E-Post Office Shopping Portal in Java

The e-Post Office is the shopping portal of the world renowned postal service on the internet and an additional distribution channel. It sells Stamps, Postcards and  has services like fixed deposit bonds, paying phone bills etc. This help in managing the orders and user requests properly for the website administrator, and it also provides an opportunity to the user of the site to act as  customer in the process of purchasing the stamps, letters  in order list, the customers can visit and purchase products any time and any place through online  the customers can also compliant and send request/gives regarding services needed for the purchased products.

E-Post Office System in Java

Previous methods:

In the existing “e-Post office System ”, and organization provides and opportunity to the customer of the website to purchase products like stamps, letters and depositing the money  online. It allows the user to purchase different categories of stamps and letters that are being displayed in the site.

The existing system doesn’t provide an opportunity of hosting request to administrator about required products that are not in the site.

In this system there is no provision for the customers to directly complaint about any problem encountered in the products purchased, and it doesn’t allow the customer to interact with website to send their opinions. These problems are solved in the proposed system.

Project approach motivation of the project: 

The proposed system “e-Post office system” will include all the features carried out by the existing system and also certain additional features so that this project will form a definite improvement. It is proposed to make the system extremely user friendly with well-designed screens and limited inputs. It is also proposed to include the list of various features which makes the system very convenient to use.

The project is based on how products are sold in the site, and how users interact with administrator. The interaction between the customers and administrator is useful to know the views/requests of the customer so that the website becomes more interactive. 


Study of the system:

The e-Post Office is the shopping portal of the world renowned postal service on the internet and an additional distribution channel. It sells Stamps, Postcards and  has services like fixed deposit bonds, paying phone bills etc.

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:

1. Admin Module

2. Customer Module

Admin Module:

Administrator collects all the details of the countries like country code, name, postal stamps and adds this information to the portal.

Adds the product details like Stamps, covers (inland).

Adds the Employee details.

Administrator can introduce new policies day by day. For example postal insurance is a policy. The admin can add new policies for different age groups, some for children, and some for senior citizen, some for students, and some for employees.

In the commemoration of persons, ethical, social, national and international issues the administrator can create new stamps. And the same information is added to the central database.

Customer Module:

Customer raises the Bulk orders for stamps and envelops of all countries through online.

Customer can view the status of the term deposits made.

Customer can pay the electricity bills online and view the status.

Requirement Specification:

 Software Interface:

  • Operating System                   :                       Windows XP or any
  • User Interface                         :                       HTML, CSS
  • Client-side Scripting               :                       JavaScript
  • Programming Language          :                       Java
  • Server-side Scripting               :                       JSP
  • Database                                 :                       Oracle 10g
  • Server Deployment                 :                       Tomcat 5.x

Hardware Interface:

  • Processor                                 :                       Pentium IV or later
  • Hard Disk                               :                       40GB or more
  • RAM                                       :                       512MB or more

Two Wheeler Showroom Management


The project entitled “Two Wheeler Showroom Management” is to be developed for maintaining the show room activities like, customer maintenance, customer quotation generation, vehicle sales, customer dues maintaining for the instalment customers,  vehicle service and spare parts sales, Customer follow ups details, customer feedback form entry and employee details. The system is efficient in generating reports which will help in the maintenance of the showroom easily.

Existing System 

The existing system is not automated fully as only the accounts are automated with the accounting software. The Customer follow-ups are maintained in excel which will take more time to search from the long lists, service details are not maintained through system so it is very difficult to maintain the details.  As the current data is maintained through ledgers and excel sheet so there is no proper reports for facilitation of the administration of the showroom.

Disadvantages of the Existing System 

  • Only accounts is systemized
  • Lack of reports
  • Vehicle Sales & Services are maintained in excel Sheet which leads to the inaccurate information.
  • Customer data are not maintained properly which leads the follow-ups slow.

Proposed System 

The proposed system overcomes the disadvantages of the existing system and records the entire activities happening in the show room. The reports generated will enhance the efficiency of the application. The service registration alerts and completion are recorded which will be easy to maintain the service details.

Advantages of the proposed System

  • Entire activities of the show room are recorded through the system.
  • Customer Data is maintained.
  • Reports generated will be more useful for management to take the quick business decisions.
  • Customer database is maintained which will be helpful for intimating the service completion details and new offers
  • Customer follow-ups are maintained which will be an added advantage of this system.


  • Administration
  • Inventory
  • Order Processing
  • Payroll Processing
  • Payment
  • Profit and Loss
  • Reports
  1. Administration 

The administration module is used for registering the user details for accessing the system i.e. the login details are created in this module. The change password is used to change the existing password with new password.  The information about the vehicles available in the show rooms is recorded in the module.

II   Inventory

This module records the information about the purchase of vehicles and spare parts from the company based on the customer order and need for the spare parts for the service order. The stock of the spare parts and vehicles are maintained.This module also contains the information about the sales of the vehicle such as type of the vehicle, vehicle cost, customer information, mode of payment loan or cash and the bill is generated according to the vehicles and extra fittings purchased.This module also handles the sales of the spare part sales to the customers and generated the bill for the sales.

  1. Ordering Processing

This module records the complete customer information like the customer name, address, phone no, mobile number, type of the vehicle purchased. This module also handles the customer follow up activity i.e. if a customer comes and enquires about the vehicles sold in the showroom. This will be useful for the marketing team to follow up the customer and convert into the sale of new vehicle.

  1. Payroll Processing

This module handles the complete information of the employees and their salary details. The salary is divided into two types such as daily wages and monthly salary.

This module records the employee information like Employee name, address, phone no, mobile no, email, Date of Birth, Employee Salary Type like Monthly or Daily wages and Salary Details.

This module captures monthly or Daily Salary disbursement details of the employee.

  1. Reports

The various forms of reports such as employee information, salary report, stock reports for spare parts, sales report, purchase report, Customer Report, follow up report, Installment details of the customer and service details are available in this module.

Material Management and Stores accounting system



To develop software for Material Management and Stores accounting system to resolve the problems faced by the material managers in the organisation as a solution.


1. To develop the software for transparent procurement of materials/ items and accounting of all the inward goods transactions/items.

2. To improve the material management inventory system by providing quality of service to the stores department to production departments at various levels.


It is required to develop a computer-oriented method for MM Department to Stores department activities, right from the purchase request to goods inspection. The decisions, which are taken by the material managers, demands more quality information from the indenter with respective to quantity and time of the items required to meet the organisational production goals.


To meet the organisation goal in procurement of items a strong supporting system, by means of stock levels and cost effective. Thus a more flexible, simple user friendly software which can assist all the authorised persons at various levels in making decisions regarding stock of various materials, effective channelling of resources, maintaining important validation data and reduction in the reaction time. Computerization saves a lot of time regarding the maintenance and retrieval of data at crucial time, making the work easier and efficient.

This system covers all the activities of MM right from the raising of Purchase Request (PR) to receipt of materials (inward goods) from the supplier and also issue of materials for production to store credit of finished goods.

System Specifications:

Software Requirements:

• Operating system           :   Windows XP or Windows 7, Windows 8.

• Coding Language            :   Java – AWT, Swings

• Data Base              :   My SQL/ Oracle.

• Documentation               :   MS Office

• Development Kit             :   JDK 1.7

Hardware Requirements:

System                      :   Intel core Pentium IV

Hard Disk                  :   40 GB.

Floppy Drive                        :   1.44 Mb.

Monitor                    :   14’ Colour Monitor.

Mouse                       :   Optical Mouse.

Ram                            :   1 GB. 

System Flow:

 Material Management and Stores accounting system

Patient Management System (PMS)

Project Title: Patient Management System (PMS)

Project Abstract:

  • The project consists of Patient Management System (PMS) which is a part of Hospital Management System (HMS). This project contains seven modules namely-Admin, Receptionist, Doctor, Payment Counter, Clinic Center, Inpatient and Online Registration.
  • Hospitals must need to maintain the information of the patients very accurately and up to date. The information helps the doctors to treat the patients very efficiently.
  • PMS project contains seven modules namely-Admin, Receptionist, Doctor, Payment Counter, Clinic Center, Inpatient and Online Registration.
  • Also the hospital must maintain the information of the patients for n number of years and the episodic information

Study of the Existing System

The functioning of the existing system can be explained as:

Patient’s Information

  • The whole information regarding different activities in the hospital is entered in the registers manually for future verification.
  • The patient details like Personal Information are all entered in registers. Each Patient’s information will be maintained in a separate file.
  • If the patient gets any new ailments, their details, tets, reports must be added to the previous information.
  • All the information regarding the patient from entering the hospital to leaving the hospital must be maintained accurately.

Doctor’s Information

    • The information regarding all doctors and their qualifications, their personal details all are maintained in a separate file. Each doctor has a unique id.
    • The doctors’ availability times all are maintained in a separate file. 

Difficulties in the existing system:

  • The process is time consuming and ineffective.
  • It is difficult to find a particular patient file among a number of files.
  • There may be delays intimating the responses to the requested doctors.
  • The current status of the patient is not readily available to the doctor. The file needs to be moved among the departments until the approval process completes.

If any new information is to be added corresponding to a particular patient file, various departments should submit all the reports regarding the patient.

  • When any modifications has to be done, then each and every time new entry has to be filed as it is not possible to update the previous record.
  • The doctors can not estimate easily the physical status of a patient. They have to verify and compare many reports in order to come to a conclusion.
  • There is a chance of missing reports sometimes and it is difficult to put responsibility on a particular person.

Study of the Proposed System 

The new system is designed to overcome the demerits of the previous system. It insists for the proper data collection in a standard form which is designed in an effective manner.

In order to overcome the drawbacks in the existing system, it was decided to create a database, which is

  • Integrated
  • Sharable
  • Reliable
  • Secure

Any incomplete or invalid data will not be accepted as there are thorough checks at each and every stage of all forms.

The software will handle the following functions:


  • All the staff in the hospital will be given a user name and password for login in to the system.
  • Different Menu Accessing Permissions will be given to different cadered people.
  • Depending on the validity of the username and password entered, the software will become accessible to the authorized users. 

Patient Information

  • Patient personal information like name, age, sex, occupation, fathers name etc will be maintained.
  • Each patient is given a unique PIN (patient index number).
  • Each patient is assigned to a particular doctor.

Doctor’s and other staff Information

  • Every doctor and staff member will be given a unique id.
  • Their personal information like contact numbers are maintained.
  • Their availability on that day will be maintained.

Patient reports and bills

  • The reports and bills of a patient are stored in the database for further verification.
  • The cost of each test is maintained.

Advantages of the New System:

  • This is oriented, comprehensive and standardized user-friendly software.
  • This software is easy to use and saves a lot of time of the staff in different cadres, as it can quickly respond to the user requests in an efficient manner.
  • Helps in speedy information retrieval.
  • Extra information from various tables in a single query.
  • It performs thorough validation checking while storing. It assists the user with respective messages to overcome the errors at runtime.
  • It can generate different types of reports according to the user needs.

Modules & Module Description



Once User enters the valid userid and password user move to the page that displays corresponding services of that user.


  • Administrator is the one who will be having complete authority over the software.
  •  He is the one who will decide to whom the access over the software is to be granted.
  • He is responsible for entering new user information, updating their information, and deleting the information when the user no longer exists.


  • It works round the clock. Initially the patient is admitted as OP.
  • Depending upon his condition he is then admitted as the IP.
  • Emergency cases are accepted near the causality Counter.
  • This module automates the day-to-day administrative activities and provides instant access to other modules, which leads to a better patient care.


  • The doctor module is the important module of the Patient management system.
  • Once the doctor enters the hospital, he will log into the system to see the list of patients allotted to him.
  • When the patient meets the doctor,the doctor will examine him and prescribes him the necessary medicines to be taken and tests if there are any to be performed.
  • The patient after undergoing all the tests visits the doctor with the test report.
  •  Depending on the results of the test, the patient may be advised to stay at the hospital.


  • The payment counter module handles all types of billing for long-term care.
  • This module facilitates cashier and billing operations for different categories of patients like Outpatient,Inpatient.
  • It provides automatic posting of charges like lab tests conducted in different departments.
  • The payment counter module is extensively flexible by which each of our billing plans can be configured to automatically accept or deny


  • Clinic Center module starts with receiving tests from doctors and also allows laboratory personnel to generate requests.
  • The Clinic Center Module supports to perform various tests under following disciplines:Biochemistry, microbiology  etc. Tests are performed only after billing is done.
  • This rule is exempted when the case is declared as urgent


  • Depending upon the test results generated by the Clinic Center, the doctor decides the status of the patient i.e., whether he is an inpatient or an outpatient.
  • In case, if the patient is declared as in, then the respective patient goes to the receptionist counter and the receptionist there, will allot him a bed in the required ward.
  • At the time of discharge, this inpatient has to pay the maintenance fee along with the test fee and the registration fee depending on the number of days he stayed in the hospital.


  • In Online Registration, the user can “sign up” into the system, so that he can get username and Password(chosen by him/her).
  • As soon as the patient get username, he can now login to the system and will be provided with different services.
  • When he/she fills the form, will be given the appointment date, time and the doctor allotted to him by the Receptionist.
  • He can edit his profile.

Hardware and Software Requirements: 

Hardware Requirements
Processor : Pentium
RAM : 64MB or more
Hard Disk : 2GB (Minimum)


Software Requirements
Operating System : Windows9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista
Web server


: Apache-Tomcat


Browser : Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox
Languages :  JAVA.JSP


Database : Microsoft Office Access
Frontends : HTML, Java Script

College Management System (CMS)


            Improving the awareness of CMS

  •  The software facilitates the administrators to know the present status of a student of the college.
  •  The software gives the information such as student personal data, student fees details, results  etc.
  •  Generating the print reports of student personal, fee as well as result details….
  •  Hence we conclude that the present system (CMS for Colleges) would definitely help the user by saving time and effort by reducing the processing time and volume of errors.
  •  The efficiency of the work done would be improved and work satisfaction on the part of the employees after computerization would definitely on high.
  •  The customer satisfaction would be definitely higher when compared to the old manual system


  • The existing system which we using in our college is traditional process is a complete manual process.
  • Now-a-days, education is playing very significant role in the society. Day-by-day, the percentage of illiterates are decreasing and the percentage of literates is increasing.
  • Education will change the society in all the aspects and everyone wants to study higher professional degrees.
  • Admissions are increasing day by day so there by ratio of establishment new colleges and schools are also increasing.
  • But the actual challenge is starting from now. Most of the schools and colleges are maintain student information  in records.
  • When the number of records increased, it is difficult to maintain the information of each student in the old manual system.
  • Maintaining the records manually leads to error prone and required more man power and it consumes more time for processing the records.


The main objective of developing the current project entitled “COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR COLLEGES” is to build effective system which is fast, accurate, consistency, reliable and flexible enough so that it can incorporate any future enhancements.

By automating the system using computers, sophisticated technology can be used for making the information more flexible, accurate, and secure and user friendly.

Time and man power can be more effectively utilized and online information can be easily available to the user and at the same time we can maintain higher level of security.

Every user such as student, staff and administration can able to see the information of each student through online from anywhere and anytime.


  • These types of CMS are already available in our markets, but it does not have the feature that we are providing to our college.
  • Many of the companies are improving this project on the platform .NET. that seems to be complicated and to use
  • The main functionality such as ENTERING AND RETRIVING of the attendance in the CMS will not be provided by the companies who had developed this project earlier.
  • We are going to introduce our project on a special platform JAVA which is very user friendly.
  • Here we will provide the high permissions to the Admin so he can handle the complete college for better security and maintenance.
  • There will be different permissions to the admin and faculty.


In this project documentation we have initially put the definitions and objective of the project as well as the design of the project which is followed by the implementation and testing phase.Finally the project has been concluded successfully and also future enhancement of the project were given in their documentation.



Until recently the place of the College Management System (CMS). Now-a-days, education is playing very significant role in the society. Day-by-day, the percentage of illiterates are decreasing and the percentage of literates is increasing. Education will change the society in all the aspects and everyone wants to study higher professional degrees.

Admissions are increasing day by day so there by. Ratio of establishment new colleges and schools are also increasing. But the actual challenge is starting from now. Most of the schools and colleges are maintain student information in records.

When the number of records increased, it is difficult to maintain the information of each student in the old manual system.

Maintaining the records manually leads to error prone and required more man power and it consumes more time for processing the records.


In the existing system of the project we had just results that is usage through manually,here student can check through the computers from a personal computer located at a particular point of place.


  •  More time
  •  More  money
  •  More manpower
  •  More work
  •  Less work result
  •  No accuracy


We resolve all the disadvantages of existing system in our proposed system, CMS. Old students can share their experience, ideas, motivations to their juniors in the college. They can provide information regarding higher studies. RESULT Automation which yields aggregate percentage up to that instant. Time will be saved, No chance of getting error. 


This paper presents a method for increasing information requested by students with the use of automated College Management System.In this ,instead of direct Contacting with direct Contacting with the faculty the student can directly checks the Results from the System if the student is registered in CMS.

CMS helps educational institute to do regular activities accurately, fastly and reliably.

By using CMS student and faculty can find out overall attendance percentages, fee details and result analysis.

CMIS increases quality in work for educational institutes.

  • The software facilitates the administrators to know the present status of a student of the college.
  •  The software gives the information such as student personal data, student fees details, results  etc.
  •  Generating the print reports of student personal, fee as well as result details….
  •  Hence we conclude that the present system (CMS for Colleges) would definitely help the user by saving time and effort by reducing the processing time and volume of errors.
  •  The efficiency of the work done would be improved and work satisfaction on the part of the employees after computerization would definitely on high.
  •  The customer satisfaction would be definitely higher when compared to the old manual system

Query Handling System


This Query Handling System project is designed for the college students to handle the queries which are frequently asked by the students. In this Query Handling System project we are providing a chance for the student to clarify their doubts by posting the questions. Normally it is very hard to handle all this query clarification process manually. So here we are developing the project which provides automation process for the clarification of doubts by asking the students to post the question and get clarified with their doubts.

There will be many questions that are being posted frequently by the students to various departments in a college.  The College examination branch wants to maintain all the frequently asked questions in the database subject wise.  Time to time they will be updating the questions and the related answers into the database.

The primary goal of the Query Handling System is to provide an environment that is both convenient and efficient for the students and lectures through which the students can get clarified with their doubts and also for the administrators of a particular college to use in retrieving the information from database and also storing the information into database.


  • Super User
  • Administrator
  • Student

Super User:

super user to control the data, appointing the administrators in each department,appointing the administrator  to a particular department for that he register the admin,adding a new departments like computer science, chemistry, physics,    maths, etc.. At the same time he can delete the departments, adding a new topic to particular department. At the same time he delete the added topics also, adding the question with answers and storing the data in database. 


  • Admin can add the question with answers and it will be stored in database for students to retrieve it.
  • Admin will modify the answers.
  • The student post a question in certain department the respective administrator will answer the question and a copy of the answer will be sent to the student. 


  • Student post a question in certain department.
  • Student check the answer for which he is posted.
  • Student checks the answer for available questions.

Mall Guide Project in Java

Study of the system:

In proposed system, we present a new GUI based system. The type of application that we are proposing to develop is a Mall Guide using automation. Our proposed project would be working using a server for database and information storage and users for information retrieval purpose such as list of shops, location of shops, and availability of goods and cost of goods.

This system is also useful for customers, who are interested to own a shop. for example, if a shop empty on the shopping mall then the customer who is interested can send a proposal to the owner of the shopping mall.

Customer Page


These are the functions implemented into our application. They are:

  1. Browse:
  2. Search by name
  3. Search by category
  4. Explore map

1. Browse:

This function allows users to browse all the stores in the shopping malls.

2. Search by name:

This function allows users to search a particular store by name. The user will query the database according to the text given. If the database contains none of the text input by the user, the program will notify the users to try again.

3.  Search by category:

This function allows the user to select one option from a list of categories.  Once the user selects the category, the application will query the database to display the result.

4. Explore Map:

This function allows the users to view the map of the shopping mall and also magnify the view of the map. 


Create a paperless environment: All the information regarding the stores and the mall itself will be stored in the server. This will create a paperless environment in which whenever a visitor needs to obtain related information regarding a tenant in the shopping mall. 

It is user friendly interface to the customer: Requires no technical knowledge for searching. 

Easy to search: Search becomes easy based on the input provided. 

It requires less time: When a customer is searching for a product in a manual process it takes much time in searching for the store and the product, but when compared to our proposed system it takes less time because it gives the output based on the input i.e., searching of a store or shop.

Details of store

It also takes less time for a customer to own a shop 


          In this project we include three modules. They are:

  1. Administrator
  2. Customer
  3. Shopkeeper 

1. Administrator:

The administrator responsibility is to create logs containing each and every information regarding stores, goods available, shop numbers , route for the shop through maps , updation of the shop details and routes if any changes from shopkeepers in the entire shopping mall.

A successful online mall demands a solution that integrates all the offerings in to one common interface, while at the same time, allowing each vendor the flexibility to add, edit and change their offerings in real time


              The user is a person who comes to the shopping mall for shopping. The customer can avail the details of the stores and their respective products at the entrance of the shopping mall. User requirements are the input to Mall Guide.

Any person wishing to set up shop in the mall can send a proposal to the mall owner.

This system is also useful for customers, who are interested to own a shop. for ex: if a shop  is empty in the shopping mall then the customer who is interested can send a proposal to the owner of the shopping mall


  The Shopkeeper is a person who owners the shops or a store in the shopping malls. He is the person who gives information on goods and services to the administrator about his shop.

Software Requirement Specification:


With tremendous changes in the technology, making the things very simple and more user friendly to the people and at the same time people also demand the information about everything in the simple form. So, we are introducing the concept of MALL GUIDE to make the people more convenient and comfortable.


MALL GUIDE is a system, which gives an overview of all shops in current retail shopping mall. MALL is a large retail complex containing a variety of stores, restaurants and other business establishments housed in a series of connected or adjacent buildings are in a single large building.

Nowadays the shopping MALLs are becoming center points to get any type of goods and services needed by the people. But the methods they are using to provide information regarding the goods such as, the availability of goods, range varieties and their locations are traditional. These methods take more time and the customers may feel inconvenient with these approaches .To overcome these problems in the existing system we propose new GUI based system, which is more user friendly to ordinary user with no technical knowledge.


The aim of this Project is to perform the following operations

  • Managing all the details of the stores. The details will include the no of stores, name of store, location of the stores, product details of particular store and etc.
  • It is useful to the customers who are going to shopping.
  • Providing updates of store names, store locations & goods availability.
  • Administrator can always watch the progress of the mall details.
  • To create a paperless environment: All the information regarding the stores and the mall itself will be stored in the server. This will create a paperless environment in which whenever a visitor needs to obtain related information regarding a tenant in the shopping mall.
  • It is user friendly interface to the customer: Requires no technical knowledge for searching.
  • Easy to search: Search becomes easy based on the input provided.
  • It requires less time: When a customer is searching for a product in a manual process it takes much time in searching for the store and the product, but when compared to our proposed system it takes less time because it gives the output based on the input i.e., searching of a store or shop.

With tremendous changes in the technology, making the things very simple and more user friendly to the people and at the same time people also demand the information about everything in the simple form. So, we are introducing the concept of MALL GUIDE  to  make  the  people more convenient and comfortable.

MALL GUIDE gives an overview of all shops in current retail shopping mall.

In this system, we present a new GUI based system. The type of application that we are proposing to develop is a Mall Guide using automation. Our proposed project would be working using a server for database and information storage and users for information retrieval purpose such as list of shops, location of shops, and availability of goods and cost of goods.

The main reason behind our conceptual idea of this project is to feel that there are times when users often change their plan to go to other shops instead of the ones in their minds. This is probably due to the complicated buildup structure of the mall. 

Future Scope:

We have done the project based on standalone system. We have done the project placing the system at the entrance of the mall. For future enhancement, we can provide LAN connection, to the systems by placing single system at each floor. In the future we provide sms alerts to the regular registered customers if the shop is vacated or any shop is lended.

Virtual Assistance Java Project

Objective of the Project:

Virtual Assistance does not mean that a computer will automatically generate every document that you want, customized and ready to use. Each document will have some unique content, even if it is only the name and address of the addressee. This unique content will still need to be provided by you (or a database in the case of a mail-merged form letter).

Virtual Assistance software can help you create templates, specify rules and assemble documents. They might also be able to use the templates created by word processing programs such as Word.

Documents templates have been in use for quite some time now. Word processing programs typically have provision to create such templates, e.g., the .dot files in Microsoft Word. Word processing programs also offer facilities to generate customized documents from these templates, such as the mail merge facility of Word.

With document automation software of such capabilities, you need to do only the absolute minimum to create a document. It would almost seem that further document automation is possible only when computers can grasp your thoughts and convert them into relevant documents!

Virtual Assistance software can help you create templates, specify rules and assemble documents. They might also be able to use the templates created by word processing programs such as Word.

With document automation software of such capabilities, you need to do only the absolute minimum to create a document. It would almost seem that further document automation is possible only when computers can grasp your thoughts and convert them into relevant documents!

Study of the system: 

Virtual Assistance is a standalone application; it means that a computer will automatically generates every document that the user needed is customized and ready to use. Each document will have some unique content, if it is only the name and address of the addressee. This unique content will be taken from the database. And this database will look after by the profile manager. The details present in the data base can only access his /her desired document, for example letters. It is useful in everywhere like colleges, organizations. 


Administrator is the super user who maintains the profile of the personnel and maintains the document templates.

Profile Manager:

Profile Manager can add, delete, and update the details of the personnel.

Template Manager: 


  •   Login into the System.
  •  Creates new Users, template.
  •   Views all the details of existing users, template.
  • Updates the template, user details.
  • Deletes the Template, user details.
  • Prints the Required document.

Template Manager can create ,deletes, modify the existing template and save the template for the future use.

Software Requirement Specification:


Rapid development in science and technology is forcing the human beings to depend on some technology at some stage in solving very simple problem to complex problem. This software called virtual assistance is used to reduce some work at different places in the daily life work process. This document provides details about the entire software requirements specification for the software VIRTUAL ASSISTANCE.


Virtual Assistance is a standalone application; it means that a computer will automatically generates every document that the user needed is customized and ready to use. Each document will have some unique content, if it is only the name and address of the addressee. This unique content will be taken from the database. And this database will look after by the profile manager. The details present in the data base can only access his /her desired document, for example letters. It is useful in everywhere like colleges, organizations.


The scope of the project is to perform the following operations

  • Managing all the details of the user, for ex: name, address etc is stored in database all these details will look after by profile master.
  • Profile master and user will be looking after by an administrator. All the changes are done by administrator only. Adminstrator can create, update different types of documents or letters, at the same time he can delete.
  • As administrator provides some templates, it is very easy to use the documents or letters at a time.
  • It is user friendly interface to the user: Requires no technical knowledge for his required document.
  • Easy to use:  becomes easy based on the input provided.
  • To Create a paperless environment: When many of the users require the same application, the same content will be written individually. This will require lot of paper work.  The unique content of all the documents will be stored in the database. This will create a paperless environment in which whenever the user require the document the content will be same, but the details will be different. Here the content is reusable.
  • It requires less time: When a user is needed for a document/letter in a manual process it takes much time in writing the document or letter, but when compared to our proposed system it takes less in providing the documents/letters because we mainly use the templates. And we can get many documents at a time.

 Login Page 

Login Page

Login Page for Administrator

Administrator Page:   

Admin Page

Administrator Task 


Virtual Assistance software automatically generates a document that the user needed. It provides same document for the different people by changing the details.

System is fully GUI based. It is easy to operate and user-friendly. Platform includes the in built back-up and recovery facility. Virtual Assistance reduces paper work, equipment maintenance.

All the objectives that had been charted out in the initial phases were achieved successfully.

Future Scope:

We have done the project based on standalone system. The future scope for this project can be developed using web based application. Using this application we can enhance the project to email process .i.e., we can provide the documents on the request of users to their email address. It reduces the paper cost and time.

Time Table Generation System

1. Title of the project: Time Table Generation for College

2. Aim:To develop an application which generates a free list, individual list, block list for a given Time Table

3. Introduction:In present day scenario, faculty member’s free period identification is quite complex. By using this project, one can generate Free List-A list which gives us details which faculty members are available for a given day, Individual List-A list which gives us details about subjects and sections allocated to a faculty member and Blocked List-A block list is mainly used by Principle and  Head of the department. They can identify for a given hour which faculty members are having their classes.

4. Scope:Using this application, faculty can easily generate free list skipping hours of tedious work .This can be used in any institute intending to have their free their free list generated with just few clicks which is very easy and efficient.

5. Workflow:

6. Design elements:




I) Hardware required:

  • Processor    :            Intel Pentium 4
  • Ram            :            1 GB or more
  • Hard disk    :          10  GB hard disk space

II)Software required:

  • Languages: JDK v1.7
  • Database:   MySql
  • IDE:           NetBeans


Title Page Recognition

Project Title: Title Page Recognition

Character recognition is constantly a frontier area of study in the field of pattern recognition and image processing. Even though, adequate studies have been performed in foreign scripts like English, Chinese and Japanese characters, simply a very little work can be traced for Indian scripts particularly South Indian scripts like Telugu and Kannada. Telugu is one of the oldest and most popular languages of India. Recognition of these scripts may be a challenging task.

In this project work we would like to identify the titles of the book from the scanned digital image which consists of telugu text and images. The special feature is that, it is designed to handle multiple sizes and multiple fonts. Extracting the information from the images and scanned documents has been classified as a science fiction in the present days.

This project focuses on scanning the front page of the book and saving it as an image. Then the next sequence of steps involves Preprocessing, Segmentation, Feature Selection and Recognition. Once the characters are recognized then they are categorized as Title-name, Author, Publisher etc. 

Technologies to be used:                                              

Operating System                   : Windows

Programming Language          : Java

Commercial OCR packages are already available for languages like English. And Considerable work has also been done for language like Japanese and Chinese. Recently, work has been done for development of OCR systems for Indian languages. Telugu is one of the popular languages of India that is spoken by more than 66 million people especially in South India. Work on Telugu character recognition is not substantial.Recognition of Telugu script is much more complicated because of the use of huge number of combinations of characters and modifiers.Recognition of these scripts may be a challenging task. Basic Symbols are identified as the unit of recognition in Telugu script. Histograms are used for a feature based recognition scheme for these basic symbols.

The main objective of this Title Page Recognition project is to identify the titles of the text books from the scanned digital image which consists of Telugu text and images. The special feature is that, it is designed to handle multiple sizes and multiple fonts. Extracting the information from the images and scanned documents has been classified as a science fiction in the present days. It mainly focuses on scanning the front page of the book and saving it as an image. Then the next sequence of steps involves Preprocessing, Segmentation, Feature Selection and Recognition. Once the characters are recognized then they are categorized as Title-name, Author, Publisher etc. which is useful for easy retrieval and storage.


The document analysis and understanding of Indian Languages has been lagging behind the recognition systems for languages like English. And Considerable work has also been done for language like Japanese and Chinese. Recently, work has been done for development of OCR systems for Indian languages. Telugu is one of the popular languages of India. In this work we propose a recognizer for Telugu text, which extracts characters from the scanned image and identifies the title and the author of the respective Telugu books.

We have analyzed Telugu script and their language rules for building a language model for better document understanding. We have explored pattern recognition algorithms for designing feature extraction, classification and post processing mechanisms for recognition of document images.

The further work includes implementation of various algorithms for recognition of titles and authors of Telugu text books in the field of pattern recognition and image processing.

Reference books:

  1. Principles of Digital Image Processing – Fundamental Techniques by Wilhem Burger, Mark J. Burge.
  2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by Anil K.Jain.