Robot Teleportation Based On Gprs Project

Robot Teleoperation Based On Gprs Robotics Project Description:

 Robot Teleoperation Based On Gprs project is basically a control system to control the robot from large distance through a GPRS enabled mobile or a personal computer which has internet connection. This project works on mobile telephony network and packet radio service. This application is implemented in java programming language using two telephone methods. 

This system works on two technologies mainly wireless mobile communication and integrated data transfer technologies. This application runs on two control methods. In first method user will send commands form application interface developed in mobile device and the second one is sending commands to the server which are routed to the robot with help of timers. Timers are used for sending signals one after other with out creating a congestion and confusion in taking actions by robot.

In this project we develop a user friendly GUI for front end which will be loaded on mobile phones. And GPS/GSM technology works at a frequency of (1900 MHZ). Server side application is also developed using java serve lets.

download Robot Teleoperation Based On Gprs project Reference document.


Power Transformer Protection Using Micro Controller Embedded System Project

Power Transformer Protection Using Micro Controller Embedded system Project Description:

Basically most of the transformers are affected by the atmospheric pressure, temperatures and line in voltages. Because of the higher voltages and temperatures transformers may get damage in order to prevent this cause automatically we developed a new mechanism with micro controller.

As many companies had invested lot of money on transformer implementation so maintaining and controlling these distributed and power transformers is not easy task. In this project we use peripheral interface (PIC 16F877A) micro controller.

In existing system in order to solve this problem its require lot of time and man power. So with this system a continious observation is carried out on transformer and automatically solves the problem with out any manual work. This system can save time and man power.

download Power transformer protection Using Micro Controller Embedded system Project Report.

Infra-Ray Based Control System

Infra-ray Based Control  System project was designed for controlling the electrical equipment by using infra LED. This technology is also useful in environmental systems and personal computer systems. Infra red is normally used in remote control systems for controlling televisions, audio systems.

One of the benefits of using Infra LED system is its const. We can develop application with minimum cost and draw backs of using this technology is distance of converge. This system works for only for a smaller distance communication which reduces the operation flexibility.

This application is just a prototype system for future development. This system works using micro controller.

Intelligent Automatic Plant Irrigation System with Water Pump Control

 Plant Irrigation Embedded System Project Description:

The main aim of Intelligent automatic plant Irrigation system with water pump control project is to save the water, no manpower reouired, and save time.  A person who have a garden/plants ,he is going to attend a function or away from the home , what it happens to the garden.   By using this project we can avoid this problem.This project gives water regularly & automatically to the plants/gardens how much water it require. This project is also very useful in Agricultural fields, Lawns & Parks. 

As technology is growing there is always chance to reduce risk and make work done using electronic applications. Embedded and micro controller systems provide solutions for many problems. In this application controlling water system for garden is main motto. When we are in vacation we used to depend on others for watering our garden.

This application will solve this problem by using a sensor micro controller system. Sensors are placed in side soil which will continuously monitor the condition of the soil and if water level is reduced it will send information to micro controller which will set the sprinkler to on and after reaching to a threshold it will set motor to off.

A Control Design for Vehicle Speed with Multilevel Using RF Technology

Project Description on Vehicle Speed Control:

It is a RF based technology which can work on EMBEDDED system. The main aim of A Control Design for Vehicle speed with Multilevel using RF Technology project is, now a days peoples are driving very fast, accidents are occurred frequently, we loss our valuable life by making small mistake while driving. So avoid such kinds of accidents to alert the drivers to control the speed for appropriate places (school zone, hills area, highways..).
In this project we use sensors to judge speed of the system as well as distance between one object to the other object and GPS is used to calculating accurate location of the objects. Using this automation system driver can take accurate measure to control accidents. For every sensor min and max thresholds are adjusted if moving vehicle cross those levels driver will be get alarm.

This project is also usefrll in ZIGBEE and WIRELESS communication.

Green House Environment Control Projects

Micro Controller Project Description:

Green House Environment Control projects main idea is to implement micro controller based application which can sense environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, moisture, and sunlight. This equipment is used in green house for increasing the growth of plants and continuingly monitoring the variations of parameters and take required precautions.

This project can be implemented with low cost and easy to install and easy maintenance. Micro controller used in this project works with low power, 8k bytes of on chip memory is installed in micro controller. Sensors are used for judging different parameters and information is communicated with micro controller. Micro controller will take decision and it will send information to LCD display where data is displayed.

Digital Dice Game Project

Digital Dice Project is a gaming project which works on integrated circuit. This application is similar to that of die game that we play manually but in this game numbers are displayed random numbers from one to nine on seven segment display. In this project we use 555 timer which works on stable mode at a frequency of 50 Hz. Out put form timer is given to decade counter which will produce 4 bit binary adder as out put which is in the form of binary input +1. The resultant binary information is sent to BCD to seven segment decoder through which out put is displayed on display.

In this project we use 7490 Decade Counter, 7483 binary adder, 7447 BCD seven segment display, Common node seven segment Display, 555 timer, different resistors(1k ohm, 270 ohm), ceramic capacitor, open push button, electrolytic capacitor.

Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing From Nuclear Terrorism Project

Nuclear Radiation Detection Project Abstract:

Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing from Nuclear Terrorism Zigbee based projects main idea is to implement a application which can help military or police to track attacks caused by Nuclear Radiation from terrorists. This application works on sensors, GSM system and Zigbee protocol.

Developing this prototype application is a cost effective process. Zigbee is a open source wireless protocol which can be downloaded for a free of cost and we use this wireless technology in this project. And GSM is used as wireless technology for communication purpose.

Motes are small computers which are connected in a ad-hoc network wirelessly. Carbon diode is used as semiconductor.

SMS Based Electrical Billing System

SMS based electric billing system projects main idea is implement a efficient way of sending electricity bill to users from remote system using GSM technology as base in the form of text messages. As we know automatic meter reading is one of the upcoming technology for reading different types of bills using a remote application where there is no need of any human intervention. Same as to that of this technology SMS based electric billing system can be used in every billing systems which will save time and work will be completed in less time.

In existing system manual procedure is used for billing system. Officials will go to every house and print receipt based on the meter reading of the house and submits to the respective person in that person. With this procedure there is need of large number of man power.

download SMS based electric Billing System Project.

Automation Fan and Light Control For Industrial Appliances ECE Project

This Automation Fan and Light Control For Industrial Appliances ECE Mini Project is a standalone visitor counter and display system it has the task of counting the number of persons entering into the room or living in the room and display the count on display screen. Use of embedded system technology makes this closed lop feedback control system efficient and reliable microcontroller allows dynamic and faster control. It is a device that collects data from two pair of IR sensors, codes the data in to a format that can be understood by the controlling section this system controls the appliances as per the output received from the sensor and counts number of persons inside the room based IR sensor, This Electronics and communication engineering final year mini project is the top rated project for submitting their  project reports.