Chess Board Representation Java

Introduction to Chess Board Representation Java:

Board representation is the key aspect in the chess design and in general 8X8 grid chess board is designed across many computer based chess games. There are different approaches that were followed while designing the chess board and even there are few cases where a chess board of size 10X12 grid is also used and the main reason to use this type of broad representation is to identify the out of bound and the corresponding illegal moves across the board. In this project an 8X8 grid board is used and the Java applet coding is used to design the board window.

A total of 64 squares are used in this case and the board is represented as an array of integers in the memory using the int variables. All the squared in the board are assigned either black or white color based on few conditions and they are as explained. Graphics object of Java applet class is used to draw the basic board and once the empty board is represented, now the colors to the squares are assigned using setColor method of the graphics class from the Applet package.

Few offset values are assigned to the square initially and they are incremented using the while loop and then the corresponding black and white colors are assigned to the corresponding squares by checking these offset values and this procedure is repeated for all the 64 squares and all the squares are assigned either black or white color. Few characters and alphabets are assigned to each and every square of the board and the colors to the board are assigned by checking the position of these characters using the if loop and this loop iterated till every character choosen is assigned a color.

A special character array is used hold all these characters assigned to the squares and these characters are fetched from the array as per the user requirement based on their index in the array considered. Important conditions like rotating the board at any condition of the game is also handled and the colors to the square of the board are assigned considering these entire rotation angles and the corresponding conditions. A string variable is used to handle the complete rotation aspects of the board and few conditions are used to check the board position using this string variable. 

Online National Polling Project in Java

Introduction to Online National Polling Project:

The project deals with the on line national polling the goal system is a system which enables all citizens to cast their vote online. The system is to increase the voting percentage across the country, in the present day situation the voters used to visit the Booth to vote and those people who live out of their home town they used to send their vote by the post some people will send and some people will not due to their insufficient time and somebody will send but the postman will be late some time, due to this the voting percentage will be less across the country. Through this software those people who live out of their home town will also be able to cast their votes as this system is on line.


The software produced will be an online voting system.

The software will be used by citizens to cast their vote on line.

The main aim of this project is to increase the overall voting percentage. Through this software people get their voter-id card easily and a unique-id number.

Each and every citizens database will be maintained.


HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is a markup language used to design static web pages.

EJB: Enterprise Java Beans.

J2EE: it is a programming platform for developing and running distributed architecture Java applications.

DB2: This is a database management system that delivers a flexible and cost effective database platform to build robust on demand.

WAS: Web sphere application server is an application server that runs business application and supports the J2EE and web service standards.

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction oriented client/server protocol between web browser and a web server.

HTTPS: secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a HTTP over SSL(secure socket layer).


J2EE: Application architecture

DB2: Database

WAS: Web server

Rational: Design tool

 Download Online National Polling Project in Java.

Mobile Phone Based Attendance Tracking System Java Project

Introduction to Mobile Phone Based Attendance Tracking System:

In existing system, the teacher takes the attendance in the attendance book manually and the teacher should maintain the details of the students (present, absent). Using this record the teacher stores the student’s record in each day in attendance list and calculates the students attendance.

Its main aim is to help the teacher in taking the attendance using phone for this it should support the java application. And it is based on J2ME. The teacher will take the attendance in the mobile after saving the presenters and absentees in the mobile the teacher will edit the list of attendance in the mobile and the details will send to the system by using GPRS. And the list will be updated automatically.

The user module purpose is to provide security and it is designed for staff for taking attendance in mobile. the teacher want to enter the user name and password to enter the attendance list to take the attendance.

Attendance Entry Module is to take attendance using mobile phone here teacher take the attendance in the mobile.

The GPRS sends the attendance list to the main server database by connecting the mobile phone to the server through GPRS.

Updating the data base the list of the attendance is to update to the system from the mobile phone .

The WEB application of the CBAS deals with the attendance list by doing this the student can see his attendance in the WEB.

SMS Module  is the advantage of the project the student sends the SMS correctly to the system by  entering his name,  register number, branch, year  correctly he will receives the SMS reply otherwise it doesn’t .

The hardware Requirement of the system is IBM-Compatible PC, the processor is Pentium 4, Memory 256MB Ram hard disk 40GB.

This project requires minimum software requirements platform windows, language speed J2ME, development tool JDK 1.5, database is MYSQL.

 Download Mobile Phone Based Attendance Tracking System Java Project.

MS Dissertation Topic on Airline Reservation System

Introduction to MS Dissertation Topic on Airline Reservation System:

The main aim of this paper is to develop an automated airline reservation system. At present, our system is based on paper work which is manual. There are many disadvantages which arise by this system such as errors and long time is required. To avoid these problems, this software is being developed. By using this software, user can fulfill his desire such as information’s about Flight time schedule and Passenger detail. This software requires Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0,MS Access and operating system.

Brief into Airline Reservation System:

This is a software package that generates the ticket and result is stored automatically. This software includes two platforms i.e., exercise reservation platform and management platform. To access this software unique use rid and password is given. The user can login by giving the appropriate username and password given to them ad can search for the details of flight schedule. In this user can search the flight based on its type , class , to and from station and date.

After searching the flight he can book the details by filling in all the details given in the passenger information form. All the data is stored automatically with a single click. Even the flight maintenance, cancellations can be done. This software is tested and provided an error free environment to the user . It adopts several safety technologies.


This helps to avoid errors caused due to errors and by using this we can improve accuracy. It gives fast responses when compared to responses given by manual system. It is highly secured system.

Download MS Dissertation Topic on Airline Reservation System .

Pharmacy Management System Project in Java

Introduction to Pharmacy Management System Project:

Introduction to pharmacy management system:

An efficient pharmacy management system can make the work easier by giving the details of the medicine when its name is entered. A computer gives the details of the medicine like rate of medicine, and the expiry date and the row and rack location of the medicine. It becomes very difficult in big medical stores to handle the details of all the medicines manually, so by using this pharmacy manage system we can maintain the records of all the medicines.

Working model of  pharmacy management system:

Here a software is designed which keeps the records of the data of the medicines. It is fed with the information whenever new medicines are brought and it is provided with the row and rack location of the medicine. When we enter the name of the medicine it gives the details of the medicine. It gives the price of the medicine and also warns when the medicine has reached its expiry date.  We can also see the row and rack location of the medicine.

It keeps the total record of the medicines present in the store and we can see the total amount of stock sold and we can see the balance sheet of the medicines sold. We can also print the bill of the medicine sold and keeps the updated record for the medicines sold so that we can check the deficiency of the medicines.


By using this management system the time gets saved and there will be very negligible chance for the errors to occur. We can check the records  instantly which is not possible by manual methods. As the system gives the information of the expired medicines we can discard them and replace them with new stock. Thus we can conclude that pharmacy management system is helpful for handling the tasks efficiently in the store.

Download Pharmacy Management System Project in Java.

Stock and Supply Chain Management Java Project Report

Introduction to Stock & Supply Chain Management System:

Stock and Supply Chain Management System is implemented using HTML & Xml as Markup languages with Java Server page servlet as Front end and Oracle 8i as Backend.

This Existing system is used as a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the functions of procurement of materials, transformations of these materials into intermediaries aims finished products, and distribute of products to customers. Supply chain comes in both service and manufacturing organizations, although the difficulty level of the chain may vary from industry to industry.

One of the most important systems of any organization is the Supply chain management System which will accommodate Access control to database system and Supply Chain management database system. The main objectives of the proposed system to use access control data for SCMS operations and reports generation. It provides the following services for better controlling of operations online. 

  • Order Detail Application, Check the stock level.
  • Stock Detail, Purchase raw Material.
  • Dealer’s information, Get Order Number.
  • Planning Process, Depend upon Duration And Quantity. 

It also facilitates to schedule employees duty using Planning process Concept. Using Fast Production, Moderate Production. It should also provide the various reports related with system like

  • Order Information.
  • Sales Target for monthly Account.
  • Dealers Detail.
  • Company Expense.
  •  Report according to Planning Process. 

The following key features of the system are:- 

  • It is developed using J2EE in addition and latest technology of JSP concepts.
  • It is accommodated with Finger Print and Face recognizing access control system.
  • The system provides all database characteristics such as data accommodating, data privacy and security etc.
  • The system is developed with user privilege module to control the system with different echelons level people.
  • Eclipse and Net Bean will make employees to work with system in friendly access.
  • Online and Content Help document will help the employees to use the system with originality approach.
  • Since the system is designed with more cultured manner, the maintenance of the system becomes easier.
  • Reports generation will be more parameterized and well formatted
  • Adjustable for future enhancement. 

It has Total 9 Modules for the Proposed System:-

  1. Product Detail.
  2. Order Detail.
  3. Dealer detail.
  4. Feedback.
  5. Stock Detail.
  6. Purchase Material.
  7. Planning Process.
  8. Ordering Process.
  9. Planning Process.

Download Stock and Supply Chain Management Java Project Report .


The Victim’s Notification Information System Java Project Abstract

Introduction to The Victim’s Notification Information System:

The Victim’s Notification Information System is implemented in java platform using HTML, J2EE Server / Apache Tomcat as web technology and oracle 8i as back end. 

This Project or the Existing system is mainly designed and developed for the TNBI Head Quarters. An internet web page for VNIS will be developed and added to the TNBI main web page to allow for custodial updates and victim information modification that may be necessary. A secure id and password is necessary for every victim to access the web page. At the time of offender’s arrest the local agency advises the victim they have the option to participate in automatic notification system. 

The Working of this existing system is as follows:- 

The local law enforcement agency needs to enter the information that is required for the case management system. The Other information of the victim constitutes of victim’s identification number, telephone number or e-mail address. After all the required information is entered then it automatically gets send to the Tamil-Nadu Crime Information Center (TNCIC) for storage of vnis server by the Chennai Online (CO) network. 

This project consists of three modules:- 

1. Administration.

2. Department user.

3. User (Victim).

1)      Administrator user: Is the chief of the GBI head quarters, in administrator user Administers notifying the victim and also maintains the offender’s records and updates the records when required. 

2)      Department user:- This department user of VNIS is the chief of the jail inventory which maintains and updates the offender’s status, and also makes new entries and also sends the information to the administrator. 

3)      Victim user:- The victim of the VNIS is the one who request for the notification regarding the offender’s status.  

The salient features provided in VNIS are:

  1.  It provides minimal administration.
  2. Creation and updating of criminal’s history for individual arrested for   designated crime within the state of Tamil Nadu.
  3. It provides the victim with access to accurate information in a rapid   Manner.
  4. Online victim notification.

Download The Victim’s Notification Information System Java Project Abstract .

The Network Monitoring Tool Pick packet Filtering Ftp And Http Packets Project Report

Introduction to The Network Monitoring Tool Pick packet Filtering Ftp And Http Packets Project:

The widespread utilization of computers and networks for interchange of knowledge has also had divisions on the development and extension of crime via their utilization. In order to discover and restrain the crime, the law imposing departments require following the evolving traits in these regions. Amidst the various requirements of these departments is the necessity to supervise, examine and evaluate unwanted network traffic. Though the supervising, examining and evaluating of this traffic might be opposing the objective of managing the privacy of people whose network interactions are being supervised.

This project explains about Pickpocket, which is a Network Monitoring Tool and can discuss the incompatible problems of network monitoring and privacy via its reasonable utilization. This tool was created as a section of an investigation project patroned by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, New Delhi.

Pick Packet contains four elements- the Pickpocket Configuration File Generator for aiding the user in organizing the guidelines for catching packets, the Pick Packet Filter for catching packets, the Pick Packet Post-Processor for evaluating packets and the Pick Packet Data Viewer for displaying the attained data to the viewer. Pick Packet is a beneficial tool for collecting and giving data moving across the network. The model of Pick Packet is modular, manageable, strong and effective. Reasonable utilization of the system can also assist to defend the privacy of people and can discard only the required information to the disk. Tools for post-processing and consequential giving makes it a simple and easy tool to be utilized.

This project also deals with the modules for refining FTP and HTTP packets. The users of Pick Packet can indicate names of users, file names and text search strings for refining packets pertaining to FTP sessions. For refining packets pertaining to HTTP sessions, Host names, path names and text search strings are indicated.

Download The Network Monitoring Tool Pick packet Filtering Ftp And Http Packets Project Report .

Routing With Security in Mobile ADHOC Networks Project Report

Introduction to Routing With Security in Mobile ADHOC Networks Project:

This project is planned employing Java Swing alongside Java Application Programming Interfaces involving Microsoft SQL Server as database. Mobile adhoc networks dismiss the reliance on a stable network framework by dealing each accessible node as an in between switch, by stretching the degree of nodes farther than their base transmitters. Manets also help in calamity management. Route Discovery or creation and Route maintenance are the two major techniques included. The ideas of Dynamic Source Routing algorithm are included here. 

Each node manages a file for recognizing its neighbor node and finds out the route among the source and the destination, in Route Discovery. On finding out the path once, the information is arranged alongside the source and the destination. In Route Maintenance, the route among the source and the destination is managed as long as the information is being sent. Every node associates its address with the source during conveying between the source and the destination. While the data is being sent, the safety is used by executing the route randomizing, which also discovers a new route that has not been employed for any earlier information transfer. 

Mobile adhoc network is a comparatively new conception in the sphere of wireless technology. Wireless investigation mainly stresses on the functional prospects of manets which have been executed as a project for the refined transfer of packets from a node to another. This system is consistent to alterations that may take place in future. 

Hardware Requirements:

 An Intel Pentium III Processor, 550,650 MHz, a 512 MB RAM, a Hard Disk of 10 GB and a Wi-fi Router are required.

Software Requirements: 

A Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP OS, Programming Language- Java Swing, J2SDK 1.5 and Java APIs and a database-MS SQL Server are required.

Download Routing With Security in Mobile ADHOC Networks Project Report .

Robust Lane Detection for Video-Based Navigation Systems Java Project

Introduction to Robust Lane Detection for Video-Based Navigation Systems Project:

Video based car navigation systems are evolving as the latest car navigation systems that offer virtual navigation services than traditional navigation systems based upon map. The technique needed to create these systems involves collecting object information through cameras and the drawn out characteristic is carried out to attain information regarding colour, margin and thing.

Drawn out characteristics include several sounds like shadow, spoiled outer face of the road and cars obstructing road markings. To identify road and things on the road, dismissal of outliers and thing identification techniques are employed. Path discovery is important to identify things on the road. But path discovery is a serious problem for several illumination states like shadow, sunset, rear lights etc. This paper suggests a new concept that identifies path for several roads and illumination, path markings situations like spoiled road outer faces obstructed by a car, shadow, backlights etc. For strong path discovery, the shape knowledge of drawn out path markings and a moving average filtering are merged, refining the precision of identification. 

 Here, a system has been employed to create a robot which can move by itself minus the assistance of anyone else and go to its destination. 

Proposed System:

In the times to come, intelligent Vehicles, as a section of Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) would cause a major influence. They can comprehend their close surroundings and can interact with fellow traffic partners like vehicles, frameworks and traffic maintenance centers. 

Hardware Requirements:

A Pentium IV Processor, a 32 Bit System Bus, a 512 MB RAM, a HDD of 40 GB, a SVGA Colour display and a Windows /Linux keyboard are required. 

Software Requirements:

A front end –J2EE, a back end-My Sql, a Windows/Linux OS and a Net Beans IDE are required.

Download Robust Lane Detection for Video-Based Navigation Systems Java Project .