faq Page
Support Faq Page
Understanding call rates
Understanding call rates

After getting login the follwing page is displayed which is shown above. This page represents activity log page which shows date/time, description and amount applied for internet connection.

The page displayed shows how to search for new concepts. As shown in the figure, t perform FAQ search, either any of the given two options such as keyword search using, and specified FAQ ID number must be provided and then click the submit button after filling the options.

After the process of sublission as shown in preeceding page, the following page will be displayed showing area codes and rate centers. Here the hitech phone allows the users to slect a phone number form any of the available rate centers, regardless of where the Hitech phones will be loacted physically.

After selecting phone number, the following page will be diaplyed which represnets the Hitechphone delivers. This phone makes use of existing high-speed intenret connection to dleiver flexible and powerful features as represented in the above figure.

The page displayed here asks to enter emial id and then clcik to submit for the following process to take place. After submitting email ID the usenrmae and passowrd will be sent to the users mail id.

The page displayed here shows that if the userId and passowrd are not sent to the users email ID then go back to home to again login. Else, if the userid and password and sent to the mail then the following page will be displayed as shown below.

The page displayed here shows that the Hi-tech mobile installation is being made easy and it is assumes that a high-speed internet connection is being provided through DSL/cable/other services. And a gateway or home router is given to share internet connection DHCP running on the networks. This process can be done with most of the home routers.

This page displayed here shows how to search for international rates of Hitech phones. Search must be performed by giving topic in search option provided in the figure and then clicking on the search button.

After clicking on serach button, the following page is displayed as shown in the figure. The page include many options. As per the desire, the user can go to any option to get through about that specific option provided in this figure. The user in order to known complete details of call clcik on the call details.

After the user clciking on call details option asshown in the previous page, this follwing page is displayed. This page shows the records of call details.  

The page displayed here shows how to setup a call forwarding, i.e how the our calls can be forwarded to our mobile phones or any other number, whether the number is in any location, the calls can be forwarded to anywhere in the world. And this process can be done as per the page diplayed. Here as shown in the figure, the number of received calls must be given and also the option like forward any calls to must also be filled and after filling clcik enable button.

After clciking enable button of previous page the following page is displayed. The page represnets web callback option. For this purpsoe following steps must be perfomed as shown in the figure. As per options provided in fgure, the mobile number, destination number must be given and finally the delay your call option must also be set. This option is set as no dleay as shown in the above figure. After filling these options clcik on the call button.

After clicking on the call button of previous page, the following page will be displayed as shwon above. Here the user is asked to provide the perosnal information such as fisrt name, last name, email, phone, old passwoed, new password, and confirmation new password. After filling the above information details clcik on the update button to save our perosnal details. 

After updateing information, a code will be provided which is used to recharge mibile number. This code will be asked in the page displayed here. In order to recharfe our calling card, the code given to us must be fiven in the block of recahrge code shwon in the figure. After giving exact code number, click on the recahrge button.

This page dipslays Tel calback service  which pemrits the user to register phone number. As shown in the figure in order to resigter number, the area code as well as mobile number must be given as per the example shown in above figure. After providing details clcik on add now button.

After the number is regsitered, the following page is displayed which shows the about residential service plans being offered by HitechPhone to meet the budgets as well as needs of the user, as it is idela for both office and home.

The page dispalyed here shows the service plans of Hi-tech phones. And the total start up cost in making use of these services. Also it asks to select state as well as rate center in which the phone number wants to be.

After slecting the state and arte center the following page will be displayed, which represents HitechPhone calling rates. Among the baove mentioned options click on the understanding calling rates, then the following page will be displayed as showin in the figure given below.

The page displayed here shows the complete details in understanding Hitechphone Calling rates, i.e it represents details about what is PSTN and what are the call types offered.

Bulk IEEE 2014-2015 .Net Projects for BTech & MTech Students

Latest 2014 .Net Projects:

Here we are providing list of latest 2014-2015 .Net projects with titles and category. Students and institutions who want to buy these projects in bulk or buy few projects from the list can contact us. These projects consists of full project report, source code, paper presentation. All these projects are developed in ( data mining, cloud computing, mobile computing, networking, image processing, parallel distributed systems, secure computing ).

List of Latest 2014 .Net Projects:

S No Title Of The Project Domain Year
1 A Cocktail Approach for Travel Package Recommendation Data Mining 2014
2 An Empirical Performance Evaluation Of Relational Keyword Search Systems Data Mining 2014
3 LARS*: An Efficient and Scalable Location-Aware Recommender System Data Mining 2014
4 Product Aspect Ranking and  Its Applications Data Mining 2014
5 Secure Mining of Association Rules in Horizontally Distributed Databases Data Mining 2014
6 Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search Data Mining 2014
7 Typicality-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Data Mining 2014
8 Balancing Performance, Accuracy, and Precision for Secure Cloud Transactions Cloud Computing 2014
9 Building Confidential and Efficient Query Services in the Cloud with RASP Data Perturbation Cloud Computing 2014
10 Consistency as a Service: Auditing Cloud Consistency Cloud Computing 2014
11 Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds Cloud Computing 2014
12 Distributed, Concurrent, and Independent Access to Encrypted Cloud Databases Cloud Computing 2014
13 Enabling Data Integrity Protection in Regenerating-Coding-Based Cloud Storage: Theory and Implementation Cloud Computing 2014
14 Identity-Based Distributed Provable Data Possession in Multi-Cloud Storage Cloud Computing 2014
15 Key-Aggregate Cryptosystem for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage Cloud Computing 2014
16 Panda: Public Auditing for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud Cloud Computing 2014
17 Privacy-Preserving Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud Computing 2014
18 Scalable Distributed Service Integrity Attestation for Software-as-a-Service Clouds Cloud Computing 2014
19 A QoS-Oriented Distributed Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Networks Mobile Computing 2014
20 Autonomous Mobile Mesh Networks Mobile Computing 2014
21 DA-Sync: A Doppler-Assisted Time-Synchronization Scheme for Mobile Underwater Sensor Networks Mobile Computing 2014
22 Leveraging Social Networks for P2P Content-Based File Sharing in Disconnected MANETs Mobile Computing 2014
23 Preserving Location Privacy in Geo social Applications Mobile Computing 2014
24 Content Caching and Scheduling in Wireless Networks With Elastic and Inelastic Traffic Networking 2014
25 Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks Networking 2014
26 Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding Image Processing 2014
27 Designing an Efficient Image Encryption-Then Compression System via Prediction Error Clustering and Random Permutation Image Processing 2014
28 A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme towards Efficient Trust Establishment in Delay-tolerant Networks Parallel & Distributed Systems 2014
29 A System for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis Parallel & Distributed Systems 2014
30 An Error-Minimizing Framework for Localizing Jammers in Wireless Networks Parallel & Distributed Systems 2014
31 Certificate less Remote Anonymous Authentication Schemes for Wireless Body Area Networks Parallel & Distributed Systems 2014
32 Efficient Data Query in Intermittently-Connected Mobile Ad Hoc Social Networks Parallel & Distributed Systems 2014
33 Multicast Capacity in MANET with Infrastructure Support Parallel & Distributed Systems 2014
34 Secure and Efficient Data Transmission for Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks Parallel & Distributed Systems 2014
35 Transmission-Efficient Clustering Method for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Compressive Sensing Parallel & Distributed Systems 2014
36 Captcha as Graphical Passwords—A New Security Primitive Based on Hard AI Problems Secure Computing 2014


Online Trading Transactions Project in

Online trading transactions project is a online application which is designed in language.  This application works as a business mediator between supplier and purchaser organization. Every company requires help form other companies for building business ,this application works as a medium to solve problem.

Online Trading Transactions

Online Trading Transactions Project Modules:

Online trading transactions project is divided in four main modules which are explained below. 

Supplier information module 

 Purchaser information module 

 Orders Information Module. 

 Commodities information module.

The system after careful analysis has been identified to present with the following modules.

Supplier information module: This module maintains the information related to all the suppliers who come up on to this site, in want of information or to conduct business. The module has higher-level bondage in integrity and exchanging information through the commodities information module.

 Purchaser information module: This module maintains the information related to all purchasers, who are interested to dwell their business process with the ongoing suppliers who are in the list. They get integrated with the other modules like orders information module and while checking the credit rating of the suppliers in supplier module.

Orders Information Module:this module server the purchasers is raising orders again the suppliers to his module internally provides facilities for canceling the orders that have been raised in time or amending the orders that have been committed and awaiting for the process.

Commodities information module: this module provides the information related to all the commodities that are available. Within the specification system, and those that are registered by the suppliers, for the business association. All the commodities that are available in this module become part of the orders module while an older is raised.