The Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Project represents the model to show the notices on technological notice board in colleges through sending messages in the form of SMS by mobile. This is a seamless transmission method that includes low errors and perpetuation. The board of hardware includes microcontroller AT89c52 present at the model of heart. The microcontroller is blend with converter MAX232 level and GSM Modem. This is applied to transform levels of TTL voltage to levels of RS232 voltage and vice versa. The hardware even includes 64K EEPROM chip AT24C64. EEPROM is applied to save messages and the timings to show on the board.
Hardware even includes the actual time clock DS1307 to sustain the time track. The display of 16×2 Character LCD is connected to microcontroller to show. Microcontroller coding would be accomplished with the help of Kiel and Embedded C. PC Coding would be accomplished with the help of Visual Basic. Many costumers are authenticated to update the notices over the technological notice board by giving password. We are able to make use of the computer including administrator to function the system.
Wireless connection has declared its accomplishment on great level and the globe is becoming mobile. We love to manage things without motion. This remote function of appliances is resulted by Embedded Systems. The Embedded System in Communication resulted in several interesting uses which makes sure of comfort and security for the human life.
Under this Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board ECE Final Year student project, this is concluded to model the design in which the sent messages are shown by SMS from authenticated transmitter. The toolkit gets the SMS, authorizes the consumer, and shows the particular data later important code transmission.
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