Universal Serial Bus (USB) Seminar Report

Introduction to Universal Serial Bus :

It is an interface unit for transmission of data in between the devices and host computer. We can connect to low power consumption devices without the use of external power supply. USB can connect to certain devices without the use of specific preinstalled drives .it allows may peripherals connect to a standardize interface socket which improves the plug and play capabilities.

Architecture and structure:

The design of USB consists of hub, host and a device, by which the transfer of data is possible.


The electrical interface between the host and USB is provided by HUB. It monitors the aspects like, continuity, power management, connect and disconnect direction and bus fault detection. It supports speed, which include high speed and low-speed data transmission the host HUB communication is maintained by HUB controller.


It consists and super speed host and non-super speed host which provide the backboards capability. The super speed supports transfer of data is duplex mode. It maintains flow of control in between host and USB. It acts as a power provides to the USB device.


The  device acts as source for information unchanged. These acts as pipes  through the host communicate. It allows certain functional topologies for which single function and multiple function peripheral devices can be performed. The architectural view of USB and has eight primary conducts and there twisted single pair. The different data pair cables are employed by which the transmission error can be reduced. 

Download Universal Serial Bus (USB) Seminar Report.

Advanced Wireless Security System Project Report


Advanced Wireless Security System Project model is to provide security at different locations thru wireless network. By using this technology we can detect the natural calamities like floods , earthquakes and accidents and bomb blasts occurred can rescued on time. This is an effective system for providing security at various places. The sensors present at various places detect the changes in the environment and sends the information to the control unit.

Construction and working:

We use transmitter unit for transmitting the sensed information, and the receiver unit or the control unit processes the received information. A 89C52 microcontroller is used for monitoring the components. The sensed information from sensors is given to the micro controller and encoder encodes it onto the RF transmitter antenna. At the receiver the decoder decodes the received information to detect the location. A LCD is used in the receiver unit to see the messages. By using the address codes we can know the exact location on the map. RF modules are used for transmission as these signals are free from interference.


This type of systems are very useful for detecting the natural calamities so that we so that we save some lives. These also detect the accidents occurred and we can know the location so that we can save the people met with the accident. This type of systems is very useful for detecting the disasters in the nature.

Download Advanced Wireless Security System Project Report.

Protective Schemes for Various Electrical Equipments Project Report

Introduction to protective relaying:

Protective relaying is a system security technique which eliminates the problems occurred in the device and protects unaffected portion. If the effected portions are not damaged then it reenergizes them to work. The main objective of this technique is to minimize the service interruption when abnormal situations occur. In this we will discuss two protective schemes which are employed in power transformer and motor.

Power transformer protection:

The transformer is an expensive device the damage occurs due to fault conditions like voltage over flow, short circuits and due to over load. The transformer consists of many components which are to be monitored at every aspect to prevent damage. Buchhoktz relay is placed in pipe of the tank which gives a alarm and closes the block when the pressure levels change in the oil tank. In differential method wires are connected at the ends of the transformer which corrects the faults occurred due to phase difference. A bypassed differential relay is used monitor the transformer ratio. Harmonic restraint is used which employs a tuning technique for filtering the harmonic currents. If the differential protection scheme is not provided then it is provided with restricted over current and earth fault protection which serves the same purpose. To protect the transformer from thermal heating, thermo couples or resistor temperature detectors are placed in winding of the coils. Due to higher magnetic currents over heating of coil and insulation failure may occur which is prevented by over fluxing protection.

Motor protection:

Low voltage motors are protected by using HC fuses which prevents the faults due to short circuits and over currents. For higher voltage motors different protection schemes are used at various levels. By employing temperature detectors the bearings are protected from overheating. To reduce the loss of supply caused by back emf armature type relays are used. To protect the motor insulation from thermal stress thermostats are employed. By sing a bimetallic relay or a phase balance relay we can protect the circuit from unbalanced voltage conditions. Thus we can employ various protection schemes for electronic equipments from getting damaged from abnormal conditions.

Download Protective Schemes for Various Electrical Equipment’s Project Report.

Remote Controllable and Energy Saving Room Architecture Based On Zigbee Communication Report


Remote Controllable and Energy Saving Room Architecture Based On Zigbee Communication Project presents the working of remote controllable standby power which in turn reduces the energy consumption of room architecture. The power controller is designed by using IR remote control functionality. By using this we can efficiently manage the power outlets. By using the IR remote controller the user can control any appliance within the given frequencies. Wireless transmission is implemented by using zigbee protocol. The remote controller automatically cuts the power when it has more than the required load resistance.

Room architecture and Zigbee controller:

The power outlets are designed to cut off the standby power. The zigbee controller is designed by using microcontroller. Here the power outlet is integrated with an AC/DC converter so that the fed ac input is converted to required dc output. Radio frequency module is used to communicate with the remote control unit. The power outlets reduce the excess consumption of the power by appliance. Buttons are provided on the remote controller to tune to the required home appliance. The RF antenna works at 2.4ghz frequency and the carrier frequency is selected at 38khz.

Future scope:

The proposed model can be implemented to a single room. We can develop the model by connecting all the room on a single home server, and it can be accessed by using zigbee protocol, and by increasing the frequency range we can monitor a wide area. Thus we can conclude that the proposed model works efficiently in saving power in a room architecture.

Download Remote Controllable and Energy Saving Room Architecture Based On Zigbee Communication Project Report.

Data Transmission Through Laser With Password Project Report

Introduction to Data Transmission Through Laser With Password:

At present there are various techniques which are being successfully used for transmission of data. The data transmission techniques employ RF , FM signals for transmission of data. Now we are going to look into data transmission by using lasers. The user can see the information on the lcd when he enters the password. By using lasers for transmission, higher data rates are available with lower error rate which is advantageous over RF signals.

Working process:

A transmitter unit and receiver unit are constructed for transmission and reception purpose. The data to be sent is  inserted on the transmitter unit from the input source. The inserted data is assigned with an address code and the switches are used for the selection of the address codes. The data is transmitted in the form of infrared rays. The photodiode in the receiver unit converts the received data into electrical signal. The microcontroller receives the electrical data and get it placed in the internal registers, when the users enters the password it displays the data by the process of decryption.

Limitations and applications:

Due to environment changes the disturbances can occur in the message signal by which the quality of the output decreases. The main problem with lasers is the beam dispersion can occur due to external factors. In order to overcome these problems most advanced powerful lasers are to be employed.

Download Data Transmission Through Laser With Password Project Report.

Electro Mechanic Inverter Project Report

Electro Mechanic Inverter Project Report covers detailed explanation about project.Here we provide introduction to this  project.

The functioning of certain switching and control circuits requires AC power supply but they are supplied with DC current supply , so in order to convert dc to ac we use inverter. The conversion is obtained by using rotary converter or motor generator sets. Direct current is a unidirectional current and it is obtained by supplying rectifier with ac current. The movement of electric charge will be in reverse in ac current. In this paper we will discuss the circuit which converts the 12v dc to 230v ac. The waveform of ac will be sinusoidal signal , and this waveform can be modulated to carry information.

Circuit description and operation:

The circuit is built around IC1(cd4048) to which the input current is fed and it drives the output current to a step up transformer which  gives us the required 230v ac current. The 12v dc is connected to a LED so as know when the battery completely discharges the led does not glow. The IC acts as a astable multivibrator which operates around 50hz. Two mosfets are connected to pins of IC which acts push pull configuration. The input signal has many distortions which are suppressed by using a capacitor. By eliminating the distortions in the fed input signal is fed to the transformer where the alternating dc current in the primary winding produces ac current in the secondary winding. A rheostat is provided in the circuit to control the duty cycle.

Applications and future scope:

The inverted are being used in various appliances like ups ,variable frequency drives and in air conditioners. Depending upon the intended use of the inveterate certain advanced design patterns are approached. By introducing the thyristor or scr  a controlled rectifier inverters are developed.

Download  Electro Mechanic Inverter Project Report.

Un interruptible Power Supply Project Circuit

Introduction to uninterruptable power supply:

Un interruptible Power Supply Project is an electrical appliance which provides an emergency power to the main power supply when a breakdown occurs. Depending upon the requirement the ups are designed for low voltage and high voltage equipments. The main aim of the UPS is to provide a short duration of power supply so that the intended device can properly shutdown.

Working process:

The ups employs a double conversion method in which ac power coming from the grid is converted to DC current and at the same time it is passed through a rechargeable battery. When the breakdown occurs the battery power is supplied to the main power supply. Sometimes these are provided with diesel generators for longer duration of power supply. The time taken for the offline or standby ups to switch to battery power supply is around 25milli seconds.

Types of UPS:

We also use line iterative ups to overcome the under voltage break downs and over voltage surges. The line iterative ups are mainly useful for conserving the limited battery power. The online ups are similar to that of line iterative ups , but it has less voltage fluctuations and larger battery time for hours together, these rare mainly used in industries. The other type is hybrid topology or double conversion which switches to double conversion mode without using the battery power when the voltage fluctuations are beyond the limit. The rotary ups are used in industries where the power values are about 10000 watts. The ups acts as a power source during the time of power failures thus protecting device from shutting down in working mode.

Download Un uninterrupted Power Supply Project Circuit and Report.

Regulated Power Supply Using LM317 Project Report


This paper mainly emphasis on the working of LM317 regulated power supply. LM317 can be the best option for providing protection to the complicated complex circuits. LM317 is a three terminal adjustable voltage regulator. This type of voltage regulators have output voltage in the range of  1.2 to 5.7volts and output current in the range of 0.1 to 1.5amperes. It has a capacity to develop a reference voltage of 1.25volts between the a adjustable terminal and output.

Regulated Power Supply Circuit design Using LM317:

The 230V AC coming from the grids is fed to step down transformer through a on off switch and 500ma fuse. The 30v AC output coming from transformer is converted to DC current by using Bridge rectifier. To eliminate the remaining AC components we need to filter  it by using 2200mf capacitor and the capacitor output is fed to LM317 regulator , where the voltage is adjustable in between 1.2 to 30volts, which is varied by using a 5k potentiometer. To protect the circuit from reverse currents a feedback is given by using a diode. By the addition of diodes and capacitors it acts as a protective circuit.

Future scope:

There are certain future prospects, one of them is noise effect of the circuit which is to be overcome so that we can get an error free output voltage. Thus we can conclude that by completely we can design a highly efficient power supply which gives protection to complex circuits from getting damaged.

Download Regulated Power Supply Using LM317 Project Report.

Laser Guided Appliance Control Project Report

Introduction to laser guided appliance control:

In today’s growing technological developments there are  many available techniques for controlling appliances. In Laser Guided Appliance Control Project Report we will use laser diodes for controlling of appliance. The controlling of the appliance is possible by light intervention method. In this a automatic door opening system is designed which works on a laser. The output of this device is fed to relay which connects dc motor which opens the gate.

Circuit description and working:

A laser pointer or a laser diode can be used for the generation of laser light. The overflow currents coming to the laser are controlled by a combination of resistor and diode. A photo transistor is used which works in forward and reverse bias according to laser light intervention.  An IC(dd4538) is used around which a monostable mutivibrator is built which generates a high going pulse. The photo transistor will be in forward bias as lomg as the light falls on the transistor , if the light beam is interrupted the transistor goes to reverse bias condition.  The  ic calculates the interrupted time and then generate the signal pulse which drives the relay of the motor to open the door. A peizo electric buzzer is connected to the circuit which gives an alarm when the door opens. The laser bam has to be fixed in such a way that it falls continuously on the photo transistor.

Applications and advantages:

This type of devices can be used for designing security alarm systems. These can be used for design of home automation devices. The devices can also be designed by employing sensors, but the cost becomes high and it has some drawbacks.  The laser works effectively in giving responses but the light beam should be protected from disturbances due to external factors. 

Download Laser Guided Appliance Control Project Report.

Insulation and Manufacturing Process Of 500mw Turbo Generator Bars Project Report

Introduction to Turbo generator:

A turbo generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy. A turbo generator is a turbine which is directly connected to electric generator for generation of electricity. Here the turbine is driven with an electric generator. The mechanical motion is created in the turbine by using heat , water vapor or nuclear power, the created mechanical motion is fed to the shaft of the turbo generator and this converts the mechanical energy to electrical energy.

Insulation and manufacturing process of turbo generators:

The turbo generator consists of coils which are made of copper. As the no of coils increases the speed of the turbo generator increases. The 500mw turbo generator consists of 42 coils. The coils are insulated by using nomex paper. This is supplied with a pressure of 480 tons. A exciter is of two different lengths are present . A hydro generator winding section is present in the generator which consists of permanent magnet generators. It is used as a exciter for the magnet. The turbo generator rotor  is filled with hydrogen gas which prevents the coils from decaying. The turbo generator operates at a frequency of 50hz. The rotor present inside the turbo generator rotates with a speed of 3000rpm. A certain number of tests like mechanical test and load test ,bearing test, OC test are performed before the turbo generator is released , in order to know output efficiency. The 500mv generator has a stator voltage of 21kv.

Areas of implementation:

The turbo generators are used in generation of power in power plants. It can be used in different kind of power plants like coal or nuclear or wind or hydro. Because the mechanical energy generate from any source is driven into turbo generator to generate electricity.

Download Insulation and Manufacturing Process Of 500mw Turbo Generator Bars Project Report, pdf,ppt.