ID and FD Fan Logic Systems Project Presentation

The main of this ID and FD Fan Logic Systems project is to control the air level in the industry, In this ID fan means induced draft fan and FD fan means forced draft fan, induced draft fan is used to grasping the air when the air level is increase in the equipment, forced draft fan is used to send air to the equipment when the air level is below the threshold value.

This ID and FD fans are mainly used in the industries like power plants, to control the air level in the boiler, boiler is main part in the coal combustion process in the power plant, and there are different types of boilers available those are coal fired, fired tube, water tube boilers. Coal fired boilers mainly used in power plants, to burn the coal o2 should be sending to boiler so that we have to use the fans, so here air place a major role in the combustion process in power plant. So by using the Induced and forced draft fans we can minimize the pollution also, so while combustion process in boiler the air is send with oxygen, when oxygen is mixed with the oil then there is the combustion occur, then the heat is produced so air place a major role in the industry.

Download ID and FD Fan Logic Systems Project Presentation & Seminar Topic.

DTMF Based Device Controlling System Project Report

The main aim of this DTMF Based Device Controlling System project is to controlling the house holding electrical devices like fan, electrical bulb etc. From any where we can control these devices by using mobile phones. This project most useful for reducing the wastage of power; it is also useful for industrial applications. In this Engineering project we are using DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) Technology, by using this technology we can control the electrical and electronic devices.

             In this project we are using two mobile phones, micro controller, decoder, relays. One of the mobile placed at where we have controlled electrical devices (home), user can be used other mobile. The main function of this project is when user sends commands from his mobile to other mobile placed at home, after receiving commands and it transfer to DTMF signal decoder, which converts signal information into binary codes. This code sends to relays through micro controller, micro controller enable or disable the particular electrical device connects to relay.  Here the microcontroller used in this project is AT89C51, relays are used for the breaking the supply, decoder used of type 8870 chip.

Nowadays this project is most useful because of busy of human activities; it can save power and eliminates manual operation.

Design and Implementation of Built In Self Test (BIST) Project Abstract

This Design and Implementation of Built In Self Test (BIST) seminar topic is mainly describes you about the how equipments can be test itself in the circuit, this process is called as the Built In Self Test. In this additional software and hardware components are integrated in the circuitry on the board itself, so that there is no need of using the additional equipments to check the functionality and performance of the equipment, so by this integration of hardware and software components will reduce the complexity of using external components for testing, the circuit itself observe the performance. Built in self test is also test the complex circuits that are not having any external connections, built in self test is the low cost technique to implement the self test, this technique is the best fault manager, very short time taken to complete test, palely two are more tests are done using Built in self test, easier support for the customers, it have the capability to test the outside of the  equipment, but the disadvantage is circuit complexity, additional silicon area is required, less access timing, while implementing the this we have to take care of faults, check the chip area how much it occupied, to test the defects  MISR (multiple input signature register) it give the response of the circuit, if it give any error then the we consider that the circuit is having fault, and array BIST is used mainly for embedded memories.

Download Design and Implementation of Built In Self Test (BIST) Electronics and Communication Project Abstract.


Design and Implementation of UART Using VHDL ECE project

The main aim of this Design and Implementation of UART Using VHDL project is to design universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter using the VHDL, VHDL is the VHSIC hardware level description language, and UART provide the asynchronous serial communication with external serial communication like modems, computers, UART allows the data to communicate with other without synchronisation. UART consist of receiver and transmitter module, these modules are having separate pins for inputs and outputs for controlling, so we use UART when the transmitter and receiver data controlling and to increase the accuracy and to avoid the effect of noise. VHDL can be used for the implementation of the UART and by this there is lot of advantages, UART is designed to make a interface between the RS232 and microcontroller.

VHDL describes the function of the transmitter, VHDL design is easy to understand, UART consist of transmit hold register, transmit shift register, receiver hold register, receiver shift register, and multiplexer, so in this ECE project it is easy to implement UART using VHDL. By using VHDL the data is modelled and simulated and this is converted to real hardware like gates and wires, VHDL allows the concurrent process (performs several computations simultaneously) and VHDL is the data flow language (programming principles and architecture), data flow programming is actually implemented for the purpose of parallel performance of the computations.

Download Design and Implementation of UART Using VHDL ECE project Seminar Topic and Paper Presentation.

Antenna and Wave Propagation seminar topic

This Antenna and Wave Propagation seminar topic is mainly explain you about the how the antenna is working, types of antennas, antenna arrays, fundamentals of antenna, wave propagation, and which antennas are most reliable. It explains the antenna characteristics, radiation pattern of the antenna, radiation intensity, directivity of the antenna, beam width, efficiency of the antennas and it also explain about the half wave, hertz an, monopole dipoles, and also antenna array types like broad side, end fire arrays, and also V- antenna, inverted v-antenna and derivation of the v antenna, rhombic, long periodic antennas, and helical antennas and different modes of operation of the antenna like transverse electric, transverse magnetic, transverse electromagnetic modes, and also explain you about the antenna ranges, methods for the antenna measurements. And it explains you about the ground and sky wave propagation, electromagnetic spectrum, frequency bands. Nowadays antennas are used in many places to send the signal there are two types of antennas one is connected at transmitting side and another is at receiver side.

There are different types of antennas used in the field like bidirectional, helical type, circular type antennas are used. This antennas placed in the height places because of some signals are cannot penetrate throw walls that is LOS, so antennas place a major role in the military, airports, and missile systems.

3-Phase Power Monitoring and Protection Seminar and Presentation

The main aim of this 3-Phase Power Monitoring and Protection project presentation is to monitoring and protects the power from misuse. The power first send to transmission lines from the plant to the sub stations, from the sub stations the power is transported by transmission lines, the power is divided in to three categories those are single phase, two phase, and three phase, in this single phase current is mainly used for the home usage, this single phase consume less power, two phase also for home applications but we have the technology of converting the two phase to three phase so nowadays two phase supply not given, and the three phase is used for the motors, industries. So while transmitting the power it must be monitored and should use protection techniques.

Electronic Seminar Applications:

      To monitor this power meters, computers, internet, data store facilities, the power meter should be in a position to measure the power in watts, amps, power factor, and AC power. First three phase power send to measurement equipment then after measuring the power then monitor the power, and then the power can be protected. Here in this project 16F877 microcontroller is used because it is the 40 pin device, it consists of five ports A, B, C, D, E all pins are IO (input and output pins) ,cost is economic and it uses the compiler to convert basic language to machine code. Here LCD is used it can print ASCII characters

Download 3-Phase Power Monitoring and Protection Project Seminar and Presentation.

Vehicle Theft Security System Project Abstract

The main aim of this Vehicle Theft Security System project is to provide the protection for unauthorized usage objects. To provide the security whenever any unauthorized persons use the bike, car, doors opening then sounding horn by alarm. And one more future is the vehicle cannot run for unauthorized persons the lock is not open. Before sending out the vehicle from the industry the VTSS (vehicle theft security system) is arranged in the vehicle. This feature is done by programming of power train control module (PCM). Once the PCM is activated that is no run future is enabled the vehicle cannot come into running position until the old PCM replaced with the new PCM, with same logic.

Project Advantages:

This ECE project explains you about the enabling, arming, disarming, power up mode (while disconnected or reconnected), and tamper alert. Description and operation-general timer module, door ajar switch, door lock cylinder switch, lift gate lock cylinder switch, head lamp relay, horn relay, security lamp, door lock cylinder switch, relays, removal and installation of the lift gate switch, door ajar switch. So this project is mainly used for the purpose of the security from the unauthorized persons. Whenever any unauthorized persons use the vehicle it will find and sound horn.

Vehicle Information Communication Safety Combined With Mobile RFID System Project

The main aim of this Vehicle Information Communication Safety Combined with Mobile RFID System project is to get vehicle information using Radio frequency identification tag. This ECE project mainly use the equipments of microcontroller of type LPC2148, it is a 64-pin device, RF ID reader is used to drive the vehicle, when the tag is shown to the vehicles microcontroller then access the tag and the information regarding which person is using the vehicle is directly send to the owner by using the GSM technology. In this GSM technology GSM modem is used this modem contains the SIM and the RF ID tag contains the memory, tag consists battery because tag has to send the microwaves to the microcontroller to access. So we need a battery in the tag, there are several types of the batteries, one is chargeable and other is rechargeable batteries and also here using the regulator, filters, rectifier.

The software used in this project are KEIL IDE, embedded C Programming Language, the tag internally it has some memory where one identification is present then that information is sent to the owner by using GSM modem. This project mainly used when the owners having more vehicles so to access the data regarding vehicles which rout the vehicle is going and drivers information, and in this project we can use the accident switches in the front and back side. These switches are connected to the microcontroller. Whenever accident occurs the switches are pressed and the GSM modem send the information to the owner but this project not give the information regarding the vehicle position.

Download Vehicle Information Communication Safety Combined With Mobile RFID System Project Abstract, Block Diagram, Full report and documentation.

Evaluation of Fault Analysis in Transmission Lines Using Relay Settings

The main aim of this Evaluation of Fault Analysis in Transmission Lines Using Relay Settings topic is to reduce the fault in the power transmission using relay settings. Mainly to get the power there is three steps generation, transmission, and distribution. In this the transmission takes major role for transmitting power. When fault occur damage the power system. To avoid this problem RELAY settings concept is used. To get this a high speed protection system with 132kv and above range is required. This can be achieved in two ways one is ROZOA and other id REL-100 protection systems. The REL-100 is the non-switched type protection and ROZOA is for line protection. These relay settings can be calculated using the MATLAB program. This seminar is explained you about the operating principles of the relay settings those are ROZOA and REL-100 and also gives information about characteristics of these relay settings. The relay setting values are simulated by using the MATLAB programs.

The input data given to find relay is primary voltage range, secondary, primary current, secondary current, transmission line length, shortest length for kilo meter per sec, and longest length for kilo meter per sec. here in this technique the relay settings are calculated by using MATLAB programs, both REL-100 and ROZOA are tested relay in the range of 220KV in the substations only. The most successful one of the technique to find relay is REL-100.

Design and Realization of Fire Fighting Robot Based Microcontroller Seminar Report

The main aim of this Design and Realization of Fire Fighting Robot Based Microcontroller project is to control and detect the flames in mechanical/chemical industries. Microcontroller type AT89C51 is used to implement this project, ultrasonic sensors are used in circuits and these sensors can detect fire exhausting, UVTRON detector is used to find source of fire and can detect in the meters range. Here microcontroller AT89C51 is used and it has 4 ports, these four ports are connected with 32 pin bidirectional input/output lines and the price of this microcontroller is cheap, the output of the microcontroller is connected to robot.

Project Applications and Features:

 The software is used in the robot to control the operation of the robot from the fire, c programming concept is used because it is reliable and easy to write. This design and realization of fire fighting robot based microcontroller is mainly used in industries, power plants and in apartments. This robot can find and stop the fire and the sensors detect the fire using temperature coefficient if temperature increases then sensor send a signal to the microcontroller then microcontroller controls all operations to reduce the fire exhausting, so it is safe and most useful and less cost electronics application.

Download Design and Realization of Fire Fighting Robot Based Microcontroller Seminar Report and Project Idea Paper Presentation.