Introduction to Friendly Home Automation System Using Cell Phone Project:
This document introduces a system that is used to control the appliances that are used at home remotely by the use of cell phones. This system is known as the home automation system. the system designed covers the required factors in the system of home automation like security flexibility, easy to use, the ability to get feedback information immediately to the client etc. the system that is presented uses the language J2ME in order to program the mobile of the client that sends details to the service mobile which controls the operation of the appliances via the micro controller PIC that is connected to it.
It is programmed in a bit different manner that introduce the characteristics of the system. static power switch and optocoupler are used as the interface between the home appliances and the PIC. The HAS has been implemented and it began with the robotic concept which is the combination of robot technology and computer application.
It means in other words that the home appliances with the help of computer Then this concept is further developed to a modern technology, talking about the technological interaction and applied services with the purpose of enhancing the level of comfort, energy saving communication and security.
The HAS that is presented in this paper is practically relished ad it is tested for operations of multi modes. It provides excellent control pf the appliances that are used at home under test. The system that is presented here introduced a more friendly way to control the appliances remotely by the cell phone use. The system that is proposed is dotted by its features that is required by the home automation system like security, friendly, flexibility in excess to the feedback existence on line message to bring the notice of the master about the system state and appliances.