Development of embedded web server for Ethernet based applications(ARM9 based)

The main aim of this Development of embedded web server on ARM9 Project goes to developing of Embedded web server

With the rapid development of embedded technology, more and more embedded devices (such as wireless sensor, intelligent instrument etc.,) are demanding for embedded-network connectivity for a collaborative activity. Linking embedded systems to the Internet has been an important development direction, and which is one of indispensable functions for the embedded systems in the future. Based on this point-of-view, we have chosen to run any internet application on an embedded target. Web server is one of the major application

in the internet domain. To implement a web server a robust and reliable tcp/ip stack is required. So, we have chosen embedded Linux for this project to implement web-server, since, Linux is having very robust and reliable network stack. In this project, we will be developing an embedded web-server on ARM9 using embedded Linux.

Target device:        ARM-9

Operating system: LINUX

Download Development of embedded web server for Ethernet based applications(ARM9 based) Embedded Systems Project Abstract

Electronic Passport and the Future of Government Issued RFID Based Identification

  The main aim of this ELECTRONIC PASSPORT AND THE FUTURE OF GOVERNMENT ISSUED RFID BASED IDENTIFICATION (ABSTRACT)   project is to design innovative hardware and software, which deals with passport administration. The motto of the project is to simplify the job of the security people and to have passport verification system without any mistake. In this the details of the person would be fed into the RFID cards (passports in RFID form). The RFID reader reads the details of the RFID passport and sends the data wirelessly with the help of ZigBee transceiver. On the other side the other ZigBee receiver receives the details and sends to the microcontroller. Here, the controllers compares with the data already there. If it matches than the person is allowed, less he would be termed as a criminal by giving an alarm/buzzing signal. 

 SOFTWARE: Embedded ‘C’ Programming Language

TOOLS: Keil Machine, Flash magic Software

 Block Diagram Contains:  ZigBee Transceiver,  Power Supply, LPC2148 Microcontroler, RFID reader, RFID Tag, Buzzer

TARGET DEVICE: LPC2148(ARM7) Microcontroller.

APPLICATIONS: Airport for verification.
ADVANTAGES: Low cost Micro controller Project, easy to use for rural areas, automated operation, and Low Power consumption.

Download Electronic Passport and the Future of Government Issued RFID Based Identification

Collide Vehicle Information Capturing Using GPS and GSM

Collide vehicle information capturing using GPS and GSM projects main idea is to provide hardware and software application for moving systems like cars , trucks which can sense accident information of the vehicle to the remote areas for saving there lifes. This application mainly works on GPS and GSM technologies, where GPS system communicates with satellites for finding out the longitude and latitude of the system. Whereas GSM is used for secure wireless transmission.

Variable sensors are used for finding out accident detector which will communicate with micro controller by taking input of the accident vehicle signal and compare it with threshold value if the threshold value is less then present value messages are sent to their relatives.

This application consists of :

Embedded Controller, AT Keyboard, GPS Receiver, Vibration Sensor, LCD Module, GSM Modem, Serial Communication, Keil Compiler.    

download Collide Vehicle Information Capturing Using GPS and GSM abstract.

Railway Accident Monitoring System (GSM And GPS) Abstract

RAILWAY ACCIDENT MONITORING SYSTEM (GSM AND GPS)  project is implemented using PIC micro-controller, GPS receiver, GSM modem and LCD display is used to display the GPS receiver data. 

Objective is to develop a state-of-the-art asset management technology for railway transportation systems, with special focus on conditions in India. The technology consists of: GPS and wireless data transmission.

The central tracking station monitors train for 24 hours for unauthorized intrusion, pilfering, breakdown, accident or even for any unforeseen emergency assistance. By this way the railway asset can be monitored for protection purpose.

“Through proper implementation of this project, governments can improve program and infrastructure quality, increase information accessibility and use, With improved decision making application makes more interesting and decreases overall cost of the application, including the social and economic impacts of train crashes.” 

download Railway Accident Monitoring System (GSM  And GPS) Abstract

Gps Based Highway Vehicle Monitoring System Abstract

GPS Based Highway Vehicle Monitoring System projects main idea is to develop a application using GPS and GSM technologies for tracking vehicles information on highway. In this project we use NAVSTAR GPS system which will help to calculate longitude and latitude of geographic location. GPS will communicate with 4 satellites to deliver Position information. Based on four satellites information is delivered it mainly depends on time clock.

This application uses MAX232 switch for connecting between micro controller and GPS device. These interfaces work on serial communication. Micro controller has UART in built in it.  1. longitude and latitude of geographic location. GPS will communicate with 4 satellites to deliver Position information. Based on four satellites information is delivered it mainly depends on time clock.


  • KEIL UV2 IDE tool
  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming 


  • AT89S52
  • LCD
  • RS232
  • MAX232
  • RELAY 


Embedded GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System Abstract

Embedded GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System projects main idea is to develop a application which can help to track distance, traffic and position. This application works on GPS and GSM technologies.

A typical GPS receiver calculates its position using the signals from four or more GPS satellites. Four satellites are needed since the process needs a very accurate local time, more accurate than any normal clock can provide, so the receiver internally solves for time as well as position.

Initially the GPS continuously takes the data from the satellite and stores the latitude and longitudinal positions in microcontroller’s buffer. If we want to know the path of the vehicle we need to send a message to the GSM which gets activated by receiving our message. At the same instant the GPS gets deactivated with the help of relay.  As soon as the GSM gets activated it takes the last received latitude and longitude positions from the buffer and sends a message to the particular number which is executed in the program. After the message has been sent to the user the GSM gets deactivated and similarly the GPS gets activated. This is a cyclic process.


  • KEIL UV2 IDE tool
  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming


  • AT89S52
  • LCD
  • RS232
  • MAX232

download Embedded GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System Abstract.

Traffic Announcement through GSM Networks Abstract

Traffic Announcement through GSM Networks projects main idea is to provide information on traffic and distance between different vehicles around us while traveling. This application uses Collide vehicle information capturing using GPS and GSM technology for calculating distance accurately. This project will work on how this application works using micro controller.

In this system vibration sensors will sense collision distance and send information to micro controller by converting to digital data using ADC. Micro controller will compare input data with threshold data, If the data is more than threshold value than data is send to GPS via GSM for finding out location data. GPS system will communicate with Satellite to calculate accurate information. This process will be working continuously until the system is off.

This application  uses Embedded Controller,  GPS Receiver, IR Sensor, LCD Module, GSM Modem, Serial Communication, Keil Compiler.      

download Traffic Announcement through GSM Networks Abstract.

Two Channel Temperature Logging for Furnaces (Abstract)

AIM:   The main aim of the TWO CHANNEL TEMPERATURE LOGGING FOR FURNACES Project is to develop a data logging system for furnaces in industries through wireless communication.

DESCRIPTION: In this 2012 project we are going to sense the information from the different sensors placed at the remote locations at the industry and that sensed information is send the PC present at the control room. Which has to be monitored by Engineers. Here the sensors we are using are the four temperature sensors connected to the furnaces in the industry that sensed information is send to the control room through the wireless communication technology .i.e., Zigbee. And that sensed information is displayed on the PC’s Hyper terminal.

The sensors information is given to the internal ADCs present in the LPC2148 microcontroller which converts the Analog to digital which will send to the zigbee for wireless transmission.


The purpose of this Embedded System Final Year project is to measure temperature values from different furnaces in industry and to send this information to the PC connected at the control room.


  1. Embedded C
  2. Keil MicroVision
  3. Flash Magic


  1. 1.  Micro controller
  2. 2.  Power supply
  3. 3.  Temperature sensors
  4. 4.  MAX 232




  • MAX 232
  • PC


  • Step Down Transformer
  • Bridge Rectifier
  • Filter Circuit
  • Regulator section


             Hence, by using this project, the data is collected by the Control unit with the help of the RF communication. That data which is received is displayed on PC and can be stored for future reference.

Download Two Channel Temperature Logging for Furnaces (Abstract).

Application and Evaluation of High Power Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network in Water Irrigation Control Monitoring System

Application and Evaluation of High Power Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network in Water Irrigation Control Monitoring System  (ABSTRACT)

This project demonstrates the concept of “Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network in Water Irrigation Control Monitoring System”. It is time consuming and need of manual application on a irrigation system to control the pumping the water to the farm filed. Using this Zigbee based wireless technology we can control the pumping of the water according to condition of the soil at the remote location

Some of the other devices can be useful for this 2012 Embedded system project, Those are ZigBee based Central system, Zigbee Based Module, LPC2148 (ARM7) Microcontroller, Power Supply Cable, Moisture Sensor, LCD, Motor

Software & Hardware Requirements:

SOFTWARE: Embedded ‘C’

TOOLS: Kei Tool, Flash magic Toll

TARGET DEVICE: LPC2148(ARM7) Microcontroller

APPLICATIONS: Irrigation Controlling, Soil Monitoring 

ADVANTAGES: Low cost method, effectively controlled, can be implemented to monitor the Soil status, Accordingly we can control the water pumping also.

Download Application and Evaluation of High Power Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network in Water Irrigation Control Monitoring System Final Year Embedded system Project Report.

Secured GSM Based Automatic Water Level Warning System Abstract


SECURED GSM BASED AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL WARNING SYSTEM project is designed to measure the level of water and monitoring the level of water on LCD display.


Here digital probes are used for detecting the level of water. The digital probes are connected to two relay circuits. Whose outputs are read by micro controller continuously.  Depending on the level of motor the stepper motor is rotated in clock wise direction and while filling the water into the tub the stepper motor it is rotated in anti clockwise direction. Here LCD display is used display the level of water continuously. Applications are boiler drums, over flow measurements and navigation applications etc.


  • AT89S52
  • ULN2003


  • Functionality of all above components
  • Embedded C programming

download Secured GSM Based Automatic Water Level Warning System Abstract.