Optimistic security system

Scope of the Project:

 The main objective of this Optimistic security system final year project is to secure the valuable things. This is the Engineering project which consists of five stages (Burglar alarm, Shadow alarm, Laser based security system, Automatic gate control security system, Position based security system). Another advantage of this application is besides security thief himself gives his identification and it’s most reliable. It is done with the basic electronic components like transistors, resistors, etc.Visual as well as audio warning is achieved using LED’s and buzzer. This Project was the one month mini project for 3rd year or 4th year students.

Wireless Data and Voice Communication through Infrared-LED Project

The aim of the Wireless Data and Voice Communication through Infrared-LED Project is to model the circuit of the technology infrared system, improve modern concepts to execute the circuit, review the circuitry and various kinds of elements, DTMF decoder, DTMF generator, op-amp, and infrared-LED under the circuit.

 The infrared LED is the only method for piping light across edges and into unauthorized areas permitting the secret. The infrared LED is becoming under system of high importance and utilization. The benefits are contrasted with twisted wire pairs or common coaxial cable is abundant. Therefore, many like to spend these light communication systems into function.

The impressive growth under few years in the area of telecommunication is utilization of laser light to have the data on the information over great places. This is evident under the last year of light wave transmission is great to get by microwave and wires relations. Basically, infrared LED includes the less transmission per unit length (0.15-5db/km). It helps the aim economically.

The important component of infrared LED system is based on the applications. The applications contain great featured video Trunked from Video Trunking, studio Transferee, and Broadcast CATV video under cities and Baseband Video. The elements of the system are infrared-led, mike, amplifier, speaker, photo transistor, amplifier, DTMF decoder, DTMF coder, and decoder driver.


It is concluded that the common telephonic methods make use of copper wires that result in oxidized form and need great sustenance rate. The laser light is non-reactive and economical. The noise is obtained over the copper wire and the electrical intensities are important under laser light and the noise is negligible.

Download Wireless Data and Voice Communication through Infrared-LED Project.

Electronics Cash Register ECE Seminar Project

The Electronic Cash Register (ECR) maintains the mark of sale transactions rapidly and productively. The great PLUs (Price Look Ups) and importance of section include many merchandise products. It implies the quick and very fast check out method and process to adjust the broad distinction of products and assistance very productively. Based on qualities, the productive receipt gets the print out and the simple-to-view LCD operator shows and the ECR creates the adjusted organization.

The qualities of the project are quick and clean billing with speed, simple to utilize backlit display of keyboard/alpha numeric, great routine list, day/date/year and accurate time including AM/PM, complete inventory function, one key last bill printing, costumer programmable Greeting messages, password secrecy, and 2-line 16 characters per line backlit LCD.

The microcontroller is one chip which includes the non-volatile memory for the events (ROM or flash), the clock, processor (the CPU), and volatile memory for input and output (RAM), and an I/O control unit. This is also known as “computer on a chip” and numerous microcontroller units (MCUs) are implanted yearly under innumerable items from toys to automobiles.

The hardware is processed through the combination of software or program instructions. It is known that software and hardware, the costumer is able to use the microcontroller to solve the issues easily. The AT89S52 is a less-power, great-accomplishment CMOS 8-bit microcontroller including 8K bytes of programmable Flash memory.


Electronics Cash Register ECE Seminar Project is concluded that the device is constructed with the help of great-density of Atmel of nonvolatile memory. A few of the abilities of 8051 microcontroller are Internal ROM and RAM, I/O ports with programmable pins, Timers and counters, and Serial data communication.

Download Electronics Cash Register ECE Seminar Project.

SMS Based E-Notice Board for College ECE Project

Wireless communication has declared its advent on great level and globe is becoming mobile. The remote operating devices are because of Embedded Systems. The Embedded System in Communication results in several attractive applications which make sure of security and comfort for human life.

The important goal of this SMS Based E-Notice Board for College ECE Project is to model the SMS driven remotely on display board that will take the place with the help of programmable technological display. This is accepted to model the receiver display board that is executed programmed from authenticated cell phone. The microcontroller gets the SMS and allows sending Mobile Identification Number (MIN) and shows the particular data. Beginning with News display unit, there is a development and benefit to compute the abilities of microcontroller.

This is accepted to execute this project at the institute stage. This is accepted to show the boards under great access places. The technology is presently utilized for programming and required all the time. Its makes unproductive for quick data transfer and hence the display board misses its significance. The GSM display board is utilized like add-on and creates it perfect wireless.

The method needs for the Microcontroller based SMS box. The important elements of the kit contain GSM modem and microcontroller. These elements are mixed including the display board and hence integrated the seamless characters. The GSM modem gets the SMS. The AT commands are moved to the modem by MAX232.


SMS Based E-Notice Board for College ECE Project is concluded that the microcontroller authorizes the SMS and hence shows the message under the LCD display board. Several time division multiplexing methods create the display boards functionally productive. The microcontroller utilized here is AT89s52. Motorola C168 is utilized like the GSM modem.

Download SMS Based E-Notice Board for College ECE Final Year Student Project.

Short Range Personal Radar ECE Final Year Project

The concept to make the kind of complete proximity radar method is from the student under many classes. The aim of this project is to make the functioning working IR radar method. The method would need to calculate the complete proximity at 90 degrees angle. The limit of the system is like 1m-5.5m, 4-30cm, and 20-150cm based on selected sensor.

There are three modern entities which we are seeing in this Short Range Personal Radar ECE Final Year Project. They are Servos, the 74HCT373 & IR Sensors. The 74HCT373 chip is the octal d flip-flop tri-state latch. It means that this chip can save 8 bits of digital logic and includes that memory is apparent or modified through the LE-Latch Enable pin.

It works on Control Pins LE & OE, Data Inputs D0-D7, 8 Data Outputs Q0-Q7, and Vcc & GND. The result can permit Q0-Q7 to result the information presently including the D-FlipFlop Latches. Latch Enable allows the information presently over D0-D7 to write on the D-FlipFlop Latches.

The Schematic Specifics the following forms. They are Power Circuit, Programming Circuit, IR Proximity Sensor, and LEDs Output. This project makes use of three important gadgets to make the personal radar method. The IR Range sensor produces the result and the pic microcontroller executes and hence shows the result over the led array.


Short Range Personal Radar ECE Final Year Project is concluded that the tool of this project is very complicated than prior projects. There are four important qualities under this model. They are we can program the pic over the board which is improved. We can manage servo. We are able to get the information input from an IR Proximity sensor. We are able to create 36 LEDs to show correct result to show what the IR sensor can sense.

Download Short Range Personal Radar ECE Final Year Project.

Obstruction Detection & Auto Solving Vehicle ECE Project

The basic goal of this Obstruction Detection & Auto Solving Vehicle ECE Project is to portray the way controllers are utilized under robots. As per our needs, we are able to control the robotic vehicle. The robotic vehicle is utilized to be in the box that is position in the front place of the vehicle.

The disputing aims under this project are to create the code for the microcontroller with the help of embedded C for 8051, model LCD interface, and proximity sensors. The future enhancements include using DC Motors and three sensors. The utilization of great amount of stepper motors and sensors and we are able to move vehicle correctly. We are able to manage the vehicle remotely with the help of GPRS and RF method.

 The important elements used are 5 V DC Power Supply, Motor Driver – L293D, Buzzer, ATMEL AT89S52 Microcontroller, LCD 16*2 Alpha Numeric, Proximity Sensors, and Buzzer – Frequency 1 to 18 KHz ( 5V – 12V DC).

 The AT89S52 is the great accomplishment and less power of CMOS 8-bit microcontroller including 8K bytes of Flash memory of in-system program. The gadget is constructed by making use of great density of Atmel of nonvolatile memory method and is agreeable with the company and set and pin out of standard 80C51 instruction.


 Obstruction Detection & Auto Solving Vehicle ECE Project is concluded that the project makes use of Alpha Numeric LCD (16 x 2 Line), AT89S52 microcontroller Proximity Sensors, Motor Driver, and Buzzer. Three sensors are connected that are linked to the microcontroller, to the left, right, and front parts of the robotic vehicle. If there are no obstacles then all sensors are great.

Download Obstruction Detection & Auto Solving Vehicle ECE Project.

Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Project

The Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Project represents the model to show the notices on technological notice board in colleges through sending messages in the form of SMS by mobile. This is a seamless transmission method that includes low errors and perpetuation. The board of hardware includes microcontroller AT89c52 present at the model of heart. The microcontroller is blend with converter MAX232 level and GSM Modem. This is applied to transform levels of TTL voltage to levels of RS232 voltage and vice versa. The hardware even includes 64K EEPROM chip AT24C64. EEPROM is applied to save messages and the timings to show on the board.

 Hardware even includes the actual time clock DS1307 to sustain the time track. The display of 16×2 Character LCD is connected to microcontroller to show. Microcontroller coding would be accomplished with the help of Kiel and Embedded C. PC Coding would be accomplished with the help of Visual Basic. Many costumers are authenticated to update the notices over the technological notice board by giving password. We are able to make use of the computer including administrator to function the system.

Wireless connection has declared its accomplishment on great level and the globe is becoming mobile. We love to manage things without motion. This remote function of appliances is resulted by Embedded Systems. The Embedded System in Communication resulted in several interesting uses which makes sure of comfort and security for the human life.


Under this Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board ECE Final Year student project, this is concluded to model the design in which the sent messages are shown by SMS from authenticated transmitter. The toolkit gets the SMS, authorizes the consumer, and shows the particular data later important code transmission.

Download Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Project.

Line Man Security system Electronics And Communication Engineering Project

Security is the thing which is required for everyone indefinite of their functioning and post. Growth in electronic has created possible to separate the security based on the requirements. The line-man functions under technological station or in area lines are revealed to great electricity and present atmosphere. Thus, it is important to add full-evidence protective and security functional system. The important aim behind this project is to develop the old automatic operation mechanism utilized to turn OFF and ON the voltage supplies used for the lines under diverse sections.

The automatic mechanism such as liver/control rod kind of actuation mechanism utilized for control lines should be taken place through electronics mechanisms including digitalized functional architecture. The project is modeled to mechanically control the complete electrical operation station in the authorized and mechanical operation system.

 This Line Man Security system Electronics And Communication Engineering Project would possess the modules. They are microcontroller based control system, PC based information transmission and control system, automatic load shedding accomplished through software based Graphical system, authenticated lines giving asses by software based password.

The software module has the growth of Graphical User Interface system to shift the line actuation, Graphical User Interface system for authentication of mechanical systems to secure from unauthenticated people, and growth of software algorithms and functional laws to do the intelligent events such as feed back loop testing and automatic load diffusing.


The Line Man Security system Electronics And Communication Engineering Project gives the productive and inexpensive method to manage the mechanism model to operate the function of diverse mechanical supply lines and giving the dedicated and accurate functional authorization to the lineman.

Download Line Man Security system Electronics And Communication Engineering Project.

LCD Interfacing Using At89c51 Industrial Training at BSNL

The disapproving rates of the LCDs, capability to show the number, features, and graphics are in comparison with LEDs. These are ranged to numbers and some of the features.

In this present LCD Interfacing Using At89c51 Industrial Training at BSNL project, there are three important blocks. They are Power supply block, Controller block (AT89C51), and Display block. Power supply areas make use of IC7805, step down transformer, capacitor, and diodes for bridge rectifier. Controller block makes use of At89C51 controller IC which has four input output ports like P0-P3. This is the important section of LCD interfacing. Clock and Reset Circuit are made with the controller block. Display block makes use of 2-line and 16-character LCD including eight characters in one line.

LCD is utilized in airport, hospitals, railway station. It is also used in EPABX, telephone exchange, AC, refrigerator, software interface, and robotics. The circuit includes power supply, IC7805, bridge rectifier, capacitors, IC-7805, and controller section.

All the elements are connected by making use of circuit diagram. Now load the process in the controller IC, connect controller IC to the LCD, connect the 5V Dc supply to various parts of circuit, connect primary winding of the transformer to the code wire, switch on the power to provide the 230V AC to the transformer by making use of code wire, display message on LCD display, and turn OFF the power.


The LCD Interfacing Using At89c51 Industrial Training at BSNL project is concluded on the LCD interfacing. This is expensive than the seven segment LEDs. Inclusion of a prompting administrator into LCD, hence the CPU is revealed to sustain the displaying of information. Execution is easy for the features and graphics.

Download LCD Interfacing Using At89c51 Industrial Training at BSNL ECE Project Report

Remote Controlled Switch with Secret Code Lock Project

Remote Controlled Switch with Secret Code Lock Project

The project work designed with two microcontroller units is a unique one; it can be used for many applications. The main advantage of using this system is to maintain the privacy, so that un-authorized persons can not operate any electrical gadget or any iron safe (which is equipped with this system) unless they know the password. The new technology implemented in the system is, that the lock can be opened or closed automatically through remote. 

The data transmitting card contains a small keyboard (which is interfaced with microcontroller) generates code, a six digit code corresponding program is prepared for microcontroller, since the program is pre-defined, pass word can not be changed. The data delivered from the controller is modulated with 38 KHz frequency produced by the timer IC, and it is transmitted via infrared LED. The controller accepts all the keys data and transmits as it is. In the receiver this data is decoded with another microcontroller, the data received through 38KHz demodulator is fed to microcontroller, the received data is compared with pre- defined program, if the data is correct then the controller energizes the relay, other wise energizes the alarm,  which indicates that it received wrong code. TSOP 1738 is used as demodulator, this is a miniaturized receiver generally used for remote controlled systems, and the output of this device can be fed to controller directly for decoding.