Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Project

The Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Project represents the model to show the notices on technological notice board in colleges through sending messages in the form of SMS by mobile. This is a seamless transmission method that includes low errors and perpetuation. The board of hardware includes microcontroller AT89c52 present at the model of heart. The microcontroller is blend with converter MAX232 level and GSM Modem. This is applied to transform levels of TTL voltage to levels of RS232 voltage and vice versa. The hardware even includes 64K EEPROM chip AT24C64. EEPROM is applied to save messages and the timings to show on the board.

 Hardware even includes the actual time clock DS1307 to sustain the time track. The display of 16×2 Character LCD is connected to microcontroller to show. Microcontroller coding would be accomplished with the help of Kiel and Embedded C. PC Coding would be accomplished with the help of Visual Basic. Many costumers are authenticated to update the notices over the technological notice board by giving password. We are able to make use of the computer including administrator to function the system.

Wireless connection has declared its accomplishment on great level and the globe is becoming mobile. We love to manage things without motion. This remote function of appliances is resulted by Embedded Systems. The Embedded System in Communication resulted in several interesting uses which makes sure of comfort and security for the human life.


Under this Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board ECE Final Year student project, this is concluded to model the design in which the sent messages are shown by SMS from authenticated transmitter. The toolkit gets the SMS, authorizes the consumer, and shows the particular data later important code transmission.

Download Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board Project.

Automatic Ac Light Control Using Triac

AIM:            The main aim of Automatic Ac Light Control Using Triac project is to design equipment by which an AC light control is obtained automatically by using TRIAC.

Description:          In this project the major part considered here is the passive infrared sensor. Passive Infra Red sensors are mainly used for sensing radiations that are radiated by objects in its field of view. PIR sensors are used in many application like motion detectors . These sensors radiations are not visible to human eye but it can be detected by electronic devices. This sensors can detect temperature variations of the object which is moving in front of it. It works on black body radiation.

This passive infra red sensor is human detection sensor. when this pir detects the human movement it immediately sends signal to the micro controller. So from the microcontroller a signal is sent to the opto coupler and triac is by this the AC bulb is made on. Here the LCD displays whether the bulb is in ON condition or OFF condition. Hence the ac light control is obtained automatically using triac.

download  Automatic Ac Light Control Using Triac Project.

Electronic Voting Machine Project

Electronic Voting Machine Project is a alternative method for ballet voting system which works on micro controller. In regular voting procedure there are chances of rigging but by using this method we can reduce rigging problems. One of the other features of electronic voting machine includes punch cards, voting system works on optical scanning and kiosks.

Using this system voting time can be reduced and speed up counting procedure. When punch cards was first introduced. In this procedure optical scanners are used to count a voters mark on ballot. DRE voting machine will collect voter’s information in a single machine.

Projects which work on same principle are electronic voting system. Students for refer for project report.

Hardware used in this project.

  1. KeyPad
  2. Regulated Power Supply
  3. P89C51 Micro Controller
  4. Buzzer
  5. LCD Display.

Electronics projects which work on same hardware and software technology

  • Electronic Ticket machine
download  Electronic Voting Machine Project.

Embedded Temperature Based Fan Speed Controller using 89C51 Microcontroller

Embedded Temperature Based Fan Speed Controller using 89C51 Micro controller project explains about developing a standalone application through which user can control speed of fan as per the requirement. Developing this application using micro controller will make a closed loop feedback system more efficient and reliable. In this project we use AT89C51 micro controller which makes the system user-friendly. It is very compact using few components and can be implemented for several applications including air-conditioners, electric heaters and many other electronic home applications.

Control relays are driven using micro controller using ULN driver for controlling speed of the fan. Tagged wire with wound resistor is used in the application.

Hardware used in this application.

  1. Temp Sensor
  2. Crystal
  3. Reset circuit
  4. AT89C51
  5. MCU
  6. ULN Driver
  7. Control Relay
  8. Tagged
  9. Resistor Control
download  Embedded Temperature Based Fan Speed Controller using 89C51 Micro controller  Project .

Controlling Power Grid System Using GSM Wireless Communication

Power Grid Control System Using GSM Modem Projects works on GSM wireless technology and 8051 micro controller. This application works for seven power grids. This system works by sending message to the GSM modem and it will communicate with MCU which will check is the number whether it is authorized or not and if the number is from authorized user grid control system working starts.

Grid position is calculated every moment using EEPROM which is connected to micro controller. Information is stored in EEPROM so even the power is lost there will be no chances of losing data. This system is attached to a key pad which will work as a keyboard for modifying and deleting mobile numbers. Information is displayed on 16×2 LCD screen. Load controller and Triac drivers are used in this project.

download  Controlling Power Grid System Using GSM Wireless Communication Project .

Ac Motor Speed Control Using Power Triac with Display Unit

In this application we are developing a electronic equipment for AC Motor Speed Control Using Power Triac With Display Unit. Using this application it will be easy to control Speed of AC Motor switches. In this project we use array of switches for controlling motors. Each switch has its own functionality for controlling motors at different speeds. By using these switches variations of motor speed can be managed.

Basically AC motors need more current which is not provided by micro controller used in this project. So we use TRIAC driver for our driving AC Motor. Here we need to consider two factors , Firstly driving AC motor with low current and protecting micro controller from high current. In order to solve this problem here we are using MOC 3021. A 16X2 LCD for displaying the running motor speed.

download  Ac Motor Speed Control Using Power Triac with Display Unit embedded system Project .

Induction Motor Speed Control by Pulse Width Modulation Technique

AIM: The main aim of Induction Motor Speed Control by Pulse Width Modulation Technique project is to control the speed of induction motor  and here it is controlled by pulse width modulation technique.

Description: There  are  many conventional  methods  of controlling  the  speed  of  an Induction motor. Among them V/F  control ,voltage control ,current control  are some of the methods. But here we are using PWM technique for controlling the speed of an induction motor.  

Here in this project we are implementing this pwm technique to the microcontroller for operation. Basically it consists of  mainly a micro controller, optocoupler , triac , induction motor ,and increment and decrement switches connected in series with the motor adjusted the amount of current flowing through the motor.

This project use Opto Copulers to transmit electrical signals in the circuit using a short optical transmission path—since the electrical signal is converted to a light beam, transferred, then converted back to an electrical signal, there is no need for electrical connection between the destination and source circuits.

Here as said earlier there are two keys INC and DEC. by pressing these keys the speed can increased or decreased. These speeds can be controlled that is increased or decreased by controlling the firing angles. So by changing  the firing angles the speed is regulated through micro controller which is controlled through optocoupler which is further operated with triac and the whole is fed to the induction motor.Thus we can obtain the control of  the induction motor.

download  Induction Motor Speed Control by Pulse Width Modulation Technique embedded system  Project .

Intensity Control of Room System

AIM:      The main aim of Intensity Control Of Room System project is to design an equipment which controls the intensity of a room.

DESCRIPTION:                       The block diagram mainly consists of microcontroller, triac, and keys. The main concept behind this intensity control is gate width. The device is controlled based on the gate width. By pressing the keys the intensity control is obtained. When a key is pressed it gives signal to the microcontroller and the micro controller gives gate pulses to the triac. These gate width is obtained in the triac by triggering it at a certain firing angle. So when the HIGH key is pressed the triac is triggered at less firing angle and the gate width of the pulses is more hence the intensity of the device is increased. In the same way when the LOW key is pressed the triac is triggered at more firing angle and gate width of the pulses is decreased and hence the intensity of the device is decreased. Hence just by pressing HIGH and LOW keys the intensity of the bulb is controlled by using triac and microcontroller.

 download  Intensity Control Of Room System embedded system Project .

Current Monitor and Control for Home Appliances


    The main aim of Current Monitor and Control for Home Appliances project is to design an equipment which protects the home appliances from and over currents.


            The block diagram here mainly consists of a microcontroller, analog to digital converter, voltage sensor and current sensor. The current sensors keep continuously monitors the currents. When over voltages  or over currents are  detected it gives the data to the ADC where the data is converted to digital form and this data is given to the micro controller. So when this or over current occurs the the microcontroller makes the relay to operate and tripping occurs and hence the load is made OFF. The current values are displayed on the LCD and it also displays which load is OFF for the period of time. This can be easily applied for home appliances. Hence over current protection is obtained easily.

download  Current Monitor and Control for Home Appliances embedded system Project .

Development of Remote Waste Gas Monitor System

Development Of Remote Waste Gas Monitor System projects main idea is to develop a application which will sense harmful gas leakages released from different sources like factories vehicles and inform the information to pollution control board through message and location of the pollution area.

Air pollution is one of the biggest issues all over the world which is causing serious concerns for environment and humans. Industries and Vehicles are two main areas where pollution is released most. In order to control this issue we are providing a application which will sense information and send data to pollution board for taking actions against them.

This application uses GPS , GSM with Wireless communication technology. GSM technology used to send messages to convey information and GPS is used to trace location of the pollution point and inform it to officials.

download  Project on Development Of Remote Waste Gas Monitor System project.