Development of Life Improvisation System Java Project

Life Improvisation System is a Java-based GUI application project which aims to develop an eco-system-based application that can generate indexes for citizen safety, nutrition, and education in a community and serve them a better life.

Problem Statement

  • Health, Education, and safety are the essentials of mankind in modern society.
  • The health conditions of citizens should be improved, especially for those who are underprivileged.
  • The prominence of education should be acknowledged to parents who are deprived and their children shall be enrolled in any nearby school.
  • Safety is more a right of every citizen which can be improved and information on critical incidents are to be immediately notified to people.
  • Future living conditions of any place should be determined for helping citizens live a better life.


  • A powerful Life Improvisation System ecosystem-based application that collects data of citizens on the below aspects.
  • Improper health conditions of underprivileged people are treated by doctors in a local hospital being funded by private firms or privileged ones.
  • Children are enrolled in a high school by campaigning about the importance of education, conducted by higher standard students of the same school. This process can again be funded by any private firms.
  • Acknowledging any critical incident to all the people in any region before it becomes news and improving safety measures by a collection of reported incidents.
  • perform data analysis of accumulated data over a period to derive inferences.

Use cases

Safety Module

  • Citizens report a critical situation to the police for authentication and approval.
  • After approval, the message is delivered to all users of the application in that region.
  • Increase of patrol and safety measures based on the accumulated data of the activities reported dynamically.

This Safety Module has the functionality to enable a user to alert other users in a community of a threat situation around it. This also involves a Police officer for authentication of any incident reported by a user. Further improvement of police patrolling or conduction of law awareness camps can be organized based on the crime index calculated for a locality. 

Health Module

  • Volunteers report information on the ill health of people in a community to doctors.
  • A doctor then suggests the treatment required and the tests that should be undergone and forward the same request to CSR heads of private firms.
  • A CSR head can either fund the request or can even reject it.
  • The unique feature here is to provide a platform for every citizen to help other needful citizens(patients).

A volunteer group assigned to a community collects data on the food habits and diseases prevailing in that community and uploads it into this application for doctors to see the data. Doctors then come up with action items to be taken and the volunteer group then takes the action item list and requests any prior enrolled Private organizations for financial support and serves the community with necessary items.

Education Module

  • Volunteers collect details of the educational background of children in a region and send them to schools in that region.
  • Higher standard students of school conduct camps and register students based on volunteer reports.
  • Vacancies are created in school based on registrations done in the camps and funds need to accommodate those vacancies are generated.
  • The principal then requests CSR Head for the funds and gets the children enrolled.

A volunteer collects the educational details of people in a locality and generates an education index for each community in a locality. This index is useful for universities to come up with intensive programs with volunteer camps to educate them.


  • Citizen
  • Police
  • Patrol
  • Volunteer
  • Doctor
  • School
  • CSR Head

Unique features

  • Life Improvisation System Ecosystem model that enables the communication between networks.
  • Common access to all the functions for citizens is realistic.
  • Email alerts, and messages for users.
  • Bar charts and Pie charts analyze data for deriving decisions.
  • The citizen role has multiple features i.e funding others for education and ill-health conditions.

Online Movie Ticketing System Python web Project

Movie theatres have become one of the most preferred getaways in today’s world. And yet going to the theatre, selecting a movie, and making sure the tickets aren’t sold out, could prove tedious. Any knowledge about the list of movies, show timings, or even seats can be attained by the customer only by being present physically.

An Online Movie Ticketing System brings the theatres closer to the customers. It eases and improves the booking experience. The system holds the database of all the movies being played along with their show timings and available seats. This system can be accessed using a website by the customers a few days before the show to book their seats of choice, and at the same time, keeps the theatre admins updated about the seats being booked.

The purpose of this Online Movie Ticketing System SRS document is to analyze and elaborate on the high-level needs and features of the Online Movie Ticketing System. It focuses on the capabilities and facilities provided by a theatre. The details of all the needs of the Online Movie Ticketing System and if it fulfills these needs are detailed in the use case and supplementary specifications.


The expected audience for this document includes the theatre administrators, the Box Office Staff at the partnered theatres, and the developer.


The Movie Ticketing System that is to be developed provides the theatre staff and the customers with the movies being screened, show timings, seat availability, and many other facilities. The Online Movie Ticketing System is supposed to have the following features:

  • The Online Movie Ticketing System is up and running all day.
  • The product provides customers with online booking capabilities.
  • The system provides a login facility to the users.
  • The system lets the Box Office staff check seat bookings and seat availability for any screen during operating hours.
  • The system allows the theatre staff to monitor screen details and update movie screening information.
  • The transactions of the theatre are updated with every reservation or refund submitted.

Document Overview

The SRS will provide a detailed description of the Movie E-ticketing System. The remainder of this document is in two sections, the first providing a full description of the project for the Theatre Administrators.

Overall description

The Online Movie Ticketing System is a package to be used by Administrators to improve the efficiency of the website for Box Office staff and Users. The Online Movie Ticket System to be developed benefits greatly the general public. The system provides movies and dates, from which the user can choose, as desired. The Administrator can keep the movie database and seating arrangements updated all the time so that the user gets the updated information all the time.

The Movie ticketing system encompasses various GUI menus, to provide a seamless facility for the online booking of movie tickets. The system is connected to the theatre database.

Product Functions

The Online Movie Ticketing System provides online real-time information about the movies available in the Theatre to the user. The functions of the system include the system providing different types of services based on the type of users [User/ Administrator].

  • The member should be provided with updated information about the movie’s showtimes and seats available.
  • Provisions for the user to book the movie they want, if all the other required rules hold good.
  • The members are provided with the movie available roster and allowed to choose the movies, they want to use in the coming up days.
  • The Administrator is aware of all the tickets booked and also about the seats available.
  • The Administrator is provided with interfaces to add/delete the movies and also update the seating arrangements accordingly.
  • The user is also provided an option to claim a refund of 25% of the ticket rate, provided he/she cancels the ticket 24 hours before showtime.

User characteristics

The users of this system are the customers, box office staff, and the administrators of the partnered theatres. The customers are assumed to have basic knowledge of the computers and Billing systems.


Response Time

The home page, which displays the movie streaming should be loaded in less than 2 seconds. The theatre’s seating arrangement is refreshed after every successful transaction. The system shall respond to the member in not less than two seconds from the time of completing the payment. The system shall be allowed to take more time when doing bulk bookings.


The number of bookings is directly dependent on the tickets being sold. The users may be the administrator or also the customer who uses the ticketing system for booking tickets.

Ticket Cancellation Flexibility

The system allows the user to cancel tickets within a day before the date of booking. It also includes the provision to claim refunds, following the protocols listed by the system to the user.

Design Constraints

Software Language Used

The languages that shall be used for developing the front end of the Online Movie Ticketing System are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The backend will be supported using Python, with the additional support of MySQL for managing the database.

System Evolution

In the future, this system could be partnered with other theatre administrators. Database access speed can be increased further.

Visit here to download the Online Movie Ticketing System Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript project code & Report.

A DBMS Project on Fingerprint-based Attendance System

In this Fingerprint-based Attendance System Database management System project, we have tried to use the knowledge that we gained in this course to make a Fingerprint-based Attendance System. Although we had aimed to implement it using hardware due to hardware constraints, we have tried to implement it online. In this DBMS system, the Faculty for a particular course switches ON the system, and the system marks attendance for the students based on their fingerprints.


This system apart from marking attendance also maintains the student’s records and the faculty members. We have tried to incorporate the following features:

Administrator: For the modification of crucial information we have created an administrator account. The Administrator only has the privilege to add/remove courses and edit profiles of students and faculty members.

Login Page: On this page, the students and faculty members can log in to their accounts and view their information.

Register Page: For students and faculty members who don’t have their accounts can create their accounts by clicking on REGISTER on the login page. The register page asks for data and creates a profile.

Timetable: This page displays the schedule of all the courses.

Attendance: On this page, a list of the currently running courses and their respective faculty is displayed. There is a slot for the faculty fingerprint. Once the faculty fingerprint matches with any one of the faculty members whose name is being displayed on the page the system automatically turns ON the database to be modified. Now the students are required to input their fingerprints and their attendance is marked.

Tools used:

  • Database Management System: MySql
  • Server for hosting the project: Apache Tomcat with port number 8080.
  • Programming scripts: Java Server Pages, Javascript, HTML, CSS.

Relation to the course:

This whole project like many other projects has two ends. The Front end consists of the GUI which has been made using our prior knowledge and the Back end consists of database interaction which we have learned in this course. We have tried to incorporate the following things that we have learned in this course.

ER Model: The basic thing that we did before starting with the project was to make an ER Model and check the feasibility of the project. This helped us in enlisting the various aspects and classify them into entities and relations.

MySql Queries: In this project we have tried to incorporate the different queries such as Insert, Create, Update, and Alter that we learned in this course.

Triggers: To let the student know about his short attendance we have tried to incorporate the concept of triggers.

System Time: We have tried to fetch the system’s current time and have used it to compare it with the time of the lectures stored in the database.


While working on this project we brushed upon the knowledge we gained in this course and the hardships and problems faced in implementing such a real-time project helped us learn a lot.

Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System Python Project

Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System works as a restaurant hub where people can browse and order food online easily. Nowadays, many people especially the young generation, often want to order food from restaurants online with a home delivery service. Thus, we built a restaurant management system where all the restaurant’s information and services will be available. We also offer deliverymen will deliver the food as well, in case a restaurant does not have delivery support.

Users of the Project

This Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System has four (4) kinds of users. They are:

  • Customers
  • Restaurant Managers
  • Restaurant Branch Managers
  • Deliveryman

Apart from the users, there is a superuser named admin. Anyone can connect to the system as a customer, restaurant manager, or deliveryman. admin will verify the Trade Licence No. and many other details of a restaurant before connecting it to the system. Similarly, a deliveryman will also get checked by the admin about whether s/he is capable enough to work as a deliveryman.

Project Features

Many features are implemented in the project. Among these, the key features of our project are as follows.

  • Dashboard for the restaurant managers
  • Search and filter food items
  • Our delivery module
  • Bi-directional rating system between deliveryman and customer
  • Offers and Discounts
  • Rating and review submission system

User Guide

This is a sample user guide that will work as a walk-through of the major functionalities of the Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System website. As mentioned above, there are 4 kinds of users in this system. A user guide is provided for each kind of user below.

Customer User Guide

Restaurant Homepage

Most of the users of the website will be in this category. Initially, a customer will be able to browse through the website even without a login. Thus, every time a customer enters the website, the customer home page will be loaded.

Customer Location Prompt

But when the customer will try to order something from the website, a location prompt will appear.

Customer Registration

After entering the location, the customer will be able to browse the website as before but cannot order until login/register is done.

View Restaurants

While browsing the items, a customer can filter the items via many different search categories. Among these, on the Restaurants page, a user will be able to see only the restaurants that are close to him/her.

Browse Cuisines

Also, on the Browse Cuisines page, a user can browse items based on many filters and search options. For example, a user can filter the items based on ratings on the items, price range, etc.

Branch Unavailability

Depending on the location, restaurant branch availability will be determined and some of the restaurants may not be able to deliver to the intended location of the customer.

Adding food to cart and Checkout

After browsing, customers can order from a nearby restaurant, check out the cart, and then the customer will be taken to the checkout page where delivery details will be asked for.

Payment method

Customers can use either cash on delivery or an online payment method.

Order Placing notification

At this point, an order has been placed. Now it will be approved by the restaurant manager. Usually, the manager approves the order within a short time. By this time a notification will appear stating that the order has been placed and sent to the restaurant authority.

Rate the Deliveryman

By this time the customer can browse through the website and wait. As the order information keeps getting propagated, the customer will be getting notifications for his order. Once the deliveryman arrives with the order, the customer will be able to rate the deliveryman for the service on the homepage.

Rate and Comment Items

Also, a customer can rate a particular item of a restaurant by clicking on View Item in that item while browsing. S/he can also provide feedback as a comment.

Restaurant Manager User Guide

Manager Register

A restaurant manager will need to open up an account as a restaurant manager on the website. The registration form will look like this. When the admin approves the request, an email is sent stating the activation of the account.

Restaurant Manager Homepage

On the restaurant manager’s homepage, there will be a key to identify the restaurant. This key will be used for opening up the restaurant branches.

Restaurant Branch Creation

Opening up a restaurant branch is just the same as opening up a new restaurant. On the restaurant register page, there is also an option to create a restaurant branch. Providing all the relevant fields along with the restaurant key from the restaurant manager homepage (mentioned above), a new branch of the restaurant can be created.

Add Items

A restaurant manager can add items to his restaurant. In the Add Item tab, the manager will be able to introduce a new item in the restaurant.

Manager Dashboard

Also, a manager can see the restaurant statistics on the Dashboard page. The Dashboard page contains many of the common statistics which will help him understand the restaurant sales progress. Outlet revenue, sales trends in different branches, etc. are shown on this page.

Restaurant Branch Manager

A restaurant branch manager will be in charge of a branch of a restaurant. So, his role on this website is also different from a Restaurant Manager. When the restaurant manager sets up the profile for the branch manager, she/he can manage this branch independently.

Item Availability in the branch

The Branch Manager can declare which items are currently available on the homepage.

Add offer

The Branch Manager can add offers on an item by clicking on that item.

Manage and Accept Orders

This is the most important task of a branch manager. Whenever a customer orders something, the order request comes to the branch manager who has to accept it and forward it to the deliveryman.

Deliveryman User Guide

In our system, anyone can become a deliveryman if s/he is willing to be. Anyone can open up a profile on the website as a deliveryman, but it will need approval from the admin.

Deliveryman Register

While opening an account, the delivery man has to assign himself/herself to one of the zones. S/he will be getting deliveries for that zone only.

Deliveryman Homepage

Once logged in, a deliveryman’s homepage will have currently pending requests of orders in his/her zone. To take an order for delivery, the Take Delivery button is to be pressed.

Complete the Delivery Process

Then, that order entry will be updated and will be waiting for the delivery man to pick up and deliver. Once delivered to the customer, the deliveryman needs to press the Mark As Delivered button. This will also prompt the deliveryman to rate the customer for his/her behavior.

Previous Deliveries

For a deliveryman who has been on the website and delivered many orders, s/he can check all his/her past deliveries in the Delivered Order.

Tools and Frameworks


HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Javascript, Angular JS, JQuery, Google Maps API

Backend – Django

Database – Postgresql v10.2


  • Web Framework: Django 2.2
  • Database Server: PostgreSQL 12.3

Visit Here and download the complete Online Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System Python Project

Design & Development of Student Database Management System PHP Project

The purpose of implementing the ‘Student Database Management System’ is for the ease of maintaining student-related data on an institution, our system does serve this purpose and also is a means of communication between the students/parents and teachers during times when physical contact is not possible or when it is necessary to convey an important message quickly, due to this system a lot of paperwork, maintenance, space, time are all reduced for the purpose of handling large student data.

The goals achieved by this project are:

  • Centralized Database.
  • Reduced paper works and Stacking of files.
  • Easier Searching, Updating, and Storing the Details
  • User-Friendly Environment.

Along with the existing features, additional features can be added in the future, Like:

  • Handling admission details in a more detailed manner by Adding a payment feature through our site.
  • Extension of the current system for the entire institution.
  • Better interaction between the parents and the teachers.
  • Storing the records of co-curricular activities.
  • Assigning and reporting the assignments and many more.

Output Results:

  • Welcome Page with Register and Login Page

Teacher View

  • Teacher Home Page
  • Admit, Update Student’s details for a Specific Class
  • Fetch or Search the Student Details Using the Student ID
  • Admit or Add new Student Details to the Specific Class
  • Add or Update the Subject with its Instructor’s Details
  • Announce Upcoming Events and Circulate the Same
  • Update Attendance for each student in the Class
  • Update Internal Assessment Marks for each student
  • Update Exam Marks for each student

Student View

  • Student Home Page
  • View any Recent Announcements made by the specific Subject teacher
  • View Subject Details and Contact information of the subject teachers
  • View Internal Assessment Marks for each Subject
  • View Final Exam Marks for each subject
  • View the Attendance details


  • Database Support: MySQL 5.7
  • Web Browser: Google Chrome
  • Coding language: PHP, HTML, CSS, JS.
  • Server Deployment: Apache Server, MySQL Server.

Download & Deploy the complete Student Database Management System Project PHP & MySQL Code, Project Report, and Execution Steps readme file.


Design & Development of Tender Management System Project


The Tender Management System was developed to enable the vendors to get all the tender details online and provide a facility to submit the tender. This Tender Management System project was developed & designed with Java & MySQL Database.

Existing System:

  • Contractors need to submit their documents by visiting the office or centers on time.
  • Contractors have to bid for a particular tender on time by applying forms and need to wait for an approval reply.
  • The Admin Needs to post the Projects or contracts as a poster or advertisements regularly.
  • It takes a long time to access tenders or vendors’ data access.

Proposed System:

  • User Needs to Have a Network Connection.
  • New User needs to register a new vendor on the website.
  • Contractors can log in and bid for some existing tenders.
  • They need to log in using their login-id and password which they used while registration
  • To reduce paperwork, and data that are available online, using this final decision can be taken by the administration and can contact directly to such suppliers.
  • Easy to access the tenders and vendors’ data.

Software Requirements:

Language: Java
Web technologies : J2EE (JDBC/Servlets/JSP)
Front-end Design : Html, CSS, JSP, Bootstrap
Database: MYSQL
Scripting: JavaScript , CSS

Application Work Flow



Uploading advertisement documents
Verifying projects and contractors by using their information
Accepting and Rejecting Bids
Maintaining data and confirmation of the final report.
Update Notice Board
Make some announcement
Block or unblock some vendors or company


The Company needs to get registered to proceed.
The company can log in with a valid username and password.
Apply or releases new tenders and view the status of the tender.
Make Some announcements.
Change the tender details


Vendors are the key persons or contractors who look for new upcoming tenders on the website
Vendors’ Functionality includes:
New Vendors can register
Login using vendor-id and password
View and update their profile
See the new open tenders and their details
Bid for a tender with an amount greater than its base price
See the bid approval or denial status

After the tender status approval, they can view and submit the documentation
Vendors can look for the important notice in the notice section


Our Project Tender management System Successfully Created a user-friendly environment for the tender management process.
This Project is flexible and changes can be incorporated easily.
Easy for further Modification
Saves a lot of time by doing most of the processes online
It may lead to increase profit and improve the quality of a company.
Assigns the tenders and project in a good manner and optimal way to the contractors in less time with low-cost charges.

Download the complete Design & Development of Tender Management System Project using Java, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and J2EE.

Chess Game Project using HTML & Java Script

The objective of the project:

The objective of our Online Chess Game project is to create an online Chess game that enables you to both play with your friends as well as against the computer.

Chess Game Rules:

  • The player with white pieces starts his turn first.
  • The Player has to protect his king and subsequently make strategies to kill the opponent’s king.
  • When the king of one player is checked by the other player’s pieces, he will have to take the king out of that check to a safe place. The player who checks the king has to warn the opponent by saying “CHECK”.
  • The one to lose his king will be the one to lose the game.


Player vs Computer:

The player will have to start with whites and make her first move, and the computer will take blacks.

Player vs Player:

The player who takes whites should start first and the other player plays alternately.

Main Functions in Player vs Computer code:

1 updateSquarecolor()
This function is used to update the colors of each square after each move.
2 checkBlack(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected white chess piece can be moved in this step.
3 checkWhite(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected black chess piece can be moved in this step.
4 checkmate()
This function is used to check if there would be a danger to your king if you make any move and declares you to have lost.
5 check()
This function is used to make your moves, if possible, and also to warn the player if the king is in check and the player is not trying to protect it, by the use of the checkBlack and check white functions described above.
6 chooseTurn()
This function is helpful for the computer to play its move by moving forward with the best possible move. It also declares the player as a winner if there is no possible move for the computer to make while protecting its king. It basically
helps in the propagation of the game step by step.
7 startTime()
This function is to show the current time and day.
8 maxxTime()
This function is used to check the time limit for each move and warn the player after 45 seconds and stop the game and declare him to have lost after 1 minute.
9 maxxTime2()
This function is used to check and stop the game at a maximum time limit of 45 minutes and the game would be declared drawn.
10 restart()
This function is used to restart the timer after each move.

Main functions in Player vs Player code:

1 updateSquarecolor()
This function is used to update the colors of each square after each move.
2 checkBlack(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected white chess piece can be moved in this step.
3 checkWhite(n,values)
This function is used to find all the possible places where a selected black chess piece can be moved in this step.
4 checkmate()
This function is used to check if there would be a danger to one’s king if they make any move and declares him to have lost.
5 check()
This function is used to make your moves, if possible, and also to warn the player if the king is in check and the player is not trying to protect it, by the use of the checkBlack and check white functions described above.
6 startTime()
This function is to show the current time and day.
7 maxxTime()
This function is used to check the time limit for each move and warn the player after 45 seconds and stop the game and declare him to have lost after 1 minute.
8 maxxTime2()
This function is used to check and stop the game at a maximum time limit of 45 minutes and the game would be declared drawn.
9 restart()
This function is used to restart the timer after each move.


Download all our files and put them collectively in a folder named “Chess”.

In Ubuntu:

Now put this folder into the /var/www/HTML/ folder in the other locations on your computer.

In Window:

Download XAMPP on your PC and put this folder into the htdocs folder of XAMPP.
Now go to your web browser and type localhost/Chess/
Best viewed in Google Chrome and Mozilla.
Download the Chess Game HTML project Code & Report

Student Project Portal Website Project

Whether you are a fresher or a senior, you’ll agree that making a project is quite a tedious task. No matter how great an idea you have, till the time you don’t have a proper network, you won’t be able to build a team to execute it efficiently. Communicating with others is one of the most important skills required to build a proper team for your project to be successful. Unfortunately, many people due to their lack of networking skills hit a blockade at this stage itself and are not even able to try their idea.

Target audience

Our target audience for this Student Project Portal project is all the students in VIT Vellore. This application will help students to take part in any project they like or find interesting and can make their team.

This Student Project Portal application will bring students with similar interests and thinking together to work on various ideas and learn from each other.


Initially, students create their profiles by signing up for the application. After that, they can either create their projects or apply them to other projects. When someone applies for a project, the project manager of that project can see the profile of the applicant and if he/she has the desired skills they are accepted into the team else their request is declined.

Students can create as many projects as they like and can also apply for as many projects as they want to.

The project manager will receive a list of all the applicants and he/she can see their profiles. According to the skills required for the project they can choose whom to accept into the team and whom to reject.

This Student Project Portal Website project will help many students who have ideas for projects but are not able to execute them due to the lack of a proper team.

Cycle diagram

Sign Up

Sign up for the app using your credentials


Share and present your ideas for projects

Form Team

Form your ideal team according to your requirements.


Apply for the projects that interest you.

For a Demo of the website you can visit:

Download the complete Student Project Portal Website project on GitHub.

Online Student Project Report Submission and Evaluation System PHP Project

Project Overview

The online project report submission and evaluation system enables the student to submit their project report online without submitting any physical file. Before the submission, the student needs to update their progress to the system and the lecturer can view their progress and give comments online.

The online project report submission and evaluation system is providing an online discussion and document sharing for students and lecturers. The pre-existing systems didn’t have the functionalities such as notifying the student when he/she is being added to the project group, online automatic generation of the certificate after the completion of the entire project, and many more which are being implemented in this version of the system.

The proposed system will take away the biggest risk out of the picture i.e. the manual transmission of all the tasks related to the project report and also the design is formulated in such a way that the impersonation will be reduced to a greater level. With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing.

What is new today will be old tomorrow. Our system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment.

A special feature has been inculcated into the system as a result of which the notifications will be received by the faculty as well as the students on their respective registered mobile numbers. The faculty who will be added to the portal as well as the students who will be allotted to them will all get an individual notification that they have been allotted under which group and to which project they have been entitled. No submission is permitted by the system after the deadline has been crossed. The upload report button will be automatically disabled by the system itself so that no reports can be uploaded once the deadline has been crossed.


  • The system provides online processing of the reports.
  • Accurate results can be obtained.
  • The proposed system is used to reduce chaos and manual errors.
  • By viewing the reports the management can improve the institutional facilities.


  • As society is developing and new trends are emerging in the education sector every coming day.
  • The ‘Online project report submission and evaluation system’ approach is all about managing project reports online for institutional and educational practices
  • Intelligence is used for the automatic generation of the certificates once the project report has been finalized or the deadline is crossed.
  • The motivation is to propose an intelligent system that can be implemented in any organization.

Use Case Diagram for the Proposed System:


With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing. What is new today will be old tomorrow. The proposed system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment. The electronic marking of student project reports will save a lot of time, effort, and energy as well as expenses. It will also be more accurate and reliable for both the students and their instructions. In all, it will be a great help at the institutional level.

This application can be implemented in various situations. New features can be added as and when required. Reusability is possible as and when required in the proposed system. All modules are flexible. A very useful functionality from which the students could benefit would be if the system had a forum where any discussion could be opened that is related to the project. In the future, a useful feature that can be added is a platform to upload the student’s projects (like applications) to their instructors by the students.

Software Requirements

  • Front-end Design: JS, CSS, HTML
  • Back-end Coding: PHP, MySQL
  • Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or later.
  • Operating System: Linux, Ubuntu, Windows 10.
  • Application Server: XAMPP Server

Download the complete Online Project Report Submission and Evaluation System for College students with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP & MySQL Source code, and Full report documentation.

Snippet Visualization System PHP Project Code Report PPT

this web-based Snippet Visualization System is to provide a visualization-based technique for web search results based on textual snippets. This project was developed with PHP, javascript, Ajax, and MySQL Database. Here Students can download the complete project code, and report PPT.


Many internet users search for some query and as a result, they get a ranked list of URLs.
The user could get disappointed with this related search.
Hence, we are developing a system that is focusing on retrieving search results in thumbnail form.
Users can interact with more results in a single view.
It affords easy navigation and is straightforward to interpret with the user.


To perform pre-processing of collected data.
To perform similarity identification and ranking of the snippets using the k means algorithm.
To perform optimization of the snippets for visualization purposes.
To analyze the performance of the proposed system via experimental evaluation of results.

System Architecture

System Architecture


1. Collecting information:

It is the first step where the system will collect data from a custom search engine and store it in a database for further processing. Data is stored in the form of text, URLs, and descriptions displayed on each web page.

2. Pre-processing:

It is the second step where each entry returned from a textual query is processed and its term frequency vector extracted. 

3. Similarity Identification:

Multidimensional projection techniques may be employed to generate visualizations that favor the perception of groups of similar documents. Such methods typically represent documents as points in a two-dimensional visual space, where neighboring points correspond to documents with similar content. However, points only convey information on neighborhood relations.

4. Ranking:

Snippets collected in similarity are then ranked in this module using the following algorithm.
• Text-based ranking algorithm.
• Weighted page ranking algorithm.

5 . Optimization:

This module Optimizes the placement of the snippets to avoid overlapping while preserving data neighborhoods as computed by the projection.


For the implementation we have used different web technology ie., PHP, javascript, ajax, and open-source databases i.e., MySQL


We introduced the Snippet visualization technique to visualize the collection of the textual result returned from the webpage.
The system collects URLs from webpages displayed as a result of a search query and stores them in the database.
After storing the data in the database it will display all collected text, URLs, and descriptions on the server side.
Then it starts preprocessing the collected URL. Hence it is useful to the system to do further task. Finally, preprocessed data as output is displayed.

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