Control Architecture of the GPS Navigation Robot Project

Our GPS Navigation Robot holds a micro processor and three micro controllers for multi task assignment.

The camera action, memory allocation, motor action and GPS way point verification are the synchronous process, where the continuous clock pulse is required.

Here by we use the Control Architecture,

ARM 9 with VME bus based micro processor.

ARM 7, ATMEL 89C51, Motorola 69HC11 are the three micro controllers used for speed and motion control drivers, GPS sensors and E-stop and Image Processing analysis respectively.

All the data has been send through IEEE 1394 fire wire bus controlled at fixed sequence.

Control Architecture of the GPS Navigation Robot Project

GPS Navigation Robot Final Year Mechanical Project

Positioning Sensors Used To Navigate On Rough Terrain:

Global Positioning Sensor:

Constructional Working of GPS:

GPS sensor for Navigation Robot is used to navigate the bot reach the fixed destination. Here we use differential gps system, where the carrier frequency is very high even at low signal status certain adaptive methodologies to reach our destination. The functional block shows how the operation is performed by our bot. 

Functional Block Diagram of the GPS Navigation Robot:

 Functional Block Diagram of the GPS Navigation Robot

The block diagram of Final Year Mechanical Project clearly shows the functional working of gps that is here the set point (current position) is compared the first waypoint. Once the destination is reached the program memory enqueue the second way point and so on. If the designated waypoint is not reached again it checks till the destination is reached. 

Performing the Navigation Using GPS and Camera:

The effective way of using adaptive robotic technology is performing the complex operation simultaneously to do the desired operation. Similarly we have performed the simultaneous operation by performing both obstacle avoidance and positioning using stereo camera and gps sensor respectively. The main advantage of performing this GPS Navigation Robot operation is maximum nearness error can be avoided that is created during real time positioning. The block diagram clearly shows how the navigation is performed.

 Performing the Navigation Using GPS and Camera


we perform the e-stop operation by providing stop signal to the driver .this we attain by converting the availabe frequency (crystal frequency) to PWM signal by using PWM converter .this signal is fed to the motor driver to stop the bot it is be. The block diagam shows the operaton of e-stopping.


Robotic Project Report and Documentation

The following algorithm for robotic project report & documentation describes the sequence of operation for both lane detection and obstacle avoidance using Image Processing Analysis.

For Lane Detection:

STEP 1: Initialize the camera.

STEP 2: Take the different orientation of the given lane and pre-process the image and store it in the SRAM.

STEP 3: Now allow the camera to traverse the lane.

STEP 4: Take the snap of the lane and check with the data base.

STEP 5: Perform the controller action.

STEP 6: Repeat the process till the destination is reached.

For Obstacle Avoidance:

STEP 1: Initialize the camera.

STEP 2: Observe the environment.

STEP 3: Store that in DRAM.

STEP 4: Do self windowing technique and determine the least pixel rate by using the analysis.

STEP 5: Allow the controller to take the action.

STEP 6: Repeat the process till the destination is reached.

Robotics Final Year Project Ideas and Topics

Constructional Working of Robotics:

Electronic Engineering ECE Approach:


In our Robotics Final Year Project we have two cameras

a) C-MOS camera sensor

b) Stereo camera

          The C-MOS sensor camera is placed at the center of the bot and the stereo camera is placed at the center of the bot and the stereo camera is placed at the top of the bot. the camera is tilt to an angle to make the projection perfectly projected to the center of the object.

The C-MOS camera is used to perform more specifically for the lane detection. It is used because of its very high sensitivity to light, low power consumption and low cost. The output is digital, so it is directly fed to the controller to take the action. The functional block diagram shows the importance of camera action.

Technical Features of the Robotic Camera:

The Image processing and Image acquisition is performed by the on-board micro processor and the result of stereo and C-MOS camera is stored in SRAM (Static Random Access memory) and DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) respectively.

The lane following is pre processing method, so the sample of images are pre loaded to the SRAM and it’s been cross checked by the controller and necessary action is given to the end effector. 

          The Dynamic image processing is carried out by using stereo camera where the self-windowing algorithm is used for real time variation. It is been stored in DRAM and synchronously signal is given to controller to perform the end- effector action.

Block diagram of the robotic project idea clearly show the importance of two cameras.

For lane detection:

For lane detection

Obstacle avoidance:

Obstacle avoidance

 Stereo camera is used for obstacle avoidance performances, since it has very high resolution.

Mechanical Engineering Projects on Robotics

The computational robotic feature was developed using a mechanical system engineering approach with emphasis placed on the understanding the inter-relationship between system components and on maximizing the overall system performance.

The Mechanical Engineering Project development of fully autonomous is a very complex task which holds the consideration of several factors. First, the appropriate view of providing and utilizing autonomy must be determined for each application. For example, the sensors used in this robotic project for image analysis and global positioning is high a time-variants, so this will directly create impact on any set of tasks designed.

Here we tried to manipulate the entire operation carried out by the Robotics Engineering itself that is it has its own capacity to take any decision under any environment without interference.

The integration is very difficult because it requires the assembly of many complex sub systems into a high degree of interconnection and synchronization.

From a Mechanical and Electronic engineering perspective, a well-defined architect provides the underlay framework for achieving reliable maintainable cost-effective system. N Such architecture does this by enabling methods coherently integrating diverse physical, functional and disciplinary sub-systems.

Functional block diagram of our robotic model:

General block representation: 


When we analysis these blocks we can acquire the solution for given problem


The general block diagram of Final year mechanical project clearly shows the importance of sequential operation to perform to attain the targets.

The camera which acts the eye for the bot which captures the environment and dynamically analyze the variation and is stored in temporary storage device and its being compared by the processor and action is given to the motor. 

Robotic Projects for Electronics ECE Engineering Students

Have keenly analyzed and designed autonomous robot by using various latest technique and mechanism to reach our destination.

Hereby we have spilt the Robotic Projects for Electronics ECE Engineering Students into mechanical and electronic parts.

The Electronic ECE consideration holds:

  1. The Camera specification ,
  2. Motor action,
  3. Microcontroller and processing unit,
  4. Global positioning system,
  5. Storage unit. 

The Mechanical consideration holds:

  1. The Design of the Robot,
  2. Kinematic design,
  3. Model using designing tool.

The Robotic Project describes the complete prototype of our design and the novel approach followed for construction.



Microprocessor    : ARM 9 (VME bus based)

Microcontroller    : ARM 7, MC89C51, MOTOROLA 68HC11

Bus controller      : FireWire Controller (IEEE 1394 interface)

Motor                             : 40kg torque, 150 rpm, Voltage rating 24 V, Current 30 mA.

Camera                 : Stereo camera (obstacle detection)

                               C-MOS sensor (lane detection) 640×480,15FPS


Visual C++     (Image Processing)

Embedded C   (Controller)

UNIX operator (Processor)

Robotic Projects for Mechanical Engineering Students

Our Robot Mechanical Project design concentrate on working with real time environmental variation and least power consumption device. The main approach of the bot to a particular situation is based on the micro controller and processors which en-route to perform serious mechanical and electronic operation. We use two standard camera C-MOS camera and Stereo camera to perform lane detection and obstacle avoidance respectively. Controller controls the camera action, GPS sensor, motor drivers and according to varying environment. Lane detection and obstacle avoidance is done by using image processing. The controller performance of Robotic Projects for Mechanical Engineering Students is concentrated mainly to navigate on any surface under any condition. The different driver circuits and interfacing units are used to integrate the mechanical element with electronic components. The control signal is sent to standard bus controller from the various controlling system. The low power consuming sensors and controllers are used to perform the action. Indirectly we are concentrating on minimizing power wastage.

Main aim of the Mechanical System:

The dimensions of the mechanical engineering projects robot are 1600*965*810 mm which is based on the design modeled in pro-e modeling. The kinematic approach to build the bot is based on the chain linkages; we have used Double Rocker Mechanism. With the presence of linkages there is no separate suspension mechanism needed. At all point of times and at all positions always all six wheels will be touching the ground. This is the most advantageous point of having linkages.

The locomotion of bot is designed with six wheels so that the stability of the vehicle is high. All the wheels are given independent drives by each wheel setup having a motor. In addition, four servo motors are placed in the front and back wheels. So the wheels can be turned to steer in any direction. The wheels if properly turned to the required angle, the entire vehicle may completely turn in its position up to 360°. The speed of the vehicle is also controlled by PWM i.e. minimizing the voltage supply given to motors. Hence in overall the bot is designed to move autonomously on all terrains and crossing all obstacles.

Conclusion of this Robotic project Report:

Our mechanical engineering project- pipe inspection robot is extended to identify the history of navigation from the time of start to current running location at various intervals by providing separate internet protocol (IP) based server to note the event history. This could be accessed only by the administrator.

Voice Enabling System for Blind People Using GPS Project Abstract

If we want to go to a function at a not so known place and we don’t know anything about that place like culture, language etc. what we would do, it would be extremely difficult to reach our desired destination. This is a problem faced by all of us regularly, most of the cases we lose our way which would lead to loss of precious time, energy and money. For most of us, who are normal and healthy at least can reach the destination somehow but for some unfortunates like the blind people finding a location becomes an extremely tedious process. They will be in need of continuous help and companionship till they reach their desired destination.

To overcome all this problems there are numerous global positioning system or commonly known as GPS satellites revolving around the earth, which gives continuous updates on where we are and where we are heading. There will be GPS receivers installed or with a person which will receive signals from the satellite and helps the user to navigate to their desired location.  These receivers are actually embedded systems and are loaded with software to read and display signals in a graphic map format, most of these receivers will also have a sound output where a voice will be telling our exact position and how much distance is to go before the preferred destination.

It would be of extreme help for blind people as they would be navigated with the help of the voice instruction coming from the audio output, now they can go anywhere they can without anybody’s help and assistance. All they would need to do is turn on the device and just say the place to go; the device would then calculate the distance and the route to that specific place:

Voice Enabling System Technology and Architecture of a GPS Receiver

The main component of the embedded system is the microcontroller; there would be an in built GPS antenna which captures signals and give it to the GPS receiver which would be attached to the microcontroller. There would be also sensors determining ultrasonic sounds, obstacles, altitude etc. A power supply unit will be there for supplying energy. The voice output is provided through a built in speaker 

Download Voice Enabling System for Blind People Using GPS Project Abstract.

Ador Traders Electrical Engineer & Contractors Project Report

The main purpose and goal of this project is to design the system that performs the entire activities such as agreement details, FDR details, I/C tender details, employee information, payment updations, billings and taxes of Ador Traders Company. This software will mainly update the information on FDR submitted from the banks along with the tender’s information. In order to know the agreement details, employees of Ador Traders can use this software by entering the agreement no’s in computer. Before the existence of this system, employees of this company are performing all these tasks manually and all these are performed in paper work wasting money and time of the company.

In order to support this company, we are implementing this software through which each and every activity can be updated and stored in the computer regularly. The main special features of this system are employees can enter FDR details along with I/C tender details, employee data, agreements information as well as the entire account transactions. This project is a two way beneficial process through which the administrators as well as the employees of Ador Traders will be benefited. The administrators will be capable of maintaining the entire updates and records related to their company using their administrator details such as administrative user id and password. As specified earlier employees can use this system for different manual activities performed by them and they can do it by using computer. 

Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements of this system needs Pentium (III) CPU 2.66 GHz with 128 MB RAM or Higher and 20 GB Hard Disk or Higher as well as LCD 17” Color Monitor along with Keyboard and Optical Mouse and finally the Printer.

Software Requirements

The software requirements of this system need Visual Basic 6.0 along with Oracle 9i as backend and Windows Vista, XP or 2003 as the operating system.

Download Ador Traders Electrical Engineer & Contractors Project Report.

Electronic Stethoscope Project Abstract


The project aims at designing a electronic stethoscope. We will design a circuit which same as a conventional stethoscope. The circuit is designed on a veroboard. The entire circuit runs on a 9V battery source. By using low cost electronic components like resistors, capacitors and opamps the required design is achieved.

Circuit description:

The heart beat sounds are generated will be in low frequency range of 20 t0 30 khz. So it equipment must be designed to detect these low frequency range. The opamp is made to operate low frequency ranges so the gain of the opamp will be in the range of 3.9. The high output impedance of the fet makes the resistor to operate at 12 khz, by which the capacitor allows only low frequency signals. A Butter worth low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 103hz is produced due to gain of the resistors and by making it to pass through capacitors a sharp butterwoth response is produced. By reducing the capacitor gain values the cut off frequency gets increased to 1khz and this frequency range is used for detecting respiratory sounds.


The entire circuit is placed on a veroboad and the microphone is connected by using a shielded cable. The microphone is connected to the stethoscope by using a isolated rubber sleeve. The stethoscope head can be designed by using thick jar. The microphone must be sealed properly to avoid acoustical noise. To avoid fiction noises the microphone head must be moved while listening heart beats. Thus the stethoscope can be designed by using electronic components.

Download Electronic Stethoscope Project Abstract.