Electronic Locker System Electronics Project Report

Introduction to Electronic locker system:

The aim of Electronic Locker System Electronics Project project is to provide effective security measures for the users. Here the user can open their respective lockers by the specified user id and password. The equipment of this system consists of barcode reader for identification of id cards and host computer is installed which monitors the entire system. The host computer is fed with the database of the users, so that when users enter their id’s it checks the details and allot the lockers.

Brief into the working:

The drop bolts are placed in the locker an a electronic switching device (Relay drivers) are connected to these bolts. The signals from the host computer to the these switching devices are carried out with an RS232 cable. First bar coder identifies the id cards and displays a screen for entering the user id and after this process it sends a signal to the switching device so that the specified locker bolt drops. As we find many lockers the signal is sent to the respective locker with a multiplexer. The entire system runs with a 12v dc power supply. The system is provided with back-up power supply to avoid break downs.

Applications and Future scope:

These type are lockers are very useful in providing security, and these lockers are controlled automatically which reduces man power. But the is a drawback that an person can open the lockers by giving the user id and password , as the system does not know whether is a right person or not. This can be overcome by making the authentication process with finger print scanner or an eye scanner, where these is no possibility of manipulating. Thus we can conclude that electronic locker systems are very useful in the modern days.

Download Electronic Locker System Electronics Project Report.

Automated Multistoried Car Parking System Project Report

Automated Multistoried Car Parking System Project Introduction :

The best solution for today’s parking problems is automated multistoried car parking system which can be used in big companies and shopping malls where parking is provided in the floors. The main objective of this project is to make a effective use of the limited parking space and provide the exact location of the parking space for the drivers. The entire process is run on a 8051 microcontroller.

Working idea:

A display is providing in floors to know the count of the cars, so that the space can be allotted for the incoming vehicles. A lift is also available for carrying to the respective floors. A LED indicator is provide to the floors to know whether the lift is busy or free. A floor is reserved for VIP’s and they can come by entering their specified id. The microcontroller checks the id and the lift directly takes the vehicle to the respective VIP floor. A sensor is placed in each floor so that it senses the cars coming down and passes the information to the microcontroller. The microcontroller process the information and provides the lift . The information of the lift can be seen in the displays placed in the respective floors. When the lift is free it stops in the particular floor where the car is waiting. The working of the lift controlled by a stepper motor which is acts accordingly to the message given by the IC555 timer. The IC555 timer gets the message from the microcontroller.

Areas of implementation:

This working model can be effectively used in multi storied parking places where it is difficult for the human beings to monitor. This model can effectively work in such places and the vehicle owners do not go waste of time . There is a very unique situation where the remote system goes wrong.

Download Automated Multistoried Car Parking System Project Report.

Remote Monitoring and Control project ECE Project Report

Remote Monitoring and Control project Introduction:

Remote Monitoring and Control project explains about the need of remote monitoring is that the administrator must have complete information of the process ongoing in a client system. So the concept involved is monitoring a system activity from anywhere with the use of internet. This is an application software which works simultaneously on both the systems. The application software captures the screen shots o the client system and passes it to the administrator. The TCP protocols are used for communication in between the client and the administrator system.


Sockets which are the main components used for the record oriented data flow. First the authentication process is made so as to maintain the id of each user. Data events are programmed for a sequential flow of communication. The captured screen is send to admin in the form of bitmap. The data is sent by using WSA send option and received by using WSA receive option. The keyboard and mouse events are programmed so as to make the instruction executed on the end system given by the admin. The total software program is written using c language. The end systems communication is maintained by network protocols. The GUI of the software is created using visual c++.

Applications and Future scope:

These are mainly used in network administration system for having a control and information of the end system. This software can run on multiple systems bust as the number increases the processing speed of the data gets reduced. This is to be overcome by employing certain data compression techniques in between the end systems.

Download Remote Monitoring and Control project ECE Project Report.

Model Calibration and Prediction ECE Final Year Project Report

Model Calibration and Prediction ECE Final Year Project Report provides detailed explanation about the project.Here we provide introduction to the project.

By using calibration a steady state mode is studied. Different studies are calibrated and compared to obtain a non unique solution. After calibration pumping wells are introduced into the model to predict heads and draw downs. From the obtained particle tracking code modpath is checked for contamination of wells. Here the calibration parameters which are used for the design of 3 layers 11 columns and16 rows are discussed.

Model input and  Hydraulic conductivity:

The time unit for the calibration is years and recharge rates and et rates and pumping rates and fluxes are computed against years. By using the hydraulic conductivity we can enter the lithology of acquifer into properties menu. The acquifer consists of the information of the layers.


The  vertical hydraulic conductivity is entered between the layers by using leakance. It is used for describing vertical transmission properties of the layers. The leakance consists of vcount calculation parameter. By using the vcount we can enter the input of leakance to mud flow.


It is an input of the upper layer which gives the pattern of the recharge rates. We can estimate the recharge rates by assuming the percentage of perception falling in the mountains.


In the area around the plya the evapotranspiration occurs. With out using the evapotranspiration we cannot give the land surface input to the mudflow. The problems which occurs in model is that the evapo transpiration may cause some of the to go dry. But the mudflow takes he cell dries out of simulation. By using the gwvistas values the calibration process is calculated.

Download Model Calibration and Prediction ECE Final Year Project Report.

Finger Print Reorganization System Project Report

Introduction to Finger Print Reorganization Project:

Finger print identification system is the process of comparing known friction skin ridge impressions from fingers. The main objective of the project is to develop an “Automation System” using microcontroller AT89C52 for fingerprint scanning.

A fingerprint reorganization system operates in verification mode or identification mode. In verification mode, the system verifies an individual’s identity by comparing the input fingerprint with the individual’s own template(s) stored in the database. In, the identification mode, it system identifies an individual by searching the templates of all the users in the database for the match. In this project we are using finger print verification system.

The projects are based on this scanning process of finger or thumb print and through this scanning process an automation system which controls on both thumb print and security code basis

The various stage of fingerprint verification in this project is

  • Data Acquisition
  • Image Processing
  • Fingerprint Image Enhancement
  • Feature Extraction
  • Matching
  • Authentication

Data acquisition stage in which a fingerprint image is obtained from an individual by using a scanner, the next stage image processing is done standard image processing algorithms. The pre-processed fingerprint image is then enhanced using specifically designed enhancement algorithms; the enhanced image is then used to extract salient features in the feature extraction stage which is then matched using various fingerprint matching algorithms.

            Some of the main hardware used in the system is

  • Thumb Scanner
  • Power Supply Unit
  • 8 – bit Microcontroller 8051
  • LCD display
  • Door Motor (stepper motor)

Keil development tools for the 8051 Microcontroller Architecture is used in this system, C language is used to program in this project. The compiled program is burned at the appropriate place in the EEPROM of the 89S52. Thumb scanner is one of the main hardware parts of the system which captures the fingerprint information which is then processed and matched with the data in the database using some algorithms.

Download Finger Print Reorganization System Project Report from this link.

Design & Fabrication 8-Element Micro Strip Patch Antenna Array Project

Introduction to Design & Fabrication 8-Element Micro Strip Patch Antenna Array Project:

Design and fabrication of 8 element micro strip patch antenna array project explains about design of light weight and low cost and compact antennas for wireless communication systems. Because of this reasons many researches are working on developing antenna with these factors with interesting design challenges. Micro strip antennas plays important role in mobiles and satellites communication where size and cost is important factor.

Even though micro strip antennas are widely used in cell phones and satellites there are few factors like high gain and high directivity which are not possible. Because of this reason they are not used in many applications where these factors are important. In order to solve this problem array micro strip patch arrays are developed , patch arrays can provide high gain and directivity which are used in radars and reflectors on satellites.

In this project we explain in detail about design implementation and method for fabricating 8 element micro strips patch array antenna. HSFF(high frequency structure simulator) software is used for designing single path and 8-element array and then design is fabricated on PCB substrate.

In this project report we cover detailed explanation on required theoretical calculations and design calculations and design principles of HSFF, mat lab code and information on calculations for designing single micro strip patch antenna.

In these documents we cover basic antenna concepts and the micro strip antennas, classification of antennas, design considerations, micro strip losses, design losses and over view on fabrication techniques.

Electronics and communication students can find more projects related to mat lab from this site with project reports and paper presentations for free download.

Download Design and fabrication of 8 element micro strip patch antenna array project report from this link.

Multi User CDMA Communication System Project Report and Mat Lab Code

Introduction to Multi User CDMA Communication System Project:

Multi user CDMA communication system project is for B.S.C communication engineering students. Main aim of this project is to implement a simple experimental setup for understanding wireless communication using sound waves instead of electromagnetic waves. These experimental results will be further designed at lab environment by using transmitter and receiver using electromagnetic waves. Initially entire application is tested using speaker and microphone. 

Problem Specification: 

Using CDMA technology we need to design a real time acoustic communication system. This application should effectively work in laboratory environment. With this simple design we must transmit information from transmitter to receiver acoustic channel. This application should transmit information on eight different channels at same time. 

Along with project design this project report covers details on different wireless communication and modulation techniques and cover information on topics like study on multiple access techniques, transmitters, receivers, channels, synchronization, modulation and de modulation techniques. 

Some of observations that can be made during this project are we can use Walsh code in place of other codes because this system works for short distance and because of this reason there is very less multipath present. BPSK is the modulation technique is used in this project because of limited data rate provided by sound card. 

Here we provide full project documentation with mat lab code for 4 channels and 8 channels. 

Download Multi user CDMA communication system project report and mat lab code from this link.

Final Year Electrical and Electronic EEE B Tech & BE project

The final year Electrical and Electronic EEE B Tech & BE project is based on Analysing of Bangladesh power system. The data is based on their requirement of the major components and according to full details from the Power Generation Company Bangladesh (PGCB).

Company all the major components like Buses,Generator,TapTransformer,Capacitor,Motors and Loads are given the counting by the company itself But, this tool is Identify to analyse contingency of the power system. To do this we take details from the database.

Total Project Report Components & Roles:

The Major role is to perform the selection operation from the database.to, perform this suitable software to analysis this which new product available in market. Select all the information from the PSAF. The PSAF (power system application Framework)This framework is taking care of the table entry data and picture or graphical mode data ,the diagram which are in single line for drawing options other one is Generating for report to simulation. The framework is developed by CYME international TD Inc. This is the tool we can use for perfect matching in Bangladesh system to collect. The version is used for this PSAF 2.81(Revision 2.8).this is the overall operation to perform the PSAF.

The constructing the data base data should select the suitable for the software, it come constructing the network, we provide all the information from the PGCB in PSAF. All the network select can run the process of the simulation. The Simulation is the process which is run the real time process on all time, and this takes the abstract level of the system all the times. Simulation take the all the information form the source.

By taking the data from the table creates low power voltage problem. By this we can use to solves the problem is Newton-Rap son, and this the method take all the fault conditions and solves the first.

Download Engineering Final Year Electrical and Electronic EEE B Tech & BE project Report, Abstract, Documentation and PPT Seminar.

Signal Flow Graphs seminar topic

This Signal Flow Graphs seminar topic explains you about the signal flow graphs and how the signal flow graphs are used in the control systems, the network analysis, and signal flow graph consisting of the graphs. It consists of nodes and branches and we have to use mesh and nodal analysis. Signal flow graphs represent the multiplications and additions it represent the relation of cause and effect relation, porting technology used these graphs, two port networks. signal flow graphs used to represent the servo control system, the analysis like mesh and nodal are done each and every loops, signal flow graphs are done using series rule, parallel rule- having common node and it has one incoming and one out going wave and those are combined, parallel rule- branches connect one node to another, self loop rule begin and end of node, splitting rule- split the one node into two are more nodes. This ECE technical paper mainly used for simplify the complex networks, and in metabolic control analysis in this solve the equations and write in the form of matrix form and also provide the visual frame work to analyse cause and affect relationship.

Download Signal Flow Graphs seminar topic and Technical paper presentation.


Remote Tap Changer Control Panel Seminar Topic

This seminar topic explains about the Remote Changer Control Panel also called RTCC, the main of this topic is to control the output of the transformer, the output voltage is achieved based on the controller of the remote tap changer control panel, the output voltage of the transformer maintained using the automatic voltage regulator (AVR), this AVR is arranged inbuilt manner, based on this the output of the transformer is controlled, RTCC mainly consisting the automatic voltage regulator, switches for selection purpose automatic selection, in the automatic mode the voltage is controlled by AVR and in the manual mode based on taps the voltage is raised or reduced, OLTC (on load tap changer) motor is used in clockwise and anti clockwise, OLTC control the two or more transformers continuously.

This topic explains you about the on load tap changer- this OLTC used in high voltage transformers which having high capacity, OLTC (on load tap changer) consists of LCP (low control panel) and RTCC, AVR sense the low voltage and comparator used here to compare the low voltage with initial value, it is suitable for the bidirectional power flowing (forward and backward directions), current rate is up to 500 MA, OLTC can be connected to desktop and laptop.

Download Remote Tap Changer Control Panel Seminar Topic and Paper Presentation.