GPS enabled PC based geographic information system (GIS) and routing scheduling system Project

The main aim of this project is to get the vehicle position using the global position system concept. In the past GSM is implemented, do that we can get the vehicle information, which person using the vehicle this information directly send to the mobile of the owner. So that owners easily get the information, but the owner not gets any information of the vehicle location, to find that GPS is implemented. In this project we can find the exact vehicle position. In this ECE project the components used are microcontroller (8051), 8051 micro controller is the 40 pin device, GPS module-to find track the vehicle, and pc-to control the equipments. Nowadays GPS is implemented in almost all countries. Because if our vehicle or mobile are dropped are any one taken illegally then we can easily track using the GPS project. This tracking can be done using the satellite also. United States now using satellite technology to track the position of the vehicle. This process is called as the global navigation satellite system. First earth orbit satellite transmits the microwave signal then satellite receiver collects the data of the corresponding object.

Download GPS enabled PC based geographic information system (GIS) and routing scheduling system Project Abstract.

Project Abstract on Car Parking System

The main aim of this project is to reduce the traffic in the parking place. Normally we can see in the multiplexes, cinema halls, large industries, and function halls there is problem they have to go and search which line is empty and which line having place to park the vehicle, for parking then they need workers for parking in correct position it is the money consumed process. So to avoid this problem Car Parking System project is implemented.

 In this Electronics and communications project we have to use the equipments of microcontroller, Infrared transmitters and infrared receivers for each and every parking slot, IR receivers should be connect to the microcontroller. Here we are using infrared communication because it can support LOS (line of sight communication), and while enter into gate for parking there is the display to get the information regarding which line is empty. This information gives the microcontroller. The microcontroller first give the information to the IR transmitter then it gives to the IR receiver then this information show on the display, so by this process the parking is easy process. So the traffic can be reduced in the parking place of the theatres, multiplex, and in large industries and in commercial places.

Axial Force Sensor for a Semi-Autonomous Snake Robot Final Year Project Abstract

This Electronics and Telecommunication project mainly explained about how the semi autonomous snake robot uses the Axial Force sensor. By using this technology we can control the difficulty places in industry. And the snake robot mainly uses the sensors. There use the four sensors in four sides and also use the microcontroller for the purpose of   controlling the robot. In this technology we used sensors whenever the temperature increases in the industry then automatically sensor give the signal to the microcontroller the microcontroller then automatically active the robot and we can avoid the problems in industry. Normally the robots cannot access the data easily but by using the mobile robots in that we used the sensors and microcontroller these are worked with wireless communication. The mobile robot use the 3D technology to find the location, in 3D it uses 3D sensor.

Snake Robot Features and Advantages:

                         Snake robot is the robot and it consist of many joints and these snake robots are free to move anywhere .this robots can roll, extension and pitch. Firstly implemented the joints close to each other all this become universal joint. This technique is not suitable for all projects; next technology is the joints are made based on angles. This technique is called DOF. Here first take a sphere and next cutting in to half then the two directions can be found, if we rotate that sphere then another two directions also covered. This DOF technique is implemented in the snake robots. this project mainly used in industries.

Automation of Inter Networked banking and ATM using Universal Subscriber Identification Modules

 The main aim of this Banking ATM project is to transfer and draw the money from the ATM without the ATM card. In present situation the user have to take the ATM card to draw the money from the ATM. This is compulsory to carry the ATM card by the user, so to avoid this problem of carrying ATM card the user have to use this project.

In this Final Year project, the user no needs to carry their ATM card to draw or transfer the money. In this project whenever we want to draw the money the user have to insert his SIM (subscriber identity module), then the mobile number and subscriber details are checked by the server, and the photo of the person should be match with the capture of the SIM inserted, whenever the photo is not matched then the draw and transfer the money by the voice recognition technique. So that the money is in safe condition and transaction can be done very easily. This project is more useful in coming days. Money cannot draw from the ATM. The image of the captured and already existed in the server is compared by using the MATLAB. When the image is matched the ATM centre asks the pin number then we can draw the money. By this we can understand that there is no need of carrying of ATM every time. And one more advantage of this project is that the blind people also can also draw the money by using visual interpretation technique. The components required are camera, GSM, voice recognition, keil IDE software.

Download  A Third Generation design for the Automation of Inter-Networked banking and Teller Machine operations using Universal Subscriber Identification Modules.

Wireless Patient Monitoring System ECE Project Abstract

The main aim of this Wireless Patient Monitoring System project is to monitor the body of patient by checking the blood pressure and heart beating. Heart is main part in human body so to control this using this project. Nowadays most of the patients are doing exercises for good healthy condition. While doing exercise we have to know the blood pressure, heart beating count, temperature of the body, this can be done by using the Micro Controller Based Wireless Monitoring System. 

In this Tele Communication ECE Project Abstract the hardware equipments used are microcontroller (MCU), sensors, receiver and transmitter. The microcontroller send the information of the blood pressure, heart beat count and temperature of the body. Whenever blood pressure increases automatically heart beat count is increases. When the blood pressure or heart beat count increases immediately the microcontroller is active and sensor send a signal to receiver and at the receiver side alarm is sound horn. This process is done using wireless communication. This project mainly used in hospitals. So by using microcontroller the data can be display on the LCD (Liquid crystal display).In this project transmitter send the information and receiver receives the original data. The received data is displayed on the LCD.

Whisper Protocol for WCDMA Packetized ECE Project Abstract

The main aim of this Whisper Protocol for WCDMA Packetized project is to increase the speed of the data by using whisper protocol. The whisper protocol is the wireless protocol; the wireless protocol can be used in 3G technology. Nowadays 3G (third generation) internet data rate and speed is increased. In this technology the whisper protocol is used , 3G technology uses wireless( Wi-Fi ) technology ,the Wi-Fi technology nowadays used in companies and in engineering colleges, here to access internet the security code must be enter to access the internet, and also the Wi-Fi signal range is limited to certain range based on frequency. In this type WCDMA (wide band code division multiple access) technique is used. In this medium access control protocols used in wireless technology. But here bit error rate is more. In wireless technology there is no wired connection, is called as the wireless communication

To avoid this problem in this Electronics based final year project the ROUND ROBBIN scheduling algorithm is used. This algorithm assigns the priorities to the slots of the signal. Based on the priority the slots are activated and so that the bit error rate can be reduced automatically by assigning priorities. Here the round robin algorithm and whisper protocols are compared based on the priority the slots are activated and the call is accessed and the communication is processed by the network. This connection is done using the MATLAB software. In this MATLAB we can use several tools and this can done digital signal processing and we can find the magnitude of the signal and data rate of the signal. 

Secure Group Key Management for Sensor Network ECE Project Abstract

The main aim of this Secure Group Key Management for Sensor Network project is to secure the data by using encoding and decoding techniques. The encoding is done when the data is sent by the transmitter, then the data is converted to digital encoded form using the cryptography technology. This encoded data is sent to the medium, so that the data is in secured form, then decoder used for converting encoded data into decoded form (that is original form). The decoded data is in the form of binary equivalent form this data is in original form. The receiver receives the original data. In this process the data is in secured form, and the data is corrupted after the transmission. When the data is received then the receiver sends an acknowledgement to the transmitter.  In this process we may use XOR gate for the data compramisation.

This ECE project mainly used in military system for securing the data by encoding and decoding. In this project sensor network take care of the data encoding and decoding. This project may used in transferring the question papers, mails, and some important data transfer.

This project mainly uses the hardware equipments of encoder, decoder, sensors, transmitter, and receiver.

Microcontroller Based Wireless Patient Monitoring System Project Abstract

The main aim of this Patient Monitoring System project is to monitor the body of patient by checking the blood pressure and heart beating. Heart is main part in human body so to control this using this project. Nowadays most of the patients are doing exercises for good healthy condition. While doing exercise we have to know the blood pressure, heart beating count, temperature of the body, this can be done by using the Micro Controller Based Wireless Monitoring System. 

In this Tele Communication project the hardware equipments used are microcontroller (MCU), sensors, receiver and transmitter. The microcontroller send the information of the blood pressure, heart beat count and temperature of the body. Whenever blood pressure increases automatically heart beat count is increases. When the blood pressure or heart beat count increases immediately the microcontroller is active and sensor send a signal to receiver and at the receiver side alarm is sound horn. This process is done using wireless communication. This project mainly used in hospitals. So by using microcontroller the data can be display on the LCD (Liquid crystal display).In this project transmitter send the information and receiver receives the original data. The received data is displayed on the LCD.

Fire Extinguisher Robot Project Report

The main aim of this Fire Extinguisher Robot Project Report is to extinguish the fire using robot by using wireless technology. Now a day’s robots used in hazardous applications.  In big industries the fire can be avoided by using robots.

If the path of the robot is complicated then it is difficult to stop the fires. So by using Wireless Fire Extinguisher Robot we can provide wireless communication between Robot and base station.

For this embedded system is used, it contains microcontroller, the advantage using microcontroller is less size and most reliable operation. The microcontroller used here is AT89C51.

 In this Electronic and Communication branch project using the embedded microcontroller, sensors. In this Robot we used remote control system for controlling the robot using wireless technology. The remote consists of microcontroller, these remote consists of switches for moving forward ,backward, turn right, turn left, start and stop buttons.

In this it contains input, transmitter, receiver, output section. In this we used DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) signal for encoding and decoding the data. Encoder is used for the data send to the robot with encoded (cryptography) format then the robot consists of decoder the decoded data is in the original form.

The signal conditioner, in this the microcontroller takes the input as 5v and gives the output as 5v, in this way the signal is in condition.

Fire Extinguisher Robot Advantages and Features:

In this Btech Final Year project Mother Board is designed with micro-controller mcs-51 type, and is designed on printed circuit board. The board is consist of socket for microcontroller, input/output pull up registers, oscillator section and reset circuit. The microcontroller consists of on chip memory.This project is mainly used in industries, power plants.

Cell Phone Operated Land Rover Electronics Project Report

The main aim of this Cell Phone Operated Land Rover Electronics Project Report is to control the robot by using the mobile phone. If we pressed a button in a mobile then that same button can be pressed and tuned to the Robot phone. This technique is called as the dual tone multiple frequencies (DTMF). This DTMF tone is received to the robot by headset .The robot get the tone this received tone is send to the microcontroller of type ATMEGA16 MC.

 The DTMF decoder used for decoding the encoded signal. This decoded data consists of original data. This data is in the form of binary form. This binary data send to the microcontroller then the robot can move right, left, forward, backward and cross. The robot phone acts as a remote in this ECE project. Normally the wireless (Zig bee) robots are operating at short range of communication and limited frequency range, to avoid this problem we are using the mobile at robot. By using GPS in the robot we can find robot position, by using GSM we can control the robot.

Basically the robot consist of perception (sensors is on the robot), processing (controlling by micro controller).

The components used in this ECE project are Resisters(100k,300k,10k),capacitors(0.47Ωf disk type,22pf),microcontroller of type ATMEGA16(40 pin mc),DTMF decoder MT8870 IC, filters, decoders, steering circuit, guard time adjustments, motor drivers in IC, NOT gates, battery’s for converting chemical to electrical (rechargeable and non rechargeable batteries),voltage regulator(7805 IC) .

Download RC Phase Shift Oscillator ECE Mini Project full Report.