A DBMS Project on Fingerprint-based Attendance System

In this Fingerprint-based Attendance System Database management System project, we have tried to use the knowledge that we gained in this course to make a Fingerprint-based Attendance System. Although we had aimed to implement it using hardware due to hardware constraints, we have tried to implement it online. In this DBMS system, the Faculty for a particular course switches ON the system, and the system marks attendance for the students based on their fingerprints.


This system apart from marking attendance also maintains the student’s records and the faculty members. We have tried to incorporate the following features:

Administrator: For the modification of crucial information we have created an administrator account. The Administrator only has the privilege to add/remove courses and edit profiles of students and faculty members.

Login Page: On this page, the students and faculty members can log in to their accounts and view their information.

Register Page: For students and faculty members who don’t have their accounts can create their accounts by clicking on REGISTER on the login page. The register page asks for data and creates a profile.

Timetable: This page displays the schedule of all the courses.

Attendance: On this page, a list of the currently running courses and their respective faculty is displayed. There is a slot for the faculty fingerprint. Once the faculty fingerprint matches with any one of the faculty members whose name is being displayed on the page the system automatically turns ON the database to be modified. Now the students are required to input their fingerprints and their attendance is marked.

Tools used:

  • Database Management System: MySql
  • Server for hosting the project: Apache Tomcat with port number 8080.
  • Programming scripts: Java Server Pages, Javascript, HTML, CSS.

Relation to the course:

This whole project like many other projects has two ends. The Front end consists of the GUI which has been made using our prior knowledge and the Back end consists of database interaction which we have learned in this course. We have tried to incorporate the following things that we have learned in this course.

ER Model: The basic thing that we did before starting with the project was to make an ER Model and check the feasibility of the project. This helped us in enlisting the various aspects and classify them into entities and relations.

MySql Queries: In this project we have tried to incorporate the different queries such as Insert, Create, Update, and Alter that we learned in this course.

Triggers: To let the student know about his short attendance we have tried to incorporate the concept of triggers.

System Time: We have tried to fetch the system’s current time and have used it to compare it with the time of the lectures stored in the database.


While working on this project we brushed upon the knowledge we gained in this course and the hardships and problems faced in implementing such a real-time project helped us learn a lot.

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