Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing From Nuclear Terrorism Project

Nuclear Radiation Detection Project Abstract:

Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing from Nuclear Terrorism Zigbee based projects main idea is to implement a application which can help military or police to track attacks caused by Nuclear Radiation from terrorists. This application works on sensors, GSM system and Zigbee protocol.

Developing this prototype application is a cost effective process. Zigbee is a open source wireless protocol which can be downloaded for a free of cost and we use this wireless technology in this project. And GSM is used as wireless technology for communication purpose.

Motes are small computers which are connected in a ad-hoc network wirelessly. Carbon diode is used as semiconductor.

24 Replies to “Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing From Nuclear Terrorism Project”

  1. nuclear radiation detection project s very interesting…..i am interested in doing that project…i want to know more details regarding the project….pls contact us by phone…my no is 8122125300…

  2. Nuclear Radiation Detection and Tracking through Motes for Preventing from Nuclear Terrorism Zigbee based projects i need all details please help me

  3. this nuclear radiation detection project is interesting i want more details about this project…!!pls send the details…

  4. currently I am doing my final year.This project is quite different.Pls send the details&ckt diagram etc..

  5. I am very interest in this project. I wish to know more details about this project please send more information about this project

  6. Iam very much interested in this project..plzzz give some more information
    My mailid is syeda.for dose joining

  7. my name is rakshith . iam interested in the nuclear project .plz send us this project details

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