Automatic Illumination of Tunnel Project Report

The main aim of this Automatic Illumination of Tunnel project is to saving the power in idle time. For this we have to design an electronic circuit. This is most useful in traffic lights whenever the traffic is more the lights are on with bright, when the traffic is less then automatically lights are in set to off. So the power is automatically save. These tunnels are placed in the underground and this can be used roads like train, busses, vehicles, and canal. The tunnel is relatively narrow and long. The basic tunnels types for construction are cut and cover tunnel, bored tunnels, immersed tube tunnels.

This project uses the concepts of visual adjustment, in this temporal adaption, spatial adaption. For The safety types of the tunnel lighting are symmetrical and asymmetrical lightening, asymmetric counter beam lightening. The arrangements of the tunnel lightening are cell mounting (enough space) and wall mounting (not having enough space) these two techniques are used in this project based on these two concepts the tunnel is arranged. To control the tunnel lighting use the innovative systems, this should be the cost efficient system, optimizing the security, actually the tunnel having not having the control for power consumption, this problem can be solved by using the plc controlled lighting system. By using this project the maintenance cost is reduced, less installation charges. The components used for this project are X-OR gate, OR gate, AND gate, IR transmitter, IR receiver and 555 timer circuit.

Download Automatic Illumination of Tunnel Project Report & Full Documentation.

3G mobile Communication Comparisons Of 3G Standards Seminar Presentation

This 3G mobile Communication Comparisons Of 3G Standards Paper presentation topic mainly explain you about the 3G technology, how 3G technology is more faster than the other 2G and 1G technologies, in 3G mainly uses WCDMA and CDMA technologies where WCDMA is the wireless code division multiple access and CDMA is the code division multiple access and this 3G technology provides the video calling, mobile TV and high data rate services compared to 2G and 2.5G technologies and data rates provided by the 3rd generation system where it is 200 kilo bits/sec, 1G is implemented in the year 1981 to 1982, each generation is having separate bands, for every ten years the new generation is implemented and come in to existence. 3G firstly used in Europe, china and Japan and other countries preferred 2G technology only at that time, but now the customers require the high data rate, so 3G implemented.

First private sector provided this 3G security in India was Tata Docomo  in November 2010, next provider of these services by reliance in December 2010, and airtel, Vodafone, Aircel are started 3G services in january 2011. 3G provides high data rate, good security, mobile TV, video conferencing, telemedicine, and also provides traffic information and HSPA is the advanced version in WCDMA technology.

Download 3G mobile Communication Comparisons Of 3G Standards Seminar Presentation.

3G Tutorial Seminar Topic

This 3G Tutorial seminar topic explain the basic concepts behind the 3G network, it explain about which technology it is using and what type of data rate and the range of the bandwidth. first 1G first generation technology is implemented, this technology uses the concept of frequency division multiple access, that is separate frequencies each and every call so this technology having problems to connect a call, here frequencies are divided, To overcome this problem next 2G second generation technology is come in to existence, this technology uses the concept of time division multiple access, in this technique time slot and TDMA frames are taken into consideration, one time slot is 0.5ms, one TDMA frame is equal to eight time slots based on these the calls are connected in 2G, compared to 1G, 2G is most reliable. Next in 2001 3G network is come in to existence but India not preferred that network at that time due to high cost, in that time some countries used 3G, later in 2010 November 3G services started in India by Tata docomo, due to high data rate, video calling facility, the 3G services are started all networks like Aircel, Airtel, Vodafone, reliance. 3G uses the code division multiple access technique, it uses the frequency reuse concept and hand off concept.

Seminar Topic on Security for the Third Generation (3G) Mobile System

The main aim of this 3G Security project is to provide the Security for the Third Generation (3G) Mobile System, to implement this ECE project we have to provide the authentication it means it has to not allow to access unauthorized persons, avoid the problem with the in adequate algorithms, the transmitted data should be in encrypted form so that in the circuit we have to use the encoder circuit and in the receiver section we can use the decoder for the conversion of encoded form to original form. The SIM (subscriber identity module) can manage by network operators, she network can manageable by network operators, and the application layer should be in secure position, transparency.

There is the problem with the GSM security those are active attacking, key transmission, limited encryption of data scope, channel hijack, implicit data security, weak encryption algorithms, unsecured terminal i.e. IMEI is not secured, lack of visibility. So by using 3G the security of the data is provided. The key security features are authentication, IMEI integrity. In these the GSM features are compatible and most useful and provide the integrity. So by using this technology the third generation data security can be made. This btech final year project is mainly using all signalling networks to provide the security compared to 2G.

3-Phase Irrigation Water Pump Controller for Illiterates Using GSM Modem Project

The main aim of this 3-phase irrigation water pump controller for illiterates using GSM modem project is to control the three phase water pump by using GSM modem for illiterates. In this ECE project the mainly used components are two microcontrollers one microcontroller in control switch another at water pump, one microcontroller send the data then another side have to perform the corresponding functionality, here two G.S.M modems are used in this project, to communicate the both pump side and switch side throw G.S.M the data is send to the other microcontroller. Between the water pump and microcontroller there is interfacing circuit for the interfacing, here two power supplies are needed to perform the operation of water pump, here use the LED indicators to display the information.

The microcontroller used here operates at 5volts, this project equipment is more sensitive because here microcontrollers used, and illiterates can easily know the status of the motor by using LED indicator. The features of this project are easily interfaced, high voltage water pumps are easily controlled, more sensitive, the response is generated from the LED indicator, and wireless connection. To design this project designer should aware of embedded c programming, PCB connections, remote control. This project mainly used in houses. 

Download 3-phase irrigation water pump controller for illiterates using GSM modem Project.

Two Transistor FM Transmitters Project Abstract

The main aim of this project is to transmit the FM signal using two transistors. In this project we use the two transistors in one circuit. Both transistors are of type BC548. Second transistor base is connected to the collector of the first transistor. The circuit is basically a radio frequency RF oscillator; it operates at 100MHZ frequency range. When the input audio signal is applied to the first transistor then that signal is amplified by the first transistor. Then the output of the first transistor at collector terminal is fed to the base of the second transistor then this signal is modulated and set the resonant frequency. Here to set the resonance frequency we have to change the capacitance value. After setting the resonance frequency then we has to connect to the colpitts oscillator.

This ECE project mainly uses the equipments of transistors, capacitors, resisters, voltmeter to set the voltage value. This project mainly used in transmitting the Frequency modulated signal. There is the limited range for frequency modulated signal. The limit should not be cross. The FM wireless signal should contain licence, without the license it is illegal. Here the difference is used the two transistors for amplification and for modulation.

Spread Spectrum Seminar Presentation

This Spread Spectrum seminar topic explains about the how the signal is spreading in that area. The spread spectrum is mainly used in military areas because this spectrum is more secure compared the other signals. The spread spectrum cannot interfere with other signal, and this spectrum cannot be modulated. The bandwidth used here is in high range. This spread spectrum is used for multiple access and for multiple functions. Spread spectrum decrease the interference with other signals for secure condition. Normally spread spectrum use the noise for spread in the range of narrow band. The receiver converts the data into original form. This spread spectrum used in phase modulators and this technology explained in 1941. At the starting of founded this technology the army not interested to implement this but after some days they are having the problem with normal signals so they are now implementing the spread spectrum.

There are the techniques to implement the spread spectrum these are direct sequence, multi carrier, frequency hopping, time hopping technique. These are the techniques used for implementation transmission and reception here using the direct sequence spread spectrum for digital data transmission. Spread spectrum clock generation technique is used to avoid the interference. This sends a clock signal, especially for the microprocessors to reduce the spectral density. This ECE seminar topic is mainly used in military areas.

Download Spread Spectrum Seminar Presentation.

Speed Control of DC Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller EEE Project

The main of this project is to control speed of the D.C motor using the fuzzy logic control, By using the MATLAB software and compare the response with the proportional, proportional integral and proportional integral derivative controllers. Fuzzy logic control is the MATLAB operation programming, so to implement this EEE project we have to use the MATLAB software. This topic describes the dc motor model (mathematical and Simulink), controller types, responses of proportional, proportional integral and proportional integral derivative. In proportional integral derivatives we have to solve the derivatives, and Fuzzy logic controlling system. To implement this project we have to now the concepts of motor model, driver circuit, fuzzy logic controller design, process blocks of the fuzzy logic controller, and the membership rules.

Fuzzy Logic Controller features and advantages:

The fuzzy logic controller is sensitive to variation of the speed of the attenuation, the gain should be minimum and the fuzzy logic controller can control the D.C motor speed. The D.C motor consist of volt meter to set the voltage, armature, load, multiplier for the back E.M.F. the products used in the project are very costly so to avoid the problem of damaging the resisters and inductors and motor parts the heat should be minimum. Specifications of the motor are motor type 5HP,  Rated armature voltage 500volts, rated speed 1500rpm, Ra(armature resistance)=11.2Ω, La(armature inductance)=0.12h, EMF constant k=1.28N-m/A.

  Download Speed Control of DC Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller EEE Project Presentation and Seminar Topic.

Hydro Electric Power Electrical Technical Presentation

This Hydro Electric Power Electrical Technical Presentation mainly explains about how the hydro electric power is generated by using the water flow. Nowadays electrical power generated sources are from coal, sunlight, water but the main problem is coal level reduced day by day. So to get the power the main resource is hydro electric power. These days all over the world 10 to 16% of the power generated from the water resource. The main aim of this seminar is to get the power from water. To get the hydro electric power we have to construct big dams, reservoirs.

These projects should be constructing with large area and with more height from the mountains the water flows down at that place we have to put the turbine, and then based on the water flow and height of the mountain the power can be generated. When the water is falling from the mountain then the turbines are rotated, when the turbines rotated then power is generated. This falling water should not be waste, this should be sent again to reservoir then the water is not wasted and the more power is generated. So the hydro electric process is good for the power generation, and there is the small and big turbines are available in industry. The small size of turbines generates less power, big turbines generate high power but the problem is that big turbine cost is high even though we have to use big turbines because for high power generation. So this is the best technology to generate power. This Project mainly useful for final year Electrical and Electronics Engineering Students.

Download Hydro Electric Power Electrical Technical Presentation and Seminar Topic.

ECE Project Report on Home Automation Using Mobile Communication

The main aim of this project is to controlling the home appliances by using mobile. By using this project we can control tap, lights, fans these can be controlled by using HOME AUTOMATION USING MOBILE COMMUNICATION project. This ECE project is more useful in nowadays. This ECE project mainly uses the equipments of microcontroller (AT89C51), DTMF decoder, speech circuit, relay driver. This project is mainly work using mobile communication. Whenever we press a button in the mobile then the corresponding button is pressed in the controlling section (home). Based on the tone here by speech circuit the corresponding controlling operation is worked.

Here microcontroller used of type AT89C51 this is the main part in this project; it is a high performance 8-bit microcontroller of 4kb size. In the customer mobile each button represents one operation and to test this circuit we need the CRO (cathode ray oscilloscope), before checking the output we have to observe the connections is it correct or not, and the circuit current can be measured by using millimetre. Before soldering clean up all the equipments, check whether the leads of the wires are tinned or not, the leads should be tin, the tinning is done using the LED wire, and it should not be over heated. This ECE project mainly used in gardens to switch off the lamps, in homes to switch off the tube lights, to close the tap, and this project may also used for the security purpose, it have the future of recording and capturing.

Download Home Automation Using Mobile Communication Full Project report, Documentation, Abstract and Circuit Diagrams.