ECE Project Abstract on FPGA Implementation of Data Encryption Standard

Introduction to FPGA Implementation of Data Encryption Standard Project:


This project aims at designing a FPGA implemented data encryption standard for the encryption and decryption of data between two end computers. The entire encryption and decryption algorithm is designed using field programmable gate arrays. In this paper we will discuss the working model of data encryption system for transfer of data between two pc’s.

Working model of FPGA data encryption system:

The data transmitted from the computer is in the form of binary format and is transmitted to the FPGA kit for encryption and decryption. Both input and output buffers are used for collecting and transmitted the data in between the systems. Encryption and decryption algorithm is connected to the control block.

The control block regulates the encryption and decryption of data according to transmission and reception. As the data  is encrypted and decrypted using a control buffer the is a less possibility for the errors to occur and this is the secure way for the transmission of data. The FPGA algorithm can encrypt and decrypt the data in fast manner and it has very  low maintenance cost. This is cost effective method for encrypted and decrypted the data and there are other devices which have high maintenance cost.


This is a secure way for the encryption and decryption of data between end systems. The FPGA implementation is used in various data encryption and decryption algorithms. This algorithm is implanted for the conversion of data in smart card systems. These are extensively used in networking and communication systems for the encryption and decryption of data between end systems. 

Download ECE Project Abstract on FPGA Implementation of Data Encryption Standard .

HSDPA Usage in 3g Technology Electronics Seminar Topic 2012

Introduction to HSDPA Usage in 3g Technology Electronics Seminar Topic:


In order to meet the growing network demands 3G technology has come into existence. It has additional features like video calling, fax and TV streaming and high speed web. It has a browsing speed of about 144-2mbps. In 3G WCDMA technique is employed which allows multiple users on a common carrier signal. As the number of users increases the traffic in downlink increases which reduces the bandwidth capacity. In order to reduce the downlink traffic HSDPA technique is employed.

Brief into HSDPA:

Wideband code division multiple access is capable of supporting transmission speeds up to 2mbps. But as the downlink traffic gets increased the capacity of the bandwidth gets reduced. To overcome this high speed downlink shared channel technique is used. It employs time multiplexing method and uses a same transport channel for transmission. To minimize the air interference load due to re transmissions in employs incremental redundancy method. Depending upon the quality of the radio link it adapts the coding and modulation scheme. The HSDPA consists of three layers. The data transfer to the higher layers is made through physical layer. The services can be accessed through medium access layer. Here the data is divided into slots and transmitted over the network. A timing and delay feedback is provided to minimize the delay occurring which is about 3 subframes.


By using this technique we can increase the capacity of the downlink speed. This increases the performance of the network. As the signal is transmitted on a common channel the need to employ additional channels is not required. Thus we can conclude that HSDPA technique is the most extensively used technique in various networks for increasing network performance.

Download HSDPA Usage in 3g Technology Electronics Seminar Topic 2012.

An Advanced Approach for Minimum Vertex Cover Problem ECE Seminar Topic

Introduction to An Advanced Approach for Minimum Vertex Cover Problem:


This paper proposes certain techniques for reducing the minimum vertex problem so the selected vertices cover all the edges in the graph. There  are various algorithms to reduce the minimum vertex problem all of them follow heuristic based approach  we are not able to get optimal solution in the same manner. We can get near results for the optimal solution by using greedy algorithm. In this paper we will discuss minimum advance vertex cover algorithm to find the optimal solution for the minimum vertex problem.

Brief into algorithm:

The advance algorithm is to find small subset of vertices so that every subset has at least one endpoint. There will be at least three approaches for obtaining NP completeness. Suppose if the given inputs are small then the algorithm with exponential running will be the best approach. The second approach is to eliminate the important special cases that are solvable in polynomial time. Approximation algorithms are efficient in producing near optimal solution for the minimum vertex problem. In most cases researchers follow greedy  algorithm but it does not produces minimal optimal solution but is seems good at that point of time. By using advance vertex cover algorithm we calculate the time complexity  O(n²). this is obtained by making a list of the vertices and transverse vertices. By using transverse and searching connected vertex from transverse vertex we will calculate the time complexity.


By using heuristic and greedy we may not get the near solution but by using advance vertex cover algorithm we can get near optimal solution by introducing simple O(n²) time complexity.  But by using O(n²) time complexity we can obtain the optimal solution for the minimum vertex problem.

Download An Advanced Approach for Minimum Vertex Cover Problem ECE Seminar Topic.

ECE Projects for Final Year on Zigbee Network Based Heart Monitoring System for Premature Babies

Introduction to  Zigbee Network Based Heart Monitoring System for Premature Babies:

Introduction to zigbee monitoring system:

This paper elaborates the working model of heart monitoring system for premature babies using zigbee network. Zigbee uses the ieee 802.15.4 standard by extending its capability to provide  reliable and safe communication in any kind of environment. It operates at 868/915 mhz in dual physical modes with a operating frequency of 2.5 ghz. The data transfer rate varies for different frequency ranges. It has a address space of 16 bit and can be extended up to 64 bit.

Working model:

For monitoring the heart beat and blood pressure of the premature babies an automated device is designed using zigbee protocol. The zigbee communication is used for transfer for data in the short range for the babies  placed in incubators. A receiver unit placed in the incubators makes the changes accordingly to the given signal. The PC is provided with the information of heart beat and oxygen level operating conditions of the premature babies and it makes the changes accordingly. The data is transmitted using a zigbee module. RS232 cable use for transfer of data serially  in between the system and zigbee module. The central monitoring unit is provided for controlling the transfer of signals in between the zigbee module and the receiver units placed in the incubators.

Advantages and Applications:

The zigbee technology is a cost effective device and provides the facility to be remodeled in the network. Zigbee can operate effectively in harsh RF environment. It is an effective device for short range communication. It is a low power consumption device and can last for years together when provided with a battery source. Zigbee communication can used for designing home automation systems. Thus we can conclude that zigbee technology can work effectively in short range communications.

Download ECE Projects for Final Year on Zigbee Network Based Heart Monitoring System for Premature Babies.

Electrical Project Report on Computerization of Machine Lab

Introduction to Computerization of Machine Lab:


The automation process has become very significant in all areas due to increasing technological advancements. By using automation process we can provide security and safety to equipment and reduce manpower. This paper mainly concentrates on controlling the induction motor which is used in lab equipment. By using this automation process we can monitor the voltage fluctuations and control the speed of the induction motor.

Circuit design and Working process:

By using the Programmable logic controller we can control the induction motor. The programmable logic controller is driven by a driver which communicates with the induction motor. The programmable logic controller circuit consists of an  astable and a mono stable mutivibrator  fabricated to a  dual timer IC to generate PWM pulse. By using IC dual timer the modulate output is obtained, which is used to control the speed of motor. The IC dual timer works on a supply voltage of +5 to 18v. Here astable produces a square wave which is fed to the trigger pulse of the monostable multivibrator. Then the circuit produces pulses with variable width. The generated variable pulse is given to drive the circuit which controls the speed of the motor. The entire process is monitored by a system and where we can check the process.


This type of automation systems can be used in industries for monitoring the equipment which provides safety and security to the devices and reduces the man usage of man power. There are very negligible chances for the system to go wrong. Thus we can conclude that automation process are very effective in providing security to the devices.

Download Electrical Project Report on Computerization of Machine Lab.

ECE Project Abstract On Smart Recognition Of Vehicle Based E-Goverence System

Introduction to Smart Recognition Of Vehicle Based E-Goverence System:

Introduction to ETC:

In this paper we will discuss the electronic toll collection system which can employed in the highways. Due to the increasing traffic it has become difficult to collect the toll of vehicles manually, by which traffic problems arise and mistakes occur very frequently during collection of toll. By employing this device electronic payment of tolls is possible. By using a control equipment we can monitor the payment of tolls of the on going vehicles.

Working process of ETC:

The equipment consists of a control unit which identifies the vehicles. A camera is used for identifying the vehicle number and the toll amount is send to the respective owner and if he accepts the request made the vehicle is allowed to pass through. By using GSM network the messages are sent to mobile phones. If the vehicle is not registered then a alert message is given. The GPS system is used for tracking the position of the vehicles. The entire process is monitored using the system which is fed with the database of the vehicles. For communication of data in between the system and components RS232 is employed. It allows the serial communication of data for the transfer of signals. A RFID reader is connected to the system which gives the  information of the total collected amount in regular time intervals.


By employing these devices the payment of tolls can be made easy. As the vehicles are monitored there will be no chance for the vehicles to miss the toll payment. By using electronic toll payment the traffic problem can be reduced. It provides safety and reliability for the toll collection. The vehicle owners can save time by making the electronic payment of toll. Thus we can conclude that these devices are very effective for collecting tolls in present day traffic conditions.

Download ECE Project Abstract On Smart Recognition Of Vehicle Based E-Goverence System.

ECE Final Year Project on Single Phase Soft Switching Power Factor Correction Converter

Introduction to  Single Phase Soft Switching Power Factor Correction Converter:

Introduction to power factor correction converter:

To reduce the harmonics generated in the single phase circuits which has a negative effect on the receiver is reduced by power factor correction converter. The PWM control is used obtain switching. The entire construction consists of four groups, ZVS (zero  voltage switching), ZCS (zero current switching), ZCT (zero current transition) and ZVT (zero voltage transition) which are the advanced switching techniques which completely reduce the switching power losses. The power factor correction converter can work in high and low load conditions.

Operation of Power factor correction converter:

The circuit is built by using a auxiliary switch and a resonant circuit. Bt using the ZVT and ZCT techniques are used for switching the semiconductors. A sunbber circuit is used to overcome the low harmonics and power factor losses. Here the main switch and auxiliary switch and main diode are fed with the output of the ZVT and ZCT operational stages. By using SS we can even switch semiconductors in low load conditions. By using coupling inductance the current stress is reduced on the switches. By adding the ZCT,ZVT and PWM to the active snobbery to booster circuit the PFC is obtained.


The AC-DC converters serve the same purpose but they have many drawbacks like poor quality of injected current and slow ripple rate and poor power factor which causes voltage distortions. The size of this equipment is relatively big when compared to that of correction converters. By employing SS (soft switching) in these converters the low harmonics and higher switching losses are overcome. 98% efficiency is obtained in power factor correction converter even in full load conditions.

Download ECE Final Year Project on Single Phase Soft Switching Power Factor Correction Converter .

RFID Based School/College Management System Project Report

Introduction to RFID Based School/College Management System Project:

Supervising boarding school pupil’s activity with the help of the outmoded study system is ineffective and poses a problem to the hostel authorities to check attendance manually. 

With the help of RFID technology, student activity can be traced in a faster and easier manner. This project aims at creating an embedded system that would register the attendance of the pupil employing RFID card based system and the data would be saved in the personal computer. The RFID tags permit the school management to trace the pupil’s activity in and out of the hostel or school. 


This system employs the radio frequency identification reader (RFID reader) and the pupil are provided tags. The RFID reader ought to be linked to the personal computer. The RFID tag provided to the student, when put close to the RFID reader, the microcontroller reads the student Id via the RFID reader and verifies if the card is legitimate or not. 

This project also creates a tiny front end application employing visual basic. When the reader reads the id, the time in and time out and id ought to be shown in on the PC. The information ought to be registered on the personal computer. Though this project is unable to check the punctuality of the pupil, yet it can lessen the burden of the school management and save their time. 

The software required for the RFID reader is Embedded ‘C’. Keil and Flash magic are the required tools and the target device is the 8051 microcontroller. This application can be operated at schools and offices. The benefits it offers include low price and less power utilization. 


This project can be termed a successfully crafted and examined one as it has been created by incorporating characteristics of all the hardware elements employed and greatly forward IC’s.

Download RFID Based School/College Management System Project Report .

RFID Toll Gate Project Report

Introduction to RFID Toll Gate Project:

RFID Toll Road Payment systems have been of great assistance in lessening the over congestion that has become a part of the metropolitan cities these days. It is one of the uncomplicated ways to manage the great run of traffic. The movement of the car through the toll gate on any of the roads is recorded on the RFID reader. The use of RFID systems lessen the use of manual toll gates. The RFID system is beneficial as it saves the time and price of travelers as the tag can be comprehended from a length.

The travelers passing through this mode of transport need the RFID tag, carried by their transport that allows them to be aware of the account of money that has been paid and the money left in the tag. It relieves the traveler of the burden of waiting in the queue to make the toll payment, which decreases the fuel-consumption and also taking cash with them can be avoided. The RFID toll payment systems also obstruct trespassing on boundaries. This software allows an easy movement of the vehicles and is very simple to execute.

A fundamental RFID system comprises of three elements:

a) An antenna or coil

b) A transceiver (with decoder)

c) A transponder (RF tag)

The benefits of RFID as compared to Bar Coding:

  • Unlike Bar code reads, the RFID doesn’t need a line of sight to be read as the RFID tags can be studied through things without line of sight.
  • RFID tags can be studied automatically by decreasing the exertion caused in scanning the product.
  • RFID tags provide greater read rates than Bar codes.
  • RFID tags can be simply decoded with object description.
  • As RFID tags can be written again with new data, tagged articles can be updated when they pass through the supply chain.

Download RFID Toll Gate Project Report .

ECE Project Report PDF on Remote Controlling Of Greenhouse Agriculture System By Microcontroller And Bluetooth

 In previous years, our Agriculture system is depends on only atmosphere, seasons and weather like Temperature, Humidity, Presser, Quality of soil and its Moisture. But from several years the production of crop has been depending on not only these atmospheric quotients but also mainly on fertilizers and some advanced technologies, which are made by human beings. In this project we will make a green house Agriculture system by using Microcontroller and Bluetooth in the region of remote control. So the total green house Agriculture system in our hand only that means we will design a specific system.

                       For this type of system we can use PIC18F4550 Microcontroller, three types of sensors are LM35DZ as Temperature sensor, CYBERSEN CHR101 as Humidity sensor, SPD 100G as Pressure sensor, KELHB2-000 as soil pH and moisture meter,  Motor control is Steeper motor PCB designing software is EAGLE, Bluetooth transmitter/receiver is NOKIA BH204 headset and MAT Lab. These are used for analyzing the program and send the data to the motor control. Other equipments are also used like voltage supply, transformer, op-amps, etc. Watering and spraying of insecticides and pesticides control the quality of soil and its moisture but the temperature, pressure and humidity cannot be controlled anyone or anything.

                       The temperature, pressure and humidity can measure easily and make easily but quality of soil and its moisture cannot measure easily and not make easily. So we have to make a device which is used to control the speed of motor and all sensors in a green house.

                      Now we have to keep the motor control of microcontroller in the field. The device which is made by us is keep at outside. It will take the atmospheric quotients as input and connect the computer in our mat lab. Atmospheric quotients (temperature, pressure, humidity and quality of soil and its moisture) all are in the form of analog signals are send to all sensors which are converted to digital signals by the microcontroller. These digital signals are send to the computer by using Bluetooth RF media transmitter/receiver which is working as medium. Then it is received by USB DONGLE of the computer. Mat lab, this software record analyzes and write a specific program and generate a signal is send to the microcontroller. The microcontroller and motor control are connected by the adapter. So in this way we can control the motor control and get a cultivated off-season crop. By using this type of technology we reduce the human labor, excess water usage, possibility of water pollution and usage of insecticides can be controlling. Finally we will get a good production of crops.

 Download ECE Project Report PDF on Remote Controlling Of Greenhouse Agriculture System By Microcontroller And Bluetooth .