Finger Print Recognition Based Digital Locker Security System Abstract

The main aim of FINGER PRINT RECOGNITION BASED DIGITAL LOCKER SECURITY SYSTEM project is develop a security lock system based on fingerprint scanning. In this project we are using microcontroller for opening and closing lock based on finger print which is stored in microcontroller itself so that only authorized person will access the security lock.

        In existing system there are few application which can provide security for locking system. Basically locks are used for locking doors ..etc. But this type of system is no proving security.      

In present system finger print locking system is used which can provide high security compare to regular methods. In this system finger prints of user are compared with the finger prints in the database and if they are matched lock is opened else it will raise alarm.

download Finger Print Recognition Based Digital Locker Security System Abstract . 

Finger Print Identification Recognition Based Digital Voting System Abstract

Finger Print Identification Recognition Based Digital Voting System projects main idea is to develop a micro controller based application which can work as Intelligent Electronic Voting Machine. This application can be used by any one and provides security with accurate result.

It has got two units, one is the control unit and the other is the ballet unit.  It has a “RESULT” button that will display the number of votes to respective candidate at the end of the poll. The ballet unit consists of 8 buttons, so that the user can elect any one of them. And the next trail of same user is being avoided. At the end of polling the recorded information stored in the control unit is displayed and sent to the PC. The control unit is completely designed by micro controller and it has got flexibility to increase the number of members for electing. It has “SHUT OFF” facility to avoid rigging. Once this key is pressed no unauthorized person can edit or display the data. 

UNDERSTANDING OF: Embedded Controller, Keypad, Serial Communication, EEPROM, LCD Module, Balet Unit, Keil Compiler.    

download Finger Print Identification Recognition Based Digital Voting System Abstract.  

Finger Print Based Security System Abstract

The main aim of FINGER PRINT BASED SECURITY SYSTEM project is develop a security lock system based on fingerprint scanning. In this project we are using microcontroller for opening and closing lock based on finger print which is stored in microcontroller itself so that only authorized person will access the security lock. 

          Finger print comparison is one of the tough task, mainly comparing latent finger prints like palm, foot prints will be most difficult part in finger print science. Finger print expert must be well trained and expert to perfectly analyze finger prints.


  1. Personal computer / workstation security.
  2. Network / enterprise security.
  3. e -commerce / e-business.
  4. Electronic transactions.
  5. Banking and financial systems.
  6. Medical information systems.
  7. Any password-based application


  2. ISP programming
  3. Embedded C Programming


  1. Microcontroller
  3. Buzzer
  4.  LCD Display 16×2
  5. Dc motor
  6. Driver unit.

download Finger Print Based Security System Abstract . 

Finger Print Based Office Attendance System Abstract

The aim of FINGER PRINT BASED OFFICE ATTENDANCE SYSTEM project is to develop an office attendance system based on fingerprint scanning which is now the current trend in technology. We have to maintain all employees database. And based on this attendance database salary will be issued. This is very useful and very convenient way in large industries. 


  1. Personal computer / workstation security.
  2. Network / enterprise security.
  3. e -commerce / e-business.
  4. Electronic transactions.
  5. Banking and financial systems.
  6. Medical information systems.
  7. Any password-based application


  2. ISP programming
  3. Embedded C Programming 


  1. Microcontroller
  3. Buzzer
  4.  LCD Display 16×2
  5. Dc motor
  6. Driver unit.

download Finger Print Based Office Attendance System Abstract . 

Ethernet Based Data Acquisition System Abstract

The main aim of ETHERNET BASED DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM project is to implement the compact Ethernet based data logger system. This high performance unit is possible by interfacing an Ethernet controller to the high speed AVR controller. In order to implement this we have to select one Ethernet controller which is SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) based and is easy to interface with micro controller.    

Using this Ethernet remote device provides option for a new application development environment. It’s small, it’s easy to build and there are endless possibilities to use it.  The communication is fast! There is no delay between the sending of the command and the answer. That is very different from RS232 at standard 9600 baud rate (number of bits transfer per second) as used for most micro controller communication.    

The Ethernet Controller IC ENC28J60 can support either full duplex mode or half duplex mode. It will take transmitting/receiving 8Kbytes. ENC28J60 has internal DMA for fast access data.

In this project we are collecting the data from sensors like temperature, smoke etc. and that data is added as Ethernet packet frame by using microcontroller. By giving the destination IP address as one of desired web IP Address, sending this Ethernet Packet through Ethernet Controller in network is done. Before sending the packet to the other end we confirm the destination IP Address with data base IP Address in controller.

            This is the very simple and convenient method to send the data on Internet with low cost. By using this equipment we can send the attendance log through Internet to any where in the world from any place.


  4. ENC28J60
  5. ADC
  6. LM35


  3. STK 200/300 PROGRAMMER.

download Ethernet Based Data Acquisition System Abstract. 

Embedded Web Server Abstract

The main aim of EMBEDDED WEB SERVER project development is to implement the compact implement the compact Ethernet based data logger system, Ethernet based home automation system and message sending . This high performance unit is possible by interfacing a Ethernet controller to the high speed AVR controller. In order to implement this we have to select one Ethernet controller which is SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) based and is easy to interface with microcontroller.

This application uses ENC28J60 as ether net controller for serial interface. ENC28J60 can support either full duplex mode or half duplex mode. It will take transmitting/receiving 8Kbytes. ENC28J60 has internal DMA for fast access data. 

The module allows a user to interface a home appliance through the internet. The project is designed for a generic home appliance so the only user option is to turn it on/off. By selecting the data from web page, we can send the packet of information to the LAN. Microcontroller collects this packet, processes it and outputs the data. The data goes into a circuit which turns the appliance off or on. 

download Embedded Web Server Abstract .      

Ethernet Interface for Industrial Applications Abstract

The main aim of ETHERNET INTERFACE FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS project is to implement the compact Ethernet based home automation system. This high performance unit is possible by interfacing a Ethernet controller to the high speed AVR controller. In order to implement this we have to select one Ethernet controller which is SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) based and is easy to interface with microcontroller.

This project uses ENC28J60 ether net controller for serial communication between systems. Basic use of this controller is to serve as Ethernet interface with SPI. ENC28J60 can support either full duplex mode or half duplex mode. It will take transmitting/receiving 8Kbytes. ENC28J60 has internal DMA for fast access data.

The point of this project is to create a module for appliances that would interface with the internet. Each appliance or module would have its own IP address which would allow users to turn the appliance off and on.

download Ethernet Interface for Industrial Applications Abstract .         

Embedded Data Acquisition System with Pc Interface Abstract

EMBEDDED DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM WITH PC INTERFACE projects main idea is to develop a application which can monitor parameters like temperature and humidity and allow to analysis the data. Here in this project we are dealing with communication of data between micro controller and personal computer using serial communication. In this project data is regularly monitored by pc. Sensors will send data to micro controller through ADC. Micro controller and pc are communicated using serial communication.

In system uses LM35 sensor, MCP3 201 ADC,MAX232.

 The data that is stored in the PC is easier to monitor or retrieve at any time compared to storing in a particular memory. Nowadays we are using the same process for storing the data in the PC in any kind of industries.




  • PC
  • MAX232
  • ADC
  • LM35.

download Embedded Data Acquisition System with Pc Interface Abstract .

Eight Channel Data Acquisition System Abstract


      The main of  EIGHT CHANNEL DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM project is to capture data (Analog) from sensors and display on PC.

This application uses 8051 micro controller with a 8 bit analog to digital converter. And the out put is displayed on LCD screen.

A characteristic feature of A to D converters is its resolution; another important feature is the conversion speed.Higher the resolution more the number of bits required to represent the data. The digital data from the A to D chip becomes available when the chip indicates end of conversion. The A to D chip requires a clock for producing the conversion. An 8 bit ADC can produce a count of 255 for full scale. I.e. if the full scale (5V) then 5/255 will be the least value that the A to D can measure. This is called 1LSB. This value multiplied by the port data produces the voltage at the analog input of the chip. Another important aspect of any A to D conversion is the analog ref. Voltage supplied to the chip. The accuracy of this voltage dictates the accuracy of the reading.


  • Microcontroller
  • MCP3208
  • LCD display
  • Computer
  • Optionally a sensor

Skill set:

  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming
  • Serial communication programming in embedded C

download Eight Channel Data Acquisition System Abstract .

Remote Areas Data Acquisition Using RF Module Abstract

The main aim of Remote Areas Data Acquisition Using RF Module project is to develop a application which will detect the conditions at remote area using RF module.

Data Acquisition refers to continuously reading the data from any of the sensors that we connect. LM35 is the temperature sensor used in this project which is used to communicate in two directions between RF transmitter and micro controller. The controller sends the data to the transmitter and the data is received by the receiver. This is a continuous process.

This can be used as an application in Remote Lighting Controls, On-Site Paging, Asset Tracking, Wireless Alarm and Security Systems, Long Range RFID, Automated Resource Management and so.


  • ISP Programmer
  • Embedded C Programming


  • Microcontroller
  • Power supply
  • LCD display
  • Driver IC
  • ADC
  • LM35
  • RF(Tx/Rx)

download Remote Areas Data Acquisition Using RF Module Abstract.