GSM Based SCADA Implementation Using Micro Controller Abstract


GSM Based SCADA Implementation Using Microcontroller Projects main idea is to develop a application which can handle temperature through GSM Mobile.


                    This project consists of at89s52 micro controller as a controlling device. The communication used in this project is the mobile communication. GSM (GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATION) modem is connected to the micro controller through a max 232 which is a TTL level converter.

            Temperature sensor that gives the voltage in the form of temperature.  The need of lm 35 temperature sensor is that reduces the signal conditioner at its output; because it gives direct mill volts. This voltage is converted to the digital form by using mcp3201 Analog to Digital converter.

            Micro controller continuously reads the data from the temperature sensor and displays whenever the temperature exceeds the set point. And the temperature is send to the mobile through the GSM whenever we send the message to the GSM.


  • AT89S52
  • MCP3201
  • MAX-232

Skill set

  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming
  • Keil compiler

download GSM Based SCADA Implementation Using Micro Controller Abstract .

GSM Based Advanced Security Systems Abstract


 The aim of GSM BASED ADVANCED SECURITY SYSTEMS project is to control the home appliances from remote locations from a central Server system.


The idea of having a full control over the places where we live and work has always been a fascinating subject to fantasize no matter at what age! As the technology improved in recent decades, human being gained more power on controlling various devices indoors. However, having this control remotely still remains an incomplete yet developing matter in industry. 

The Project entitled “GSM BASED ADVANCED SECURITY SYSTEMS” highlights the above mentioned issue and offers ways to overcome this need by employing two of the most widely used features of today’s technology – SMS to be applied as a bridge in between human and fully automated buildings, GSM standard which ensures perfect compatibility between networks and mobile phones in any location. 

            In this project, the system allows the home owner to monitor and control the house appliances like fan, motor, AC, light which can be switched on or off via the mobile phone set by sending commands in the form of SMS and also the home owner can receive the appliances status. 

When a message was received from the GSM then the micro controller will display that message on LCD at the end of the message a number is received based on that number the micro controller will does the coresponinding operation to that number like switching the devices ON and OFF. and the date and time of that message received is displayed on LCD display. 


  • MAX232
  • MOC3011
  • BT136


  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming

download GSM Based Advanced Security Systems Abstract .

Patient Care System Using GSM & GPS Abstract

For any application in the hospitals there are many parameters to be handled. In PATIENT CARE SYSTEM USING GSM & GPS project we are concentrating a temperature sensor and heart beat sensor. This sensor is fixed on the patient, for our application to be performed. The Sensor gathers the values and sends the information to the microcontroller continuously. The microcontroller receives the values and sends the corresponding values to the LCD to display. This is a cyclic process which performs till our requirement is done. Whenever the temperature or heart beat exceeds the set point the controller reads the Location from the GPS receiver and sends the message about the temperature and hart beat and location  to the specified numbers through the GSM modem . This process is automatic which depends on the Set-Point.

Applications for this are Hospitals with heavy parameters to handle, complicated areas where we can’t monitor the conditions manually; these are now days used in all kind ofHospitals.


  1. Keil IDE TOOL

download Patient Care System Using GSM & GPS Abstract .

Nokia3310 Based Image Display Abstracts

Nokia 3310 Based image display projects main idea is to develop a graphical LCD display which can show images and graphics on screen which we normally see in Nokia 3310 mobile phone. This application is developed using micro controller.

In regular LCD displays it can only show text information so this application will use a 16 bit microcontroller and JHD12864E Graphical LCD.

By this project we can display the characters, numbers, symbols, pictures and any type of images on the graphical display. This can be used in any handheld instruments to display the data. If any improvements are to be made to the project in the future, the replacement of the high quality colored graphical LCD can improve the projects view.  





download Nokia3310 Based Image Display Abstracts .

Oscilloscope Design Using Graphical LCD Abstract

The main concept of OSCILLOSCOPE  DESIGN USING GRAPHICAL LCD project is to interface the Graphical LCD with Atmega-16 to display in different graphical formats like sine wave, square wave with different frequencies; as an oscilloscope.

Here the purpose of using Microcontroller Atmega-16 is to clear the display, move the cursor, colleting the data, converting to digital form and  give the data to be displayed, controlling the Graphic LCD operations. It can display different type of formats like image text drawing Advantage  of graphical LCD is we can create graphical images which is not possible by LCD. In normal LCD screen it can display only text or symbol but in graphical LCD we can create pixels . Applications are cell phones, video games, tight fitting applications, etc.

In future we can increase the capabilities of the oscilloscope by increasing the frequency of operation controlling the voltage levels and calculating the phase angles by giving the two probe inputs.

download Oscilloscope Design Using Graphical LCD Abstract 

Image Display on Graphical LCD Abstract

Main aim of IMAGE DISPLAY ON GRAPHICAL LCD project is to develop a interface between micro controller and graphical LCD for displayed images on LCD.Basic LCD only displays data in a specific format but if there is a need to display graphical information like JPEG pictures Graphical LCD is mandatory. Out put is displayed on graphical LCD screen which supports different formats other than text. The main idea of this project is to provide a simple interfacing module between graphical LCD and processor. 

We are using Atmega-16 controller which is 16 bit microcontroller and JHD12864E Graphical LCD to display the graphical Images. The Graphical LCD we are using is 128 X 64 dimensions on which we can display any type of images. The display is split logically in two half’s. It contains two controllers with controller #1 (Chip select 1) controlling the left half of the display.

By IMAGE DISPLAY ON GRAPHICAL LCD ABSTACT project we can display the characters, numbers, symbols, pictures and any type of images on the graphical display. This can be used in any handheld instruments to display the data. If any improvements are to be made to the project in the future. 





download Image Display on Graphical LCD Abstract .

Implementation Of Location Based Advertisement System Using GPS& Graphical LCD

In today’s global position system (GPS) receivers, we are able to pinpoint our own position on the globe. For this we require various parameters like longitude, latitude, and altitude. These parameters are received from the satellites covering the whole world and that information is displayed on the LCD and the same is messaged is routed to cell phone through GSM modem. In this way we are able to navigate the position of the vehicle.

To design the navigation system, we combine the GPS ability to pinpoint location along with the ability of the global system for mobile (GSM) to communicate with a remote system (Mobile Phone) in a wireless fashion. Information from the Satellites is displayed on graphical LCD.

By IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCATION BASED ADVERTISEMENT SYSTEM USING GPS& GRAPHICAL LCD project we can display the characters, numbers, symbols, pictures and any type of images on the graphical display. This can be used in any handheld instruments to display the data. If any improvements are to be made to the project in the future, for further development of this project we can use use colored LCD which can make this project more big.

download Implementation Of Location Based Advertisement System Using GPS& Graphical LCD Abstract .

Grasping Latitude and Longitude Position Interfacing Using Global Position System


 The aim of GRASPING LATTITUDE AND LONGITUDE POSITION INTERFCAING USING GLOBAL POSITION SYSTEM project is to control the home appliances from remote locations from a central Server system.


          One of the most important communications in the world is a satellite communication. That receives the data globally from the satellite with the perfect position. The GPS module is manufactured for grasping the positions of longitudinal and latitudinal positions using satellite communication. This module is interfaced to the micro controller through a max232 which is a voltage level converter between GPS module to the micro controller. When a message was received from the GPS then the micro controller will display that message on LCD.


  • MAX232
  • RS232


  • Functionality of all above components.

Embedded C programming.

download Grasping Latitude and Longitude Position Interfacing Using Global Position System abstract .

Autonomous Vehicle with GPS Navigation Abstract

The Autonomous robot with GPS Navigation  is an unmanned vehicle that runs in a field continuously by sensing an obstacle in its path. This obstacle sensing is possible by an infra red sensor. 

Global Positioning System (GPS) based Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) hardware units with programmable micro-controller to collect x-y-z coordinates at  specified intervals along road and railway networks, and storing location points on the way until the information is requested and send though wireless. 

One of the most important communications in the world is a satellite communication. That receives the data globally from the satellite with the perfect position. The GPS module is manufactured for grasping the positions of longitudinal and latitudinal positions using satellite communication. This module is interfaced to the micro controller through a max232 which is a voltage level converter between GPS module to the micro controller. When a message was received from the GPS then the micro controller will display that message on LCD.


  • In military applications
  • Industrial automation 


  1. Keiluv2 IDE tool
  2. ISP programmer
  3. Embedded C programming 


  1. Microcontroller
  2. LCD display
  3. L293d driver IC
  4. Gp2d12  sensor


Real Time Implementation of Finger Print Based Authentication Abstract

Real Time Implementation Of Finger Print Based authentication and controlling system devices projects main idea is to provide security for doors using finger prints technology. Here we are scanning the finger print and we have to check with the predefined data using microcontroller. If it matches door has to open otherwise buzzer has to on for security purpose. 


  1. Personal computer / workstation security.
  2. Network / enterprise security.
  3. e -commerce / e-business.
  4. Electronic transactions.
  5. Banking and financial systems.
  6. Medical information systems.
  7. Any password-based application


  1. Avrstudio4 IDE tool
  2. ISP programming
  3. Embedded C Programming


  1. Micro controller
  3. Buzzer
  4.  LCD Display 16×2
  5. Dc motor
  6. Driver unit.

download Real Time Implementation Of Finger Print Based Authentication Abstract.