AIM: The main aim of Automatic Humidity Monitoring And Pumping System For Farmers project is to monitor and record the values of humidity of natural environment and to pump the plants water at required humidity level in order to achieve maximum plant growth and yield.This projects main intention is to develop a application where it can collect data about soil conditions with a low cost equipment and less labour involved.
DESCRIPTION: In this project embedded micro controller is used with a c program written inside it using a Keil IDE software, using this system it will be easy to record and monitor important parameters like humidity, temperature of the natural environment that is continuously modified and controlled in order optimize it to achieve maximum plant growth and yield. The controller used is a low power, cost efficient chip manufactured by ATMEL having 4K bytes of on-chip flash memory. It communicates with the humidity sensor module in real-time in order to control the humidity process.
There is one water level sensor is present to indicate the level of water in the well. Also, the use of easily available components reduces the manufacturing and maintenance costs.
download Automatic Humidity Monitoring And Pumping System For Farmers embedded system Project .